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Music Wip - Victory

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by (Meric), Apr 22, 2021.

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  1. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    2:40 is where I think it really shines.

    Still very WIP but it's gonna take me a while to finish the whole thing so I figured I'd just post a piece now.

    This is another song using entirely new recordings for the trumpets, french horns, percussion, string shorts, and choir.

    The trumpets truly shine here. They're SUPER solid at transitioning from the staccato to the sustained longs and they have that super nice bright lead trumpet sound. Probably my most happy new sample set

    The new french horns are also nice. They're a little drier and more controlled in tone so it's really nice for the big block chords where you have 3 different voices playing at once and it's not overpowering.

    The new percussion is just a really heavily processed bass drum combined with some snare and anvil metal hits. It's semi-similar to the original song but I might go looking for some new stuff later

    The choir sounds particularly better compared to the old one I used in previous songs. It technically has around ~12 different syllables but only 5 are used here. Due to the extremely high pitch, it's quite hard to even tell what the different syllables are even so it's not a huge deal. (And also I got lazy and didn't want to do 12)

    I also tried some new stuff with the strings. String shorts have always been tough since when they get their speed changed (to emulate different notes) you get an incredibly synthy sound when you go up pitches and it gets shortened.

    To combat this I tried to layer some shorts (you can hear this at the beginning). It's a combination of a small section size sharp attack, with a bit of a longer and larger ensemble size attack. Combined it's a pretty nice result although it's still quite wonky.

    The shorts aren't full ensemble shorts like the rest of the strings. There are 2 sets, one is a mix of Viola Violin and another a mix of Cello and Bass to get that really defined attack.

    I avoided adding vocals because long vocals are atrocious with speed changes. I might just replace it with a flute in the end. Already experimented with a small portion of the song and it sounds alright. It's either that or I add more samples and do the pitch changes in my head which I really don't want to do, but would probably sound nicer.

    The song isn't so full-sounding right now either since the low strings are whisper silent (and they carry the atmosphere. I really want to replace them or EQ them later to remove the muddiness of the sound so I can actually up the volume without just getting a mess.

    Also might add a low brass section because who doesn't like that.

    I sorta wanna actually export this one out to ingame at some point just for shits and giggles since I haven't actually exported any of these yet since assembling the resource pack would be a pain in the ass. Thinking of just making some sorta massive resource pack at some point with every sound in it
    Anyway dunno if anyone gonna read all that, but see ya'll in a few weeks for the full version!
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2021
    starx280, HeyZeer0, Sar and 4 others like this.
  2. fishcute

    fishcute fish CHAMPION Builder

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    Woah, this is cool. What sounds are you using?
  3. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    So it's a little bit odd. Obviously Noteblock studio was designed for well, noteblocks and not this but after some minor petitioning and an update they expanded support to up to 240 custom sounds.

    So the way I do it is I record in additional samples to add. Each instrument has a combination of 5 different note lengths for longs, and just a standard short attack staccato as well. (So around 6 samples per octave for a total of around like 30 or so per instrument)

    The sound sources come from various sound fonts or virtual instrument libraries.

    In total this song has around ~120 samples so far from like 4-5 various libraries. The downside of this level of realism with so many samples is that you have to hand pick what every notes sample is. Obviously higher realism = more time spent picking samples.

    I'm hoping to automate the process in the future somehow

    Percussion is mostly from the free Ferrum library.
    Brass is Cinematic Studio Brass
    Choir is Oceania
    Strings I totally forget where they're from since they're an older recording set.
    Piano I think is some random free library as well. I can't recall which one in particular
    fishcute likes this.
  4. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    this is extremely cool
    starx280 likes this.
  5. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    Thanks! Taking a little break on the project but the next section of the song should be where it all comes together so hopefully I can get that out pretty quickly at some point
  6. puttey

    puttey no McConnel dont kill me VIP+

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    this is great! when are you replacing corpe :o
  7. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    Heh thanks but I don't really compose. This one's just a cover of Thomas Bergersen's original song.

    I just find it fun (for some reason) to put it all into NBS
  8. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    Well a month later and I still haven't finished it lol.
    Got a bit busy with some other stuff.

    Spent a couple hours today and added a little more. Still not finished yet, I'll probably finish it later this month or next month.
    (The lag and desyncing is because my labtop is quite bad. Audio is fine though, just visual issues)

    None of it is balanced yet, but 4:18 still sounds pretty neat despite that.

    Despite the strings being one dynamic layer and having no legato transitions they still evoke that soaring romantic feel pretty well. (4:35 ish especially)

    Really like this string set
    Last edited: May 20, 2021
    starx280 likes this.
  9. starx280

    starx280 The boy who cried lunar VIP

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    Why does this sound so fitting and amazing
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