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Lore/Story Make The Quest Become A Story: Wynnexcavation Site D (featured Roleplaying)

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by KelvinFT_DIU, Feb 4, 2021.

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  1. KelvinFT_DIU

    KelvinFT_DIU Roleplayer (Character: Orienor (A Dogun))

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    *Before reading this thread, I apologize for posting this thread in the wrong place.

    Well, I don't know is it a good place to keep posting a story write by myself, but I'm sure it's a right place to show one of my talent.

    The idea was born during my roleplaying in Wynncraft, that time I was thinking the "fan-made" plot to Orienor (The character I'm roleplaying now). However the idea is going to be very big, as I decided the quest is an important part to the journey of Orienor.

    I know it's so annoying to tell such a lot before the story started, so let get started. (I will ask your question of the full setting after the story is totally ended.)

    P.S. Some of the dialogue is actually come from the quest.

    Chapter 0 - The night before the storm

    WynnExcavation, the secret society covered with the skin of Excavating company, come to the Province of Wynn under the guise of archaeology, in fact there are a conspiracy hidden by themselves, and it is going to become a crisis to the whole province.

    In an unusually silent night, inside the Troms castle......

    Orienor: So...… the king went to the panic room...… because of the things about the four crystal...... that's also about that Excavation company?
    Royal Advisor Carlos: I'm not sure, but he hade mentioned about that...... he mentioned the green one.
    Royal Advisor Carlos: He also said "The order of the crystals will open the way". Maybe......
    Orienor: This is the way...... to find him?
    Royal Advisor Carlos: Maybe yes or no, but please, we need to find him. I'm sick of telling everyone he's indisposed!
    Orienor: Sure...... we can find him...... but I might nee some time...... before to do that.
    Royal Advisor Carlos: Thank you, be sure you can come back as soon as possible.

    Orienor walk out from the castle, meanwhile he is thinking about the reason the king went to the panic room. At the same time, a Wynn soldier pass by him, seems he is come for the same reason.

    In WynnExcavation Site D......

    Amadel's Assistant: Amadel, are you sure you decide to let them come? They're dangerous to you!
    Amadel: Not to fear them, I can trick them until everything is done.
    Amadel's Assistant: But that smart dogun might also come!
    Amadel: Damn it! That very annoying water-proof Dogun! I've to think more to deal with him.
    Amadel: Thank's for your announcing, I think it's enough, you can get back to your working site.
    Amadel's Assistant: Thank you my boss.

    Amadel's Assistant go back to his working site. Meanwhile, Amadel is looking to the Leaf crystal.

    Amadel: Well, my goal is soon be done.
    Amadel: The ultimate power, control the world, everything is all I seeking for.
    (Amadel suddenly heard an echo from his mind)
    Young Amadel: Wow! A new found crystal!
    A young villager: Don't be too close! I think it's dangerous for us.
    Young Amadel: I know, but I love studying about it, I can get a lot more knowledge!
    A young villager: Same as me! Seems we've the same reason to work under GavelExcavation.
    Young Amadel: Yep. Excavation for knowledge.
    A young villager: Excavation for knowledge!
    Young Amadel, A young villager: Hahahaha!
    (Amadel started feeling his headache)
    Amadel: NO! WHY I STILL THINKING! I must not think that silly me again.
    Amadel: But soon, I'll become invincible. That silly past, will be meaningless.
    Amadel: No one can defeat me.

    In an unknow place......

    Bob: So, you come again, Orphion.
    Orphion: Nice to meet you again, seems the Dogun child will soon facing a test.
    Bob: Year, he will soon facing a difficult fight.
    Orphion: I know, however I can't help him in the fight.
    Bob: I know your situation, also this cosmic power isn't the thing you can easily handle.

    Orphion walk toward Orienor, walk around him and touch him with his nose. It awaked Orienor.

    Orienor: Orphion? You come...... to see me again?
    Orphion: Yes, I'm come again. Seems the Wynn hero gave his power to you.
    Bob: I believe he is the one who can use my power in the right way, so I decided to give my power by the duel.
    Orphion: I see, you also take care him for so long, is that?
    Bob: Well, I'm sure you also take care him for so long.
    (Orphion sit down, his body surrounded Orienor.)
    Orphion: You can say that. Orienor, do you notice the upcoming things you have to deal with?
    Orienor: You mean...... that Excavation company?
    Orphion: This is one of the things. However, there're a much important thing.
    Orienor: What thing?
    Orphion: In fact, you have to face your self, the meteor that hide deep inside.
    Orphion: This is the power you can use, but it can't be used normally now.
    Orienor: Why?
    Bob: Maybe your fear to the meteor affected the using of the power.
    Orphion: Orienor, your biggest enemy isn't the enemy you're facing now, is your fear from yourself.
    Orienor: So that...... I should try to break my fear...... and accept it as one of my part?
    Bob: It's the thing that you should do. Also don't forget, you're actually not alone.
    (Orienor started fell asleep. Bob sit down near by Orienor.)
    Bob: Seems your body still need more training.
    Orphion: It's not the suitable age for him to being a soldier, maybe he need more rest to prepare himself.
    Bob: I see, such a curious Dogun child! Worth me to take care him.
    Orphion: Yep, a good Dogun child.

    In the reality, Orienor is sleeping in a garden in Troms.

    [Chapter 0 end.]
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2021
  2. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaa Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    why so many ... full stops ?
    KelvinFT_DIU likes this.
  3. KelvinFT_DIU

    KelvinFT_DIU Roleplayer (Character: Orienor (A Dogun))

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    Well, some of the full stops is because Orienor is a Dogun. Another is just my writing style.
    ChrisTheBear likes this.
  4. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaa Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    oh... kay...
    MlecznyHuxel99 and KelvinFT_DIU like this.
  5. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    Would just like to point out that this does not in any way line up with the lore provided by one of the new secret discoveries in Cinfras. Instead, it's more likely that Wynnex was formed by the Gavel Government under the name Gavelex to study strange things around the province like lake Gylia (especially gylia, actually) when they realised that Wynn had a more interesting history. They moved their business to Wynn where it was renamed Wynnex and then they started worshipping the Eye for unknown reasons. They collected the crystals so that they could unleash Dern upon the world or something.
    KelvinFT_DIU likes this.
  6. KelvinFT_DIU

    KelvinFT_DIU Roleplayer (Character: Orienor (A Dogun))

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    I see, I will change the plot soon.
    Edit: Any good idea for Amadel's past?
    ChrisTheBear and Samsam101 like this.
  7. KelvinFT_DIU

    KelvinFT_DIU Roleplayer (Character: Orienor (A Dogun))

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    Chapter 1 - The Panic

    On the next day, Orienor come to the castle again, bring with the red crystal.
    Meanwhile, there're a Wynn Soldier, staying in the room. When Orienor get close to the Soldier, he noticed Orienor.

