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Guide An In-depth Guide To Fighting Qira

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by SkiesUnknown, May 23, 2021.

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  1. SkiesUnknown

    SkiesUnknown skie HERO

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    So we all know Qira right, dear Mistress of the Hive, one of the hardest (and best) bosses in the game, who may or may not be of Dernic origin? I'm sure we all do, however, many newer players often struggle against her on their first playthroughs, and for good reason, housing one of the most complex attack patterns in the game, all divided up into 3 phases, it isn't exactly easy for people knowing what to do right out of the gate. Well, after doing numerous battle against Mistress, I thought it would be best to create a guide explaining how to prepare, and of course, learn the fight against Qira so players might have a better understanding of her. There are several things that should be taken into account when talking about the Qira fight, so I'll explain them all in chunks, each based on the most important parts of the fight.

    Qira's fight is divided into 3 phases, with her having a total health of 1,250,000 across all 3 phases, in terms of defense, she will have around 300 of each elemental defense, making her reasonably tanking against most weapons. Damage wise however, Qira will deal around 1000-3000 neutral damage, while also dealing around 200-600 elemental damage, depending of the attack she uses. The fight will also be littered with Hive Drones, essentially serving as disruptors throughout the fight. It's highly recommended to go and fight her once you're around lvl 96-98, as you'll have access to most gear at the time, with a few exceptions.

    In terms of what gear to use specifically, I can obviously give no exact answer, as Wynncraft is based around a build system, you're free to use whatever you want, if you want to be most effective however (which I'm sure you'll obviously want to be) head over to the class builds section on the forums, there you'll be able to find people experienced enough to give you a build that should work well. Besides your build, you'll most likely want to bring a decently large amount of health potions, I'd recommend 8-12 if you're starting out for the first time, Skill potions are also a possible option if you're struggling with the fight, as they basically serve as a free buff to help you out if you need just a slight extra push. Lastly, if you still believe you can't do the fight on your own, don't be afraid to ask for help, there will always be people around that can help you fight the boss if you're struggling.

    All throughout the fight, Hive Drones will be dropping from the ceiling to interfere with you and Qira. There are 5 drones that are capable of spawning, each one having their own specific spell, elemental strengths and weakness. This is the lineup of all the Drones.
    • Shock Drones: Has 18000 health, based off Thunder, weak to Earth, uses Multihit.
    • Blink Drones: Has 9000 health, based off Air, weak to Fire, uses Vanish and is notably faster than the other drones.
    • Crush Drones: has 18000 health, based off Earth, weak to Air, uses charge and is notably slower than the other drones.
    • Wave Drones: has 18000 health, based off Water, weak to Thunder, uses Wave.
    • Flare Drones: have 27000 health, based off Fire, weak to Water, uses Flamethrower.
    (It should also be noted that the Drones that spawn during the fight will all be referred to as Hive Drones, the names used here are based off the ones we see at the entrance to the Hive.)

