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Guild The Aquarium [TAq] Highest Lvl Guild #1 Lvl 120. Active warring/community Guild! Recruiting lvl 80+

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by WeaponMerchant_, Jun 6, 2020.

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  1. Kuba

    Kuba Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    In game name: > S8an_MC

    Highest level class, including level: > lvl 105 mage

    How much time could you devote to playing Wynn and in the guild? > 5 to 20 hours a week, depending on if I have stuff to do in game.

    Time zone: > est

    What made you want to join us? > got contacted previously about joining, felt like now's a good time since I want to do raids and other stuff that requires more than one person.

    Have you had any previous guild affiliations? And if so, what was the reason you left? > previously owned MoonlitBlackCat, transferred ownership to a friend that comes on every now and then, left since I wanted to do stuff that requires multiple people

    Why do you think we should accept you? it's ok to brag, bring it on > I'm fairly active and know how to help with quests, have 2 lvl 100 characters, with a shaman in the works.

    What's your opinion on guild wars? > seems like they could be fun, will probably join them if I'm online at the time.

    Choose at least one of these preferences, that you'd do while in the guild:
    1: Wars (reclaim+ffa's)
    2: Contribute XP and donate emeralds.
    3: Do events, improve the guild and its systems as a whole. > mostly 1 and 3, will be willing to contribute if needed.

    What would you like to get out of TAq? (Example: War knowledge, Loot-running skills) > want people to do multi-person stuff with, ie. raids and corrupted dungeons.

    Would you be interested in crossing our oceans/climbing the ranks? (Like, would you want to become a recruiter, then captain, then strategist and then Chief or just stay as a recruit?) > going up in rank after I've gotten used to the guild would be nice, being able to then help others join and contact people through the guild.
  2. WeaponMerchant_

    WeaponMerchant_ Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Hey! Sorry for the late reply. You've been accepted welcome to TAq. you've been invited in-game if you do /gu join TAq
  3. Dream

    Dream Hero of the lost atoll Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    Weaponmerchant what are you doing in my bedroom flushed flushed flushed
  4. SonnyVA

    SonnyVA Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    IGN: SonnyVA

    Mage 103, Archer 102

    Disc: Vahugan#3273

    At least an hour each day

    GMT - 7

    I'm interested in joining a guild and experiencing the guild community, which is the one aspect of Wynncraft that I miss.

    Have you had any previous guild affiliations? Was in a small, inactive guild with some friends.

    Why do you think we should accept you? I've been playing a lot recently and think that I would be a good fit in the guild.

    What's your opinion on guild wars? > I would be interested in doing some wars.

    Choose at least one of these preferences, that you'd do while in the guild: Wars.

    What would you like to get out of TAq? (Example: War knowledge, Loot-running skills) > I would like to get the Wynncraft guild experience.

    Would you be interested in crossing our oceans/climbing the ranks? Just staying as a recruit for right now.

    Anything else you'd like us to know? (optional) > Nope.
  5. ChannelRhombus

    ChannelRhombus Well-Known Adventurer

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    In game name: > RhombusGreen

    Highest level class, including level: > Mage, 105

    How much time could you devote to playing Wynn and in the guild? > I play daily. Most of my time on the server is devoted towards Raids and Dungeons, as well as grinding.

    Time zone: > PST

    What made you want to join us? > I saw the high level requirement so I knew this guild was pretty prestigious. I just want to be part of a large, high level community.

    Have you had any previous guild affiliations? And if so, what was the reason you left? > None

    Why do you think we should accept you? it's ok to brag, bring it on > I'm pretty helpful for nearly all events, raids, dungeons, etc. (I'm a tank/healer Mage so I guess I come in clutch a lot lol).

    What's your opinion on guild wars? > I think guild wars are interesting and I look forward to participating in them.

    Choose at least one of these preferences, that you'd do while in the guild:
    1: Wars (reclaim+ffa's)
    2: Contribute XP and donate emeralds.
    3: Do events, improve the guild and its systems as a whole. > #3
    What would you like to get out of TAq? (Example: War knowledge, Loot-running skills) > I primarily just want an active guild to do Raids with among other things.

    Would you be interested in crossing our oceans/climbing the ranks? (Like, would you want to become a recruiter, then captain, then strategist and then Chief or just stay as a recruit?) > I'd like to become more involved as I get to know the guild more, so yes.