    Wynn Soldier: You're the Dogun who come across the sea, right?
    Orienor: Yep...... you're also thinking...... why the king hide...... inside the panic room?
    Wynn Soldier: You can say that, and seems...... (Look close to Orienor) you're also know this socity.
    Orienor: Hmm...... maybe...... (Got interrupted by Wynn Soldier)
    Wynn Soldier: Don't be shy, my fellow Dogun traveller, I will never hurt you. Do you wanna come with me for this?
    Orienor: Yep...... I also wanna find...... the reason of this event.
    Wynn Soldier: So, lets go together!
    Royal Advisor Carlos: Wait, are you guys have the red crystal?
    Orienor, Wynn Soldier: Here. (Take out the red crystal shard at the same time.)

    Suddenly, Orienor and Wynn Soldier look to each other, they've never expect each other had visited the site C.

    After they opened the secret passage......

    Wynn Soldier: Alright, this should be the place where the king hide now.
    Royal Advisor Carlos: Wait, what? Oh my, a secret passage has opened up beneath the throne! Quickly, head inside!

    They entered the secret passage.

    Orienor: I feel...... this isn't a good place...... so uncomfortable.
    Wynn Soldier: Well, I'm sure it's better to not being naked, waring amour like me. (Showing his shining armor)
    Wynn Soldier: Oh, I forgot to ask you one thing, what's your name, my fellow Dogun traveller?
    Orienor: Orienor......

    They see a puzzle at the end of the Catacombs.

    Wynn Soldier: No, a puzzle again, it's so annoying.
    Orienor: Seems...... they use it as...... a security system, but......
    Orienor solved the puzzle easily.
    Orienor: Why the system...... is such easy to break?

    They entered the door, and arrived the panic room.

    Royal Advisor Carlos: His majesty!
    King of Troms: Sorry for letting you take care the whole city of Troms, I hope you will forgive me.
    Wynn Soldier: Seems everything fine to the King.
    Orienor: But why...... you hide in here?
    King of Troms: Wynn soldier, the Dogun traveller, I have very important thing to talk to you.
    King of Troms: At first, I am impressed you managed to find me. Someone of my intellect is not normally found when he hasn't the intention of being so. I suppose I at least owe you the truth for getting this far, not that it matters.
    King of Troms: WynnExcavation, the Gavel company is a fake, a facade. It's not real, actually it's a secret society run by the high and mighty of Gavel. They have one goal, complete control.
    King of Troms: I tried to compete with them, but they had turned my inner circle before getting to me......
    Wynn Soldier: Why you've to say such an unlucky words? It's nothing impossible to us!
    King of Troms: You can't compete with them, kid. Though I cannot admit I fought hard, their ideals are admirable.
    Wynn Soldier: WHAT IS ADMIRABLE! You don't know what they're seeking for!
    King of Troms: I hope you will forgive me, I act only for the greater good of the world.
    King of Troms: I know but I can only do this......
    Wynn Soldier: THEN WHY DON'T YOU......
    Orienor: Dear King...... this is not the responsibility...... you have to deal with.
    (Orienor interrupted their arguing.)
    Orienor: I know...... you always act...... biased on the greater good...... to everyone.
    Orienor: However...... we're doing the things...... also because of the greater good to everyone.
    Orienor: If this is the thing...... you can't handle it...... give it to us...... this is our responsibility.
    King of Troms: So, you decided to compete with them?
    Orienor: Yes...... this is one...... we have to do now.
    King of Troms: ......
    Wynn Soldier: Dear King, as a Wynn soldier, guarding everyone is one of our responsibility, even though we have to against the whole entire world, and scarify our life. So, this task, we are going to finish that.
    King of Troms: I wish you a fond farewell. When you leave, you will be accused of treason and will be hunted. Unless, you proved you finished the task. It is the only way...
    King of Troms: Finally, good luck.

    As Orienor and the Wynn Soldier leave, King of Troms entrusted Carlos to publish the wanted of them.

    Royal Advisor Carlos: Dear everyone in Troms, the king are now arresting two people, one is the Wynn soldier, another one is the Dogun who named Orienor. They're arrested for treason. Who catch them can have two stacks of liquid emeralds for reward!
    Royal Advisor Carlos: However, the wanted will be failure, if they finished their task.
    Wynn Soldier: So, we have to sneak out of this city?
    Troms guard: No need to sneak, just follow the path to your left around the city. Keep going until you see a villager next to a tunnel. We'll clear your name once you've escaped.
    Troms guard: However, you'll pass through the army headquarters on your way, so be prepared for a fight. I'm the only guard here to help you.
    Troms guard: Now run! We don't have another moment to waste!
    Wynn Soldier: Orienor, be sure you can run as fast as possible.

    They run through the passage connected the castle and the army headquarters, but they still meet an army.

    Troms general: Soldier! Fight! We've to take them down!
    Wynn Soldier: Damn it! This time is no any mercy. (Take out his spear and ready to fight)
    Suddenly, Orienor heard something, then he shout out the Wynnic.
    Orienor: [​IMG]
    A giant ice wall spawn out suddenly, it even caused some of the soldiers hit to the air.
    Troms soldier: General! They made an ice wall!
    Troms general: Break the wall!
    Troms soldier: General, the ice wall is too hard to break. It made with some magic!
    Troms general: Damn it! How can they even do that!

    Wynn Soldier: Orienor, is that your power?
    Orienor: Hmm...... not sure......
    ???: Hey, psst. Come here!
    ???: Take this, and run! You need to get out!
    Wynn Soldier: What's this?
    ???: Head to those coordinates, there is no time to explain, now go! I'll close the tunnel behind you.

    Orienor and Wynn Soldier escaped the city of Troms.

    [Chapter 1 end.]
    ChrisTheBear likes this.
  8. KelvinFT_DIU

    KelvinFT_DIU Roleplayer (Character: Orienor (A Dogun))

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    Chapter 2 - The Exile

    At night, Orienor and Wynn Soldier set up a small fire in a hidden place in the Jungle.

