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SPOILER Theory: Cosmic Magic Is The Twilight

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Da Homeboi, Mar 16, 2021.


Where is there no War?

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  1. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    So, you have seen these creatures across Gavel, they are called, Weirds, and like the name implies, they are indeed very weird.

    So, where can these Weirds be found? Mainly from the Dark Forest to the Gylia Plains. They both seem to be connected to the elements and the primal influential forces (Light and Dark), I'll talk about the ones that are of the primal influential forces. Now, what is interesting is that the Weirds not only spawn in the Dark Forest to the Light Forest, two areas in Gavel heavily associated with the Light and Dark, but the Gylia Plains also has meteors in there, which at first glance don't seem to be related to the Light and Dark... or is it?

    As stated in WynnExcavation Site D, the Light and Darkness almost never peacefully touch on the Physical Plane, as Corruption is formed as a byproduct, however, Twilight, on the other hand, is a perfect mix of Dark and Light, and as the Light opposes the Dark, it would also make sense for the Twilight to oppose Corruption. What else do we have that can show this? The Gavel Excavation Secret Discovery.

    In the Researcher's Notes, it says, "The purple and blue meteor shards seem to represent primal forces - chaos and order respectively. And together they form balance," a perfect mix of chaos and order, primal forces. Now, which side of the War of the Realms is for chaos and order? The Dern Beast says it wants to bring pure chaos and has no room for balance, as shown by its actions, but Orphion wants to bring balance through order. But, what about the Corruption? It is just chaos since it has no known beast. It is like a weed, spreading through the Physical Plane, making all who fall victim to it one of them. Now, the last part of the quoted notes reads that together, chaos and order form balance. The Balance, is the Twilight. It makes even more sense to think of a forgotten fourth realm, or maybe the Realm of War has a different state, but that realm could be the Realm of Balance. As long as Light and Dark don't clash chaotically, Twilight is formed.

    Now, another forum member, @LeviLips96 (Expanded on by @Samsam101) made a theory about how Fruma's borders are related to cosmic magic. Now, the Realm of War has a 'leader' (NOT BEAST), who is Bak'al, who can command Corrupted forces, and utilizes Corruption to its will. However, take a look at most others who are corrupted, the Corrupter of Worlds for an example. The Corrupter of Worlds is a mindless beast that kills anything and everything in its path. Now take a look at some other, unworthy victims, of Cosmic Magic. Yahya and his brothers (Except Sohso, although we don't know if his mind is gone yet) are obsessed over strange things, with their minds being tainted by the Twilight. Now, there is also another victim of Cosmic Magic, the first Gert. The first Gert was formerly a scholar that researched the meteors, however, the further he studied them, the less intelligent he got. Eventually, he couldn't even spell right and not be able to speak in complete sentences. Does that sound a bit like what Corruption did to the Corrupter of Worlds? So, if Fruma's borders are cosmic magic, that probably means that the person who can wield the Twilight in the best way is the Queen of Fruma, to which some people describe her as having strange and powerful magic, far beyond that of a regular Elf, Dogun, Human, etc. When immigrants from Fruma migrate to another place, Wynn, for example, their memories of Fruma are essentially erased from their minds. Does that sound similar to another form of magic? It is very likely that the Queen of Fruma herself can use the Twilight to her benefit, much like Bak'al. Now, here's another thing to note, you might say that balance is non-existent at this stage of the War, so to that I reply, look at the visual thingy the Guardian of the Forest showed us in RoL 4, it is basically something like this:

    Gavel - Realm of Light - Orphion
    Wynn - Realm of War
    Silent Expanse - Realm of Darkness - Dern Beast

    Now, there is another major province that is mentioned, and that is of course, Fruma. Fruma has balance through Order. There are few conflicts in there, and if there are, then they are quashed by the Fruman Royal Guard. Those conflicts are chaos, and together, they form Balance. This means that it is heavily likely that Fruma could be the Land of Balance, similar to how Wynn is the Land of War. It could even be possible that an update for Fruma will reveal a large part of the lore regarding the Twilight because of this.

    To conclude, the Twilight is the cosmic magic, and Fruma is the land of balance.

