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Guild Owners Hate Them! Find Out How To Get To Level 91 With This Simple Trick!

Discussion in 'Guild Discussions' started by Ascended Kitten, Mar 7, 2021.

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  1. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    Ok and?

    the whole argument of whether or not the territory is contestable is not the central focus, so I will not argue it further. The central, most important point of this entire thread is whether or not a territory should be able to produce to such end to begin with, or if territories should be granted such a monopoly over xp, contestable or not.

    Glowbulb was 100% contestable but still of great concern. This follows suit.

    The reason I even began talking about the contest-ability of Frozen Fort is because y’all keep bringing up that anyone can use it as if it simply justifies the excessive gains reaped from the territory. If you honestly agree it is broken, why do you keep trying to justify it with unrelated claims.

    My point nonetheless was that no guild could reap the benefits of the territory in the same manner glowbulb was able to be used, take one territory and instantly have max efficiency. Of course it can be contested, but then again, it is all irrelevant.
    Please stop making irrelevant claims. If you don’t want to hear me trying to argue my point, don’t create an irrelevant argument to begin with. As I said, this is about whether or not a territory should be able to produce this much or obtain this much monopoly to begin with.

    Pushing points like “anyone can contest it” is just some form of justification for what everyone else sees as busted gains. And if you agree like you claim you do, why make such a claim to begin.

    it’s also funny when people can’t further defend an argument they resort to personal attacks lul

    I might be the big bad man trying to take Frozen Fort away but dam I think it’s pretty obvious something should be done
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2021
  2. Pandamonium

    Pandamonium hate av*cia (cringe bird furry guild) CHAMPION

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    No, it's refuting the claims that some people have that it's uncontestable. Doesn't change how broken it is and doesn't change our view on how broken it is. I'm just correcting people who think it's uncontestable and how attackers are weak compared to defenders.

    how is asking you to stop a personal attack
    Pifg and Doggy_W00F like this.
  3. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    Did not say it was. And my argument that it was less contestable than glowbulb was stemmed from an argument made that the territory is contestable and hence is “fair”

    no one is denying your effort, it just shouldn’t be that absolutely busted for gains and that rewarding in the scope of things for anyone. The effort is there, the problem is how drastic the reward is.

    We are talking that the highest level ever achieved in guilds was got in a day, again largely from two people’s efforts. No one denies the effort, it’s the reward.
  4. Pandamonium

    Pandamonium hate av*cia (cringe bird furry guild) CHAMPION

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    we literally all agree, and people weren’t responding to it being fair because it is contestable, people were responding to claims that “no other guild can access it” because they definitely can it’s just not without significant difficulty
    Pifg and Doggy_W00F like this.
  5. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    I’m glad we can all agree that the gains made are busted and is not justifiable.
  6. MeowCatPanda

    MeowCatPanda meow

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    I am not sure why you keep bringing up the idea that no other land holding guild has access to frozen fort. That is how an alliance works. We establish and recognize claims and help each other guild maintain their claims. AVO’s claims currently consist of molten heights and sky islands, while other guilds hold territories in other parts of the map. I am not sure why you are trying to influence goose’s politics if you are not a part of it.

    I hate to make this thread repetitive but clearly some points have really struggled to come across so I'll repeat the main ones, hopefully in a more concise manner.

    1. Any guild with the proper strength can hold onto a grind spot territory. Frozen fort is just one of many viable high level grind spots, and it just so happens that AVO has control of it. Other grind spots can be used to similar efficiency to our usage of frozen fort. If other guilds/alliances were able to topple Goose, they would also be able to use the multitude of grind spots on the map. You keep bringing up that guilds cannot take control of sky islands because we have a strong grip on it that is reinforced by our allies. This is no different than any super-alliance ever. However, this is different than the cases of Fox/Hax/TNL (from what I’ve heard I wasn’t around back then) because it was physically impossible to do anything because wars weren’t working. Currently, they are.

    2. Levels are being gained like crazy, so increase the amount of xp required to level up. This was the idea we proposed in our previous post, and I'd like to repeat and emphasize this. As far as we can tell this is the best solution, because it leaves the normal player completely unaffected, slows down levelling, and maintains the usefulness of territories.

    If we could limit the conversation in this thread on how to nerf territory grind spots instead of inane political arguments I think we might be able to salvage the original purpose of this thread.
    HungHung and Doggy_W00F like this.
  7. Plymouth

    Plymouth Why do you read this CHAMPION

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    yo iceresistance can you please read our posts before you respond to the discussion you're like several pages late here and its extremely unproductive :I
    Pifg and MeowCatPanda like this.
  8. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    Exactly. The problem isn't with AVO more so the fact that since things are multiplicative it leads to very excessive gains.

