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Media How Powerful/dangerous Mythics Would Be Irl Tier List.

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Ronnoc, May 10, 2021.


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  1. Ronnoc

    Ronnoc Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    The tier list is based off a mix of how dangerous these weapons would be irl and how powerful they would be(yes there is a difference.) Its also completely based of their lore the stats do not matter.

    Ok so explanation time!
    S tier-
    Collapse: Literally destroys matter on contact. Powerful? Obviously, either the most powerful in a fight or the second most. Dangerous? Hell yes, what happens if this falls off a building and hits the ground? No more earth probably.
    Cataclysm: Rips holes into other dimensions with pure force. Powerful? Obviously, great in a fight (probably third most powerful) could be dangerous to the user tho because every action has an equal and opposite reaction right? So the recoil might kill you who knows. Dangerous? yes... I feel like I dont need to say why but im going to! That much raw power could also probably destroy a planet and who knows what would come out of the portals it would make.
    Apocalypse: Gets its name for a reason, this weapon will claim all life. Maybe not necessarily powerful in a fight bc everyone would just die but so incredibly dangerous because it would just end the world straight up. Now it doesnt say if it claims all life instantly but even if its slowly it says ALL LIFE and I dont know if you guys noticed but we kinda need life to live.

    A tier-
    Nullification: I had never read nuli's lore before this and I couldnt believe how strong it was. It says that it protects the user from ALL MANNER of attacks and then turns those attacks against the attacker. By far the most powerful in a fight... well maybe collapse could win because you could just destroy nuli in one shot but idk and thats not the point of this list. However, its not S tier because its not dangerous really at all (another reason its probably the best one to actually use) its only dangerous to people who attack the user.
    Archangel: I was very surprised about this one too. Basically this says that whoever wields it is treated like a god from everyone. That can be both super powerful and dangerous! But it basically all depends on who is using it and it doesnt actually give the person powers they just have influence over people. Thats why its not S tier
    Freedom: Ok so as far as I can tell the lore literally just says it destroys the mind body and soul of anyone who gets hit by arrows shot from this bow and it makes it so that the person using the bow doesnt care. Thats really dangerous and powerful but not S tier because its not world endingly powerful.

    B tier-
    Singularity: Wow I'm really kicking off these tiers with rainbow mythics huh? So this weapon was really hard to place. First apparently you can see everything that exists when you look into the gems which is pretty cool. Also it is so dense it has its own gravitational pull and people said their arms would stretch. Well for me at first look its main thing, the gravity, doesnt seem that impressive its not stretching peoples arms but doesnt sound like its effecting much else so not very strong gravity. But at the same time its strong enough to change peoples arm length! That also sounds powerful so idk I decided B tier because I think if the gravity was actually powerful you would get reports of it effecting more around it. So very weak gravity but also kinda being able to see anything still puts it in b tier.
    Warp: So with warp you can basically phase through matter and tp but it has unlisted bad effects on you. So thats really powerful being about to become ethereal but its not really dangerous to anyone except the user.
    Warchief: Basically just super super strength "unparalleled" super strength. Its not higher tho because Its not very dangerous and im not actually sure if humans can use it or if its only orcs.
    Ignis: So this is one that we dont get enough information. We know it was used to kill a fire demon and that it is "extremely powerful" we dont really know what the means tho and it doesnt seem to be dangerous just powerful.
    Alkatraz: I honestly thought this would be higher. Basically its very dangerous because of "soul-locking magic" but other than that its apparently just a hammer.
    Pure: So this wand (it does say its a wand which is important) has cosmic power and we know cosmic power is both very powerful and makes people go crazy so could be powerful and dangerous but the lore technically doesnt say that so its only b tier.

    C tier-
    Stratiforms: Basically just super speed but youre weaker. Not super dangerous but pretty powerful if youre carful not to run into anything.
    Monster: You turn into a fire breathing monster, but we dont really know how powerful the monster would actually be if you only breath fire not very powerful but it would be pretty dangerous to both the user and those near them.
    Inferno: Once again we really just dont know if this is powerful. Its made from a demon tooth but it could just be a cool tooth and not actually have powers.
    Divzer: Basically the only reason this is this high is because it basically says its powerful but the description of those powers seem vague and unhelpful.
    Stardew: This is another one that might be powerful or could just be boots but we know they are likely linked to cosmic magic and we know that can be powerful so yea.
    Thrundacrack: Pog lightning powers. Strong but not really dangerous.
    Weathered: Im really not sure on this one. It not having a physical presence seems like a bad thing but also it might have time powers?? idk
    Slayer: So these basically just turn you into a murderous slightly super human person. So dangerous but not that powerful.
    Galleon: So they have the raw powers of the earth and sea but again we dont really know what that means, could be both very dangerous and powerful or neither. All we know is that they do not allow you to walk on water.

