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SPOILER Theory: Marius Had Rune Magic

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by DaCorruption, Mar 5, 2021.

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  1. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern. HERO

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    Hello! I came up with this idea while thinking about rune magic and the Twains on the lore discord, and I slowly realized just how much this theory makes sense to me in my opinion. You may not be convinced now, but I'll try to explain what I mean by this as well as possible.

    First off, we need to establish a few things that will come together to form this theory:

    1. Rune Magic is capable of controlling time. To prove this, we can look at two different places, in different provinces: Time Valley, and the Forgery. I will first touch upon the Time Valley, as in my opinion it's the most decisive piece of evidence.
    Recall back to Deja Vu, where you're told to retrieve Asher's shovel. We know that this shovel can manipulate time, as Martyn tells us, because it was once used to build the Valley by an Olmic worker. This shovel is what causes the quest in the first place by sending Asher into the past. If we read the Rusty Shovel's item lore, it says "There are some odd runes on the handle". This means that the shovel is using runic magic, and since it can manipulate time, you can add 2+2 together and see that it is indeed possible for runic magic to control time. In fact, due to the sheer presence of Rune-themed enemies around Olmic ruins (for example, in the Ancient City), and the fact that a Tol Altar is in the Ruined Olmic City, I would even say that the reason the Olm can manipulate time is because they use rune magic.

    Now, the Forgery. I'm not here to theorize about the Forgery's origin, or who combined the runes or whatever. No, I'm here to look at the Forgery's main aspect: the Corrupted Dungeons, which we can access through runes. The Corrupted Dungeons are essentially visions of alternate futures (or maybe even the future) where the Corruption was able to conquer the entirety of Wynn. This tells us another thing - that runic magic is able of showing us alternate timelines and alternate futures. However, this is not relevant right now.

    2. The Twains sealed CoW with rune magic. I know what some of you may say, "Oh but this is A Hunter's Calling and so it's an alternative timeline". While the alternative part is true, it can be supposed that most scenarios in the quest have actually happened in the past, with a few slight alterations. The only exception is the Antikythera scenario and the Aledar&Tasim scenario. However, these scenarios happen in the present, not the past, so they don't count. For example, we know that Urelix kidnapped people to turn them into golems. We know WynnExcavation wanted to start digging in the Almuj Desert. We know Bak'al attacked Ragni. We know that Theorick fought off the Corruption and it eventually ended with him freezing the whole place over (albeit in the quest we kill him, but this is just one of the "slight alterations" I was talking about earlier). So, it can be assumed that the Twains did indeed seal the Corrupter of Worlds inside that cave (otherwise he could easily get out and rampage Troms) with rune magic.

    Now, the question would be: Who exactly sealed the Corrupter in that cave? It couldnt've been Theorick, who specialized in ice magic and was cooped up in Nesaak, not Dwendle, who had air magic, not Rickeo, who had fire magic, and not Mael, who has spiritual magic and always spent his time in the Twain Manor. @TrapinchO theorized that it may have been some "lesser Twains" that collectively used rune magic to seal it in that cave, however since there is no evidence of this, and since these lesser Twains are never actually seen besides the Lusuco Library, it doesn't hold much water (Also, rune magic is supposedly very powerful, so it getting in the hands of the weaker Twains would be... catastrophic). So, I propose that the man who sealed the CoW in that cave was none other than Marius Twain. Being the patriarch of the Twains, it's obvious he must've also been the most powerful of the family, powerful enough to seal something like the CoW away. Furthermore...

    3. We don't actually know what magic Marius specialized in. As I said before, we know that Theorick is ice, Dwendle is air, Rickeo fire, and Mael spiritual. But Marius? A blank slate. We don't know, it's never said. However, we know that he does possess magic because 1. he's a Twain, and 2. he was abnormally old, as the Lusuco Library says. He "told stories that were at least 200 years old", so his age can be chalked up to around that too. Following this theory, I actually have an idea to how he was 200 years old, which I will get to now, but as I said, we don't know what Marius' specialty was.

    If Marius does indeed have rune magic, it would explain the following things:
    • His age. As I just said, he seemed to tell stories that were hundreds of years old, and his "children" even doubted his mortality. We know that he did die, but his age was abnormally long for a normal human. However, we know that rune magic can control time, and we know that the other species that used rune magic in Wynn, the Olm, can live to incredibly long ages too. Therefore, I think it's possible that he used rune magic, which can alter time, to alter his own lifespan and make him live longer.
    • His future vision. At the end of the Nesaak Tundra ultimate discovery, we see Mael talking to Marius’s spirit about the Twains. In this, Marius tells him that Mael should stay in the mansion, because there will one day be someone who will need his help. This is referring to Bob, and indeed Mael listened to Marius’s advice and stayed around long enough for Bob to arrive. Now, with this it can be obviously deduced that Marius had the power to see into the future, or at least get visions from the future. Again, this can be chalked up to, and only to, rune magic and its time-altering properties. Indeed, one of rune magic’s established capabilities is to see into the future. In my opinion, this is the ultimate proof that Marius was capable of using rune magic.
    Now, some may be asking: “Well, where did Marius get rune magic from?” and I have to say, that’s a bit more complicated. Right now, I don’t have the answer nor the sufficient proof to draw a conclusion, however one of my hypotheses was that a creature of the Darkness burrowed through the Silent Expanse into the Twain Manor (this would explain the boss altar, which the Twains used to keep a beast looked up, the entire boss altar looking very SE-esque imo), and Marius simply went into the SE through the tunnel the creature made, came into the Olmic City and learned about runes there. That’s the only thing I can think of, because I don’t think he was “gifted” with rune magic as it doesn’t seem like something you can be gifted with unlike fire magic or ice magic. However, how he got this magic doesn’t matter to me, all I wanted to do was prove he actually had it.

