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Lore/Story Hive Drabbles: Tasogare Oyaji

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Selvut283, Jul 10, 2019.

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  1. bumpjoinICo

    bumpjoinICo bumpjoinICo

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    Hey qira, quick question I used a armor set made out of cosmic magic, and stayed in your boss fight for at least a hour. How is your mind intact, from such a long extend exposion to such powerful cosmic magiks?
  2. bumpjoinICo

    bumpjoinICo bumpjoinICo

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    somebody go fight qira with cosmic and whatever weapon that is relating to cosmic stuff
    if you do it in a group its even better
  3. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    this man is the only thing keeping this thread alive
  4. bumpjoinICo

    bumpjoinICo bumpjoinICo

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    bumpity bump, selvut please post again
    thank you, but really ive only bumped it like 6 times, and its only been like 2-3 months since i started bumping
    starx280 likes this.
  5. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    if I get another forum tag or message reminding me that this thread exists i am going to commit beyond the grave stage 2
  6. bumpjoinICo

    bumpjoinICo bumpjoinICo

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    dear oculist penguin, am I supposed to be scared about beyond the grave stage 2?
    starx280 likes this.
  7. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    If I'm correct you die in beyond the grave stage 2
  8. bumpjoinICo

    bumpjoinICo bumpjoinICo

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    so what oculist penguin was saying is that he will commit die if i remind him of this post again
    well @oculism commits die now i suppose
  9. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    Please make it stop
  10. bumpjoinICo

    bumpjoinICo bumpjoinICo

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    alright, i wont force you to commit die on each of your penguinistical bodies
  11. bumpjoinICo

    bumpjoinICo bumpjoinICo

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    well, im going on vacation from like june to july,so if nobody bumps this post during that period, this will be literally dead(its already just me bumping it and nothing else happening) but considering its just me its probably gonna die, quite funny is that ill return around july 10th but this post was started july 10th
    hopefully somebody saves this thread from necro
    starx280 likes this.
  12. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    does selvut even go to this thread anymore
    MlecznyHuxel99 and starx280 like this.
  13. Quint

    Quint least estrogenated scripter HERO

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    i think he visits still but it takes time to write. i did get too curious to wait for a reply that might never come so i actually did message selvut about one of the prompts one time
  14. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    This is 100% noncanon, by the by, compared to the rest of what's here being dubiously canon, but it's pertinent to Hive Drabbles since it involves the Solar Vanguard.


    This is unexpected. And this is certainly no longer the Hive, he thought to himself, examining the floating stones and the empty nothingness around him.

    At first, he was just in his station at the Hive- a new challenger that had made it quite far. Up through the Fire division they came, some Shaman, or so the mistress had referred to them as. Fought using some form of large effigy or totem... They had been doing decently in the fight, or at least surviving. Barely touched him, but after a moment of uncharacteristic panic on the face of the challenger, they lunged. A suicidal maneuver, considering his heat- And then, he was here, in this place.

    Reality was...different here. The very air was different- the psychic energies comprising his form seemed to be experiencing some interference. Wisps of his component plasma occasionally flickered out of his armor like solar flares before flowing back in. He was in no danger of fizzling out and falling apart in any immediacy, but this place couldn’t have been safe for an extended period. Attempting to contact the Hive did nothing- which, to be fair, he was expecting. If his own psychic field was compromised, certainly the communication network held in the Hive would not have been able to function. It only followed logically...

    So why did I try to use the imagestone so many times?

    No matter. Overthinking on those matters would only distract him. There was a clear progression of necessary steps. First, start taking steps. Move forward. The vortexes of swirling stones seemed to go in all directions except one- And so that was the path he chose. The one of least risk- yet the formless shadows seemed to close in on him. The flames he emitted seemed to dim as he walked, darkness enclosing him on all sides. He felt no irregularities aside from the present leaks of his plasma... Nothing to worry about. Keep moving.

    And he did indeed continue forward. There were gaps in the stones beneath his feet. And below...he couldn’t tell. It seemed like it was indeed nothing below him. His pace became slower, to ensure he would not fall through the cracks and...what if he did? What if he were to fall in, pitch himself into the depths? Would he fall forever? Was there something further down? Surely for there to be such darkness below him he must be at the bottom of the world. Was there a bottom to the world, some arbitrary barrier he would hit, and cease moving? Was he alone down here?

    The answer was no. Some presence was to the side of him. Holding his spear aloft, wreathed in magmatic glow, he waved it in the direction- and found red eyes staring at him from some distance away. Or...perhaps it was very close. They were large...and they were connected to some thing, some beast observing him. For what purpose? Surely a predator would not hunt such a strange creature as he. The sound of stone cracking behind him drew his attention in the other direction, as another set of eyes greeted him. He could not determine if they were hostile. The only choice was to continue moving, fight if necessary- but such a thing could be risky without knowing the opponent. Even still, his pace was slow out of necessity. Even directing his heat to his weapon to a white-hot glow, the path was dim, and the threat of falling existed constantly. More of those red eyes emerged from the inky black, coalescing behind him in some loose crowd.

