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Was There An Update That Reset Profession Progress? -no, There Wasn't, I Was Stupid.

Discussion in 'Questions' started by BlackDragonGamer, Apr 29, 2021.

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  1. BlackDragonGamer

    BlackDragonGamer Well-Known Adventurer

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    I don't know if it's a bug or if it was done for an update or something but I lost nearly all my profession levels.
    I last checked them around the seventh of February 2020 (not 2021) and haven't played much since so I have no idea how it happened.

    So i logged in a few days ago and just did Quests (which I had already done but I didn't really care) and
    logged off. After logging in today I wanted to grind professions for a few hours and just started chopping wood not realising i had already done that type (Other region, Spruce in Cinfras instead of Nesaak). After going from around 43 to 50 i stopped and took a closer look at my profession levels and was shocked to see that they were so low because i thoght they were a bit higher. I didn't really think much about it and just went to Troms (Level 50 Woodcutting = Jungle) but after arriving there decided to level fishing first to get all my gathering professions to level 50 before continuing woodcutting and went to my old fishing spot in the deeper jungle.
    Once i arrived there I saw that the fish there (Koi) was level 60 and me being level 32 didn't really fit with my very clear memory of fishing there for quite some time so I thought maybe they balanced the fishing levels and put other fish here but after checking my Bank and seeing stacks of Koi stuff in there I wasn't so sure anymore.
    I didn't know what to think and remembered that I once posted a screenshot somewhere to, well, show off and looked for it. Sure enough, my levels were all lowered/reset.

    Fishing from 73+ to 32 Inscription from 30+ to 5 Weaponsmithing from 40+ to Nothing
    Woodcutting from 55+ to 43ish Jeweling from 36+ to Nothing Tailoring from 36+ to Nothing
    Mining from 45+ to 30 Alchemy from 31+ to Nothing Woodworking from 50+ to 19
    Farming from 64+ to 35 Cooking from 68+ to Nothing Armouring from 30+ to Nothing

    I don't know if those were my max levels in each profession but they were my last documented ones on
    Friday the 7th of February 2020 according to my message history.

    It would really suck to loose those to an update, even more to loose them to a bug and not being able to get them back but it would be the worst to not know if that can happen at any time or if it was known/fixed/on purpose.

    Tl;dr: My Profesion levels from around 14 months ago seem to have regressed/reset and I'd like to know if that can be fixed or if that was on purpose/a bug that can't be fixed.
    sds.PNG sd.PNG
  2. Pyromanic

    Pyromanic Prism/Pyro#8570 on Discord CHAMPION

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    Based on your stats page, your higher level professions are on your Assassin class, while the class you were playing on was your Archer. Just switch classes if you want to use the higher level profs, prof levels are unique to each class, they don't carry over.
  3. BlackDragonGamer

    BlackDragonGamer Well-Known Adventurer

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    Oh wow,

    Thanks a lot, I was also wondering why some Tools were missing, so now I have the answer for 1. Why my levels were "reset",2. why i had "duplicate" quests and 3. where my Tools were...

    I had my Archer as auto select and my Archer is my main class anyway so i never considered that I had my highest Professions on a different class.

    Thanks again and sorry for the long paragraph, I just quit skyblock on another server because they keep deleting my year old profiles without explanation and only answer I get is "Well we don't know, so..." so I assumed this would end the same way and was frustrated.
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