    Wynn Soldier: Sometimes, it's not a good feeling to be an exiled, especially I'm homeless after I came to here.
    Orienor: So...... you actually have home...... before you came to here?
    Wynn Soldier: Yep, although I forgot why I came to here, but I believe I actually have a home, inside the Fruma wall.
    Wynn Soldier: Oh, where're your home?
    Orienor: A Dogun village...... in Molten Heights.
    Wynn Soldier: I see, you come to here is because you wanna exploring this land, right?

    Suddenly, an Undergrowth Ruin key guardian found them.

    Undergrowth Ruin key guardian: Oh, a fresh human being! I think I can...... Wait, why there're a living magma?

    Orienor touch the key guardian, and set a small fire on his body.

    Undergrowth Ruin key guardian: AAAAAAAAA!

    The key guardian run away.

    Wynn Soldier: Wait, how can you not to set the whole jungle on fire?
    Orienor: Because...... I can control myself...... being warm or very hot.
    Wynn Soldier: I see.
    Wynn Soldier: Oh, that villager gave us this. It seems like a map.
    Orienor: Maybe...... they wanna lead us...... to that place?
    Wynn Soldier: I think so, we should started acting when the sun rise.

    After the sun rise, they follow the guilding on the map, and come to a Traitor camp.

    Traitor Thomas: I'm sorry, I can't let you in there, not until you have proven you are truly on our side.
    Wynn Soldier: Why?
    Traitor Thomas: We never know who to believe anymore. Unfortunately there is no way for you to prove your loyalty.
    Orienor: I see...... the whole situation...... is become much more complex.
    Traitor Thomas: Now if you would excuse me, I have to hunt for the lost map fragments of Dernel. I'm sure these eyes have something to do with it...
    Wynn Soldier: Map fragments? Maybe we can help them.

    Soon they collected all the fragments, and then come back to the camp.

    Traitor Thomas: I can't let you in, we're busy looking for an important document......
    Wynn Soldier: I know. So, are these the fragments you need?
    Traitor Thomas: The...... the map fragments? You found them!
    Traitor Thomas: Oh my, you better come in.
    Traitor Thomas: Theres not enough time! We need to combine those fragments with ours!
    Traitor Thomas: Hurry, get in the hideout!

    Orienor and Wynn Soldier get into the hidout.

    Amadel: Welcome, friend. I knew you would figure it all out.
    Amadel: You must be surprised to see me. The excavation crew at site C tried very hard to kill me.
    Wynn Soldier: I see, he must be one of our side.
    Orienor: No, I think...... it's not that simple.
    Amadel: They didn't succeed though. I got away, and I swiped a fragment of a map, and I found out what it's for.
    Amadel: If you made it this far, you know Wynn Excavation are not what they seem. They want to harness Wynn's ancient power.
    Amadel: They control our governments, authorities and seem to be 3 steps ahead of any of us that oppose them.
    Wynn Soldier: Wait, even though the Gavel Government?
    Amadel: That is, unless we're able to beat the excavationists to the last crystal.
    Amadel: They cannot use a single shard of power without combining them all.
    Traitor Buice: WynnExcavation have done really horrible things, we must not forgive them.
    Traitor Jaynar: WynnExcavation must be destroyed, no matter what!
    Amadel: I considered all your feeling, but we should not act recklessly.
    Amadel: Here, I've combined the map fragments behind me. It looks it's deep in the jungle, I wonder where...

    Wynn Soldier: So, what should we do now?
    Orienor: I think...... we need to head into site D...... although the upcoming events...... might be difficult to us.
    Wynn Soldier: I see, maybe soon we need to fight.

    Soon, they arrived the ruin that the site D is lay under it.

    Wynn Soldier: Puzzle again, but seems this isn't that annoying.
    Wynn Soldier: The only thing we need is cooperation.

    With the cooperation between Orienor and Wynn Soldier, they solved the puzzle soon.

    Orienor: Soldier...... there're a hole...... Maybe it's connected...... to the place of green crystal.
    Wynn Soldier: Lets go Orienor, found that secret out.

    They jump into that hole.

    [Chapter 2 end.]
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2021
    ChrisTheBear likes this.
  9. KelvinFT_DIU

    KelvinFT_DIU Roleplayer (Character: Orienor (A Dogun))

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    Chapter 3 - The Excavation

    Orienor: I can feel...... a powerful items...... lied down near by.
    Wynn Soldier: Beware the excavators, they're not that friendly.
    Excavator: Intruder found! Fight to them!
    Wynn Soldier: Damn it! Why those traitors don't come?

    Following with the fight against the golems and excavators, they finally arrived the place that the leaf crystal is.

    Wynn Soldier: That's...... the leaf crystal?
    Orienor: I can feel...... it's so powerful. (Watching to the leaf crystal)
    Suddenly, a memory flashed through Orienor's mind.
    (895 A.P.)
    Orienor: Dad! It's...... a brightening star!
    Orienor's dad: I see...... that star is so bright.
    Orienor: It become...... much brighter!
    Orienor's dad: Wait...... I feel...... it isn't a star.
    Suddenly, the meteor strike onto them.
    ???: Child, do you want to let me following you forever?
    The memory freeze in the moment when the meteor strike onto them.
    Wynn Soldier: Orienor? Are you okay?
    Excavator Admin Uci: Oh my. It's you.
    Orienor's mind was brought back to reality.

    Wynn Soldier: Excavator , what word do you want to said to us? (Take out the spear)
    Excavator Admin Uci: I see, you're quite looking forward to defeat me. But sorry, I have no interest to fight against you.
    Excavator Admin Uci: I can't say I'm surprised to see you, we thought you might be stupid enough to come here.
    Excavator Admin Uci: Stupid enough to come here, yet, smart enough to make it.
    Wynn Soldier: What?
    Excavator Admin Uci: You were at every site, taking shards and attempting to thwart us.
    Excavator Admin Uci: But what do your shards mean to us when we have all four crystals?
    Excavator Admin Uci: Nothing, that's what.
    Excavator Admin Uci: The boss wants to speak to you. I don't recommend keeping him waiting, he's not a patient man.
    Excavator Admin Uci: He'll be waiting for you, head through that door.

    Wynn Soldier: Seems we got tricked. Orienor, we must go.
    Orienor and the Wynn Soldier walk toward that door.
    Suddenly, a golem jump down and blocked the way.