    An hour of walking, stopped by lack of solid footing. He had run out of stone to keep moving forward with. If the entities following him were indeed hostile, this would have to be a point of last stand. They seemed unbound by the necessities of solid ground to walk upon, and quickly surrounded him...and then, stones emerged from what appeared to be solid blackness, even dripping what seemed to be tendrils of black off of them. He couldn’t tell if the stone was lobbed, placed, or disgorged from whatever those creatures called bodies, but it allowed him passage forward- as did the creatures seemingly moving out of his way. Curious and curiouser. He attempted to grab at one of the snakelike tendrils, but his hand moved right through it. Disappointing. Mistress certainly would like to study these creatures. Nothing for it but to move on.

    A pinprick of color other than black or red caught his eye somewhere in the distance. Some form of landmark! He quickened his pace as much as he could afford to on the treacherous footing- the creatures appeared to be surrounding that point, stones coalescing from the dark to create a walkway for him. Perhaps they were benevolent, perhaps they were curious, perhaps this was an exit and they wanted him to leave. Their intentions were unknown- and he suspected they would not respond to communication, in some odd corner of his mind. Where exactly that idea sprung from, he couldn’t tell. But it was irrelevant at the moment.

    The purple seemed to be some flavor of vortex. A swirling cone of energy, with a tail leading upwards, the color piercing the dark even as it grew hair-thin. It reminded him somewhat of the early portals of the Void Artisans. Some of them were still in use- portals through the Hive with clear, specified exits, almost like magical hallways instead of teleportation. This must be some form of portal. But it is not active now. There must be some way... Thoughts of that general trail wound through his mind as he considered his options. Maybe it could be forced open with a strong attack. It had worked in the past, occasionally, but it had also caused some of them to dissipate. It was a risk- to be done if there were no other, no better options.

    There is no way. I am trapped here.

    That thought wasn’t quite his own, was it? It completely derailed his mental checklist of options, though there were only a couple of other options on it anyways. He would never give up hope like that. He had a job to do, at the Hive, and he would get back there from wherever he had ended up or die trying.

    It will be that I do die trying, won’t it?

    No, no. There is always some way forward. Focus.

    I had to rely on forces I did not understand to even reach this point. I am out of my depth here.

    Yet the fact is I have reached this point, and thus there is a way forward.

    I don’t know how long I have even been down here. It’s likely that Mistress has already replaced me. How can I keep moving like this?

    Then once I return, she will have two Solar Vanguards. Where are these idiotic thoughts coming from?

    But my form is dissipating. This place is dangerous. I cannot survive down here. I need to leave, but there is no way out. What can I do?

    There must be some way out. There must be. I will not accept any other possibility.

    He shook off the doubts that had begun to cling to him...and then, noticed something peculiar. There was a notable wisp of plasma floating away from him, unbidden. It wasn’t returning to him unlike the rest...it whirled and floated through the air in front of the portal, and with some kind of whooshing noise, was sucked away into nothing...a nothing that grew form. Some kind of black stump, seeming to materialize upwards and outwards- wicked spines and sharp wings. A pulsing purple jewel, that he watched his own plasma disappear inside of. A single red eye- now where had he seen that before?- only visible for moments before black material wicked over it, encasing into a cruelly horned mask.

    I do not know this foe.

    It is siphoning my energy effortlessly.

    I did not see it.

    Has it been there the entire time?

    It has, hasn’t it?

    It has been following me.

    It sees me.



    And then it moved. The unbidden panic within his thoughts left him off-guard, and the thing barreled straight into him. In a blind frenzy, he swiped at it with his spear, managing to redirect the stream of plasma that had reacted to the hostile entity with more familiarity to it than to him, seeming to seek that jewel with more speed than it re-subsumed itself into his own body. That managed to throw him out of his stupor, combat instincts throwing the panic away- And he began to analyze.

    Large figure. Definitive weak point- The jewel siphons energy. Wings are thin- Unable to tell if it locomotes with them. They move- perhaps it flies. Strike vulnerable points and keep a distance. Use the spear, not the blade. Need more room to maneuver. Flatten the stones and sear it down.

    Another swipe with his spear to clear distance, before he stabbed it into the stone below him. Immediately it reacted, melting to its component magma- though an odd bluish purple shade- before bending to his will and flattening out into a defined disk. First focus- get room to move. He hopped like a flea from stone to stone, flattening them all out to give himself sufficient room to move and evade the entity’s...perhaps a better identity. Evade the Panic’s assault. With no other reference, he would simply refer to it as what it seemed to instill in him. Those thoughts weren’t natural- It had to have been causing them, and if it could reach into his mind and make him panic like that then he just wouldn’t think about it and would keep fighting instead.

