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Guild The Farplane [Yin] | Level 64 | Warring & Community Guild | Recruiting Lv 40+

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Fox, Jul 15, 2020.

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  1. Fox

    Fox Fox

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    No! join Terralune uwu.
  2. Unknown028765

    Unknown028765 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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  3. Potatus

    Potatus Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Ign: Mr_P0taet0es
    Discord: Eye fly#1394
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  4. RhodyCub

    RhodyCub Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Bump! ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
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  5. GizmoTheSenpai

    GizmoTheSenpai Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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  6. oJacko

    oJacko Newbie Adventurer

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  7. Basic RNG hater

    Basic RNG hater RNG SUX

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  8. Kahsol

    Kahsol Local Serial Liker CHAMPION

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    this is a very nice guild, bump
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  9. Kahsol

    Kahsol Local Serial Liker CHAMPION

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    (this guild is definitely one of the most unique ones out there!)
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  10. Assassin420

    Assassin420 Experienced Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Farplane is an excellent guild and their minigame (if you can even call it mini at this point) is amazing and built into the Wynncraft system! It provides challenges that I'ld say couldn't even be implemented into the Wynncraft quest system. Encouraging you to explore the land to get a better understanding for what the Wynncraft world has to offer, proving a goal for becoming the best you can be in terms of pve combat far beyond what Dr. Legendary provides, and when competitively addicted to this you'll slip into the never ending hole of finding new people along the way to build experiences with and potential life time (at the very least during the rest of your stay with Wynn) friendships. There are events that occur for the guild, for the "mini"game, and will invite you to join other guild events that can be a really enjoyable experience to be apart of if you've got the time for it.

    All in all, give the guild a shot, if not then the "mini"game. Over 100 options that can be done solo or with a friend along with daily tasks if you're unsure on what to do.:smile:
    Fox likes this.
  11. Fox

    Fox Fox

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    Thank you Micah for your comment and support! Join ANO as well uwu
  12. dscope

    dscope Travelled Adventurer VIP

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  13. TemperedAbyss

    TemperedAbyss Newbie Adventurer

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  14. FreedomFury

    FreedomFury Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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  15. Hollyleaf_

    Hollyleaf_ Travelled Adventurer

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  16. Marytone

    Marytone Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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  17. mydjsjdh

    mydjsjdh Skilled Adventurer

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  18. Fox

    Fox Fox

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    Excursion was born in 2018 as a fun idea to bring the members of the guild together. In 2020, the Tenshi of the guild decided to bring Excursion for a new generation of members to experience and for Farplane, its new community, to be responsible of bringing this experience to a new era. It has been a year so I've decided to make a timeline of everything we accomplished during the year, whether little or big:
    July 12th 2020 - Farplane Launch
    Forum thread release
    Website release and Excursion map thread
    Yin 1.0 launch
    Recruiting wave #1
    Farplane event wave #1

    August - Farplane’s first project: Formed the mailman government
    Farplane event wave #2
    August 9th - Foxmoji were released
    August 11th - Letter mailman founds the farplane mail and sends invitation letters to the lorist and explorer community on the forums and guild leaders
    August 15th - Animovie #1
    August 25th - Alpha interactive Map released with pocketbook

    September - mailman diversify their activities from field mailman to inviting guilds
    September 1st - Stem cell operation begins for ANO, AVO, ERN, APA, and BLA.
    September 2nd - First Excursion trailer
    September 21st - ANO’s Excursion parly event

    October - Farplane’s first government strategy
    October 6th - Shout mailman begin Hallowynn shouts and marketing
    October 12th - Neuron mailman is begin and postponed
    October 20th - Field mailman prepares XP contribution strategy to increase guild space.
    October 23rd - Field mailman begin developing the mail-field (mf) calculator as a work instrument
    October 28th - Yin 2.0 was released with 10+ new features that made the website go rip

    November - First strategy’s debut: Excursion raffles
    November 1st - First Raffle Event and Yin Crosschat thread are launched
    November 1st - Field mailman begin XP contribution strategy
    November 20th - Recruiting wave #2 introducing mf-calculator
    November 20th - Bartusek adds postcards to interactive map and begins draft
    November 30th - Farplane wins November Raffle

    December - The cold month of gratefulness
    December 1st - December Raffle Event
    December 30th - Redd releases with r!uniform

    January 2021 - First strategy’s failure: 1.20 came out
    January 1st - January Excursion Raffle

    February - Second strategy: Resident Services

    February 18th - Interactive map was upgraded

    March- June - Season of outlets
    March 1st - First mail quest was released
    March 20th - Creative server was released
    March 21st - Karmalover coded Kumo and crosschat
    April 4th - Fox got his first mythic
    May 14th- First 3D render of Farplane members was released
    May 17th - Warring, Levelling And Lootrunning guides begun development
    June 18th - Farplane modded server was released
    June 23rd - Mf-calculator 2.0 was released
    June 24th - Resident status begun development

    July - The gloried days
    July 17th Resident Status and first edition pocketbook were released

    This event was special as I relived an old event I had organized in the past, when I was the leader of a previous guild. That event is special to me since even though Excursion began development in February of 2018, it was that event when it was released. When the event was over, we had a hide and seek as well, yet the idea of using disguises to hide hadn't been conveyed yet. I did hid as a quartz block on 2018 during that event just as I did now on this 2021 event. Making this event into a task didn't come to fruition until Farplane, so I'm glad I could turn this memory into a new one.