    So that's it for my theory here. Of course, I feel like it's not perfect, and some other lore people will of course point out inaccuracies. This is my first theory, after all, so I will say it is very likely for there to be flaws in it.

    Edit: Mistake made, the Dern Beast claims that "Balance will soon be a thing of the past." in Ne Du Valeos Du Ellach

    Edit 2: Also credit to @LeviLips96 for making the original Fruma mountain theory

    Edit 3: Specified what Weirds I'm talking about
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2021
  2. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    There is no war in Fruman walls.
    There is no war in Fruman walls.
    There is no war in Fruman walls.
    There is no war in Fruman walls.

    ok actually good theory though
    ThedumbOX and Mr_Hummer like this.
  3. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    ok and what about water weirds and fire weirds and thunder weirds and air weirds and anything weirds and blah blah theyre tied to forces/elements not just light and dark specifically

    "Is it such a coincidence that Wyrd and Weird are pronounced the same? That the word Weird was derived from Wyrd, and then looped back into itself? Even their existence is a language feeding back after centuries, tasting itself and exemplifying its evolution. Weirds are the power of Wyrd in a microcosm, embodied in the extended forces of the world. Magic observing its own origins and having a path that no one can predict, but is concrete all the same- and just as one can stir concrete to make it set in different ways, the actions of Weirds can be nudged and directed to change that destiny. They can be studied and destroyed just the same as anything else, and despite that they had a different goal in mind, the end result was an inevitability. Pretty weird, right?"
    says who?
  4. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    The elements are tied to light and dark aswell
    Notice how almost all the corruption mobs have fire elements.
    Also notice how Lari, ex-controller of Orphion's light, and Orphion himself, has thunder and air elements, tying that to the Light.
    Also I like how this is a thread about balance and the poll is balanced aswell
    edit, nvm
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2021
  5. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    Was not actually my theory, I just expanded on it. Credit to @LeviLips96 for creating the OG fruman cosmic magic theory.
    Da Homeboi likes this.
  6. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Corrected Error there

    The Weirds seem to be where a clash between 2 of the prime influential forces are, Light and Darkness. They don't seem to be prevalent in Corruption, as it is a failed mixture in Dark and Light, both of which don't benefit the other, and the void is kind of an area without influence, as it is basically the bridge between Realms. The Twilight however is more of a perfect mix, retaining some of the regular effects from them, as it is a perfect mix of influence.
  7. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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  8. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    They could also be tied to elements, I'm mainly focusing on the ones that seem to be tied with the prime influential forces, dark and light.
  9. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    ok then so weirds have nothing to do with light or dark?
  10. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    What I'm saying is, is that Weirds are tied to both Elements and Primal Influential forces. I was mainly focusing on the ones that are Decay Weirds, Light Weirds, Dark Weirds, etc.
  11. [1/10]Fruman Guard:There is no war in Fruman walls.
    [2/10]Fruman Guard:There is no war in Fruman walls.
    [3/10]Fruman Guard:There is no war in Fruman walls.
    [4/10]Fruman Guard:There is no war in Fruman walls.
    [5/10]Fruman Guard:There is no war in Fruman walls.
    [6/10]Fruman Guard:There is no war in Fruman walls.
    [7/10]Fruman Guard:There is no war in Fruman walls.
    [8/10]Fruman Guard:There is no war in Fruman walls.
    [9/10]Fruman Guard:There is no war in Fruman walls.
    [10/10]Fruman Guard:There is no war in Fruman walls.
    Yeah that makes sense. It must be cosmic magic making the Frumans crazy and repeating this because yes.
  12. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    I like that someone is mentioning the Twilight, but personally disagree with this theory for several reasons.

