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Community Event Writing Contest - Wynncraft The Video Game [ended]

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WithTheFish, May 11, 2021.

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  1. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    A year ago, I hosted a writing contest where players described what they thought Wynncraft would be like in 2025, with the 5 most creative and original responses winning an LE prize. That was one of my favorite threads that I hosted and I met a lot of cool people there, so I think it's time to host another one. I present to you:

    Wynncraft - The Video Game

    The year is 2022. Wynncraft's rights have been purchased and the server is now being made into a true video game outside of Minecraft. There's a catch however - none of the original admins will be involved in making this game. What would Wynncraft be like as a game released to a wider audience? Will the property meet a happy ending, or die out? What company would create the game? There's no "correct" way to answer this prompt, so use your imagination.

    How to Enter:
    To enter, simply list your username, and your response to the prompt below it.

    I will be judging your submissions on two primary factors: detail and creativity. Think outside the box: here are the responses from my last contest to give you an idea of what I like. I'm fine with meme-y responses, but you'll need to put more effort than just one sentence into them.

    Your response doesn't have to be massive; if you can convey everything in two or three sentences that's fine. You are also allowed to format your post however you want. Your response doesn't need to be written in any conventional essay format either.

    Your grammar and spelling will not affect your submissions, unless it's completely illegible. I'm aware that English is not everyone's first language.

    1st Place:
    2nd Place: 32LE
    3rd Place: 16LE
    4th Place: 8LE
    5th Place: 8LE

    Additional Notes:
    - You can continue editing your response until the deadline.
    - Let me know if you have any questions about the event. I'll add any answers here.

    Good luck to everyone, and I'm excited to see what you guys come up with!

    Submissions are now closed. The winner will be announced on this thread afterwards at an unknown time.

    List of Participants:
    Last edited: May 31, 2021
  2. Castti

    Castti Kookie HERO

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    Wynncraft but fishy
  3. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    Cool contest. I’m interested in seeing what other people are going to come up with.
    starx280 and WithTheFish like this.
  4. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    IGN: Samsam101


    Name: Wynncraft 1.23: ultimate arcade edition (free)

    Release date: 20th of April 2022

    Publisher: Electronic Arts

    Changes in this version of Wynncraft:

    Emeralds removed, replaced with real money
    Ranks doubled in price
    Combat reworked, but all good weapons cost money
    To get mythics, you now need to pay $100 for a ''Mythic lootbox''. There is only a 5% chance to get a mythic from this.
    Lootboxes added
    Content team removed
    Lore removed, game now focuses on combat
    Bosses can only be accessed with the ''Reign of the Eye'' DLC. If you don't own the DLC, you are locked into Professions and PVP
    Professions are a more integral part of gameplay now
    Half as much profession XP is given from any node/table
    Bombs and pets now debuffed and cost more
    Blocky minecraft graphics upgraded to playstation 2 graphics
    Voice acting added
    Memes removed, this is a serious game
    Corruption removed, the only enemies are the opposing team. (that is, unless you buy the storyline dlc)
    Every location on the map is no longer open world, it is just a battlefield now.
    All characters removed and added as skins

    Available platforms:
    Atari 2600

    You are a Fruman soldier in the land of Wynn, who has teamed up against other fruman soldiers for no reason. Fight, craft, and pay us money!


    WithTheFish: *****
    Garbage, the game was better when it was worked on by a team of volunteers. How can an AAA games publishing company do worse than them? I hope the people who made Wynn make a new minecraft server, this is disgraceful!

    JaydonTheWarrior: *****
    Trash, as warrior got nerfed instead of buffed like it needed. Also, all my items were taken and I was asked to pay for them? Lame

    RandomSimp69: *****
    I've been trying for so long to get Ava (<3) from a crate and I just can't! I've spent my college savings! I spent my parents mortgage money! Why is she so rare? Nerf her droprate and I'll increase the rating

    TrapinchO: *****
    One of the best aspects of Wynn to me was the lore. The lore is what made Wynn great, so why did you remove it? You seem to completely ignore the players who previously devoted their time into this game, and turned it into your own money farm. How disappointing...

    WynnH8r: *****
    I'm glad Wynn got changed, I hated almost everything about it. To the point where I literally built my entire identity around my hatred. Heh.. Anyway, now that people can't enjoy the game, I'm happy!

    NewPlay3r: *****
    What's with the microtransactions? Come on, EA!

    Read more at official website Wynncraft.com, and be sure to buy everything on the store!

