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Archer/Hunter Help How To Improve This Level 83 Set

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by CoolDoodShooz, Feb 19, 2021.

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  1. CoolDoodShooz

    CoolDoodShooz Travelled Adventurer

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  2. weeb

    weeb CHAMPION

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    maybe you're using tomes with +hp
  3. Pixelæs

    Pixelæs just a mathematician

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    Either tomes or def pots

    Also, for the set, is there anything you want to keep, and what kind of build do you want?

    Spellspam: near constant spells, loads of mana sus
    Spellsteal: need to melee for mana, but slightly better dmg
    True hybrid: you can melee and use spells (eg both are good)
    Tierstack: +attack speed on super slow for dmg, melee
    Cancelstack: -attack speed items with loads of dmg, then cancel the -attack speed out, melee
    Heavy Melee: Slow attack speed but loads of damage per hit
    Fast Melee: quick attack speed and good mobility
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2021
  4. FruiteyLoops

    FruiteyLoops Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    https://wynndata.tk/s/z4802m I feel like 10/4s Mana Regen is overkill so I decided to split between 6/4s Mana Regen and Steal. I decided to remove stuff that had a strength requirement so you can focus on Agility, Dexterity, and Intelligence (with 10 Defense points for the bracelet) so that way you can focus your skill points there and put some on intelligence for more spell spam. Spell damage also is generally higher overall but Melee DPS is worse but you only really are doing melee in between spells lol. I think the build will be less squishy too as there's not only 500 more hp to work with but you can invest more points in agility or defense to greatly improve survivability too if you want. This build comes with more walk speed though you lose the Lightweight effect btw. Overall I think this is a more well rounded and focused build and you should give it a go.
  5. Pixelæs

    Pixelæs just a mathematician

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    For the build, this was the best I could come up with: (Link)
    It has a bit less spell dmg, but lower costs, which means your overall dps will be higher. Although the mr is lower, since your attack speed is normal, you'll get around 2-3 spells per mana cycle (time it takes for mana regen to kick in, which is 5 seconds), and since you already have a natural mana regen of 5, you get a total mana regen of 7/4s, certainly enough for each mana cycle.

    For this, I recommend a spell cycle (what you cast every mana cycle, or every five secs) of Arrow Storm - Arrow Storm - Bomb (for dmg and a extra mana per mana cycle) or Arrow Storm - Arrow Storm - Arrow Shield (For extra defense and if you prefer a bit of risk, not for you if you lag often or are bad at precise timing), and swap out the Bomb/Shield for Escape when your speed's running low.

    Of course, you could chain spellcycles together to make something convoluted like (Arrow Storm - Arrow Storm - Escape - Arrow Storm - Arrow Storm - Arrow Shield - Arrow Storm - Arrow Storm - Bomb - Arrow Storm - Arrow Storm - Bomb, repeat over and over again), but it's too long, and leaves you inflexible and inable to react, and a single misclick would mess it up. It's better to focus on each spell cycle individually and be able to react.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2021
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