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Ice Bear On Loans

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by IceBear, Apr 1, 2021.

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  1. IceBear

    IceBear Ice Bear says hi VIP+

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    Loans in Wynncraft
    Loans are quite common in Wynncraft. Usually, it is done between friends however, some players have even tried to make a business out of this by offering loans to the broader public and charging interest. With the number of loans going out and how much money players could have at stake, it is important to get a better understanding of what protections a player might have while lending out a loan.

    Rule 7

    Do not scam other players.

    This rule seems self-explanatory and there even is a thread linked to the rule https://forums.wynncraft.com/thread...splay-of-items-regulation-of-auctions.208084/ explaining it in further detail though strangely it is called rule 8 here. However, I noticed a legal grey area this rule has never clarified.

    Loans and Rule 7
    Quick question. If a player borrowed a loan and refused to pay it back what would happen to them? I and I think many others would assume that they would be forced to pay up or face punishment under rule 7, No scamming. However, as I looked further into this the answer wasn't so clear.

    Let's take a deeper look into what rule 7 actually says. In the clarifying thread scamming, tricking, displaying, and overpricing are mentioned and given definitions. Regarding loans only the first 2 are relevant.

    Scamming according to that thread is taking advantage of a lack of knowledge of a player who does not know an item's actual market value. Tricking is defined as essentially a swap of items such as selling one item instead of another. Nowhere in these two definitions is a player required to return a borrowed item as the rules only protect the selling and buying of items but not the borrowing.

    Moderator Opinions
    The above is only my interpretation of rule 7 and I am not staff so I thought I'd ask some moderators for their interpretation. I asked a total of 11 moderators to which 8 responded with an answer. I declined to message more moderators as I was told this topic was already being discussed among the moderation team. Without further ado, these are the general opinions I got from their responses.

    3 Moderators said that they would not or could not intervene
    2 Moderators said they were unsure
    3 Moderators said they were able to do something

    The general reasoning for the moderators who said they could not do anything was that a player is willingly giving out items knowing the risk.

    For the three moderators who said they could do something, I asked further about if they could enforce interest i.e. a person agreed to pay interest to the loan. Only 1 moderator said that they could do that.

    While my sample size of moderators is quite small I think it is enough to conclude that loans are a grey area when it comes to the rules and that interest will not likely be enforced. I am not encouraging players to take loans and run off with them, that is a scummy thing to do. I just want players to know about how little protection there really is so players should ONLY give loans to people they trust such as friends. Hopefully, a more clear ruling comes out about this topic.

    TLDR: Loans are a grey area in the rules and it might or might not be legal to not pay back a loan. Interest on a loan is not likely to be enforced.

  2. wynncraftthings4

    wynncraftthings4 Travelled Adventurer

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    You know it's a big deal when Ice Bear talks in first person.
  3. Nessem

    Nessem Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Loan business should not exists in wynncraft, except for friend loans. Good job ice!
    Tyralion, ThedumbOX and IceBear like this.
  4. SoccerDefense11

    SoccerDefense11 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    tbh loans just shouldnt be a thing since loaners could begin sharking people by charging ridiculous interest rates if they began to be actually enforced.
  5. Azu

    Azu A-mage-ing

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    I saw a shout go out in chat the other day, advertising "Ambrosia Loans." I must say, that's an accurate name for such a business. For those who don't know, ambrosia is a food the Greek Gods would consume. Mortals who partook of the food could stomach small amounts, but if you ate too much- have fun in Hades.
    The same logic applies to loans, since if you take out too many.. have fun living in the poor house.

    Anyways, I hope that the rules can be properly adjusted to take loans into account. It'd also be nice to see actual punishments for scammers, beyond just forcing them to pay what they stole back. These consequences could range from banning their shouting, Trade Market, and TM discord privileges to mutes, temporary bans, and bans in extreme cases.
  6. Salkasm

    Salkasm [[Hyperlink Blocked]] Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    I believe I can give an explanation and a background on this.

    We basically have a standard in place regarding this, however generally, we treat loaning the same as lending someone an item or some LE (it is essentially the same, the only difference is the interest).