    D tier-

    Fatal: So basically just weaker less reliable thrunda?
    Crusader Sabatons: So weaker warchief? Basically just makes you somewhat stronger.

    Spring: Very cold arrows that cant heal not really that much different than regulars arrows.
    Grimtrap: Doesnt actually have any powers but it does turn you into a evil torturous person so pretty dangerous.
    Grandmother: Also doesnt have powers but is very dangerous because it basically kills anyone who touches it.
    Revenant: Kinda similar to grandmother except it effect your soul.

    Guardian: It protect people. We dont really know what that means and itd definitely not dangerous.
    Resurgence: Similar to guardian. It heals people but thats the opposite of dangerous and we dont know how powerful the healing can be.

    E tier-
    Nirvana: Spiritual enlightenment would be very cool irl but doesnt actually give you any powers but I suppose could also be dangerous so not f tier.
    Lament: All we know is its a wand so it probably has powers but thats it.
    Idol: Heightened senses are kinda cool and its dangerous to the user but nothing really special.
    Boreal: I mean getting the weather to help you not hurt you is kinda cool but nothing all that fancy.
    Hero: If you have low self-esteem this would be pretty pog but other than that its kinda useless.
    Discoverer: This one could be waaaaayy higher on this list if we knew more because if you just get money you could destroy the economy but what is the cost? We really just dont know enough.
    Az: The only reason this isnt in the lower tier is because maybe since its name matches the rune it might have had a roll in the destruction of society but as far as we know its just a bow with writing on it.

    F tier-
    Gaia: This is literally just a stick made in honor of a god. Its not even called a wand so it probably doesnt even have any powers.
    DawnBreak: This only tells a story it doesnt actually have anything to do with the boots so as far as we know theyre just boots.
    Moontower: Same as DB just tells a story these are probably just boots.

    Wow that took a really long time and I have a calc 2 test in a few min so Im rushing the ending. If you read all of this youre crazy but I hope you enjoyed. Let me know youre opinions on if you would change anything.

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    Last edited: May 10, 2021
    Flame_Frost_, Fox, CrunchyCol and 8 others like this.
  2. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    Nuli is basically just an uno reverse card except it kills people
    fishcute and Ronnoc like this.
  3. Tekenen

    Tekenen Professional Loser VIP+

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    Honestly someone should make a wynn tierlist-tierlist at this point
  4. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    AEAEAE what is up with the colored text (why is like half of the text white)
    the thing, but with no more colors

    Ok so explanation time!
    S tier-
    Collapse: Literally destroys matter on contact. Powerful? Obviously, either the most powerful in a fight or the second most. Dangerous? Hell yes, what happens if this falls off a building and hits the ground? No more earth probably.
    Cataclysm: Rips wholes into other dimensions with pure force. Powerful? Obviously, great in a fight (probably third most powerful) could be dangerous to the user tho because every action has an equal and opposite reaction right? So the recoil might kill you who knows. Dangerous? yes... I feel like I dont need to say why but im going to! That much raw power could also probably destroy a planet and who knows what would come out of the portals it would make.
    Apocalypse: Gets its name for a reason, this weapon will claim all life. Maybe not necessarily powerful in a fight bc everyone would just die but so incredibly dangerous because it would just end the world straight up. Now it doesnt say if it claims all life instantly but even if its slowly it says ALL LIFE and I dont know if you guys noticed but we kinda need life to live.

    A tier-
    Nullification: I had never read nuli's lore before this and I couldnt believe how strong it was. It says that it protects the user from ALL MANNER of attacks and then turns those attacks against the attacker. By far the most powerful in a fight... well maybe collapse could win because you could just destroy nuli in one shot but idk and thats not the point of this list. However, its not S tier because its not dangerous really at all (another reason its probably the best one to actually use) its only dangerous to people who attack the user.
    Archangel: I was very surprised about this one too. Basically this says that whoever wields it is treated like a god from everyone. That can be both super powerful and dangerous! But it basically all depends on who is using it and it doesnt actually give the person powers they just have influence over people. Thats why its not S tier
    Freedom: Ok so as far as I can tell the lore literally just says it destroys the mind body and soul of anyone who gets hit by arrows shot from this bow and it makes it so that the person using the bow doesnt care. Thats really dangerous and powerful but not S tier because its not world endingly powerful.

