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What Is Your Top 5 Area´s In Wynncraft?

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by parrottv_1, Mar 6, 2021.



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  1. parrottv_1

    parrottv_1 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    1. Canyon of the lost
    it looks soooo good and the quests there are amazing
    2. silent expanse
    looks good and all quests are epic
    3. jungle
    i love the theme and the quests again
    4. molten heigths
    dwarven and doguns best quests
    5. corkus
    cool theme and builds not ba quests too
    6. nemract
    i love the builds and its one of the city´s with cool quests (misadventure, dwelling walls)
    7. rymek canyon
    mesa looks awesome and cool theme
    8. almuj desert
    cool warm theme and desert is a cool biome
    9. gylia lake/plains
    cool quests i love hunger of gerts
    10. ragni plains
    perfect starter area i think
    11. nivla+detlas
    just cool tbh
    12. sky islands
    feels like jungle but falling in the void is annoying
    13. ice canyon
    cool builds but i dont like toa quest
    14. nesaak
    ice ice
    15. dark forest+kander forest
    cool place i think
    16. light forest
    not my fav
    17. olux+levigar
    18 roots of corruption+elkurn
    i dont like it

    selchar is hard to place in the list tbh its decent i think

    let me know what you think :D
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  2. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    5. Rymek canyon: I love the Mesa and bandit theme.

    4. Ocean: best area music imo and cool to find all of the little details.

    3. Nesaak forest/ice canyon: I love the frozen aesthetics and the lore.

    2. Sky Islands: beautiful, amazing quests, and one step away from falling to your inevitable death.

    1. Corkus: steampunk design? Check. Robotic uprising? Check. Amazing dungeon? Check. Great characters? Also check. Everything you need to have an outstanding area.
    TheWitch3r likes this.
  3. ocel0tgirl

    ocel0tgirl It was ocel0t to meet you HERO

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    5. Luscuo: music is amazing and even though there's not much to do there I've spent enough time there to love it.
    4. The old letvus airbase: it had that adventuring feeling to it while I was running around. Now it looks a little nicer but doesn't quite feel like an airbase to me.
    3. Llevigar: it's super pretty, I've also spent a lot of time there playing hide and seek with my friend.
    2. Almuj: happy days vibing with the ocelots
    1. Corkus: very cool, super pretty, great quests, and also cats
    (Just realized I focused only on towns here and I just put them in a random order, but whatever)
    MlecznyHuxel99 and StormDragon4 like this.
  4. ditsario

    ditsario it's always christmas somewhere in the world VIP+

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    5. Corkus - A nice, big, island to explore, with not too many annoying mobs, nice looking builds, and lots of cool little things to find that aren't mentioned in quests or discoveries
    4. Sky Islands - They look nice, the floating aspect is cool, the music is relaxing, the main problem is that you can very easily just fall into the void and have to /kill quickly or respawn in Rodoroc, but you can fly on most classes and there are lower islands to land on, so it's not TOO big of a problem
    3. Pre-light forest - Pretty much everything from the sky islands but without the void and with slightly more annoying mobs
    2. Nesaak forest - Pretty snow forest with amazing music, nice looking houses scattered around, pretty cool lore, etc.
    1. Cinfras county - Especially with the build reworks in 1.20, the whole area feels much neater and good looking, and it was already a pretty nice looking area to begin with. It's also pretty much the center of Gavel, and especially with the Juggler, you can get to lots of other areas really quickly from there.
    ocel0tgirl likes this.
  5. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    This is not in order at all.
    5. Corkus - cool robots and really good money making spot.
    4. Light Forest - cool music, and if your lucky Nii guardians spawn frequently.
    3. Sky Islands - cool music, creative mobs, and good lore.
    2. Molten Heights - cool music, and very good story making.
    1. CotL - great design, cool lore.
  6. parrottv_1

    parrottv_1 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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  7. Saber527

    Saber527 Potato HERO

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    1. Troms - Absolutely my favorite town in the game. Beautiful design, super pretty place.
    2. Corkus Island - Generally nice scenery, also my favorite place for loot running.
    3. Kander Forest - I just like the spooky vibe here. The scenery is also designed very nicely.
    4. Aldorei - Love how it looks, especially after the update.
    5. Elkurn - I think it's a quaint, adorable town. I absolutely dig the aesthetic.

