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1.20 Poll

Discussion in 'Guild Discussions' started by IceResistance, Feb 5, 2021.


How do you feel about the 1.20 guild update

Poll closed Mar 3, 2021.
  1. Dissatisfied

  2. Satisfied

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  1. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    pls dont meme on me

    The 1.20 update has revolutionized the war feature. That said, the new system has raised many concerns within the guild community and how the update was executed. This is where we come in. No one is going to represent us but ourselves. Any concerns you have about the update, voice them out here.

    There is a communication discord between staff and guild leaders with moderators, content team members, and developers to discuss 1.20 features. There has already been changes from the suggestions and discussions that have taken place there. If you are not currently in it and desire access, message me. Staff members can reach out to their colleagues for the link.

    We have seen changes coming out as we have as a community voiced our concerns and made suggestions. Change can keep coming but only if we continue to discuss features we would like to see within the new guild system or changes we desire.

    This is a forum for any player wanting to discuss the update. I feel it will be a lot more efficient if our thoughts are gathered in one place. This is more than us. It is about the future of guilds and every guild or player that will participate in this system.

    My current thoughts:

    Guilds wars are one of the only end-game features available, and has served as the central content of Wynncraft for a large community of members for years. The new guild costs have efficiently robbed players of that opportunity, and hence for many, their interest in the server. Participation should not be dictated by the money a player possesses, especially at such costs. It should be a game for all to enjoy, not merely the rich.

    If you really regard this community, you will not restrict participation at this level and limit those who can participate in the system. Its already costs some players much of what they have. With this update came the opportunity to bring much activity to the guild scene, and in general, a lot more players being involved in the guild community. However, so far, participation has been suppressed. The average player and guild limited. New guilds in general got hit hard. The guild community has the potential to unlock much more and progress and grow, although there is little capacity to do so by the current game mechanics.

    It is already a sore sight what has happened within our existing community.

    I’ve never seen such a fallout.

    (from the guild leader/staff communication discord)

    There are things that suck in the present that we will get used to with time, and it will get better, such as with guild slots. In the long term, for existing guilds, it will balance out eventually. In the meantime, when it comes to the new, unprecedented cost of participation, it is a never ending expense to the player and guild.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2021
    Toaster, AIexxx, OmegaCKL and 46 others like this.
  2. Lunatic_Lady

    Lunatic_Lady can i get a uhhh uhhhhh cheeseburger and a uh coke Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    Rise up my brothers and sisters, so we may overthrow the big guild upper class!
  3. Sugo

    Sugo Tired Tryhard CHAMPION

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    There's literally no advantage in owning territories anymore. The guild tomes are not worth the cost of warring for the territory and using personal emeralds is definitely bad. Atleast giving territory some advantages to the guild would work but for now, it is severely unbalanced
    Bart, Pikacal, Vholtz_ and 11 others like this.
  4. Lev98bug

    Lev98bug Eden Chief HERO

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    fix guilds daddy salted
  5. Moshimoo

    Moshimoo Bird furry turned civilised

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    Nerf Aura uwu?
    Emilia, Vholtz_, aFireBlaze and 7 others like this.
  6. Fox

    Fox Fox

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    Thank you for this thread, Ice!

    Im not sure how to "fix" the trade routes and headquarters shenanigans, but I just wish they had updated warring like a dynasty warriors or hyrule warriors game, with hack and slash combat, exploration around the territory rather than enemies coming from thin air and no direction, and clear political directions guilds can follow (e.g bovemist vs cultist).

    I think my biggest disappointment in wars now being around a boss tower is the fact it killed all exploration. I enjoyed roaming around the explorable areas and finding certain secret spots in a territory to war and now we can't because wars happen on the same war field with the same boring towers. It didn't have to be this way. They could have spaced out one or two boss towers through the territory so mobs came from multiple directions rather than from thin air. This would bring back exploration. I would also like to bring attention to the fact guilds being a money sink for the rich is terribly wrong, but that while being rich is a requirement to war now, nothing will bring back exploration.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2021
    Pikacal, Vholtz_, aFireBlaze and 5 others like this.
  7. PrisonNightmare

    PrisonNightmare Wynncraftian Philanthropist CHAMPION

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    Yeah I'm a small guild owner, and I am definitely not the best when it comes to understanding the new guild update, but in my opinion the new guild update has effectively halted any sort of warring what-so-ever within my guild.