    A little history on this:
    In the past, we were swarmed with those cases. And by swarmed I mean swarmed. And getting proof of this is actually hard. Everytime proof was provided, the opposition just threw in a counterproof. And both of them had no chronology meaning in the end I neither knew who the LE had nor if this was the final transaction.
    I had 1 case that went on for 2 months, back and forth, a couple that broke up and one of them was holding all mythics. The party reporting the person holding the mythics was also extremely uncooperative, and it was one of the cases I had to drop, cause neither case had a chronologically logical transaction progress. Aka I had no clue what item was a gift, what item was lent, and even then, I didnt even know who it belonged to. And I frankly burnt out a little.

    After those 2 months (this was about 2 years ago) I let the team make a decision and we decided if you lend something to someone, then it is their responsibility to retrieve it back. We dont want nor have to run around babysit people. Its a task thats simply not possible (or just time consuming).

    Forward 1.5 years, thing with loans came up. We were actually asked to "surveil" a loanshark pretty much. Obviously we declined, thats when the discussion came up. We received a couple of these loan cases, all of which once again just had limited proof, the shark saying they never paid up, the person that received LE giving proof they paid back. The shark giving proof that this was a different transaction. And it went on and on and on.

    The decision
    So we decided on this then: Loans are treated the same as lending someone an item or LE, we will not refund anything.

    Fast forward yet again 1 year. We had a case of a network of people, saying they will pay you back 10% every week (something like that, I dont recall exactly). And yeah, for anyone that has a little knowledge of criminal schemes, this is a Ponzi scheme. And yes this obviously got out of hand quickly.

    So the final decision we made was: If you loan money, it is treated like lending, and will not be refunded, regardless of what deal you made with the person you gave the money. However if a network tries to run a Ponzi scheme (a bit different than loaning, but in nature somewhat similar) then we will act and punish for it. Since this is a very very rare case now, we leave the judgement to our discretion (regarding when it is regarded as a scheme, compared to like a little case).

    Nothing would happen to them, we would not ban for this.

    Most of these cases show up rather rarely. Most of the time only seasoned moderators know the answer immediately and thats alright, I cant assume them to know every decision ever made in the team. However it is good for my mods to ask about it. It is also a learning experience for them. We do however really try to make any judgement fair for everyone. At this point I function more like an exhausted library than an in-game moderator.

    I hope I was able to clarify this a little. Obviously this is something loanshark will not like, but I believe this is the most peaceful solution.

    If you have any questions, please ask away (and tag me, my forums a mess of notifications). Im also here to listen to any critique.
    Little addendum:

    I know not paying up can be viewed as a sort of scam. But if you think about this, if someone lends you something, and you dont give it back, that would also be a scam right? Yet you didnt really scam anyone nor does it really feel like one. The person that gave you something knew exactly they are handing over something, and they cannot expect to get it back. What if that person (with the "something") gets banned? The item would be locked. What if they lost the item? Well banning them wont recover the item either.

    Regarding scams, generally we enforce that if theres an actual 2 sided trade involved. We also had some funny people loaning stacks of LE and trading it for 1 emerald, so they can say this could be counted as a scam, basically trying to loophole it that way. But we aint banning for that either. The scam rule is really just to protect players from underselling items unknowingly. I hope that makes sense.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2021
    pao, 9nue, Trekkie_Cow124 and 44 others like this.
  7. Tealy

    Tealy a businessman of sorts GM CHAMPION

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  8. SlyamPoetry

    SlyamPoetry dedicated pikotaro fan!!!!! CHAMPION

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    I feel like in general, these types of cases are heavily dependent on the cooperation of both parties. There are possibilities that certain parties don't respond in a helpful manner to try to piece the scenario, and that would make it a lot harder to solve and the unsatisfaction of the parties involved
  9. 1+1=3

    1+1=3 LegoBoyWelly HERO

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    this is why you ask for an item of similar value before loaning
  10. Sayori_

    Sayori_ Doki Doki CHAMPION

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    Does this include agreements overseen by mods? With concrete proof on the agreement of both sides and clearly stated conditions

    Edit 1:
    About this, no. You lent them trusting that they will abide by the agreement. If you ran off with loaned money from the bank and spent it all, they dont just say "k moneys gone, you can go." You get arrested, even if they dont get anything back.

    Banning players wouldn't be pointless as that discourages people to betray the trust people place on them. Yeah you lost money, but you prevented other players from encountering the same fate.