    Excavator Admin Uci: However, I'm not mean you. I mean "you".
    Wynn Soldier: Damn it, stop tricking me!
    The Wynn Soldier Rush to the golem and try to attack, but the golem dodged and catch the Wynn Soldier.
    Excavator Admin Uci: You can go now, but the young Dogun must stay.
    Wynn Soldier: What? NO!!!
    The golem throw him through the door, then the door closed.
    The Wynn Soldier fell to the ground hardly.
    Wynn Soldier: LET ME OUT! (Rush to the door and kock it)
    Wynn Soldier: Seems the situation now isn't good to us, there're the only way I can go.(Looking to the passage of The Ancient Dungeon.)

    Meanwhile, in Orienor's side, Orienor are fighting to serval golems.

    Orienor: Uci...... what's your purpose?
    Excavator Admin Uci: Purpose? My purpose is to stop you.
    Excavator Admin Uci: The human is stupid, but you're actually not.
    Excavator Admin Uci: You can interrupt our plan, so I have to stop you from now.
    Excavator Admin Uci: I've heard you're one of the cleverest Dogun.
    Excavator Admin Uci: Even though cured Axelus with that unknown traveller after the peaceful agreement, and helped the Chieftain and Rodoroc King to crushed a conspiracy of a new war.
    Excavator Admin Uci: You can use your intelligence to get the power, let everyone surrender to you, and become an overlord of the Molten Hight.
    Excavator Admin Uci: But you didn't do it, and rather against a powerful secret society that's unbeatable. How stupid are you?
    Orienor: No...... I'm not born...... for seeking power.
    Excavator Admin Uci: Not born for seeking power? I'm now very surprise to you, you're actually very stupid, much stupid than that human.
    Meanwhile, Orienor started feeling hard to keep fighting against those golems.
    Excavator Admin Uci: Seems you can't stand, why you still not give up?
    Excavator Admin Uci: Not matter how much knowledge are you, you're just a weak Dogun child.
    Excavator Admin Uci: A WEAK AND FOOLISH DOGUN CHILD!
    Excavator Admin Uci: As foolish as your people.
    Excavator Admin Uci: If I had power, I would captured you, enslave all your people, and make you become my toy.
    Excavator Admin Uci: Instead of just kill you, it's much better to drain all your value.
    Excavator Admin Uci: Is that right? HAHAHAHA!

    Those words irrigated Orienor. Orienor firmly grasp his wand.

    Orienor: SHUT UP!
    Following with the anger of Orienor, an cosmic but oppositely light magic power explode from Orienor, causing the whole entire excavation site seriously damaged. Nearly all the golems are destroyed, even though Uci is spread and injured.

    Excavator Admin Uci: What is that power? Agh!
    Excavator Admin Uci: No no no NO NO! DON'T KILL ME! I admit I lose! Don't come close to me!
    Orienor: I don't allow you...... to insult my people!

    Then, Orienor walk toward the closed door.

    The door opened, then Orienor walk in.

    Meanwhile, in the place where Amadel are staying.
    Amadel's assistant: That Dogun defeated Uci with an magic explosion!
    Amadel: I see. Let him come in.
    Amadel's assistant: You don't worry about him?
    Amadel: I never worry, he just make me want his power now.
    Amadel: Back to your site, just like working normally. Thanks for your telling.
    (Amadel suddenly heard an echo from his mind)
    In a celebration......
    GavelExcavation ex-leader: From now, our focus is shifted to the new-found land, The Province of Wynn.
    GavelExcavation ex-leader: We will have a new company name, WynnExcavation.
    GavelExcavation ex-leader: Meanwhile, we promoted the next leader.
    GavelExcavation ex-leader: Amadel!
    GavelExcavation ex-leader: He's the one who offered his life into excavation and discovering knowledge.
    GavelExcavation ex-leader: Through his leading, we can discover more about this new-found Province.
    GavelExcavation ex-leader: Congrat to Amadel!
    Later, in a balcony of the office building......
    Young Amadel: Oh my, I've to decide who should be my assistant now.
    A young villager: I know, it's quite annoying.
    A young villager: Maybe I can work with you, I think it's much better.
    Young Amadel: You decided...... to be my assistant? I hope you won't be mad to you upcoming workload.
    A young villager: Yep, I decided, no matter how heavy are.
    (Amadel started feeling his headache)
    Amadel's assistant: Boss, are you okay?
    Amadel: I'm fine, just a little headache.
    Amadel's assistant: Keep your body.
    Amadel: You too, thanks for your caring.
    Amadel's assistant go back to his place.

    Amadel: So, you're come, the greatest Wynn Soldier. (Watched to the Wynn Soldier)
    Meanwhile, Orienor get into the Ancient City.

    Orienor: Is that...... the Olm's City?

    [Chapter 3 end.]
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2021
    ChrisTheBear likes this.
  10. KelvinFT_DIU

    KelvinFT_DIU Roleplayer (Character: Orienor (A Dogun))

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    Chapter 4 - Olm's massage

    Wynn Soldier: Amadel! (Take out the spear)
    Amadel: Well, well. Looks like you've finally made it.
    Wynn Soldier: Tell me! Why you have to trick us!
    Amadel: Seems that Dogun told you the truth at the earlier time.
    Amadel: Everything was planned you see...
    Amadel: You finding that old fool in the desert, you surviving that fall.
    Amadel: You finding that notebook, and eventually meeting me.
    Amadel: Everything that you have done has been planned by the mastermind behind this organisation, me.
    Amadel: You don't get it, do you? We needed you. The Ancient Crystals of Wynn are an old magic, and a powerful one at that.
    Wynn Soldier: You need me? You need me to expose and criticize all your conspiracy and trick! (Rush to Amadel and attack him)
    Amadel use the magic of four crystal to dodge the attack from the Wynn Soldier, and disappeared from the room.
    Amadel: You're too weak to fight my now, you make me even though don't want to fight you.
    Amadel: We needed you, a human of pure intention to bring empowered shards here, it's just part of how it all works, I wouldn't expect you to understand. Enough talk now.
    Amadel: Step into this hole, and accept your fate. It's over, you've lost!
    Wynn Soldier: Damn it! Don't think I can't found that Dogun traveller and beat you up!

    The Wynn Soldier jumped into that hole, and be teleported to the Ancient City.

