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SPOILER Ranking Every Ultimate Discovery

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Samsam101, Jan 31, 2021.


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  1. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    Warning: This thread contains major spoilers for the secret discoveries found throughout the game. If you wish to find all of these yourself, please do not read this thread.

    Since we got 8 new ultimate discoveries in 1.20, I thought it'd be nice to rank them all based on which i like the most. These are MY opinions, so you don't have to agree with them.

    12: The heart of the Decay
    This secret discovery is incredibly boring to watch and pretty much does nothing but provide an extra cutscene for A Headless History. All it is is the Decay Parasite slowly walking towards the tree stump in which the ultimate discovery is found and then corrupting it. Afterwards you get an egg that nobody knows what to do with.

    11: Bane of Gavel
    This one is just Heart of the Decay but slightly less boring. Pretty much just some decay parasites appearing from a Dern portal and decaying things. Watching this one honestly just reminds me of this:

    10: Desert Royal Residence
    I remember being excited to get what was at the time the 2nd ultimate discovery in the game. I went and did the Almuj discoveries, all of which are very enjoyable. Then, I got the ultimate. All I can say about this one is that like the previous 2, it's just boring. All it really is is Hashr betraying his father because power. Sure, it explains the story of every single Almuj discovery in the game, which is great, but compared to most other secret discoveries it's not really anything special

    9: The Broken Protector
    This discovery provides lore for the Canyon Colossus raid. However, it doesn't have much content. Here's a summary of it:
    1: eeek colossus is angry and his eyes are red
    2: woah a dogun came through to see him
    3: the dogun shooted fire? what?
    4: waw! colosis is calm agen!
    Yeah, that's really all there is. I'd have preferred something explaining how the Colossus got there to be honest

    8: Gylia's Cataclysm
    Finally we are out of mediocre discovery territory and on to the good ones. Gylia's cataclysm is a really good discovery because of how unique the shrine for it is and how enjoyable the cutscene for it is. I ranked this one lower because even though it's an awesome discovery it just doesn't compare to some of the others on this list.

    7: Silent Expanse's Secret
    This discovery is actually really important because it's the first time we see a lot of the Dern Beast. We also learn the true size of The Eye and how big the beast itself is. I would prefer if Bak'al was not an armor stand model for this one (makes it look like one of those old Gavel quest cutscenes) but overall it's a nice cutscene to watch. I just hate how you have to get Fate of the Olm for it.

    6: The Fallen Protector
    This is such a good discovery, a nice, long cutscene where you can see the Ahms Colossus destroying the region and sending its people into the void. Something interesting to note about the Sky Island discoveries is that everybody in Ahms seems to have fallen into the void, then Skyraiders took over the area until the Dwarves opened up Molten Heights and villagers reinhabited it. So much lore can be recieved from these discoveries..

    5: The Twains' Downfall
    This discovery covers the conflict between the Twains in one of the most awesome ways possible: a long cutscene where they fight nonstop until the most civilized brother, Mael, stops them. I don't have much to say about this one other than that it's good.

    4: Llevigar's Last Hope
    This one may come as a surprise so high up on the list, but let me explain. This discovery gave me chills the first time I watched it. It's such a nice cutscene, the heroic people of Llevigar sailing into what they think will be their demise just for the chance that their families back home in Gavel will survive the Decay. The music that accompanies it is really good, too. The only question I have is this: If they set off from Llevigar and headed straight, wouldn't they reach Fruma instead? They would just hit the Fruma gate... Anyway this cutscene hits me right in the feels so I had to put it somewhere high on the list.

    3: The Doguns' Defeat
    Sadly not many people have witnessed this one because in the live servers it just sends you into a void until you rejoin but since I saw it on the Hero Beta i am capable of ranking it. This is another one of those discoveries where it makes you actually question what's going to happen next even though you've literally done the content it describes so you have a basic idea. When the king told the soldiers to stop fighting I legitimately thought that it was going to describe how for many years the Doguns and Dwarves lived in harmony until a corrupt Dwarven king declared another war when suddenly they jumped the doguns and froze them all. It's also cool to see the true strength of the Doguns, only 1 being capable of taking down hundreds of Dwarven soldiers with ease.

    2: Ne du Valeos du Ellach
    Don't know what the name means, judging from the Eye and Lari's dialogues it probably says something in Gaelic. Anyway, this one is so good that I legitimately considered making it joint first place. Here's some cool things in this one:
    First glimpse of Orphion
    First glimpse of The Eye
    First glimpse of rain in Wynncraft
    It also comes with a free desktop wallpaper:

    It's also the first time we see the Dern Beast speaking with purple characters and Orphion speaking with yellow characters. This is a concept that I think should be kept throughout the rest of the game and all of their previous dialogues should be retroactively changed to this.

    1: Wynn Plains Monument
    Did you really expect anything else?
    This is by far the coolest, most awesome, most chilling cutscene in all of Wynncraft. The ultimate battle between Bob and Bak'al. Seeing Bob use upgraded versions of all of the spells against Bak'al to absolutely destroy him in battle was an absolutely unforgettable experience and I really hope we get more discoveries like this.