    Edit 2: Collaterals help a bit, but wont fix it entirely, as false pcs could be used to manipulate loans in their favor and one party receives an unfavorable trade
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2021
    Azu and Tealy like this.
  11. TheEpicCajun

    TheEpicCajun bee HERO

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    Never knew Wynncraft would start to be so representative of the economy, with loan sharks, Ponzi schemes and such. Soon, we will have a fucking stock market with people short squeezing the price and stock of Archangels in order to cause massive losses for the top brass of the Wynncraft economy (you know, the same people who requested a rollback back in like December/January despite a potential rollback severely fucking over the vast majority of players. Sounds just like modern wallstreet). I can't wait for the incoming social class warfare.
  12. IceBear

    IceBear Ice Bear says hi VIP+

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    Ice Bear says some people have already tried to buy out all of a mythic on the market and resell them for higher.
  13. thatswhatido

    thatswhatido Supreme Wynncraft Player thatswhatido CHAMPION

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    Check the official rules thread. We've updated the Moderator Clarification section. This is the official stance of the mod team. If a mod tells you something else, please point them to that section.
  14. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    Hypothetically, could someone set up a bank of sorts, where people can take out loans and repay with interest in a way that is overseen by moderators, to ensure that both ends of the bargain are upheld? As in, would the moderation team be willing to become involved in such an endeavor?
  15. wynncraftthings4

    wynncraftthings4 Travelled Adventurer

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    That moment when some stupid comment I stole has more likes than the actual post
  16. Tealy

    Tealy a businessman of sorts GM CHAMPION

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  17. Nessem

    Nessem Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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  18. Salkasm

    Salkasm [[Hyperlink Blocked]] Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    They definitely are, and usually one party knows theyre on the losing end, so they tend to obstruct proof, usually by manipulating the chronology.

    Yeah definitely, thats much safer.

    About overseeing, well it makes no difference. Lending someone something is treated the same whether a mod watched or not. Breaking the agreement doesnt break any of our rules. It was an agreement made between 2 people after all. Brings me back to the point of babysitting people, which we really dont want to do.

    About your second point, yeah that would be real life, where contracts are considered legal documents if signed. This is a minecraft server, we do not surveil any "in-game legal agreements". Besides, an agreement would require a physical signature (or at least in my country) to be a considered a legal document, so this already is not really applicable to a minecraft servers internal trades, loans, etc. Unless you are telling me the loansharks actually send them a "contract" they have to sign and scan and then send back, let alone have their guardians sign that since most of the player bases for minecraft are underage.
    I hope you see where I am going with this, real life applications to a minecraft server (internal gameplay) is not really applicable.

    I personally cannot answer that rn, since I let my team generally decide what theyd like to do, if it is in their jurisdiction to do so. Im here to listen if you want to elaborate on the idea.

    Sorry I have no clue what you are saying. Might be an issue with a language barrier. If youd like to complain about a procedure, please make it constructive so I can actually comprehend what the underlying issue is.
    creature, FAZu, ThedumbOX and 4 others like this.
  19. Nessem

    Nessem Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Nah maybe what I said wasnt english, I meant that it’s impossible for most of mods to figure if a pc is good or not and it would take a lot of time to « train » everyone to do it. And even if this time was taken, it’s pretty impossible to know if it’s done on purpose or not. + even when u ask help about that a lot of mods don’t even care...
  20. Sayori_

    Sayori_ Doki Doki CHAMPION

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    Alr basically, you can no longer trust with asking for loans got it.
    Need some quick money? Heres a one time tutorial on how to get rich from tricking unsuspecting players!
    Step 1 ask them for a loan and tell them youll pay a bit extra for their moneys worth since yknow they cant use it for a while (not like theyll get it back), preferably a few stacks or more (You can also borrow a mythics)
    Step 2 ask a mod to oversee to make them feel its safe to do so
    Step 3: Profit!
    Just make sure to only do it once, or it might get classified under ponzi scheme.
    If you never give returns to investors, you arent a ponzi scheme, you're just taking money directly from a loan, and as the mods say, thats not against the rules! Youre allowed not to pay back people when you owe them money.
    istoleyourcatlol, FAZu and Nessem like this.
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