    The 2 LE cost and other costs for warring a territory if you don't have an HQ is absolutely insane for how quickly HQ's just get taken anyways. I can't afford to keep dropping 2 LE and then some every time my guild wants to war just for the HQ to be taken 10 minutes later by the people in the current mega alliance (so much for mega alliances going away lol).

    And honestly I just hate the way new guild wars feel. Being absolutely nuked by the turret every 5 seconds just feels like absolute shit to me, it makes wars harder for sure but not in a good way. Honestly as far as I can see if you aren't a large guild or apart of a mega alliance then your practically screwed, and I think even more so now with the new update than before.

    Idk if there's something I'm missing when it comes to new wars now and how it's supposed to be played, but the way I am trying to participate just feels like it isn't worth it anymore.
    Isabeau37, Pikacal, Pally and 14 others like this.
  8. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    the xp on territories is a joke :D
  9. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    Hi it's me I made threads
    they are still valid
    Carrie, Moshimoo and IceResistance like this.
  10. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    Here's some of my main concerns that I've voiced elsewhere but I want to reiterate them again:

    1. War glitches - Why are these still happening? This update had a lot of changes to how warring worked, including the removal of war servers (presumably due to lag and war glitches), yet it seems with the new system it happens more frequently than ever. Granted, steps have been taken to fix some of the war glitches (in one of the early hot fixes they fixed the issue where the game would choose a full server for people to war in) and it seems to be very inconsistent whether nobody gets teleported in or it's only one or two people left out.

    However, what used to be costly in terms of time wasted from war glitches is now costly in terms of our bank from war glitches. With the 2 LE cost, it's incredibly annoying to see one person teleported into a highly defended tower who isn't equipped to deal with high DPS that tower meteors have. Thus, they die, we lose the war and the two LE that it took to war in the first place. I've heard it sometimes refunds the emeralds, but I haven't seen it happen once for me.

    2. Warring with our own banks - I already touched on this as well but this update has effectively made map control easier when it's clear that was the opposite of what was intended. After territories reset, we saw an alliance quickly sweep the map. After a few battles, they managed to exert complete control similar to how Artemis did pre-1.20. However, the difference between pre-1.20 map control and 1.20 map control is that it's no longer about working with your close alliance members to stop attacks and raids (See the raid that happened over winter break where Artemis continued to have control over the map despite the number of guilds raining down on their territories), but now it's simply about who got to the map first.

    Now, in order to perform a successful raid, you need someone with a high amount of emeralds and is willing to spend them so you can even get a footing on the map. Otherwise, you need to wait for your guild bank to generate, and by the time you have enough emeralds in your bank to war, the enemy has already taken back your HQ. There's zero need for allies to help you other than to use trade routes without high tax. Your best bet is to just attack the HQ directly which will almost always result in a loss immediately.

    The update was clearly about stopping map control but due to the changes it seems that there was an unintended consequence that it is easier to maintain your territories and thus maintain map control.
  11. Moshimoo

    Moshimoo Bird furry turned civilised

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    Gonna actually make a post legitimately here now because I've seen some things that i wanna disagree with >:)

    1. Personally, I quite like the new way guild wars work, I feel challenged & its no longer just about killing 1k mobs, its makes builds absolutely essential alongside teamcomp. It makes it a lot more challenging and I do enjoy it, though I believe Aura should be nerfed and I assume the towers in general should be nerfed at some point.
    2. The idea of taking away mega alliances back fired entirely. Goose now maintains the whole map with minimal effort. We've only been attacked once since Wednesday for fucks sake.
    3. The cost of wars & timers makes things like FFAs completely unviable, which makes holding the map even more dull than before.