    Soon enough, he had sufficient room to maneuver- perhaps even a little bit more than his usual Hive arena. And with the stones bent to his heat, he enflamed them all. Blue flames lapped at every inch of the ground he’d forged- The red-eyed entities backed away, and for a moment he thought he saw multiple clawed limbs scrabbling in the other direction. No time to think about that. If he could just avoid the Panic for long enough, the heat from the flames would melt it down...but then it was right in his face again, smacking into him with some force, and this time he wasn’t able to reclaim his lost component before the jewel had sucked it all up. His field was shifting again. He was still held together, he would survive this, and it was a perfect opportunity.

    A quick leap backwards and a stab forwards landed true, the tip managing to stab into the Panic’s jewel with a satisfying glassy crunch. It was gone again, but it was certainly still there- Capable of teleportation. Seems to have the standard distance. Maintain midrange. It’s behind me- move forward. That had to have been a weak point, certainly, if it moved away the instant it was struck. He turned around with speed that would’ve given any biological organism whiplash, summoning a fierce jet of flame to scorch it directly. An action done on instinct- he began to berate himself for only giving it more fuel, after having seen the way it siphoned his plasma, but nothing of that nature occurred. It only absorbs undirected magic. I have more options for attack than I thought.

    Swinging his spear in front of him almost like a baseball bat, balls of magma flew from the tip towards the Panic, striking true on the wings in an attempt to cripple its movement. It seemed to be effective- While it was still moving towards him, it was slower than before...until the space around it distorted, seeming to bend inwards before forcing outwards in kind. He was knocked off his feet, rolling to his left to try and get back upright when another similar blast occurred, throwing him further out. These attacks barely caused any real damage, but they were keeping him from retaliating. It was only after the third blast that he realized the Panic was corralling him towards the edge of the flaming stones. It was trying to knock him off the edge. In desperation, he slammed his spear against the ground, knocking chunks of stone loose and sending him sailing in the air. The landing impact made the ground ripple uncomfortably, but he was back on solid ground once more. Unfortunately, the Panic seemed to be back at full speed again.

    It continued for a while- Some kind of frenetic dance. Force blasts and fireballs, walls of magic and jets of flame, traded back and forth, wisps of plasma slowly lost to the jewel, slowly cracking in kind. His form was beginning to lose its composure- but it too was flagging, trying to actively conjure what appeared to be magical snares. Those will certainly hold me in place. Avoid. The bottom of the Panic was beginning to heat up, too- glowing a dark red from its previous black. His searing flames were getting to it. The sight gave him hope to penetrate the slowly encroaching panic...but he was running out of energy much faster than he’d expected. This needed to end sooner rather than later- he’d found a foe that could outlast him in a battle of endurance. Take a risk. If it doesn't pay off, keep as far a distance as possible and overwhelm it with the Flamethrowers.

    One hand on the tip and one hand on the butt, he condensed his spear down into a searing hot blade, a cone of sheer plasma, and lunged with all his might towards the Panic. Thrusting the blade directly into the jewel, he could feel his energy wicking away as it siphoned him- but the power play worked. The jewel cracked, and with that, the Panic grew still. The energy that it was in the process of stealing returned to him- though he had not retrieved what he’d lost. His form still flickered, and there was some uncomfortable buzzing sensation all over, but it was done. He was out of the most present danger...and it had been siphoning from more than just him, too. The portal suddenly flared to life, and he wasted no time jumping through it.

    A purplish haze ringed his vision for a bit, but he emerged with no further damage done. Oddly, he wasn't back in his usual arena, but he was in a yellow and purple room, the walls lined with scratches and expletives carved by rough claws. A bed, ripped and smashed to pieces. A desk, in similar disrepair. And a hooded, cycloptic figure staring at him as though caught with his hand in the metaphorical cookie jar.


    "Shit shit fuck you weren't supposed to be able to get back fuck aaaaagh!!! HOW THE FUCK, MISTER PANTS ON FIRE?! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE THE SHIT I MADE THAT SHAMAN SEND YOU, SO HOW DID YOU GET BACK?!"

    "So that was your fault then. I will be informing Mistress and preparing the Subur Pencari."

  15. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I'd find it so funny if, for players with swears and insults toggled on, there was like a 1 in 100 chance for the Psychomancer to have a swearing fit after being defeated
  16. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    This is 100% something the Psychomancer would do
  17. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    Hey that sounds like me
    fishcute and starx280 like this.
  18. bumpjoinICo

    bumpjoinICo bumpjoinICo

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    how did i not notice this but pog selvut posted
    Nukewarmachine, fishcute and starx280 like this.
  19. bumpjoinICo

    bumpjoinICo bumpjoinICo

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    hello i would like to request story of toxoplasmois using player vs qira or any hive boss
  20. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I'll save Selvut some time and do it myself:

    ''I was challenged by some guy who had a Toxoplasmosis. Unfortunately for him, that was the ONLY thing he had. He fucking died.''
    fishcute likes this.
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