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Why Spell Is Bad In Guild Wars And How To Fix It

Discussion in 'Guild Discussions' started by ItzTigerTime, May 20, 2021.


Good change?

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  1. ItzTigerTime

    ItzTigerTime Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    For anyone who doesn't know, melee is taking over guild wars. Spell builds on many classes are much worse than melee in war. Why? Because of a feature added to towers: Invincibility frames.

    Basically, you can only damage the tower a certain number of times a second. This was added as a solution to counter war scream (because the tower hitbox was so big it was doing too much damage). The problem is, this messes up a lot of other spells. For example, spell warrior does way less damage than it should because uppercut and bash both have their damage split across multiple hits so some of the damage never goes through. I can understand why invincibility frames were added, they were the simple solution. But they have also slowly removed a large amount of builds for guild wars.
    To make something clear, spell is still usable on some classes (mage) and even on those where it is losing damage (warrior) its still playable. But when you start trying to optimize your warteam you quickly realize that spell is way worse than its melee counterparts.

    My proposed solution is to make the tower specifically coded to have invincibility frames for long duration spells (arrow storm, multihit, warscream), leaving the rest intact. I don't know how wynn's code works at all but I'm assuming (tell me if I'm wrong) that you could code something where everytime one of those spells hits you could make the next x amount of ticks do 0 damage.

    This way spell builds would actually work to their full potential (like they do in the normal game) but wars wouldn't break because of stuff like vertical warscream.
    starx280, Toaster, Crokee and 9 others like this.
  2. Nukewarmachine

    Nukewarmachine emerald tier above LE when VIP

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    So if something like this was implemented, would a full arrow storm directed at the tower damage it 60/60 times, or less than that, assuming all hits connect?
  3. ItzTigerTime

    ItzTigerTime Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    The way im imagining it is like a portion of them would hit but not all. So like (these numbers probably need to be balanced) maybe 20/60 would hit. And for warscream maybe 2 or 3 charges would hit. That way other spells would work normally, but the problematic spells that are balanced in the normal game by being impossible to land every hit with would be balanced.
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