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So I Just Started Playing Wyyncraft

Discussion in 'Questions' started by EmReXx, Jun 2, 2021.

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  1. EmReXx

    EmReXx Newbie VIP+

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    and i got a couple questions

    1. What do i put my Skill Points on some people say intel but i play archer idk if thats still good
    2. How do i get new Armor/weapons other than from these crates
    3. What are powders for
    4. is there a best element or are they all good
    5. Whats the point in Fishing/Farming/Wood.. ?
    6. are there any updated beginners guides since the ones on yt are all from like a year ago and idk if they are outdated

    i appreciate your answers
    Mooseroom and MlecznyHuxel99 like this.
  2. MlecznyHuxel99

    MlecznyHuxel99 Fruman walls guy VIP+

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    Welcome to Wynncraft!
    1. I would suggest intel for cheaper spells, def/agi are also good, str/dex are kinda bad compared to other stats, but that doesnt mean that builds with str/dex are bad
    2. You can get items from quests, killing mobs, shops in cities or trading with players, there is a place called trade market in some major cities, I suggest checking it if you need better gear
    3. They can be added to most weapons/armor to grant them extra bonuses, they can also be used as crafting ingriedients but I dont suggest doing profs on your 1st class because of how grindy they are
    4. All are good but some work better with certain playstyles
    5. You can use materials to craft unique items, however they have durability and you will need to repair them from time to time. hile they allow you to customize your gear more than normal items, they are very grindy to get so just stick to non crafted items, they are perfectly fine.
    6. You can check guide from wiki, here is link

    Have fun!
  3. Moderabo

    Moderabo Your Melon lord! CHAMPION

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    1. Early game just allocate your skill points so you can use different gear. So for example if a helmet you get needs 12 points in strength, then put it in strength. Other than that I like to put mine into intelligence regardless of class early game.

    2. You can get it from various different sources. From loot chests around the world, from killing mobs, from doing dungeons, from quests, from crafting them yourself, from buying from others and much more. But for the early levels then you'll get most from mob kills and chests.

    3. Powders are for increasing the power of your weapons and armor. At a Powder Master you can put powders on weapons and armor if that equipment has powder slots. You can see that on the bottom if the weapon/armor. It will say like: "Powder Slots 3: []" or something like that if you can put powders on that equipment. When powders are put on a weapon that weapon will deal a bit of that powders elemental damage. Powders can also be used when crafting your own items (but don't worry about that early levels).

    4. All elements are good, it just depends on your play style. I like water, earth, and air, the elements corresponding to intelligence, strength and agility. If you like hardhitting, but slow weapons earth is good. If you like fast hitting but not super high damage each hit then thunder is good. If you like doing spells in Wynncraft then intelligence is good. If you like good sustain and much health then fire is good. If you like walk speed and mobility then air is good. It completely depends on you.

    5. The point of fishing farming, woodcutting and all the other proffessions is to craft your own items. There are 4 gathering skills - fishing, farming, woodcutting, mining. By doing them you get materials. (Note: Materials are not the same as ingredients!) By leveling up the other 8 professions, called crafting professions, you can actually use the materials to craft a bunch of stuff. Then together with ingredients that you get from chests and killing mobs you can craft really cool and very unique things. In crafting powders count as an ingredient. However: Crafting is hard to get in to, takes a bunch of time, and I would advise against using crafting for your first playthrough. We are talking maybe hundreds of hours extra work doing professions on your playthrough. It's a huge time sink.

    6. While the guides may not be super up-to-date, I think they are still good to read through and watch as the fundamentals of Wynncraft has not changed in a few years.
    EmReXx likes this.
  4. Anno9474

    Anno9474 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Hey :D

    1. first of all, you should make sure that you have distributed enough skill points for your equipment. after that, i recommend intel or defence maybe.
    2. you get new equiptment by killing monster / loot chest / your daily rewards / quests etc. Maybe the trade market is a good way to go :D
    Powders, when applied to weapons, add elemental damage, as well as convert some neutral damage into elemental damage.
    Powders, when applied to armour, add elemental defense at the cost of weakness to a different element.
    4. they are all good. some are better for a certain playstyle :D
    5. you could use them to craft weapons etc but I would stick to the normal items :D
    6. I would recommend u the wiki :D
    EmReXx likes this.
  5. Roliant

    Roliant Well-Known Adventurer

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    1. Intel, more mana, more spells, more damage :) Although some items need you to have certain skillpoints assigned.
    2. Trade Market in detlas and mobs that you kill. But main source of all items are these chests with white particles.
    3. Dont worry about it, collect them and just store powders above tier 3 in your bank, tier 1 and 2 are pretty much worthless.
    4. Air is bad, jk, dont worry about them for now, just be aware that weapons have different attack speeds.
    5. For you... no point in doing it for now.
    6. Yes, best beginner guide you can find here, its a very intelligent AI that will answer all your questions for free and provide you with the most accurate information to its knowledge, just add me on Discord: Roliant#7495
    EmReXx likes this.
  6. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    don't know all of these but:

    2. armor/weapons can be found in chests, dropped by mobs, got as dungeon and quest rewards, or bought from merchants in towns(or other players). accessories can't be dropped by mobs

    3. powders can be put on weapons or armor for an elemental damage/defense boost, or used in crafting for the same effect. putting 2+ tier 4+ powders on a weapon or armor gives it a special ability

    5. materials can be used to craft items or buy housing blocks. they start to get really grindy around lv. 40 and aren't usually recommended for new players
    EmReXx likes this.
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