    B tier-
    Singularity: Wow I'm really kicking off these tiers with rainbow mythics huh? So this weapon was really hard to place. First apparently you can see everything that exists when you look into the gems which is pretty cool. Also it is so dense it has its own gravitational pull and people said their arms would stretch. Well for me at first look its main thing, the gravity, doesnt seem that impressive its not stretching peoples arms but doesnt sound like its effecting much else so not very strong gravity. But at the same time its strong enough to change peoples arm length! That also sounds powerful so idk I decided B tier because I think if the gravity was actually powerful you would get reports of it effecting more around it. So very weak gravity but also kinda being able to see anything still puts it in b tier.
    Warp: So with warp you can basically phase through matter and tp but it has unlisted bad effects on you. So thats really powerful being about to become ethereal but its not really dangerous to anyone except the user.
    Warchief: Basically just super super strength "unparalleled" super strength. Its not higher tho because Its not very dangerous and im not actually sure if humans can use it or if its only orcs.
    Ignis: So this is one that we dont get enough information. We know it was used to kill a fire demon and that it is "extremely powerful" we dont really know what the means tho and it doesnt seem to be dangerous just powerful.
    Alkatraz: I honestly thought this would be higher. Basically its very dangerous because of "soul-locking magic" but other than that its apparently just a hammer.
    Pure: So this wand (it does say its a wand which is important) has cosmic power and we know cosmic power is both very powerful and makes people go crazy so could be powerful and dangerous but the lore technically doesnt say that so its only b tier.

    C tier-
    Stratiforms: Basically just super speed but youre weaker. Not super dangerous but pretty powerful if youre carful not to run into anything.
    Monster: You turn into a fire breathing monster, but we dont really know how powerful the monster would actually be if you only breath fire not very powerful but it would be pretty dangerous to both the user and those near them.
    Inferno: Once again we really just dont know if this is powerful. Its made from a demon tooth but it could just be a cool tooth and not actually have powers.
    Divzer: Basically the only reason this is this high is because it basically says its powerful but the description of those powers seem vague and unhelpful.
    Stardew: This is another one that might be powerful or could just be boots but we know they are likely linked to cosmic magic and we know that can be powerful so yea.
    Thrundacrack: Pog lightning powers. Strong but not really dangerous.
    Weathered: Im really not sure on this one. It not having a physical presence seems like a bad thing but also it might have time powers?? idk
    Slayer: So these basically just turn you into a murderous slightly super human person. So dangerous but not that powerful.
    Galleon: So they have the raw powers of the earth and sea but again we dont really know what that means, could be both very dangerous and powerful or neither. All we know is that they do not allow you to walk on water.

    D tier-
    Fatal: So basically just weaker less reliable thrunda?
    Crusader Sabatons: So weaker warchief? Basically just makes you somewhat stronger.
    Spring: Very cold arrows that cant heal not really that much different than regulars arrows.
    Grimtrap: Doesnt actually have any powers but it does turn you into a evil torturous person so pretty dangerous.
    Grandmother: Also doesnt have powers but is very dangerous because it basically kills anyone who touches it.
    Revenant: Kinda similar to grandmother except it effect your soul.
    Guardian: It protect people. We dont really know what that means and itd definitely not dangerous.
    Resurgence: Similar to guardian. It heals people but thats the opposite of dangerous and we dont know how powerful the healing can be.

    E tier-
    Nirvana: Spiritual enlightenment would be very cool irl but doesnt actually give you any powers but I suppose could also be dangerous so not f tier.
    Lament: All we know is its a wand so it probably has powers but thats it.
    Idol: Heightened senses are kinda cool and its dangerous to the user but nothing really special.
    Boreal: I mean getting the weather to help you not hurt you is kinda cool but nothing all that fancy.
    Hero: If you have low self-esteem this would be pretty pog but other than that its kinda useless.
    Discoverer: This one could be waaaaayy higher on this list if we knew more because if you just get money you could destroy the economy but what is the cost? We really just dont know enough.
    Az: The only reason this isnt in the lower tier is because maybe since its name matches the rune it might have had a roll in the destruction of society but as far as we know its just a bow with writing on it.