    I might add more to this entry later, but for now that's all i've got
    Last edited: May 25, 2021
  5. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Surprisingly accurate. Though I would probably add something like "Well, your decision to lose players, I suppose." after the "..."

    On the bright side, no more "Corruption serves Dern" nonsense.
  6. Lousyre

    Lousyre Famous Adventurer

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  7. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaa Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Me who is going to write a serious prediction and ended up at the same idea (sort of)
  8. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    This is just unrealistic.

    You forgot the part where they charge you $50 per dealing a single HP of damage to an enemy.
    Potatomancer likes this.
  9. otatos

    otatos Skilled Adventurer

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    username: otatos

    nightmare scenario- EA buys Wynncraft and the gate to the province of Wynn becomes a literal pay wall. It's a free to play game but....

    Ya wanna play past the tutorial? Well only for a cheap price of 15 bucks u can actually start playing the game! (but only up to the Ragni province, of course. Ya gotta pay up 5 bucks to proceed from that area) Oh and did i mention that holding a weapon costs an additional 20 bucks? Ur broke? Too bad, your fist is now ur best weapon. Good luck punching infinitely powerful otherworldly creatures to death!

    Unlocking quests can now only be done via professions, which r pretty much not optional anymore. Want to do that LVL 100 quest? Well better get grinding buddy cuz u can only unlock it by leveling all ur professions to LVL 100 as well. Of course, tho u can always buy some microtransactions to speed up the process. Introducing the golden emerald. Looks the same as a normal emerald coloured gold, except u can only buy it with real life money and tears of regret at ur poor life choices.

    Fans r now torn between the nostalgia they feel for the game and their disdain for the microtransactions. EA watches in satisfaction, knowing they've successfully lain ruin to yet another great franchise.
    Last edited: May 12, 2021
    WithTheFish likes this.
  10. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Last edited: May 30, 2021
  11. TheAckening

    TheAckening Local YIMBY

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    Username: Relyten
    Ok, here goes something:
    Hypixel Studios buys Wynncraft, and announces the release of Wynncraft: The New Lands for fall of 2022. We get some "not actual gameplay" footage released with that announcement. In August of 2022, it is announced that Wynncraft: The New Lands will be pushed back a year. The game isn't released by the end of 2023 and in early 2024, it is announced the game is canceled. No reasons are given.
    NuclearEar, FAZu and WithTheFish like this.
  12. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    IGN: StinkEyeCookie

    The year is 2022. Francis walks slowly down the fractured, uneven sidewalk. Green and yellow lights flash from the screens on the sides of the skyscrapers and apartment complexes. "Wynncraft, the #1 MMORPG!" the speakers blare. Covering his ears, Francis cowers from the flashing signs. He tries to hide, but the noise of the city intrudes on his mind. Despite the only sound coming from his surroundings being the constant advertisement of Wynncraft, the sounds of the street are like the crashing of waves, but with hundredfold volume.

    "2022? More like 1984," Francis huffs.

    Wynncraft had been recently bought by the government. An innocent Minecraft server: the perfect place to plant the seeds of a surveillance state regime. Each developer was replaced by a government agent, and the game's name was changed. As more and more players flocked to Wynncraft (now called Wynnsoc), the potential power of the state grew. Everyone was happy playing the new game, until the fateful day when the game files had turned out to be a malware bug. It now spied on the information being passed between each device, monitoring each citizen, making sure they never defied the orders of the state. No person could avoid it; each computer produced from then on was to have Wynncraft pre-installed. The operating system was completely centered around it, and trying to remove it would instantly alert the authorities. Any manufacturer that did not meet the standards of a Wynn OS were shut down. In this new world where Wynn was dominant, all transactions were made in virtual worlds; any digital purchases had to be done online, in Wynncraft, with Emeralds as the currency.

    "Recruit! The microphones have picked up your chat message." Francis spun around and faced the iron-clad man, stepping out of a blocky, horse-shaped automobile.

    Francis began to sweat. Had they really heard him compare the status quo to the fictional Orwellian universe? "Sir, I can explain-"

    "Soldier! Refer to me by the correct title!" Francis' hands trembled. He knew he had just accidentally violated the speech code. Starting late last month, the government had announced that all citizens must speak with Wynncraftian terms- people were to refer to each other as 'soldier,' cars had been changed to 'horses,' and the government was to be called 'Ragni,' among other things.

    "Yes, sir- I mean Ragni Guard. I've made a mistake, please forgive me, I have a family to take care of, I..."

    "Big Bovine makes no exceptions."

    The statement struck Francis to the bone. "Please," he pleaded.