    Wynn Soldier: What the...... What's that wired ruin?
    Orienor: Soldier......
    Wynn Soldier: Orienor? Why you come to here much earlier?
    Orienor: Because...... I found a secret passage...... that's connected to here.
    Orienor: Oh...... I found some massage...... that's left by the people...... who had lived in here.
    Wynn Soldier: I see. Let discover.

    During their exploring, Orienor find a diary.
    Orienor: A dairy with...... a lot's of Wynnic.
    Wynn Soldier: So, what does it wrote?
    Orienor: Let me see......
    Wynn Soldier: This place looks totally ruined, but it doesn't feel like a ruined city.
    Orienor: I think......it was written...... about how the master of this diary...... escape this city before...... the crystal power affect here.
    Orienor: Maybe this city...... hide the true reason of why...... the Olm is nearly extinct now.
    Wynn Soldier: I see. The power of those crystal is strong but dangerous, but why they still use it?
    Orienor: Those sign...... on the wall. It tell the reason...... why they use the crystal.
    Wynn Soldier: Oh my...... they escaped the Dern, but being mad because of the crystal?
    Orienor: I think...... the master of this diary...... is the first one notice the crystal...... and decide to leave.at first.
    Orienor: And he decided...... to find a soluation...... to end this madness.

    Wynn Soldier: Beware! Orienor!
    Suddenly, the Wynn Soldier noticed a lots of Olms rushed towards them, even though with some corrupted Olms.
    They take out their weapon and fight against those large amount of Olms.

    Orienor: They're...... all gone insane.
    Wynn Soldier: Is that the power from the leaf crystal?

    During the fight, Orienor and the Wynn Soldier started heard the voices form the Olms.

    Wynn Soldier: So annoying...... What's that sounds come from?
    Orienor: Those Olms...... suffered in pain and hopeless......

    Suddenly, Orienor knock the floor with his wand's bottom. That cosmic but light magic spread through the whole entire city, but it's not as firmly as the time when he was fighting against Uci's golems.
    The Olms are no longer rush toward them, and the whole place become silent suddenly.

    Wynn Soldier: Wait, they stopped?
    Wynn Soldier: It seems this is the good time to let us escape.
    Wynn Soldier: Orienor, let's go to the end of this road.

    They finally arrived an entrance to a place where Amadel is now in there. However, his assistant stayed next to the entrance.
    Amadel's assistant: I see you have finally shown up.
    Amadel's assistant: There is no chance someone as weak as you can beat Amadel!
    Wynn Soldier: But WHAT if I have a powerful allie?
    Amadel's assistant: Powerful allie? Well I think still impossible.
    Amadel's assistant walk into the entrance.

    Orienor: I see...... they try to spreading hopeless......
    Orienor: The enemy we fight...... might not that simple....... But not mean...... we're already lose.
    Wynn Soldier: I see. Let's go Orienor. No matter how we scarify ourselves, we still need to finish this task.

    They enter, and finally see Amadel has been corrupted by the power of four crystals.

    Corrupted Amadel: The crystals combine the power of the stars themselves.. an ultimate power... the power to reign over the entire WORLD!
    Wynn Soldier: It's such a very long time, I've never fight to a powerful corruption. (Take out his spear, ready for the hardest fight)

    Meanwhile, In The Realm of Dern......

    Bak'al: Master, I see a villager contained a large power. Maybe we can use his power too attack the Realm of Light.
    Dern Beast: I see. Peon, your suggestion is good.
    Dern Beast: However, he isn't the best one we can use. There're one better than him.
    Bak'al: Master, I don't understand. Master, Do you mean that human?
    Dern Beast: No. Peon, do you see that Dogun?
    Bak'al: That Dogun who is following that human? Master, can you tell me your will?
    Dern Beast: He has much potential than the villager. We can take his power so that we can spread my influence in a much powerful way.
    Bak'al: Master, I'm unstanded now. I should take him down now?
    Dern Beast: No, it is not the time for us to act.

    [Chapter 4 end.]
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  11. KelvinFT_DIU

    KelvinFT_DIU Roleplayer (Character: Orienor (A Dogun))

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    Chapter 5 - Fight For Your Fate

    Corrupted Amadel: So, you're finally come... and READY TO ACCEPT YOUR FATE! (Take out a sword and rush toward the Wynn Soldier)
    Wynn Soldier: Don't think my fate is such easy to be decided by you! (Rush toward Corrupted Amadel)

    Just at the moment they meet together, two blades wiped against each other, the striking of two different wills created a short but extremely fierce spark.
    The just pass though each other, then the turn and rush to each other again. The sparks keep flashing at the moment when two blades wiped together.
    At a moment, the blade of Corrupted Amadel's sword hit the metal handle of the Wynn Soldier's spear, the friction between the sword and spear keep generating sparks. They're trying to knock down each other.

    Corrupted Amadel: It's useless to fight, why you still doing such a meaningless thing?
    Wynn Soldier: It doesn't mean you will win when you're stronger than me, because I had my own belief!

    Although Amadel are now have the ultimate power of four crystals, he still have no any battle experience.
    The two opposite forces are comparable, they knocked back each other. And then they started attacking meanwhile defensing with their weapon.
    Bash, Charge and Uppercut, these spells are perfectly used by the Wynn Soldier, although Amadel dogged some of them. The attack from the Wynn Soldier cut off some of his health, but the attack from Corrupted Amadel also caused damage to the Wynn Soldier.
    Meanwhile, Orienor is clearing the whole area and keep healing the Wynn Soldier, trying to create advantage to the Wynn Soldier.

    The battle between the Wynn Soldier and Corrupted Amadel struggled for a while, they started can't keep fighting.

    Wynn Soldier: Quite hard to defeat you, (Wipe the blood off the face) but you're the types that I always deal with.
    Corrupted Amadel: I know you're quite difficult to be kill, but instead of you......
    Corrupted Amadel: I WANT HIS POWER MORE! (Rush towards Orienor)
    Wynn Soldier: Be careful Orienor!

    In fact, Amadel allow Orienor enter after the fight against Uci, is because he witness Orienor have another powerful cosmic magic. One of his goal now is get Orienor's hidden power.

    As Orienor noticed Corrupted Amadel started attack him, he teleported to Amadel's back, and use his wand to knock his head.
    Although Amadel dodged, he don't notice the ice snake that Orienor used it at the nearly same moment. His action are now limited by the ice.

