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Media How Good Is The Wynncraft Forgery Chest?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Kmaxi, Mar 2, 2021.

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  1. Kmaxi

    Kmaxi Well-Known Adventurer Media CHAMPION

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    I just uploaded a video where I talk about the wynncraft Forgery chest, how good it is to get mythics? And is it worth it?

    I hope you enjoy
  2. AIexxx

    AIexxx Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Im Pretty sure you can not get a Discoverer out of forgery chest
  3. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Honestly, I think they need to up the number of runes you get from the Forgey chest.
    Why? Because it could create this smooth gameplay loop of doing raids, getting keys, running the Forgey, and then using the runes to run raids.
    This breaks up gameplay, for one thing, so instead of running the Forgey, or raids over and over, you instead switch back and forth.
    This also means you wouldn't be running the Forgey for mythics, your running it for runes, and mythics are just a nice side benefit.
  4. strivver

    strivver Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Im pretty sure someone made a video already about how it would cost ~10 stx of le to buy keys (not to mention how long the dungeon runs take) for the chance of a single mythic, so it is not worth it.
    Da Homeboi likes this.
  5. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Not to mention there's like a 1/50 chance to get the Mythic you want, so it would be ~500 stx of le just for Forgery Keys and getting the Mythic you want. It won't result in a profit unless you're super lucky.
    strivver likes this.
  6. FoxxoChan

    FoxxoChan Wynnian Photographer, Eye Pet Enthusiast CHAMPION

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    Video in short, the forgery chest is a scam, like running the forgery chest for mythics is worse than running tcc for defense tomes, its just bad, its so worthless idk why it was even added
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2021
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  7. 4Shady2Me

    4Shady2Me Well-Known Adventurer

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    It was either this or no chest at all, your choice
  8. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    No chest was actually better since when there was no chest there was an ender chest in the forgery, now you need to leave to get access to it. I would rather have an Echest then the forgery chest in it's current state.

    Regardless of that, since it is an opinion after all, the forgery chest is still a net negative. If doing something can't even break even on the cost it isn't worth doing which basically means the forgery chest is just dead content and noob bait.
    Dr Zed, trex1611 and Mac N Cheese Man like this.
  9. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    I’m 90% sure they added the Echest back into the forgery
  10. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    "you need to leave to get access to it"

    I know there's one close by, but it still takes time to walk between it and the key smith which is super dumb. It also means you can't put away tokens or get potions unless you abandon your run.
  11. FoxxoChan

    FoxxoChan Wynnian Photographer, Eye Pet Enthusiast CHAMPION

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    Without the chest we just had the dungeons, simple and easy, but now we have the dungeons and a massive dissapointment, i preffer not having a dissapointment
    There is an echest in the forge now, just look around an youll find it
  12. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Wait, is there really a chest in the upper area of the forgery now and if so when was it moved?
  13. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Yeah, next to the key smith
  14. 4Shady2Me

    4Shady2Me Well-Known Adventurer

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    I take it that you do not lootrun often do you? It is the exact same "dissapointment"

    Have you bought keys before the forgery chest was released? I think it created a demand for keys which means a new way to make money for players and more money for the economy
    edit: Is it really that hard to walk around 20 blocks to get to an enderchest that you would remove the forgery chest to get it back to where it was?
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2021
  15. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Even at 8EB per key (which is a lot lower then the 7 keys market average) and discounting rune repair cost entirely (which is most of the cost) and your opportunity cost (which is the most important cost) you are still not averaging 56EB per run.

    Let's say by some miracle you break even on it though, and you somehow manage to get a couple LE on top of your costs which is impossible without a mythic btw. For most people, soloing the FChest probably takes around an hour so that means in this fantasy you're making a couple LE per hour, you know what else has that rate? The seavale reef.

    Coming back down to reality, when the forgery chest is a worse use of time then diving in the reef it's a waste of time. There's no reason to risk so much for a tiny chance of a mythic, especially when you can easily lose it all through death or better yet, a glitch, of which there are many. The forgery chest is a complete joke made to pressure noobs into burning away all their money in the hopes of a 1% mythic.
    Dr Zed likes this.
  16. 4Shady2Me

    4Shady2Me Well-Known Adventurer

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    Where do you think that money spent goes?
    Have you ever considered that maybe you can run the dungeons in a group of 4 which can all use one key? It's not like seavale can share drops between 4 people
    There is always the option of getting the runes yourself but hey who actually does that? They cant possibly be the people selling runes on the market can it?
    I also think that temptation would be a better word instead of pressure
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2021
  17. FoxxoChan

    FoxxoChan Wynnian Photographer, Eye Pet Enthusiast CHAMPION

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    Lootrunning is FAR more reliable, and no, it isnt, is not like there is only a single chest you can open that has a mythic, and you dont have to waste any money, time, and effort, maybe if you wanna get lq gear before lr but opening a single chest does not take a mere watt of brainpower, but the forgery chest has none of that, you either waste emeralds getting keys or real life money to get dungeon bombs, and you have to focus on survival, keeping up with your team and not get one shotted by the buffed dungeon bosses, with the high chance of having a bug wich renders your efforts worthless, so no, is not the exact same dissapointment, i dont go around opening chests in the hope to get a mythic every single time,but the forgery chest's only use is to be used to run for mythics, because the other rewards are laughable at best, aside you get more money lootrunning than doing forge chest because forge chest only has one useful thing, but your run of the mill chest can have a bunch of potentially good stuff
    Dr Zed, dr_carlos, PikaPrince and 2 others like this.
  18. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Lol, in my math I gave the chest the best possible chances, none of what I said was realistic. Even if you cut the actual cost by 4 and multiply the reward by 4 (which means only one person is getting any loot by the way), one person running seavale and giving out 3/4th of the rewards would still be more profitable, not to mention that 4 people running it would actually be more profitable then one person.