    Please feel free to make your own list in the replies!
  2. Nukewarmachine

    Nukewarmachine emerald tier above LE when VIP

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    what’s orphion looking at in the picture for the “Ne du Valeos du Ellach” discovery?
  3. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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  4. Mac N Cheese Man

    Mac N Cheese Man First Official Member Of The Mac N Cheese Club

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    Giant fox dog light being thing gotta have his carbs
    deblob123456789 likes this.
  5. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    The dark parasite, the cutscene shows orphion getting infected
  6. good_lion

    good_lion Am I a Bad lion?

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    I agree with everything except I haven't seen half of them
    Nukewarmachine, Ronnoc and FoxxoChan like this.
  7. Hypochloride

    Hypochloride Well-Known Adventurer Builder

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    Its so hard to rank them all because theyre all quality work, In my opinion though, heart of decay and bane of gavel are tied for 9th and my last place would be the broken protector, just my opinion though... All of the discoveries are so cool specially the ones we put out this update tho so props to the gms who worked on the ulti
    coolname2034, FoxxoChan and Samsam101 like this.
  8. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    You forgot to mention that the Doguns should never be there in the first place, at least as of current lore (Doguns without the heat of lava/Molten Heights? they would die)
  9. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    Molten heights is actually pretty close to the colossus as the crow flies, they could probably tunnel over very quickly
    deblob123456789 and Samsam101 like this.
  10. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Maybe, but still the temperature would go down drastically, not to mention the surface temperature.¨

    Also why would they even go there? It is really far from MH (also remember that the ingame world is several times bigger
  11. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    I haven't done any of them after Gylia, so I can't speak for any of those.
    I personally disagree with Wynn's Plains Monument being 1, its a cool cutsence, but frankly we have better.

    Ne Du Valeos du Ellach should be 1 in my opinion, its insanely well done. I don't even know how half of it is done, like wtf? How did they do that wall paper thing.

    Also, I think the silent expanse ultimate could be higher. In 1.19 it had massive lore implactions. Its sad to me, 1.20 has made it far more obvious, so SE ultimate is more disappointing now then it was.
  12. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    there are a few lava-themed caves in the area, and the interior of the colossus has some lava too.
    TrapinchO likes this.
  13. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Few, but quite surely not enough
  14. Blizzard102030

    Blizzard102030 Tombstone Slogan HERO

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    I think you forgot corkus discoveries :/
  15. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Corkus doesn't have an ultimate.
  16. Blizzard102030

    Blizzard102030 Tombstone Slogan HERO

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    Didn't know that ty
  17. FoxxoChan

    FoxxoChan Wynnian Photographer, Eye Pet Enthusiast CHAMPION

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    You forgot fallen protecton from ahms secret discovery i think
  18. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    this is my list:

    13. The Doguns' Defeat
    They killed a fleris. worst cutscene ever. 0 stars.

    12. Desert Royal Residence
    It's just a cutscene. The other two after this have some cool particles and frame animations which give them the edge but otherwise this doesn't really have much going for it.

    11. The Broken Protector
    Like I said before, it's just a cutscene. Nothing wrong with it and it conveys what it needs to well, but its not a massive spectacle like some of the ones at the top of this list.

    10. Bane of Gavel
    Same as the Broken Protector. Nothing wrong with it; it does what it needs to. Can't complain.

    9. Silent Expanse's Secret
    It's just a cutscene, but I have a bit of a soft spot for it for how much it threw me when I first saw it considering how big I was on lore during RTD's release.

    8. Wynn Plains Monument
    I mean, it's cool, but its age definitely shows. The movements could use some serious refining and more polishing. love the music though

    7. Llevigar's Last Hope
    NPC Movements and the animations are pretty cool, plus the music is a really good touch. I like this.

    6. The Fallen Protector
    despite the choreographing issues and it being rushed this is one of the very few things that i've made that i actually like.

    5. Heart of the Decay
    The sound design here is stellar, the builds for the nest are extremely horrifying and well made, and I love the part with the stump being decayed. from a GM's perspective something like that is actually REALLY hard to execute and I was really surprised that lex managed to make it work when she showed it to me.

    4. Gylia Plains Cataclysm
    Easily one of Leo's best cutscenes. I have a soft spot for this one imo.

    3. The Twains' Downfall
    Nothing to say here. One of the best fight cutscenes in the game. also FYI without this cutscene in specific you wouldn't be seeing any of the super smooth movements/head movements and cool precise cinematics that newer cutscenes in 1.20 have. be grateful.

    2. Ne Du Valeos du Elach
    Didn't expect finn to flash out this hard. Sound design, particles, camera angles, and cinematics are nearly perfect. I don't think this could have been executed any better than it was.

    1. The Doguns' Defeat
    The camera movements, sounds, particles, fight choreographing, and NPC movements are all amazing. The amount of effort put into this is insane. This 100% deserves the spot of best cutscene in the entire game.
    FinnDestren, Stag2001, Lex! and 5 others like this.
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