    Scribbling in his note pad, the officer shook his head. "Recruit, your time adventuring has ended. You will now be sentenced to permaban."

    The permaban. No, it can't be, thought Francis. He shook his head. The world spun around him. Francis' stomach churned, and his heart beat ever more rapidly.

    Perhaps the most infamous punishment in the history, the 'permaban' was a form of psychological torture. No person had ever withstood it for more than a minute before going raving mad. Even thinking about it made people scream.

    Francis broke out in tears. "YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME," he shouted, his voice cracking. Two more government vehicles arrived as Francis screamed, pissing and shitting on the sidewalk. They surrounded the crying man, before closing in and cuffing his wrists.

    Finally, Francis regained some of his senses. He struggled against his restraints, begging for mercy. "BIG BOVINE HAVE MERCY," Francis cried.


    The stark white building was menacing and imposing. Francis gave up, to the fated permaban, knowing he could not avoid it. As the police officers pushed him through the doorway, Francis braced himself for the worst; for, indeed, he was about to face something no one had ever been able to withstand before.

    They turned a corner. Screams could be heard from the rooms branching out from the hallway. "Please, please, please," repeated Francis. His morale was shattered, and "please" was the only word he could say. One officer opened a door. Francis was violently shoved into the chamber.

    Francis' eyes widened as he watched a large machine whir to life. He saw red words printed on its side, but through his tears he could not read the text, for they were blurred and his eyes burned.

    "Strap him down."

    Roughly, an officer grabbed Francis' arm and pressed him against a chair. The officer strapped Francis to the seat. Even though the process had not yet actually begun, Francis started sobbing again as electrodes were attached to his scalp, the person doing so hidden from his sight as he was unable to rotate his head.


    What Francis saw triggered the most primal fears and instincts of his mind.

    "NOOOOO!" Francis' voice tore as he saw the most terrifying thing man could ever behold.

    "Unable to join lobby1 right now! You've been permanently banned."
    Last edited: May 12, 2021
  13. otatos

    otatos Skilled Adventurer

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    holy cow that's literally a whole novel. mad respect.
    FAZu likes this.
  14. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    The permaban torture thing reminds me of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy with the weird existential crisis machine
  15. Thyme23

    Thyme23 Well-Known Adventurer

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    this made me laugh so much
    FAZu and MlecznyHuxel99 like this.
  16. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    The year is 2022, Valve buys Wynncraft and releases the 1.21 update: new cosmetic hats, weapons and a Soldier vs Corrupted gamemode (glitches included)

    2023: The community waits for the big release of update 1.22, it comes in the end of the year and adds new... collectionnable cards? Oh well, there's a few bug patches here and there, but hey, 1.23 should be good... right?

    2024: no content this year :(, 2025 is probably gonna have a major update tho :D

    2025: https://twitter.com/Wynncraftupdateout?lang=en

    2026: aaaany second now...


    30: Valves buy the rights to years to remove the 3 from years. Updated localization files.

    2029+2: The community starts creating their own update on publicly hosted servers, maybe next year we'll get it?

    2, more than 2 but less than 4, 01: GabeN is out of cryogenization. The last player who's been to the launch of Wynncraft is still held on life support. As the words utterred from the doctor's mouth fall on him, he shed a last tear of joy:

    Heavy update is out

    New Wynncraft update: -Added tournament medals and a single dagger
    -Buffed ArchangeL, it now has max 54% walk speed
  17. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    The year is 2022 when Activision Blizzard buys the rights to wynncraft. In a press conference Activision CEO Bobby Kotick states the following: "We here at Activision Blizzard have decided to expand our collection of MMORPG's. We have purchased the rights of many small games and even a minecraft server. These all have a huge level of promise and we are working towards a new age for the MMORPG genre."

    Blizzcon 2022: At blizzcon they announce wynncraft 1.23: Fruman Empire. With no release date planned they show us cool new raids, classes, changes to the spell system and much, much more. In the meantime they have created an engine to allow players to keep playing wynncraft outside of minecraft.

    February 2023: Microsoft tries to sue Activision Blizzard calling the name and art style of wynncraft to be a direct copy of their hit title Minecraft. Activision Blizzard denies the claims despite the fact that they are both block games using the word "craft". The court rule in favor of Activision Blizzard because "There are so many minecraft copies out there that we don't want to deal with this."

    Months go on as we get patches giving us items and bug fixes but the Fruman Empire update is still nowhere in sight. They keep saying that they are working on it but we get little to no news.