    The drones naturally on their own don't pose much of a threat, and can easily be disposed off without much issue, the problem lies when they obviously are grouped up or are when you're tunnel-visioning Qira, as they will naturally be able to get the upper hand if not dealt with properly. More drones will continue to drop from the ceiling from the arena as the fight goes on, there's no particular order in which drones are spawned, so it's mostly up to RNG on whether the drones you find easier or harder to deal with spawn in. Overall, the drones shouldn't be much of an issue, keep them at bay and don't try to rush Qira if they're surrounding her, as you'll easily be overwhelmed by them and Qira herself.
    Phase 1 has 375,000 health, with Qira's attacks being based on a ranged playstyle, with numerous spells mixed in as well. Her spell lineup in this phase will consist of Flamethrower, Wave, Meteor, Push, Pull, Teleport, Heal, and Web. When the fight begins, around 10-15 Hive Drones will drop from the ceiling, surrounding Qira, she'll also begin the fight by immediately using Heal and Web if you get too close to her, so right out of the gate, the player should be aware to keep their distance, and right now their priority should be to eliminate all the Drones as fast as possible, as mentioned earlier, they are at their most deadly when in groups, and will easily overwhelm the player if they ignore them. In terms of Qira herself, she will have a support AI during this phase, meaning she will always be following her Drones if they are in her aggro radius, if there are none in the arena however, she will be largely immobile outside of her teleport. Her spell combos are at their most basic in Phase 1, and will revolve around a more "get off me" approach, with them primarily used to knock the player away from her, having a far more detrimental effect on players using a close ranged playstyle. The combos consist of the following.
    • Heavy explodes, then uses Web.
    • Heavy explodes, then uses Heavy push.
    • Uses Heavy flamethrower, then Heavy Pulls, Webs, and uses Heavy Flamethrower again.
    • Uses Heavy wave 3 times, as well as using Web in between the 2nd and 3rd cast.
    • (Ultimate) Pushes, then Heavy pushes, Webs twice, then Heals. (Always uses this at the beginning of the fight)
    It should also be noted that since Flamethrower and Wave are both Damage over Time spells, so you'll be able to have a decent amount of time to get away from Qira if she decides to use the combos they're a part of. And, of course, her web spell, this could potentially be Qira's most dangerous spell available, as she, as well as her drones can easily close the gap between you and them, however, it is possible to avoid web with a properly timed jump or movement spell, it's also possible to predict when she'll use Web based on which combo she's using, if she uses Heavy explode, then it's basically a 50/50 whether she'll use Web or Heavy push. She'll always cast Web if she either casts Overall, The strategy I'd recommend for Phase 1 would be to eliminate the Drones as soon as possible, as they are the most dangerous part of the fight, especially at the beginning, without them, Qira will be left far less mobile and will give you more time to land hits on her without her Drones interfering. One strong recommendation I'd give however would be to leave at least one drone alive, and angle yourself so that the drone is in between you and Qira, as it'll be able to body block most of the normal attacks she throws at you, just make sure you single out a drone that's isn't too agile, such as the Flare, Wave or Shock drones, this is largely a more optional strategy, I wouldn't really recommend it too much if you try to go and melee Qira.
    This is what I'd consider to be Qira's hardest phase, with her once again having 375,000 health, she will however be using a melee attack style this time around, rather than ranged. Her spell pool will also share this trait, with her being able to use Teleport, Charge, Vanish, Multihit, Explode, Heal, and Web. However, Qira's spell combos in Phase 2 will also play into her more aggressive approach, the combos will either be her doing a moderate amount of damage over time, or her attempting to just nuke you to oblivion, with some combos in particular being almost one shots. The list of Qira's phase 2 combos consist of the following:
    • Heavy teleports and Heavy explodes twice.
    • Webs, Heavy teleports and Heavy vanishes at the same time, then Heavy teleports 4 more times.
    • Charges twice then Heavy vanishes on the second charge, then Heavy teleports and Heavy multihits 3 times, with a slight delay in between.
    • Webs, Heavy charges then explodes twice, once midway through the charge and again when she lands, then proceeds to Heavy teleport and Heavy multihit.
    • (Ultimate) Heavy charges and Heavy explodes 3 times rapidly, then Heavy teleports, Heavy explodes and Heavy charges twice, then Heavy teleports 3 times, then Heavy explodes 3 times after the last teleport, then uses Web.
    All the combos are easily capable of bringing down your health rapidly if you can't dodge the attacks, however, there will always be a warning spell before she uses a combo, with her using explode beforehand, then proceeding to start a combo. Once you spot her doing this, try to avoid her as best as can, strafe her charges and predict where she'll be once she finishes a teleport, wait until she finishes her combo before attacking. I would also recommend using 3rd person FOV for this phase especially, as Qira can be somewhat hard to keep track of in this phase, most notably whenever she decides to use vanish, her Web spell is also at it's most dangerous point in the fight, as she can much more easily close the distance between you and her, as well as you being much more vulnerable to her combos as well. The Drones on the other hand aren't nearly as much of a problem in this phase, despite being a crucial part in phase 1, they largely become irrelevant later on, with them serving as basic disruptors and nothing more in the fight. For the overall strategy, you'll want to be far more aware of Qira and her spells whenever she's ready to cast them, always keep an eye on when she'll begin to start a combo, and dodge it in the most effective way possible, once she finishes her combo however, is when you should strike, as there will be a decent amount of time before she'll start another combo again, make sure to be as aggressive as you can during this, and time your powder specials well to make sure you get as much use out of them as you can.
    Qira's final phase has 500,000 health, and will have her returning to a Ranged playstyle seen in Phase 1. Her attack style however will feel like a blend of both Phase 1 and 2, with her returning to using a ranged weapon, while also having most of her combos be similar to that of Phase 2's. Her combos in Phase 3 will have a "melt or be melted" approach to them, they'll mostly consist of having either Explode or Meteor spam, Phase 3 also includes 3 ultimate combos, the most from of all the phases. All of which involve her movement being incredibly erratic, spamming Teleport and Charge like there's no tomorrow. The final lineup of combos Qira uses will consist of:
    • Heavy teleports, Webs then uses Meteor 3 times.
    • Uses Heavy Wave and Heavy teleports twice, as well as using Web in between the second Teleport and Wave
    • Webs, then Heavy teleport 3 times, and follows it up with a Meteor, this is done twice, aside from the Web spell
    • Heavy explodes and Heavy teleports 3 times.
    • (Ultimate) Uses 3 Teleports, 1 Heavy teleport, Meteor, then spams Teleport to Meteor 4 times, with the last round using Meteor 4 times.
    • (Ultimate) Heavy charges 3 times, then Heavy Explodes, Then uses two Heavy charges, and follows it up with Heavy explosion, and does this twice, then uses Heavy charge twice again, but instead follows it up with a Heavy pull into two Heavy explosions.
    • (Ultimate) Webs, Charges two times, Webs again, then Teleports two times, all of this is done twice, with her using one last Web at the end.
    The strategy for most of these combos is the most split in terms of the 3, while her primary form of damage will be to out right nuke you with meteor or explode, she'll occasionally do her Wave or simple Explode-Teleport combo. I'd still recommend the same strat of Phase 2 with Phase 3 as well, dodge her combos as best you can, and go in and bring her health down as best you can in between, match her style of melt or be melted, as it'll likely result in a quick finish on her. One more crucial note I should point out is that Qira has an incredibly small aggro radius in this phase compared to the last two, while beforehand she could spot you across the entire arena, in phase 3, it will be around half that size, only being able to spot you if you're around half the arena size away from her, naturally, ranged playstyles can easily take advantage of this an just snipe her from a distance, making the fight trivially easier for archers and mages. Overall I see this phase somewhat resembling Aledar's fight in A Hunter's Calling. It's an all out DPS test between the two of you, with both of you being capable of bringing down the other swiftly, if you can out match their pace, you'll come out on top, if not however, they'll easily be capable of getting the upper hand on you.
    In the end, Qira's fight still stands as one of the hardest in the game, all 3 phases are a test of everything you've learned and up to this point, with Phase 1 reflecting on knowing how to control a boss fight well, Phase 2 forcing you to properly dodge a wide array of spell combos all designed to throw you off and lose your target, and Phase 3 topping it off with a blend of both that came before, as well as being a test of how well you can efficiently manage to wear down the boss itself. And with Qira practically being the final barrier between you and the final Endgame content (Aside from a few more quests in the Sky Islands but lets ignore that for now), She ultimately feels like one of the truest tests of everything you've done up to now, and does so incredibly well. And yes, I am aware of the fact that 7/8s Morph, Third Eye and whatever weapon of your choice is most likely going to clown on her, obviously I have no counter argument to this, again, Wynncraft revolves around a build system, so if you want to use a build that'll completely own her or one that'll make you lose your sanity to her then go ahead, there's nothing stopping you from doing so, aside from Skill Point reqs I guess. At this point I don't really have much else to say, just go out and there and fight her to your heart's content, and make sure to put on a good show.