    Wynn Soldier: Damn it! (Rush to Corrupted Amadel)
    Corrupted Amadel: Ice snake? Damn it you damn foolish Dogun!

    The battle started become detrimental to Amadel, since he led Orineor being involved to the battle, but his skill can fully pin Amadel.
    The sparks keeping flashing and generating between the spear and the sword.
    Untill the moment, the meteor with Wynn Soldier's Uppercut, knock out Amadel's sword. Then, the Wynn Soldier rush toward him, and pierce his spear to Amadel's body.


    The spear pierced Amadel's heart, even though the spear pierced through his body.

    Corrupted Amadel: AGH!

    The Wynn Soldier pull up his spear violently.
    Corrupted Amadel spit out a pool of blood from his mouth at the moment, meanwhile his body is leaking blood.
    Corrupted Amadel fall down.

    Wynn Soldier: So, just a simple task. (Look to Amadel's dead body for a short time, then walk toward the exit)
    Amadel's assistant: That was a mere fluke..
    Amadel's assistant: Amadel is unbeatable!

    The Wynn Soldier noticed the ominous feeling.

    Orienor: Soldier...... I got a bad feeling......

    Suddenly, Amadel's dead body is swallowed by a dark wave, and it spawn through the whole entire area.

    Wynn Soldier: Wait, What?

    They take out their weapon again, ready for the upcoming fight.
    A lot of Amadel's shadow are spawned by the dark wave, it surrounded Orienor and the Wynn Soldier.

    Shadow Amadel: I- I- I feel... unstopable.. this power... will not aļ͢͠͠͡l̶̀͜͏͏ów me to lớ̀͠͝se..!!!

    As Amadel's shadows keep rushing to them, the Wynn Soldier keep wielding his spear to withstand the attack.
    Although Amadel's shadows is being killed easily, as the shadows keeps spawning, the Wynn Soldier notice it is not the way to keep fighting.
    A lots of Shadow Amadel moving very fast in the area, just like devil ray dancing.

    Wynn Soldier: A lots of Shadow Amadel...... Which one is the true?
    Wynn Soldier: Orienor! (look toward Orienor) Wait, psychological attack?
    Orienor feels the headache.

    In fact, the physical attack is only to Wynn Soldier, Amadel are trying to defeat Orienor on the mental side.
    Meanwhile, in Orienor's view......

    Dogun?: You're...... not one of us!
    Dogun?: You're cursed...... should be leave!
    Dogun?: You're the culprit...... of why they're dead!
    Dogun?: You should not exist......
    Dogun?: Go away...... you cursed one!
    Wynn Soldier: Orienor! Focused to here! Don't be defeat by amadel!

    The words from the Wynn Soldier bring Orienor's mind back, and now he notice a lots of fake Shadow Amadel.
    He used Ice Snake and meteor, nearly cleared all fake Shadows.

    Orienor: Soldier...... the true one. (Point to the one who are taking the brown sword)
    Orienor and the Wynn Soldier rush to the true Shadow Amadel, and two blade started wiping each other again.

    Shadow Amadel: The loser... must be you...!!

    Just like the pervious fight, Shadow Amadel still can't defeat Orienor and the Wynn Soldier.
    This time, Shadow Amadel is hit by the meteor spell, it totally destroyed Shadow Amadel.
    All the fake Shadow Amadel disappeared in the same moment.

    Amadel's Assistant: He's simply warming up...
    Amadel's Assistant: THIS ISN'T EVEN HIS FINAL FORM!
    Wynn Soldier: Damn it!

    Suddenly, The land cracked, and the light of four crystal leaked out. A tornado contained the power of influence formed from the crack.
    The dark tornado is powerful, also fatal.

    Amadel: Do you really think you could win?
    Wynn Soldier: What the...... Is that his true form?
    The Dark tornado spread out explosively, and now Amadel is in his full form.

    Wtih these words, Amadel released some of his power to the outside. The power suddenly spread through the Wynn Province, covering the Province with the darkness. Everyone in the Troms, Ragni and even though Detlas started panic.

    The Wynn Soldier rush and attack again, and Orienor use different spell to do damage to Amadel. But this time, Amadel dodged and even blocked many of their attack, they just only deal a little damage.

    Wynn Soldier: Damn it! Don't you think you can do it! (Rush to Amadel with charge spell)
    Orienor: Soldier!

    Amadel contained the energy in a very short time, and release it as an explosion. Although Orienor noticed, it is still too late to warn the Wynn Soldier.
    The energy bomb hit the Wynn Soldier, nd he is knocked back violently, hit the ground and rolled serval times, it deal a heavy damage to him.
    Just at the moment the Wynn Soldier hit the ground, Amadel started making another energy bomb, readying to kill everyone.
    When the Wynn Soldier watch to Amadel again, he see Orienor are blocking Amadel's attack.
    Those two froces crashing each other fiercely.

    [Chapter 5 end.]
    [P.S. It's quite difficult for me to write the fighting screens.]
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  12. KelvinFT_DIU

    KelvinFT_DIU Roleplayer (Character: Orienor (A Dogun))

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    Chapter 6 - Beyond

    Just after the Wynn Soldier was been knocked downed by Amadel, Amadel started connecting power to generate a new energy bomb.
    However, a meteor spell make the energy bomb exploded in Amadel's hand, doesn't deal any damage.
    Amadel noticed Orienor stopped his attack, he rush to Orienor with his corrupted cosmic power, even though Orienor have no time to escape with teleport.
    Orienor are blocking Amadel's attack with his wand, they are now wrestling.

    Orienor: I've to stop you...... to ruin everything!
    Orienor: No...... I still have my belief.
    Orienor: Because...... I'm the unique one.
    Orienor: That's why...... I choose to born for knowledge.
    Orienor: I understanding myself...... during my journey.
    Amadel: But YOU are still a weak foolish Dogun.

    The power from Amadel is still overwhelming to Orienor, Amadel deal an extreme heavy damage to Orienor, and knock him to the wall.
    Orienor crashed to the wall violently, and then fall onto the ground, it even break the wall.
    Orienor lose his mind.

    Wynn Soldier: Orienor!

    Amadel walk to Orienor.

    Wynn Soldier: Your damn corrupted villager, I DON'T LET YOU GET CLOSE TO HIM! (Take his spear and rush to Amadel)
    Amadel: Get out YOU WYNN TRASH!!!