    Anything else you'd like us to know? (optional) None
  6. WeaponMerchant_

    WeaponMerchant_ Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Hey guys sorry for the late response! You're accepted, welcome to TAq! if you could do /gu join TAq when online next that'd be great. If you need the discord server you can message someone in-game or myself.
  7. SonnyVA

    SonnyVA Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Hey, when I do /gu join TAq, it says that I haven't been invited (or have been uninvited).
  8. Lesliep

    Lesliep Lazy Wynn Mage

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    In game name: > lesliep

    Highest level class, including level: > 105 mage

    How much time could you devote to playing Wynn and in the guild? > around 6 hours a week? I'll have more information once my job starts, it depends heavily

    Time zone: > Mountain Daylight Time

    What made you want to join us? > I was asked by WeaponMerchant, and the guild sounds interesting

    Have you had any previous guild affiliations? And if so, what was the reason you left? > I was a part of Fox for about 2 years, left a couple years ago due to loss of interest in Wynn, and starting a hard college major

    Why do you think we should accept you? it's ok to brag, bring it on > I'm a decent lootrunner, I used to be quite good at PvP and raids. I've beaten every boss/raid/dungeon in the game as mage (except Nexus of Light, just haven't tried it yet). Used to do solo most/any guild war pre-update, haven't tried yet post. As mage, I've soloed the following:
    Legendary Island
    Eldritch Outlook
    Honestly, I can't remember other bosses/challenges it's been a long time

    What's your opinion on guild wars? > They're pretty interesting, it's a nice way to bring a guild together. Haven't played around with them much since the update, so my opinion is not super informed atm
  9. WeaponMerchant_

    WeaponMerchant_ Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    join taqqqq
  10. andrewthebooger

    andrewthebooger Travelled Adventurer

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    DiscordLightningblitz42 4407
    Highest level class:60
    How active can you be weekly? atleast 4 days
    Timezone est
    Why do you want to join TAq in particular:im looking for a new experience never been in a guild before
    What would you like to do in TAq: Guild Wars a or anything the group would want to do for fun
    Anything elsenope
    the class is shaman
  11. yea

    yea Not banned from Wynn ( yet ) VIP+

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    IGN: MasterPig1
    discord: got hacked and for some reason cant open another ;-;
    highest class: 106 assassin
    activity: i can say i'd be online everyday ( sad )
    time zone: GMT 3+
    why do you want to join?: im looking for a community to join
    what would you do in Taq: ( try ) to war ( as i am using mac and cant use the compass thingy in wynntils which is really good for wars ). help anyone that might need help in the guild
  12. MandarinMuffin

    MandarinMuffin Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    In game name: > Sailleach

    Discord: Mandarin Flavored Orange#1161

    Highest level class, including level: > Shaman 105 Combat, 560 Total

    How much time could you devote to playing Wynn and in the guild? > 2 hours to 10 hours depending on if its free time or not. / I can try to be active in the guild whenever i have time.

    Time zone: > GMT +3

    What made you want to join us? > A friends suggestion.

    Have you had any previous guild affiliations? And if so, what was the reason you left? > No.

    Why do you think we should accept you? it's ok to brag, bring it on > I am spend more than half of the day in front of the computer and its generally on wynn. Even if I can't play i can do other activities in guild, or atleast try to do.

    What's your opinion on guild wars? > I don't like wars but if i must do it I will try my best.

    Choose at least one of these preferences, that you'd do while in the guild: Contribute XP and donate emeralds.

    What would you like to get out of TAq? (Example: War knowledge, Loot-running skills) > Spending some fun time with some nice people i met / will meet online.

    Would you be interested in crossing our oceans/climbing the ranks? (Like, would you want to become a recruiter, then captain, then strategist and then Chief or just stay as a recruit?) > I don't really want to be a part of politics.

    Anything else you'd like us to know? (optional) > I listen to music, a lot. Like 10 to 16 hours a day but my music knowledge is still small. I'll be recommending random music I find.
  13. garethy

    garethy Garethy HERO

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    Application Format: In game name: > garethy12

    Highest level class, including level: > 103 mage

    How much time could you devote to playing Wynn and in the guild? > a few hours a week

    Time zone: > gmt

    What made you want to join us? > /shouts in game

    Have you had any previous guild affiliations? And if so, what was the reason you left? > nothing of note, i have been in guilds before but they were relatively small ones that never really mate it

    Why do you think we should accept you? it's ok to brag, bring it on > Because i can dedicate a lot of time playing the game and improving, and i think i can help others progress and as a result progress myself to a new level

    What's your opinion on guild wars? > Am not that experienced in them, would like to give them a try

    Choose at least one of these preferences, that you'd do while in the guild:
    1: Wars (reclaim+ffa's)
    2: Contribute XP and donate emeralds.
    3: Do events, improve the guild and its systems as a whole. >
    What would you like to get out of TAq? (Example: War knowledge, Loot-running skills) > War experience, people to play with/help each other and overall have a good time socially

    Would you be interested in crossing our oceans/climbing the ranks? (Like, would you want to become a recruiter, then captain, then strategist and then Chief or just stay as a recruit?) > In the beginning i'd rather stay recruit but if i am wanted in a higher rank by leadership then i would consider it

    Anything else you'd like us to know? (optional) > Im off school for 3 months, so i have a LOT of time off. Also am hero rank so if theres grind parties i can contribute i guess. My discord is garethy#5645 i rarely log on to the forums so if i am accepted/you want to discuss something further please add me there
  14. ydi

    ydi Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    In game name: > ydi

    Highest level class, including level: > Mage, Assassin, Archer, all 100

    How much time could you devote to playing Wynn and in the guild? > Around two hours a day, sometimes less.