    Edit: Huge thanks to @Selvut283 for giving me a detailed list of every single combo Qira has to offer, I had to rework a lot of what I said in the guide beforehand, but it feels much more refined thanks to them.
    Last edited: May 24, 2021
  2. Gladionus

    Gladionus Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    proceeds to use morph and rainbow weapon
  3. SkiesUnknown

    SkiesUnknown skie HERO

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    Please don’t I beg of you
  4. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    Cool guide! Do Bob or ToA Death next.
  5. SkiesUnknown

    SkiesUnknown skie HERO

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    Death isn't really a fight I get that much enjoyment out of, but in terms of Bob I might do that.
    Potatomancer likes this.
  6. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    Btw you can quote posts using the quotes/reply option in the bottom right corner of said posts.
  7. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Morph go brrrrr

    But seriously, I spent tens of LEs on builds to kill Qira only to get nearly insta-killed, then I used my morph and it's so easy on every class (it can take a long time tho)
  8. Ava Cart

    Ava Cart If you don't like Ava you die CHAMPION

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    Just use heavy melee
  9. SkiesUnknown

    SkiesUnknown skie HERO

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    How about I don't
  10. Mikroskoldis

    Mikroskoldis Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Nice guide, very detailed.
  11. SkiesUnknown

    SkiesUnknown skie HERO

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    mmmm yes thank you
  12. bumpjoinICo

    bumpjoinICo bumpjoinICo

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    lmao I had no clue what the fuck qira does and I went in with full morph(spamming cur moment) and a gales force and casually circle strafes and kills qira using like 2 hotbars of pots first try and to find out there was actual guides on everything instead of haha overleveled and having mad ehp bc morphs 75 def and 75 agil
    the only part i would like to say is bad is the conclusion, because as long as you are overleveled and abuse even full morph it becomes comically easy(trust me i tried it with 7/8 morph and i failed even though doing it with full morph was easy)
  13. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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    Cool now do bovine barn it is hard even with a party of 5 all using tierstack please I just can’t beat it
  14. Computekk