    Amadel knock the Wynn Soldier back with his power, as he knocked back Orienor.
    The Wynn Soldier crash to the wall. At the moment he crash the wall, blood spit out from his mouth.
    Then, he fall onto the ground.

    Wynn Soldier: Is everything...... over...... now......

    In a really dark place......

    ???: Wake up, Orienor.
    ???: It's not the time you sleep.
    Orienor: Who......
    Bob: Is me, do you remember the words you told me when you actually met me?
    Orienor: You mean...... the time when I failed...... in the first duel?
    Bob: Yes, but you made me glade when you said you have nothing to give up, and the you really come back for the next time.
    Bob: Now should the time you show your belief to him!
    Orienor: I know...... but...... I still failed.
    Bob: No, you still not failed.
    Orienor: I tried hard...... to defeat him...... but he's still too strong......
    Orienor: I'm tired.
    Bob: If you tired, let me carrying with you. (reached out his hand)
    Orienor: Bob......

    At the moment Orienor take Bob's hand, the light reach out from them, illuminated the whole area.

    ???: Orienor, your biggest enemy isn't the enemy you're facing now, is your fear from yourself.

    Orienor: No...... it's not over. (Stand up slowly)
    Amadel: You still want to do THE MEANINGLESS STRUGGLE???
    Orienor: It's nothing...... for me to give up. (Walk to Amadel slowly)
    Amadel: Wait, a non-cosmic power? How can it happen?
    Orienor: That's because...... (Stopped in front of Amadel)
    Amadel: What? (Watch to Orienor contemptuously)
    Orienor (, Bob): [​IMG] (Watch to Amadel suddenly)

    At the moment he said this Wynnic words, a magical blade spawned on the head of the wand. Then, Orienor rush toward Amadel, used bash as the first attack.


    Since Bob and Orienor connected each souls together, Orienor started using Bob's battle skill to fight against Amadel, every time the damage deal by Orienor is incredibly large. It looks like the moment when Bob mastered the art of spear, meanwhile Orienor broke the fear with courage.
    This time, Amadel started can't keep holding.

    Amadel: I'M THE GOD, AND YOU MUST ACCEPT YOUR FATE!!! (Started rushing to Orienor)
    Orienor (, Bob): [​IMG]

    Just at the moment Orienor said the Wynnic again, a magic arrow shoot through Amadel's body, even though he still not get close to him.

    Amadel: Damn it! YOU STUPID DOGUN!!!
    Amadel rush to Orienor again with very high speed. However, he dodged, and jumped to the back of Amadel, using his wand like a bow and shooting magical arrows. Each arrow go through Amadel's weak point, just like the moment when Bob mastered the art of bow, meanwhile Orienor break all the lies.

    Amadel: A soul? I see...... you have connected with Bob's soul.
    Amadel: That's great, and NOW GIVE ME YOUR POWER AND HIS SOUL!!! (Rush to Orienor and ready to attack)

    Just at the moment when Amadel get close to Orienor, a war scream come like a blast and hit Amadel.

    Amadel: WHO?!?!
    Wynn Soldier: I have never shout such loud...... never shout such angry.
    The Wynn Soldier stand slowly, drink the healing potion, wipe the blood off the face and throw the bottom away.
    Wynn Soldier: You trick us.
    Wynn Soldier: You fool the King of Troms.
    Wynn Soldier: You greed to power, and mess up everything.
    Wynn Soldier: You must not be forgiven. (Tightly grabbing his spear)

    The Wynn Soldier rush to Amadel, containing with his anger to Amadel, deal a considerable damage to him.
    The battle become intense again, every time Orienor and the Wynn Soldier deal the damage, it weaken Amadel's power.

    Amadel: AGH!!!
    Orienor (, Bob): [​IMG]

    This time, the wand turned into a dagger, pierced into the weakpoint of Amadel.
    Orienor used his faith to create a short blade, and gives Amadel one of his deadliest hit with Bob's master skill of dagger. This hit, largely weaken his power.

    Wynn Soldier: Orienor don't forget I'm in here! (Uppcut)

    At the moment Orienor use the Spin Attack, the Wynn Soldier use the Uppercut to attack Amadel, throw him up onto the air.

    Orienor (, Bob): [​IMG]
    With this Wynnic spell, the meteors started showering to Amadel.
    Finally, Amadel's is broken, and his noumenon shows up. (Third Form)

    (Bob: Orienor, now is your time.)
    (Bob: Let's break your fear, and let it become your power.)
    Amadel: Damn it...... you all can fight against me......?
    Amadel: No, you're all fool. (Forming a blade with dark cosmic magic)
    Amadel: AND YOUR POWER IS NOW MINE!!! (Rush to Orienor)
    (Orienor, ???: The road...... we have walked together.)

    The darkness blade go through Orienor's body, released the dark cosmic power like a blasting.
    After Orienor saw that, he threw his wand onto the ground.

    Wynn Soldier: Orienor!
    Amadel: So, you decide to give up? Wait......

    Orienor grab Amadel's arm (Which is taking the darkness blade), and kick to him.
    It just looks like a normal kick, it actually contained the power from the meteor sharp inside Orienor's body. Amadel was kicked far away, and the dark blade shattered.
    At the moment Amadel get close to Orienor, he finally get over his fear, and let the meteor sharp become a part of himself. The meteor sharp provided him another cosmic power opposite also match to Amadel's. It even though absorbed and transformed Amadel's dark cosmic magic, so Amadel's dark power didn't deal any damage. Meanehile, the meteor sharp started brightening from Orineor's heart.
    Then, Orienor created a new wand on his hand with his cosmic magic, which is never existed before.

    Amadel: Another cosmic power? Damn it!
    Wynn Soldier: I see, now this's the time we win! (Rush to Amadel)

    This time, two opposite cosmic power collided fiercely at first, but Orienor and the Wynn Soldier get the high ground in a short time.
    Fire blasting with bash, serval huge ice thorns spawned from the ground, even though the Uppercut spell was largely buffed dude to Orienor's light cosmic magic.

    Amadel: Damn it!
    Amadel: I'm thirsty to power.
    Amadel: I'm thirsty to control everything.
    Amadel: I nearly got what I want, but I finally can't.
    Amadel: And you got what I'm thirsty for.
    Amadel: Why...... Why......WHY!!! (Created a dark blade on his hand)
    Amadel: WHY CAN IT HAPPEN!!!
    Amadel: GO TO DIE GO TO DIE GO TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wynn Soldier: ORIENOR!!!