    While on paper this sounds cool, one must remember that there are more meteors than just the purple and blue ones. The red meteor for instance, has clearly been tied to fire, as can be seen from the island that sprouted up around it, which is literally a giant volcano (additionally it has been referred to as the 'fire crystal' in the past though I haven't checked to see if this was removed). Then the green meteor is shown to have powers related to nature, illustrated by the numerous plants growing on it, and its other name 'the leaf crystal'. If only the purple and blue meteors existed, then your theory could be possible, but because other meteors powers are tied to the elements it doesn't quite work. There is actually a lot of evidence that the power of the meteors relates to the fundamental elements, such as the weirds that appear around lake Gylia. Like all influential magics, cosmic magic creates weirds with its presence, but around Lake Gylia where the purple and blue meteors are located there is an abundance of elementally themed weirds. If Cosmic magic was Twilight, the region would undoubtedly have weirds that fit with light and dark (since those are the forces that make up Twilight), but instead it has the elements. It is because of this that for me, I see it as far more likely that Cosmic magic is an amalgam of elemental magics, likely with some light and dark thrown in the mix, but not Twilight. You must also remember that the only non-item lore time we hear about the Twilight by name is in Wynn Excavation Site D, and we already know that the Olm had access to Cosmic magic. If they knew what both forces were, why would they not call it Cosmic magic? Lastly I'd like to point out a big difference explained by Mehme: "I fear there is something hidden behind this magic someone cast on this rock..." Cosmic magic is something cast, and created. It is not a primordial force like Twilight, but instead something designed by its creators to serve a purpose.
  13. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    As far as I know they are near any strong magical field. They are not limited to Light or Dark or Cosmic magic.

    This is true.
    However it is not formed by Light and Darkness, but rather it is what are Light and Darkness formed from (told by Light Forest ult SD).

    Except if anything then Twilight and Corruption are 2 opposite forces, so that does not mean anything?

    Also Cosmic magic cane from this realm (the "overworld"), but Light and Darkness supposedly battled over many realms

    I personally really doubt that due to reasons and that it sounds a bit... weird to me
  14. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    Realm of Twilight questline when
  15. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Probably when you beat the Dern Beast
    Potatomancer likes this.
  16. Dwicey

    Dwicey mmmyes CHAMPION

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    Here I am still not knowing what the fuck twilight is and why all the lore people always talk about it
    TrapinchO, Stag2001 and WithTheFish like this.
  17. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    it's an implication by fate of the olm- the only way to defeat the darkness is to combine the power of both light and dark
  18. BlueTheSniper

    BlueTheSniper i makea da builds CHAMPION

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    This theory is satisfying and well-written in my opinion, with only minor inaccuracies (like many theories) from what I can tell. Good job
  19. ditsario

    ditsario it's always christmas somewhere in the world VIP+

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    It's this idea that some time long in the past, rather than there being light and dark, there was an original force called twilight. At some point, it split into light and dark, and the twilight beast (if there was one) split into Orphion and the Dern Beast, and they've been fighting since then. It's implied to exist/have existed by Fate of the Olm and the light forest ult (and some random leggings called "Bridge of the Divide"), so it's been theorized that the ending of the game will involve somehow combining Light and Dark to make Twilight again, rather than just defeating Darkness and letting Light take over and unbalance everything.
    (You cannot simply combine the two to make twilight, when they clash, that makes corruption. It's not very clear how you get Twilight at all, but we can't just throw Orphion and the Dern Beast at each other and hope it works.)
    AlleonVera likes this.
  20. PlasmaWarrior

    PlasmaWarrior Fishomancer HERO

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    I like this theory a lot, but I have to agree with what Blastbasher said regarding it.

    Anyway, I just realized something...
    Bak'al is the "leader" of the Corruption; a force that is created through the clashing of Light and Dark.
    From the Silent Expanse's Ultimate Discovery we learn that Bak'al is working for the Dern Beast...

    What if we, the player, will become the "leader" of the Twilight? (the combination/balance of Light and Dark when combined in a non-violent way)
    It would make sense considering we are now Orphion's "pulse", which parallels Bak'al working for the Darkness.

    Additionally, from the Fate of the Olm Secret Discovery we find that an Olm predicts that Twilight will be the key to beating the Darkness... but was if it's just the key to beating the Corruption?
    I think that in a later update we'll be able to enter Dern. However, we wouldn't kill the Dern Beast, for that would create an imbalance between the Light and Dark. Instead, we would fight and defeat Bak'al to end the Corruption once and for all.

    Idk, just throwing this out there.
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