    June 2026: Finally 1.23: Fruman Empire has been released featuring:
    Ranks are now monthly payments. Each ranks monthly payment is equal to what the full payment is now
    Fruma province which is limited to Champion players
    The battle pass that let's you do challenges to unlock awards
    25 new quests
    Skill tree
    4 new spells per class
    Warlock class
    Barbarian Class
    PvP rework
    Seasonal events
    Ability to make custom items in housing
    1 new dungeon
    1 new raid
    1 new boss alter

    Then after this they only make the same seasonal events each year and miniscule additions/balance patches every few months
  18. Tyralion

    Tyralion Knights in the Tiger Skin VIP

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    Gods, you people are so into doom and gloom. Either way...

    Username: Tyralion

    The hamster wheel finally stopped. World of Warcraft's last expansion, Shadowlands, has left such a sour taste in the players' mouths that it can no longer be washed away by another expansion, cinematic or novel. Or even Classic, for that matter, as it, too, has been mired in corporate greed. Having lost pretty much all of its players, World of Warcraft has been discontinued, to live on only as a universe in which creative minds would continue to create new and exciting stories; this time, however, they shall be left alone.

    But...as King Terenas once said upon the peak of Icecrown Citadel, "there must always be a Lich King WoW". And with World of Warcraft gone, another massive MMO had to take its place.

    ActivisionBlizzard’s ship may have finally sunk to the depths of the game industry, but not before its talent managed to escape. Dreamhaven, a company headed by Blizzard’s old CEO and loaded with its best former developers, was poised to overtake ActivisionBlizzard as the “people’s favourite”, untarnished by a decade of decadence or quarterly shareholder reports. But for that to happen, new franchises had to be created...or bought. And these men knew just where to look...

    After years of relative prosperity, the joint project of Salted, Grian and Jumla has finally reached its peak. And having become the biggest MMO server in Minecraft's history, it was aiming its sights at becoming the biggest MMO ever conceived.

    Months of talks have been leading to this moment. Almost 1.5 years of deals, contracts and gentlemen's agreements have led to Wynncraft's rights being purchased by Dreamhaven that aimed at recreating its wondrous world in a new light: as a standalone game. A new studio, CraftedGames, was created, headed by the same people that made Wynncraft in the first place and staffed by the same people that for so many years have been tirelessly working on bringing its world to life. After all, the intent was to stay true to the source material – something like this could not be accomplished without bringing the men and women behind it.

    Work on the project began in mid-2021 with the announcement of the creation of CraftedGames, a studio under Dreamhaven which went on to employ half of Wynncraft’s team. The other, however, stayed in Minecraft, in a decision to keep voluntarily creating content for the server they grew up with.

    The announcement of CraftedGames’ creation was not met without surprise. Nobody, especially not Wynncraft’s playerbase itself, could’ve possibly expected Wynncraft to turn into a game. Immediately, people started comparing the rumoured new game to Hytale. The comparison was not without merit – both were to be created by studios that partnered with a big publisher, both were being worked on by the same people who have created the two biggest Minecraft servers, both, at least seemingly, competed for the same playerbase.

    Truth be told, nobody knew what to expect. No trailer has been published, no roadmap was given. The only thing one could see if they went to CraftedGames’ website was a black page with only the words “Soon™” engraved on it in white Wynnic.

    Still, it was more than enough to reinvigorate the Wynncraft fandom. And as more disgruntled former WoW players learned of Dreamhaven’s new acquisition, more players joined the server by the day.

    As more players joined, more content was made about Wynncraft. The simultaneous news of World of Warcraft’s discontinuance and CraftedGames’ new project brought one content creator after another: “the biggest MMORPG in Minecraft” was a good enough slogan to interest people in it. And with content creators came their followers: discerning fans that knew a spade from a shovel, long-time players of all kinds of MMOs, people that were more than happy to support a passionate grassroots project and to give a few dollars to support its development.

    Wynncraft entered its Golden Age. The forums were bursting with activity, the Discord was looking more and more like a waterfall of messages, and the server itself was reaching all-time-highs with each new day. Every new hotfix and update was being met with thunderous joy from hundreds of thousands of players; 1.21, “The Fruma Update”, led to Wynncraft reaching an all-time-peak of five hundred thousand consecutive players, and it was only looking up from there.


    The year is 2022. Development has been in full swing for the past year, and the developers finally have something to show for that. The now familiar black page is no longer black, for a logo was placed atop an all too familiar background:


    A trailer for the game sits right below it, showcasing both the gameplay of "World of Wynncraft" and its new art style. It’s...different. But definitely not to the point of enraging people – a departure from the blocky style of old Wynncraft was to be expected, after all, especially with comparisons to Hytale in mind. To many people, it reminds them of World of Warcraft’s modern art style: a vibrant but somewhat cartoonish art style has been its forte ever since its conception. And with more and more WoW expats arriving at Wynn’s shores, the only reaction that could reasonably follow was more and more excitement. Reviews are starting to pour in from both critics and fans, and they all praise the developers in absolute unison.