    I already mentioned that the contestability of glowbulb does not matter. I merely brought it up in strict comparison with glowbulb, because without a doubt glowbulb was much more easily contestable and you could instantly reap the max benefits from just taking that single territory. Nonetheless, the true comparison was to draw the conclusion that, hey, glowbulb was able to be contested at great lengths and was still of great concern and problematic, hence why should this be any different.
    I don't think we need to nerf the physical grind spot lmao
    That isn't the issue.
    The territory is merely highlighted because of how overpowered it becomes when coupled with multiplicative boosts.
    Calluum and wxhlf like this.
  9. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    I don’t understand how that had to do with anything but your point is misplaced. Most guilds are at their max capacity of slots, the player base is large enough of a recruiting pool for every guild.

    Most players just want to join a laid back lax guild and be involved in a community. I don’t know where I got that idea from, some guilds just stress wars more than others, most not at all lul

    No one cares how strong you are or aren’t. The problem is seriously just the fact that gains shouldn’t be this busted from the multiplicative nature of xp buffs.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2021
  10. Pandamonium

    Pandamonium hate av*cia (cringe bird furry guild) CHAMPION

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    Okay, I don't know how many times I have to repeat this, or anyone else on this thread, but no one is disagreeing with you that the xp buff is balanced. Literally no one. What I'm addressing here is that people think that defenders have a huge advantage but we, on average, pull more people to war, and, on average, do better in wars. Please read. Additionally, if guilds are not willing to war, then they won't get the buffs from territories. That's just how it works, and how it always has worked (outside of PROF, which is more of a community thing). Again, I will repeat this. I don't think the fact that guilds are not willing to war means that AVO deserves such insane buffs. I'm just saying that your point that some guilds don't like war is not important to the conversation. The whole reason why I said defenders don't have an innate advantage was addressing the fact that you said (and you did say this wasn't part of your argument about FF, but I decided to address this anyways) that attackers have a disadvantage. I am simply stating my opinion that attackers do not have an innate disadvantage, and in my opinion (again) have an advantage due to the nature of choke points, cooperation, cede timers, territory timers, war cooldowns, tax, hq'ing 50 times a day, et cetera. I don't think you realize the fact that I am addressing your claim that attackers have a disadvantage, and not using this as any justification for XP buffs. For this to be ABSOLUTELY CLEAR I will make a TL;DR so you can be absolutely certain on what I am saying.

    TL;DR xp buffs broken (NOT RELATED TO HOW AVO IS STRONGER THAN SOME GUILDS), AVO is stronger than other guilds at the moment (NOT RELATED TO HOW BROKEN XP BUFFS ARE)

    please do not make another post saying that we are justifying anything or that xp buffs are broken. no one fucking thinks the xp buffs are balanced, we are using them because we want to, and our morals, like many other things in life, are not the same as yours. that would just be weird. sorry to break that to you.
    Pifg likes this.
  11. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    Please share when I said defenders are at a huge unfair disadvantage. I have made it clear I think that how things are currently are fine right now, minus the 1 hour cool down for ceded because that is arguably bad. Defenders should have protections and I did not counter that.

    It honestly had nothing to do with the topic, but it was in response to a claim you made, no reason to get heated-

    In that whole comment I was disputing your claim about recruitment and what your point had to do with any of it.

    I merely questioned your claim about what being strong had to do with recruitment considering that almost every guild is at max capacity because of the fact Wynn’s recruitment pool is large enough to support every guild ffhghfg
    No one is saying you cannot use it. It exists in the game, no matter how busted it is, you have the right to do it. People might just not validate it, but you can use it if you want :shrug:
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2021
  12. BasicAly

    BasicAly Commandress of HackForums CHAMPION

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    macro warring and macro/afk grinding go brrrr yes tons of work put in by kicking back and watching netflix while you’re automagically casting spells at a constant rate. bow down to the king and queen users of razer synapse etc. cant wait to get a warning on here for my comment being irrelevant hehe boohoo
    VovaTheEpic likes this.
  13. Harganeth

    Harganeth Sheep CHAMPION

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    I’m sorry, but using auras in your defences makes using macros useless
  14. VovaTheEpic

    VovaTheEpic Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    yas queeeeeeen
    99loulou999, Plymouth and BasicAly like this.
  15. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    35 days since the posting of this thread the xp imbalance was corrected.

    Honorable mention to all the defenses such as "its intended" or "thats just how MMOs naturally go forward," and my favorite, "we worked hard for it!!!"

    It is great to see that corrective action was taken. Only a shame that the damage is done and that we effectively have a new Hax locked behind a wall of xp due to the broken imbalances and their existence for as long as it remained.
    Sg_Voltage and IzzSt like this.
  16. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    minecraft fish
  17. DGreenDog

    DGreenDog Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Its crazy how yall get mad but ERN have the double xp avo had and no thread has been made :flushed: Kinda sus tbh
  18. Pandamonium

    Pandamonium hate av*cia (cringe bird furry guild) CHAMPION

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