    Time zone: > CST

    What made you want to join us? > Heard this guild was pretty cool.

    Have you had any previous guild affiliations? And if so, what was the reason you left? > Past guilds were kinda inactive.

    Why do you think we should accept you? it's ok to brag, bring it on > I can bring a variety of classes to raids or wars.

    What's your opinion on guild wars? > They're ok I wouldn't attend many but if needed I can come.

    Choose at least one of these preferences, that you'd do while in the guild: Contribute XP and donate emeralds.

    What would you like to get out of TAq? (Example: War knowledge, Loot-running skills) > I am trying to join a community and experience something new.

    Would you be interested in crossing our oceans/climbing the ranks? (Like, would you want to become a recruiter, then captain, then strategist and then Chief or just stay as a recruit?) > I think I would just like to be in the ranks, don't think I wanna try climbing.
  15. Pacific_Legend

    Pacific_Legend Dominus Oceani VIP

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    The Aquarium used "bump"

    It's not very effective.
  16. ChaseMan126

    ChaseMan126 On the lookout for Mythics VIP

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    In game name: > ChaseMan126

    Highest level class, including level: > Mage 105

    How much time could you devote to playing Wynn and in the guild? > Currently I spend up to 6 hours a day on Wynncraft (probably more)

    Time zone: > EST

    What made you want to join us? > I enjoy the ocean territories especially selchar which the guild currently owns

    Have you had any previous guild affiliations? And if so, what was the reason you left? > I was part of Titans Valor left due to inactivity

    Why do you think we should accept you? it's ok to brag, bring it on > I have more than enough time to dedicate towards the guild so much that I literally got my lvl 77 archer to lvl 96 in a day and a half

    What's your opinion on guild wars? > Could be fun

    Choose at least one of these preferences, that you'd do while in the guild: Contribute XP and donate emeralds.

    What would you like to get out of TAq? (Example: War knowledge, Loot-running skills) > Maybe loot running but mostly looking for a community to hang in

    Would you be interested in crossing our oceans/climbing the ranks? (Like, would you want to become a recruiter, then captain, then strategist and then Chief or just stay as a recruit?) > I'd love to

    Anything else you'd like us to know? (optional) > Waffles or pancakes?
  17. Pffa

    Pffa I like my hat HERO

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    sometimes bumping is all you need to do
  18. WeaponMerchant_

    WeaponMerchant_ Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Hey guys sorry for the late response! You're accepted, welcome to TAq! You need to leave your current guild so I can invite you. Please message me or someone else in-game when you've done this thanks!
  19. Dream

    Dream Hero of the lost atoll Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    frozenfortbumb :^)
  20. squeeze

    squeeze Newbie Adventurer

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    In game name: > skweez

    Discord > squeeze #8888

    Highest level class, including level: > Mage, combat lvl 105

    How much time could you devote to playing Wynn and in the guild? > anywhere from 5-10 hours a week, it all depends what’s going on during said week

    Time zone: > Eastern Standard Time

    What made you want to join us? > I saw some shouts while I was playing, and it piqued my interest

    Have you had any previous guild affiliations? And if so, what was the reason you left? > I was the owner of a small guild that I ran with my friends, but it was just me online. I wanted to be a part of an actual community, and meet new people.

    Why do you think we should accept you? it's ok to brag, bring it on > I’ve been playing Wynn for about 3 years now. I’m also a tanky/spam heal mage for anyone who needs one, and I am willing to contribute to the guild in any way I can (provided I have the time)

    What's your opinion on guild wars? > I’ve never tried them, but I am interested now in participating in them. My previous guilds never did them.

    Choose at least one of these preferences, that you'd do while in the guild:

    1: Wars (reclaim+ffa's)

    2: Contribute XP and donate emeralds.

    3: Do events, improve the guild and its systems as a whole. > 3

    What would you like to get out of TAq? (Example: War knowledge, Loot-running skills) >

    I’d like to be a part of an active community and meet new people. I’d also like to experience guild wars

    Would you be interested in crossing our oceans/climbing the ranks? (Like, would you want to become a recruiter, then captain, then strategist and then Chief or just stay as a recruit?) > I would be interested once I feel ready to do so

    Anything else you'd like us to know? (optional) > :D
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2021
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