    As for where the money goes, it goes to the smart people who are selling keys to the dumb people buying them to run the forgery chest. I don't know why you brought that up since farming keys to sell is also far more profitable then running the forgery chest.

    There's literally no other activity in the game which is worse then the forgery chest. Not doing anything is actually probably a better use of your time since at least when you're just standing around you're not hemorrhaging money.
    Dr Zed likes this.
  19. 4Shady2Me

    4Shady2Me Well-Known Adventurer

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    You need money to buy the gear or time and effort to make it yourself, Time and effort to actually look for the chests and make a route unless you copy a route from someone else(but those routes are still missing half the chests that exist) , then more time and effort to repeat this until you get a mythic. A standard chance of getting a mythic in a chest is 1/142857(pulled from the wiki), LQ buffs that to around 1/2500 for a single chest but hey at least there is more than one chest to open right? Just need to open them which shouldn't take time and effort right? Granted that loot running does not have much bugs however it makes up for annoyances that occur in loot runs, a few are snipers, worlds restarting mid lootrun, getting pulled spelled from chests, maintaining your gear by getting scrap which takes money or just maybe, time and effort to gather? Even if you do find a mythic there is a 50% chance it would be boots which is not what most lootrunners want which results in disappointment.
    Your view of the forgery chest's purpose contradicts with Salted's intention as taken from his August CT post "It gives XP (its main reward), emeralds, runes, tokens (to use in dungeon shops) and... mythics.". The chest is meant to give a slight bit more XP to help players level up which is the original purpose of the forgery.

    You get 4x the runes, 4x the chance for mythics, and 4x more efficency than running the forgery solo. I have not been to seavale in several months but aren't the drops random which results in a variable income?
    Your second statement supports my earlier one, it created a demand for keys which means a new way to make money for players and more money for the economy. Eventually there will be so much supply and not enough demand that prices will drop.
    You also missed the original intention of the chest, it's meant to be added as a bonus, not a new source of income. On top of that, dungeons also give XP which is the main purpose of the forgery. It's just a chance that you can get a mythic without having to grind for 70 runs straight, a chance that seavale does not have.

    I do know several other activities in the game that are worse than the forgery chest, try getting a mythic drop by running dungeon(s) on repeat(I'm talking about the loot that drops when you complete the dungeon itself, the type of loot that other people can pick up), you can also try pot farming. Why not use the time that you spend not doing anything to hunt down rune and key guardians so you can get the keys for free instead of buying them from people trying to overrprice them?
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2021
  20. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    It's not actually that variable, from what I remember you earn a fairly steady 3-4 LE per hour (2 half hour runs and about 1.5-2 LE each iirc). Also, I'm well aware that with 4 people you get four times the stuff at a quarter the cost, but even that isn't actually enough to cover the cost of keys and runes and make it profitable. at 16EB per repaired key, the total cost per person for four people is 28EB each and the emerald reward per person is only 640 = 10EB. Even after you cash out on runes, you're still going to be down at least a couple EB. There is no reality where you can make money off the forgery chest, there just isn't. Even with a party of four, by the time you're statistically likely to get a mythic you're probably already spend more then the mythic would cost.

    "It creates a demand for keys" isn't a good argument for the forgery chest when it's a demand made by stupidity. The point I was making is that if you farm out runes and keys it's actually smarter to sell them then it would be to use them which is insanely dumb. Key prices being high right now also doesn't mean demand for keys is high, it could also mean supply for keys is low and demand for runes is high since people are choosing to farm runes over keys for raids, not dungeons. You're attributing a rise in the prices of keys to one single source when the reality is, raids have probably done a lot more to raise key prices then the Fchest did. Unless you have some evidence the factor affecting key prices is only the forgery chest and not any other external factors then you don't actually have an argument there.

    Next, it doesn't mater where the money goes, all that maters is that you're spending time and money only to get less then what you paid for in return. By running the dungeons for the forgery chest you are losing money. The expected value of collection is lower then the cost to collect, even before you consider the opportunity cost, even with only a quarter of the cost and 4 times the rewards..

    Next, the forgery chest is the worst because it's a net negative in every aspect, we're not just talking about mythics here. If you want mythics, you won't get them. If you want emeralds, you're actually losing them and if you want XP there are signifantly faster ways of getting it, mainly running CUR 7 times. The forgery chest costs emeralds and does literally nothing. It's funny that you mention pot farming actually since if you spend an hour doing that you would actually walk away with more emeralds then if you did the forgery chest, so actually, pot farming is in fact, a better use of time then the forgery chest if you're trying to get money.

    I think you're getting caught up on the mythic chance but you're forgetting that if you have enough money, you can just buy them. Seavale might not let you get mythics directly, but after a month of spending a couple hours a day doing it you'll actually be able to afford quite a few mythics and Seavale is a bad way to get money. If you spend a couple hours a day for a month doing the forgery chest (2 runs a day) there's a very high chance you would be in crippling debt, a low chance you break even with a cheap mythic and a tiny fraction of a chance where you actually made a profit.

    There is no possible way to do the math to make the forgery chest good. There is no argument as to why it's a good use of time because it objectively isn't. Unless you want to start bringing up some statistics to back up what you're saying, there's no use arguing with you.

    It's fine to say you like it, but it's not fine to try and say it's a good use of time when every possible measure of value says otherwise.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2021
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