    For those who were there on the event, and for those who missed it, here is my speech during the event, that day. It's 900 words of nostalgia:
    To begin, I have written a speech and made a presentation as there’s some people I wanna thank during our anniversary.

    I first wanna thank Appleptr19 for believing in me as without him I wouldn’t have formed this guild. And also thanks to Bensky and Louis for their loyalty as without my friends having formed this guild would be meaningless.

    I formed this guild so strangers all over the world could bond over one same thing and become friends through the time spent together.

    Without the pillars Apple, Bensky and Louis were to me, I couldn’t have offered a community to the other amazing people I want to thank, such as Rotem, Bartusek Morgan, Diego, Galeath, Rhodie, Ace, and every Resident up to now. And not just my residents, but allies and friends like Lee and Unknown in Emorians, and Newracket and Bike from Avicia, massive guilds in Wynn, who have done nothing but lend me their hands.

    Most notably and the last person I want to highlight, is bartusek, for being so patient with me and giving me the experience to continue creating and being creative for our community of technological introverted nerds surrounded by spirits.

    With that said, in style like Steve Jobs, I wanna briefly show you the new things we’ve planned for our anniversary, so I’ll be sharing my screen on discord to show you the new pocketbook.

    The first part of the pocketbook is the printing details. All residents have been Messaged by Redd, so some of you know about him already. He’s part of another world called Farplane and is able to interact with the guild by being a bot.

    A lot of you didn’t check Redd’s message he sent you so you didn’t complete the Resident Profile he allows you to create, which we’ll be discussing later with the Resident Services chapter.

    Next, we have the introduction, which reiterates general concepts about Farplane explained on our Wynncraft forum thread, and our objectives which simply are forming a community of adventures and creative people that meet halfway through the Internet and playing Wynn

    Here’s our organigram, you can read up on that later, but to summarize, residents can aspire to buke rank. Buke basically means samurai in japanese, and was a high social class during the EDO period of Japanese society. Oh, and, I guess Redd had to leave his paws on the handbook just to remind you he wrote it.

    I won’t be explaining much of resident services now since it’ll be easier to show you by releasing the new #farplane channel to everyone, which I’ll be showing on screen once I make it Public. So, for now, just note there’s 5 services:

    1. the formerly mentioned resident profiles for a description of yourself,

    2. resident status for achievements members of the guild make in Wynn,

    3. resident uniform for personalizing your own Minecraft skin with our guild mailman uniform for representing the guild

    4.our Minecraft creative and modded servers

    And 5.Our guilds minigame, Excursion.

    Regarding Excursion, the Excursion chapter discusses daily tasks and rewards you can unlock after you’ve made enough Soul juice.

    Here’s the lore chapter which includes a calendar for every month like traditional Japanese calendars. It explains about the image of the guild and the universe characters like Redd or Yin are part of.

    Lastly, there’s the guides section of the handbook. There’s leveling, loot running and warring guides. These guides use of wynntils so we’ve made every link accessible to download and install the mod quickly if you don’t have it already. I’d just like to emphasize all the text in blue and underlined is a link you can click, so the guides are useful for quickly finding links to warring builds, Xp armor, crafted recipes, grinding spots, loot quality sets for loot running, etc.

    So, that’s the pocketbook. Now, I’ll be showing you how resident status works.

    In the new farplane channel you’ll be able to find the pocketbook I just showed you on the pocketbook panel we made. We also have a roles panel for adjusting your roles on the discord. And, here’s resident status. It shows current online players in the online panel. This panel also shows friends from other guilds currently online.

    The second panel is the notification panel. Here, the bot writes achievements for when someone joins the guild, someone leaves the guild, seniority achievements for certain milestones like being a member for 7 days or a month, etc, when residents contribute XP to the guild and also when they level up their classes, etc. You can type r!help to see all the features it tracks.

    So, to wrap this presentation, remember Bartuseks and I intention with this handbook and resident services is to create tools we truly hope are useful for you and create a very sophisticated community in the process. There’s nothing written on those guides I haven’t personally done, it’s what I did to level up and grind mythics as efficiently as possible, and hopefully the achievements of the resident status will motivate you and be insightful for you through your journey as a member of the guild.

    Now, let’s go back to Ingame for the gift bags. I’ll be calling you one by one to give you your ingredients.

    Finally, we can get started with the Excursion part. We’ll be playing hide and seek with disguises in Corkus first. We can do more tasks after if people wanna keep going.

    To finalize the commemoration of our anniversary, I've released a new edition of our forum signature, inspired by our new pocketbook. I hope they're to your liking, my residents.

  19. NoobCart

    NoobCart Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    IGN: Cartercraz_
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  20. KamiGaming

    KamiGaming Newbie Adventurer

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