    F tier-
    Gaia: This is literally just a stick made in honor of a god. Its not even called a wand so it probably doesnt even have any powers.
    DawnBreak: This only tells a story it doesnt actually have anything to do with the boots so as far as we know theyre just boots.
    Moontower: Same as DB just tells a story these are probably just boots.

    Wow that took a really long time and I have a calc 2 test in a few min so Im rushing the ending. If you read all of this youre crazy but I hope you enjoyed. Let me know youre opinions on if you would change anything.
  5. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    he only changed the names of the items to match the element(s). It wasn't hard to read at all
  6. Klepto

    Klepto A being VIP

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    Iirc, the fire mythics are all made from the same fire demon. Which might be Garaheth.
    Please correct me if I'm wrong lore people
    Inferno was forged from the tooth of Garaheth. Apocalypse was forged from the tooth of "the fallen one," which I believe is also Garaheth. Ignis was used to strike the final blow on Garaheth. Note that Garaheth is the final boss of the D&D questline and is implied to be able to destroy the entire province of Gavel
    Last edited: May 10, 2021
  7. MlecznyHuxel99

    MlecznyHuxel99 Fruman walls guy VIP+

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    In light mode you pretty much cant read this
    StormDragon4 likes this.
  8. Ronnoc

    Ronnoc Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I worked so hard on the colors :”(
    Well I made this in dark mode so I guess that makes sense
    Wow you guys really have faith I’m going to pass my Calc test. Thanks!
  9. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    Half of the text was white (i use light mode)
  10. Lousyre

    Lousyre Famous Adventurer

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    Well that's new...

    Cool thread nonetheless!
    Ronnoc likes this.
  11. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    and yet people still stay ArchangeL bad, stop disrespecting the one true god! !
    Bart (MC), MlecznyHuxel99 and Ronnoc like this.
  12. Ronnoc

    Ronnoc Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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  13. chyp5

    chyp5 untrained unprofessional idiot VIP+

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    There’s so many people worshipping archangel, you’d almost say that the lore is real!

  14. Ronnoc

    Ronnoc Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    And this one better be S tier
  15. Quint

    Quint least estrogenated scripter HERO

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    yo this reminds me of a headcanon i had for mythics and the zodiac items

    you know the allegory of the cave where theres like a plane of perfect forms and all earthly objects are the perfect form with some kind of change (theres a perfect/'platonic ideal' of a plate in some other plane of existence and every plate youve ever eaten off has been "platonic ideal of a plate + made out of clay", etc.

    i think it would be neat if the mythics were pretty much platonic ideals literally brought down to earth. apocalypse is like, every single possible apocalypse happening at once manifested as a physical representation, freedom is like the platonic ideal of freedom, etc.
  16. MlecznyHuxel99

    MlecznyHuxel99 Fruman walls guy VIP+

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    So Grandmother is made out of grandmas souls?
    Quint likes this.
  17. Quint

    Quint least estrogenated scripter HERO

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    uhh why not

    i was actually thinking it was the platonic ideal of the earth, since 'mother nature' is not far off from 'grandmother', kinda like how gaia, the deity, is depicted as the mother (and grandmother i suppose) of numerous deities in greek mythology, and also as vengeful, wrath-inducing goddess
    Fox and MlecznyHuxel99 like this.
  18. JerryIsBad

    JerryIsBad Rainbow Slap Enthusiast VIP

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    I have no idea what I'm talking about but, Singularity is so dense that there's a noticeable difference in gravitational force across their limbs causing their limbs to stretch. At the very least the staff is incredibly dense but matter at that density would probably collapse into a blackhole, hence the name?

    Arrows fired from Divzer are fired with such high force that they physically phase out of reality, I'd imagine that'd be similar to Cataclysm's ability to tear through reality?
    starx280 likes this.
  19. Ronnoc

    Ronnoc Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    See I agree with singularity except that it says people report their limbs being stretched but nothing else. No world shifting gravitational pull only effecting people close to it so thats why I was so unsure about it because it should be crazy powerful but it doesnt sound like anyone has actually experienced large amounts of power from it.

    Now for divzer Im also not sure. To me the lore sounds like the arrows stop existing thats not dimensional breaking power necessarily and it definitely doesnt say that can actually make portals like cata so at best it would be cata from wish at worse it would just be a very unreliable bow
  20. yy8erig

    yy8erig bumpjoinICo

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    what about reliks
    theres no lore
    but toxo irl....
    BAM your poisoned and 3 secs later you are more dead than me inside
    and outside
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