    Computekk Steampunk Virtuoso

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    orange lily spellspam
  15. SkiesUnknown

    SkiesUnknown skie HERO

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    ok that's fair
  16. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    Phase 1:
    Heavy Explosion -> Spiderweb
    Probability = 2/11

    Heavy Explosion -> Heavy Push
    Probability = 2/11

    Heavy Flamethrower -> Heavy Pull -> Spiderweb -> Heavy Flamethrower
    Probability = 2/11

    Spiderweb -> Heavy Teleport -> Heavy Teleport -> Heavy Teleport -> Heavy Teleport -> Heavy Teleport
    Probability = 2/11

    Heavy Wave -> Heavy Wave -> Spiderweb -> Heavy Wave
    Probability = 2/11

    Ultimate 1: Push (0) -> Heavy Push (1) -> Spiderweb (0)-> Spiderweb (0) -> Heal (12)
    Probability = 1/11

    Phase 2:
    Explosion -> Heavy Teleport -> Heavy Explosion -> Heavy Teleport -> Heavy Explosion
    Probability = 2/8

    Spiderweb -> Heavy Charge -> Explosion -> Explosion -> Heavy Teleport -> Heavy Multihit
    Probability = 2/8

    Charge -> Charge -> Heavy Vanish -> Heavy Teleport -> Heavy Multihit -> Heavy Multihit -> Heavy Multihit
    Probability = 2/8

    Spiderweb -> Heavy Teleport -> Heavy Vanish -> Heavy Teleport -> Heavy Teleport -> Heavy Teleport -> Heavy Teleport
    Probability = 1/8

    Ultimate 2: Heavy Charge (1) -> Heavy Explosion (0) -> Heavy Charge (1) -> Heavy Explosion (0) -> Heavy Charge (1) -> Heavy Explosion (0) -> Heavy Charge (1) -> Heavy Teleport (0) -> Heavy Explosion (0) -> Heavy Charge (1) -> Heavy Teleport (0) -> Heavy Explosion (0) -> Heavy Charge (1) -> Heavy Teleport (0) -> Heavy Teleport (0) -> Heavy Teleport (0) -> Heavy Explosion (0) -> Heavy Explosion (0) -> Heavy Explosion (0) -> Spiderweb (10)
    Probability = 1/8

    Phase 3:
    Heavy Teleport -> Spiderweb -> Meteor -> Meteor -> Meteor
    Probability = 2/11

    Heavy Wave -> Heavy Teleport -> Heavy Wave -> Teleport -> Spiderweb -> Heavy Wave
    Probability = 2/11

    Spiderweb -> Heavy Teleport -> Heavy Teleport -> Heavy Teleport -> Meteor -> Heavy Teleport -> Heavy Teleport -> Heavy Teleport -> Meteor
    Probability = 2/11

    Explosion -> Heavy Teleport -> Heavy Explosion -> Heavy Teleport -> Heavy Explosion -> Heavy Teleport
    Probability = 2/11

    Ultimate 3: Teleport (0) -> Teleport (0) -> Teleport (5)-> Heavy Teleport (1) -> Meteor (1) -> Teleport (1) -> Meteor (1) -> Teleport (1) -> Meteor (1) -> Teleport (1) -> Meteor (1) -> Teleport (1) -> Meteor (0) -> Meteor (0) -> Meteor (0) -> Meteor (14)
    Probability = 1/11

    Ultimate 4: Heavy Charge (5) -> Heavy Charge (0) -> Heavy Charge (2)-> Heavy Explosion (0) -> Heavy Charge (0) -> Heavy Charge (2) -> Heavy Explosion (0) -> Heavy Charge (0) -> Heavy Charge (2)-> Heavy Explosion (0) -> Heavy Charge (0) -> Heavy Charge (1)-> Heavy Pull (2) -> Heavy Explosion (0) -> Heavy Explosion (0) -> Heavy Explosion (14)
    Probability = 1/11

    Ultimate 5: Spiderweb (2) -> Charge (1) -> Charge (1) -> Spiderweb (2) -> Teleport (1) -> Teleport (1) -> Spiderweb (2) -> Charge (1) -> Charge (1) -> Spiderweb (2) -> Teleport (1) -> Teleport (1) -> Spiderweb (14)
    Probability = 1/11
    SkiesUnknown and Potatomancer like this.
  17. SkiesUnknown

    SkiesUnknown skie HERO

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    Ok wow that's way more than I was expecting, I'll edit these in shortly, ty
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