    Surprised at the amount of people who like Canyon of the Lost. It's easily my least favorite part of the map, because it's so hard to navigate and most of the quests there are dull/annoying :P
  8. IceBear

    IceBear Ice Bear says hi VIP+

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    5. Bear Zoo- Ice Bear says this is just a cute little island which is nice to have in the big empty ocean
    4. Nesaak- Ice Bear says many polar bears there.
    3. Cinfras & Guild Hall- Ice Bear says it really feels like the capital city of Gavel rather than just a town
    2. Aldorei- The build team nailed the elven capital look
    1. Elkurn- Ice Bear says it is such a humble but beautiful village Ice Bear can definitely imagine a sleepy village life there.
    Wildwolfboy and TS_potato like this.
  9. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    5. Kander Forest - Old one sucked, new one actually looks like something in the SE. Pretty cool builds there too.
    4. Realm of Light - Old one also sucked, but the new one is much better. Also is home to a really cool cave, and that is the best cave in the game, you are not going to change my mind on that.
    3. Cinfras - Really prefer the new one over the old. The new one has a lot of secrets and other cool stuff to find, and also has the Guild Hall and Letvus Airbase if you consider that part of Cinfras.
    2. Corkus City - Really like the Steampunk vibe there. Also home to Feathers Fly Part 2, which is hands-down the best new quest added in the game. Too bad the Ava simps degraded her.
    1. Silent Expanse - I freaking love the quests there and how it is basically a whole different section of the map. The enemies there are also pretty cool, + lore.

    5. Rymek Mesa - Exceptionally Mediocre at best. Not very good quests, and also falling off the high parts is death at level, and you have to do a somewhat annoying quest to unlock the elevators.
    4. Dark Forest - Like Kander Forest, except less Silent Expanse elements. I don't like it.
    3. Pigman Ravines - Canyon of the Lost for noobs. I don't like CotL.
    2. Savannah - Just feels exceptionally bland. The only town in the Savanna is Bremminglar, which I'm pretty sure everyone forgets about. To me, it just feels like a transition between the Desert and Plains.
    1. Canyon of the Lost - A nightmare to navigate, and while it is home to really good quests like Qira Hive, Cowfusion, and the Hidden City, it is also home to really bad quests like The Lost and The Canyon Guides.
  10. parrottv_1

    parrottv_1 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    idk why i like cotl so much the lore design and the feeling it gives is very cool (it rlly does what its ment to do, making you lost)
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  11. Tahwoh

    Tahwoh Tahwoh VIP+

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    5. wynn plains, im not sure what to say, its just really nice
    4. sky islands, the quests here are absolutely god tier, the only real bad ones i would say are recipe for disaster and that one with the dragon, and those arent even that bad either plus the landscape looks really nice
    3. corkus, most of the quests here arent particularly good, not bad either with the exception of the feathers fly questline which is great, i just like the steampunk theme
    2. jungle, it's the midgame, the quests are nice and the scenery is great
    1. silent expanse, finally, everyone has shut up, no more greedy villagers, no more stupid elves, its just you and some weird eldritch creature to relax
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  12. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    5) Tree island - peace
    4) Death's Realm - a visit you would die for
    3) The Great Bridge - run
    2) Time Valley - the feel of it is just... great
    1) Nesaak Tundra - amazing lore, music and builds.
    _purplegiraffe_ likes this.
  13. Kahsol

    Kahsol Local Serial Liker CHAMPION

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    1) detlas - seeing a herd of mooshrooms being lead in to the center of town is amazing

    2) silverfish dungeon - skipping the dungeon with horses was the best

    3) rymek canyon - yeehaw

    4) half moon island - I used to server hop for the chests all the time

    5) nemract - drunkard’s paradise
  14. PlasmaWarrior

    PlasmaWarrior Fishomancer HERO

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    you literally have 200+ total silverfish dungeon runs

    mad lad
    Kahsol likes this.
  15. Kahsol

    Kahsol Local Serial Liker CHAMPION

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    those 2x xp, horse skip glitch, full party dungeon runs went crazyyyy
    PlasmaWarrior likes this.
  16. Quint

    Quint least estrogenated scripter HERO

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    no particular order:

    - corkus: i think a bunch of people said pretty much all there is to say about why corkus is pretty cool. other than some minor things (cannot memorize the layout of it for the LIFE of me (who terrained it?, just want to talk) and some of the minibiomes don't fit imho. (most) of the quests there are pretty cool. order of best quests there i think would be TFF1/TFF2 > envoy 1/mixed feelings > envoy 2 >>>>> desperate metal
    - sky islands: imho its one of the most fitting places in the game to put unique environment design and and environmental storytelling. by and large really nice to look at, to navigate, and the quests there are pretty cool (fav would be hero of gavel, i think). the weird mobs kinda ruin it for me (don't get why, like, angels and dragons are here? weird. the gameplay isnt bad but squinting into the story of the region doesnt make sense unless im missing something)
    - silent expanse: okay, it's time to admit something. i, uhm. i'm so sorry that you have to hear me say this. i hate open world games (they're nice, but i don't like getting bogged down in side content that has a disengaging story/plot/stakes/etc). i mean, like, theyre cool, but i like longer, overarching stories that take place mostly linearly, and silent expanse's main quests are pretty good, i think. the side quest(s) are still really fun, and given that silent expanse, largely, is laid out like a snake helps my enjoyment of it.
    - cinfras county/aldorei valley: im counting these as the same place, because aldorei is practically a sub biome, and while it may be separate lore-wise, they play right next to each other and in the same level range. i know i just said i hate nonlinear world design and side content, like, on principle, but cinfras county is probably one of the only areas in the open world games i've played that i actually enjoy playing in and completing. mostly because a lot of games do a main storyline AND side content (and i can't get invested in side content because the main storyline is more interesting), cinfras county has, like, no main storyline as far as i can recall. there's aldorei parts one and two, but i don't know if they count as main storyline. i don't count them, at least) and finding the light has a section in cinfras, but it's not extensive. flight in distress, acquiring credentials, murder mystery, the bigger picture, hunger of gerts, purple and blue, and fallen delivery are all good quests (from what i remember of them (okay, maybe not the last one))
    - molten heights: what? you can't be surprised, can you? molten heights' only side content is caves and discoveries (from what i remember), which is the only thing that is not a full four part cinematic storyline. d&d isn't perfect but for someone, who, honestly, plays 99% of games for the story, probably the most invested i've ever been in wynncraft is when i played the whole dwarves and doguns questline pretty much back to back. yes, there is a longer, and imo just as interesting questline, but it's spread across swamp, dark forest, light forest, and cinfras county, so, no, not a region.
  17. Rosevine

    Rosevine Drawer VIP

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    - Silent Expanse: The feeling I get every time I go here reminds me of Duskwood from World of Warcraft, definitely not as extreme (I'm a wimp and have to listen to music in Duskwood) but, the mood and atmosphere is soooo good
    - Efilim: Cool elf town that looks absolutely STUNNING at night, not to mention the...interesting quest in it
    - Corkus: Such a great theme and cool atmosphere when going there, especially because of all the anticipation you get up until you get the quest to go there
    - Realm of Light: Pre-update it wasn't my favorite place, I loved the music (and still do) but that ANNOYING fetch quest ruined it. After the update, however, I fell in love with it!
    - Sky Islands: Cool place, really like the concept and the quests there! (also I've died WAY too many times because of the void)
    ocel0tgirl likes this.

    THEBIGYEET678 Travelled Adventurer

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    i just started out and havnt benn in gavel or the silent expanse only in the area around ragini nemract deltas and the mage island so
    1 deltas
    2 nemract
    3 ragini
    4 ternaves
    5 the emrald trai; (idk if this counts)
  19. Mardeknius

    Mardeknius Knight of Blood Item Team HERO

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    5. Corkus
    I just like Corkus. I don't know what to say. It has some of my favorite quests, and I like the theme as well as the characters.
    4. Molten Heights
    I entered the Molten Heights a little early at level 85, and I've got to say, they immediately captured my interest. Even if the questline has a few bugs, I loved it. It's also very compact, and even if it's not the largest area, it holds a lot of secrets.
    3. Almuj Desert
    I gotta say, even if 99% of the quests are Long (and sometimes slightly annoying), I really like the Almuj Desert. Almuj itself being a prosperous city in the middle of a seeming wasteland is really cool, but the desert holds more secrets than one would first think. Also it's really good for grinding at level.
    2. Sky Islands
    I came into Sky Islands way too early (at level 85, I got the the Heights by traveling through the Sky Islands), but I think it was worth it. The quests are incredible (I really can't wait for there to be more of them), and the towns are great. I think it's a great endgame area, and the Secret Discoveries there are cool too.

    Honorable Mentions:
    Nesaak Tundra - I like the Nesaak Tundra, but Corkus beat it out by a small margin just because I thought that the quests could be improved on.
    Olux Swamp - Olux is my #3 favorite town, and I vividly remember the quests there as very fun, but it just didn't beat out Corkus.
    Light Forest - I hated the RoL questline... until 1.20 rolled in. The Light Forest has an awesome design (IMO) while also containing my top two quests. The questline is awesome, but I just don't have fond memories of getting lost in it repeatedly.

    1. Nemract (and the surrounding area)
    As soon as I stumbled upon this small town, I knew I loved it. It has some great quests, NPCs, and I really like the design. There are stronger arguments for other areas, I know, but I just love Nemract. I don't really know why I like it so much, but it has captured my heart and the #1 spot on my town list.
    Svilfi likes this.
  20. Aquivorous

    Aquivorous Ambiguously Heroic

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    I haven't been to many of the places in Wynncraft yet, but from what I've seen, I am VERY excited to check out Mage Island. Even if I've only ever seen it on the map, it looks like a very pretty place, and it has a fast travel spot to boot, so I'm willing to bet it's at least somewhat important. Aside from that, the Molten Heights and the Silent Expanse seem like interesting places to visit, although I have no idea how you get in there from looking at the map. =\
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