    But some other things that should be noted:
    -Don't focus on getting rid of map control so hard, whilst controlling the map can be boring as all hell, its genuinely fun to be apart in taking down a mega alliance with your allies.
    -People who actually spend a significant amount of time doing guilds should absolutely have more involvement in the changes that effect us. I know from my time on CT that not many people within it are very open to even being in guilds.
    -Whatever happens just can we NOT have another Hax situation where someone controls the map for fucking forever because wars are too unviable to do anything?
    IzzSt, xMini_, Fox and 2 others like this.
  12. Miles_

    Miles_ hi CHAMPION

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    The system is 99% there, although not very polished right now. Just gotta add some small changes, because most of the new systems in place are quite good. Also I think they should make agility work in wars in some capacity because screwing over 50% of the builds in the game isn't a very good idea. If they want to make guilds an accessable feature, guild wars need some changes.

    Concerning the cost of warring for people without a guild HQ, this is a tougher one for me. I don't think there's necessarily something wrong with making people pay to war, but multiple times have I paid and the guild war just hasn't started, but it took my money. Also the cost is too high.

    A cost of 20LE to set up a guild is an unnecessary change and doesn't really make sense to me. Just makes guilds less accessible and more difficult.

    Unfortunately some things were done to make guilds a much less accessible feature in 1.20, but it's a far different situation from 1.19 and before. Right now a lot of the problems are quite easily fixable and as long as the community continues to spam salted they'll get what they want soonTM.
  13. CT

    CT Blue sponge CHAMPION

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    1.20 guilds are not great
    quick007 likes this.
  14. BoundlessSea

    BoundlessSea Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Since the update, I've only done ~100 wars and my thoughts are that wars themselves are actually more fun than they were before. With a group of people planning out where to attack for the most effective cutoff on a guild as well as a guild being able to war multiple areas at once is great imo. However, I feel that the cost to war is terrible. With 100 wars, I've spent over 2 stacks of le. Any major offensive requires me to first either sell a mythic or start lootrunning some more. This may not be as much of a problem in larger guilds because the cost of warring can be spread out more, but I feel that even big guilds would have some issue with this. I don't have much experience with how people feel about territories once they hold them because of how much warring costs and because once ReA starts warring 3 guilds get on top of us, but I also haven't seen much people speak good about it.

    Overall I feel like there needs to be a way for a guild without territories to war without going broke. I've stopped warring because of how much le I end up wasting by warring with no real reward, but I also feel like if warring were made more accessible for those that don't have a ton of le that they are willing to burn through then wars would improve at least a fair bit and get more guilds involved with wars.
    Dwicey, IceResistance and PikaLegend like this.
  15. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    I mean the strategy aspect can be fun if you find ppl that don't mind wasting their bank and doing the actual wars for you and- oh wait your HQ is gone haha
  16. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    I personally like the new layout of wars but the cost is not ideal and blocks out participation, especially from younger guilds with smaller player bases.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2021
    Vholtz_, Moshimoo and PikaLegend like this.
  17. SaltyKing

    SaltyKing Banana CHAMPION

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    I would like to say despite the wars being pretty eh
    New guild rank and guild bank are lovely additions to the game which allow for greater collaboration between guild members and freedom of structure for individual guilds. I feel like this doesn't get the appreciation it deserves as it gets over shadowed by the pain in the ass that is wars.
  18. JohnBleu

    JohnBleu Moderator Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    Guild bank is kinda fire though
    Crokee, Emilia, Carrie and 3 others like this.
  19. xMini_

    xMini_ Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    To be honest, I understand a lot of people like the new wars since it requires collaboration with guild members to take a territory, but I also feel like you should be able to solo a war with a very good build. If a territory has very good defenses and is an HQ, it's almost impossible to solo. I miss being up late at night solo warring and taking FFA's to get my guild xp. Now that's gone because the war timer is way too high and FFA's are nonexistent because of the changes with xp. RIP the fun of guilds TBH
    Vholtz_, Calluum, Fox and 1 other person like this.
  20. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    There are obviously great things about 1.20. I am fond of many of the additions that were added with the update. That does not mean we are completely satisfied nor that we should stop trying for change.
    SaltyKing, JohnBleu and Moshimoo like this.
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