    TL;DR The reason Marius Twain was so old and saw a vision of Bob from the future was that he had access to rune magic, a time-altering magic also used by the Olm. This means that the Corrupter of Worlds was also sealed by Marius using rune magic.

    Thanks for reading!
  2. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    And I stand by that possibility.
    We have no idea how the runes work.
    For example if they have power themselves and it just needs to be focused then they could do it.
    Also if there was enough of them the power could spread so they could handle it.
    Wr just do not know enough.

    This doesn't mean it could not be Marius of course.

    Or he just knew a lot. I could tell a story hunder years old. Yet I am not that old.
    But yeah, seems like a fairly solid idea.
  3. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    "'I know the Beast may return one day... but these chains shall bind it for eternity.' The inscription glows bright in the darkness." - Marius' Prison

    "An oppressively dark aura emanates from this shackle, dampening both the will and magic potency of those that wear it." - Binding Brace

    What of these?

    "Oppressively dark and enigmatic, simply being inside this cave makes you feel disconnected from your body. Horrific power permeates the area..." - Prison of Souls discovery text

    Dark, enigmatic. Horrific power.

    Theorick: ...hm. Something... Something is off.
    Theorick: ...someone among you... I can feel a horrendous strength...
    - AHC dialogue

    Corrupteds, something off. Horrendous strength.

    They are near synonymous. Of course, corruption is not the same as darkness, and the "dark and enigmatic" part is probably not literally dernic.

    Marius made shackles with an "oppressively dark aura". The cave was "oppressively dark".

    Marius is Dernic, confirmed
  4. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    marius is ganon(dorf?) confirmed.
  5. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    I don't get it? what does Zelda have to do with Wynn?
  6. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    the above shows marius used dark magic
    ganon uses dark magic
  7. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    Only the first one has something to do with Marius. The Binding Brace was very likely used for the Enslaved (by the Beast), and the discovery lore is just the basic "haha here is a menacing scary powerful monster". The "disconnected from your body" may also refer to how the Enslaved was, uh, enslaved.
  8. dr_carlos

    dr_carlos Morph Gang! VIP+

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    Hm there's this place called dern which has dark magic...
    Wynncraft is 100% a parallel universe where photons don't exist
  9. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern. HERO

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    True but as you said, it could be Marius. To be honest it's the only way I can explain how he got visions of Bob which came 300 years after.

    Depends on how he tells the stories. If he tells them from his own POV, as if he was there, then he likely was. Also, as I said, I'm pretty sure in the Lusuco Library it's said that his children doubted his mortality. But from the way the library talks about Marius's age it might be implied that he IS abnormally old.

    As Emolga said, this is the only thing that's related to Marius. Everything else can be connected to the Beast or to the Enslaved. Here, it doesn't say anything about the inscription or the spell itself being dark. In fact, if Marius was able to seal the Beast with chains, I think it actually supports the notion that Marius is able to seal creatures, like the CoW.
  10. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    But we do not know, so we have to assume it is probably not the case.

    It is said that and yes, it is probable.

    Nothing since it is not canon...
    fishcute, DaCorruption and Emogla3 like this.
  11. Nynnf

    Nynnf Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    You really did your homework holy shit!
    DaCorruption likes this.
  12. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    ok some item lore is not canon but this is literally from a lore based area with lore based discovery and lore based boss altar and lore based lore orawdliawhjd lijwqojqiwnvoqiwjevqowijv why do you hate item lores
  13. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    95% sure it Twain Lake boss altar is not lore based. They just needed something to put there.

    No, I do not hate it. I just refuse to be picky and I listen to Selvut
  14. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    some item lore is not canon. but marius' prison/binding brace was literally made for an area
  15. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Selvut said to consider item lore not canon. Because I refuse to be picky what is or is not canon, no item is canon.

    Also the fact item lore is made for an area does not mean anything.
  16. MatForYoga888

    MatForYoga888 High Gavellian Transcriber

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    Marius Twain kinda reminds me of Reginald Hargreeves
    DaCorruption likes this.
  17. kingslayer296

    kingslayer296 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    this doesnt add to your case. if anything, the text GLOWS which would imply Marius was using something other than darkness.
  18. mama Luigi

    mama Luigi Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    1.21 update:new class:rune user
  19. shtnck eyh ckhhe

    shtnck eyh ckhhe Jesus of Nether-eth

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    Darkness doesn't mean pitch black... The SE is very colorful. Dern doesn't simply make everything black; it warps reality, just like the light. The RoL isn't pure whiteness. There are shadows in RoL.
    imo classes really shouldnt be tied to lore or any elements or light or dark or anything
    Emogla3 likes this.
  20. KingZorvaxovich

    KingZorvaxovich Well-Known Adventurer

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    Wouldn't it make sense that Marius were somehow part Olm? Or perhaps he travelled to Gavel at some point, as we know Llevigar was sealed when the corruption came. If he were an Olm, perhaps his family fled over the mountains and built Twain manor, then married and had children with the people of Nesaak. He could be a descendant of that, explaining his more human appearance.
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