    So far, it’s been a perfect storm for Wynncraft. The community is experiencing a renaissance greater than it could ever wish for; 1.22, “The Tides of Corruption”, is being met with cheers and praise; former WoW content creators are creating Wynn content for the second year on record.

    Hype is the order of the day. Will the wait be worth it? Only time can tell. But for now, let us enjoy it and work towards making the game as good as it can possibly be.

    A new challenger approaches.
    Last edited: May 13, 2021
    Stag2001, Castti, FauxKiwi and 4 others like this.
  19. Quint

    Quint least estrogenated scripter HERO

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    God, it's like you all forgot Bethesda existed.

    Username: Quintessee

    The year is 2022. Microsoft and Bethesda have just now purchased the rights to the Wynncraft franchise. Releasing in two years after The Elder Scrolls 6: Redfall in 2030 to make time to add all the bugs in, Wynn: The Dark Descent is still built in the Oblivion engine alongside the release of Wynn: Guilds.

    Wynn: The Dark Descent is a $90, singleplayer, "Quadruple AAAA" videogame released for the Xbox Zero and PC 2, notably not available on the recently released PlayStation 7.
    The Dark Descent is largely the same as the original, but:
    • 16 times the graphical quality
    • Classes replaced with "characters", characters with their own unique backstories and storylines, hero abilities and skill trees
    • New Champion+ status: a measly three hundred dollar pre-order will grant you a tote bag with the Wynncraft logo on it, as well as early access, and a replica mythic (not really).
    • Shaman now locked behind Hero and above
    • Assassin locked behind Champion and above
    • New Class: Necromancer, locked behind Champion+
    • New Class: Brawler, locked behind Champion+
    • Ava deleted
    • Rectangle map deleted (god, I can only pray)
    • Rymek mesa now extended out north, replacing Almuj desert
    • Jungle is deleted, replaced with Wynn highlands
    • Main storyline added, starting in Wynn and ending in Dern
    • Corkus moved to become a highlands biome in the east coast of the ocean
    • Orphion/Dern Beast no longer relevant in main plotline, main villain now Egil, a corrupted Olm mage that created the realm of Dern
    • 'Alignments' allow you to put yourself in different quadrants depending on quest choices, good/evil, etc. and effect class build
    • Light survival mechanics now present
    • The Dark Descent features five planned DLCs releasing annually:

    • The Frosts of Gavel: New DLC features twenty new quests, adding the second half of Gavel (past Cinfras: CotL, Molten Heights, & Sky Islands)
    • A Royal Banquet: New DLC features new storyline set in Fruma, shortly after the assassination of the Queen
    • The Beast Below: New DLC features Kohan, a frozen lost colony of Gavel across the northern ocean in the Arctic region, where the last dragons other than Ozoth lay frozen beneath the surface, slowly thawing
    • The Winds of Moran: New DLC features Moran's estate, south of the Twain mansion, but who is Moran? Is he alive? What was his connection to the Twains... and was he secretly one of them?
    • The Corpse of Colossa: Long ago, the ancient dwarves built a massive, mechanical guardian named Colossa. Fallen during a military campaign in the east, Colossa's body is scattered around this massive ancient battleground. Who is slowly reassembling her? And why?

    Wynn: Guilds is the MMO part of Wynn. Stripped of most quests, this game is pure professions, guilds, and grinding, set 600 years after the events of The Dark Descent in a time where Corkus has taken control of the world. Slowly level up your guild, make alliances, and dominate the map in this cross between live-action RPG gameplay and Civilization like empire planning.
    • Professions now balanced around guilds, not crafting/economy
    • New currencies: Corkian Ruble, Gavellian Dollars, and Fruman Ruble
    • Housing now turned into guild housing, with some buildings having purposes, like mass refinement, storage, etc.
    • Guild wars changed to a mix of PvE and PvP
    • Map now dynamic to accommodate guild buildings, walls, and more
    • PvP rebalanced, new 'Cinfras Colosseum' for 1v1 and team fights, adding an FPS type of gameplay and teamwork in the Colosseum
    chyp5, Bwitty03, Castti and 3 others like this.
  20. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    Apparently changelogs are a popular choice for writing.
    Quint likes this.
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