    Amadel rush to Orienor, containing with extremely large dark cosmic magic, going to give them a fatal hit.
    The dark cosmic power blasted in front of Orienor and the Wynn Soldier like a nuke, and destroyed half of the area.

    Wynn Soldier:!!
    Amadel: WHAT?!?!

    However, the blast are totally blocked, as Orienor created a magical shell, covered him and the Wynn Soldier.
    Amadel saw he hit the magial shell, but neither Orienor nor the Wynn Soldier.

    Orienor: [​IMG]
    Amadel: AGH!!!

    Amadel got knocked back. He want to rush and attack again, but he found he is locked by Orienor.

    Orienor: Amadel...... it's over.

    Orienor lift up his wand, point to the sky. The star started shining.

    Orienor: [​IMG]
    Orienor: [​IMG] (Point ot Amadel)

    The starlights break through the darkness, started raining, hitting Amadel.

    Amadel: NO!!! I MUST NOT LOSE I MUST NOT LOSE!!! (Struggling)
    Orienor: [​IMG]

    A beam of light from the star suddenly pointed to Amadel, at the same time the Uppercut caused the ground crack, then light comes out from the crack, containing extremely large amount of light cosmic power.
    Then, it exploded, meanwhile a beam of light shoot through the darkness, the sky being clear from that point. Everyone in The Province can see that light.
    Amadel was defeated, he totally lost his power and can't fight anymore, only left his broken corrupted body. He is now laying on the ground, watching them with a reluctant look, and the Wynn Soldier watching him with full of angriness.

    In Troms......
    Royal Advisor Carlos: Wait, a beam of light...... break through the darkness?
    King of Troms: The light break through the darkness?
    King of Troms: I see, we underrated their ability.
    Royal Advisor Carlos: So, what should we do now?
    King of Troms: Announce to everyone, the Wynn Soldier and the Dogun traveller has finished their task, their wanted are now failed.

    [Chapter 6 end.]
  13. KelvinFT_DIU

    KelvinFT_DIU Roleplayer (Character: Orienor (A Dogun))

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    Chapter Final - Your Original Goal

    Wynn Soldier: AMADEL! Do you know what you're doing! You fooled the Troms King, corrupted yourself and NEARLY MESS UP THE WORLD!
    Amadel: What mess up the world?! I'm seeking for power, seeking for controlling everything, why you have to stop me? WHY?!
    Wynn Soldier: I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU'RE SEEKING! You do everything you must not do, and cause everything! The one who have to perish isn't us, IS YOU!
    Amadel: Damn it, you......

    The Wynn Soldier walk toward Amadel, ready to kill him.
    However, Orienor blocked him, and walk to Amadel.

    Wynn Soldier: Wait, Orienor, what are you doing?
    Orienor: Amadel, what is the reason...... you choose to put your life...... to the excavation? (Squat)
    Amadel: The reason...... I put my life to the excavation?
    Orienor: At the started.
    Amadel started remembered the memory of his interview for joining GavelExcavation.
    GavelExcavation officer: Amadel, welcome back, and we're glade to see you passed our most difficult test.
    GavelExcavation officer: We have the last question for you.
    GavelExcavation officer: If you have to risk your life, will you decided it join us?
    Amadel: If I can get the knowledge, I will still decided to join, no matter I have to put my life to it.
    GavelExcavation officer: I see, all you told us is the facts.
    GavelExcavation officer: Welcome to GavelExcavation, I wish your ability can led us become much grater.
    Amadel: If you come to Wynn, is because of seeking knowledge...... I join the excavation, have the same reason to yours.

    Orienor nodded.

    Orienor: Then...... what's the reason led you...... become thirsty to power?
    Amadel: The reason...... make me become thirsty to power?
    Amadel started remembered the memory of the moment when he saw the crystal first time.
    Amadel: Oh my......
    Amadel: The crystal is so huge.
    Amadel was watching to the crystal, suddenly a mysterious voice called him.
    ???: Do you want...... the power of complete control?
    Amadel: Why I need this? I born for seeking knowledge, not the power.
    ???: How stupide are you, don't know how good for you.
    ???: Get the power, you can do anything you want.
    Amadel: Power...... Power...... Power......
    Amadel: Orienor, why you are not corrupted, when you get the cosmic power?
    Orienor: (Facepalm) Oh my...... a dude lost...... again.
    Amadel: I'm lost?
    Orienor: In fact...... you're not the first one...... who lost during the road...... of seeking knowledge.
    Orienor: I had also faced...... a lot of thing that...... can lead me to lost......
    Amadel: That mean...... the crystals lead me lost and corrupted?
    Orienor: It's not meaning...... you lost becaused of the crystals...... but you forgot your original aim.
    Orienor: It's important...... to keeping your aim.
    Orienor: Sometimes...... the cosmic power might trying...... lead you lost your aim...... then dominate you.
    Orienor: Even though...... it might have a relationship...... to an unknown power.
    Amadel: I was dominated by that cosmic power?
    Orienor: I know...... we're born in the same land...... having the same aim......
    Orienor: It's not a good feeling...... when I see one...... who fall from the road......
    Amadel: I know, it's such a sadness to see someone lost their aim, and I don't even expect, I am the one who lost the aim.
    Amadel: Just recall my past, that's silly but good, but now I'm more stupide than the younger me.
    Amadel: If I could meet you earlier, maybe everything would be much different, and I wouldn't be corrupted by this power.
    Amadel: Orineor, this time is I lose. So, please kill me.
    Orienor: You decided...... to put an end to your life?
    Amadel: I decided, I'm now meaningless to being alive.
    Orienor: Take my hand...... (reached out his hand)

    Amadel take Orienor's hand.

    Orienor: [​IMG]

    At the moment Orienor spoke the Wynnic, the corruption in the area started fading, included Amadel's body.
    The sky in The Wynn Province is no longer being covered by darkness, it started back to normal again.

    Wynn Soldier: Oh my...... you magic is such powerful, even the corruption faded.

    Amadel's assistant: Amadel!
    Amadel: I'm sorry, my friend.
    Amadel: Orienor, can you do a promise?
    Orienor: ?
    Amadel: Use your power in a good way, don't being another me.
    Orienor nodded.
    Amadel: Thank you, Orienor. You let me awake from the corruption.
    Amadel: See you. Everything...... is ended now.

    Amadel faded away, left the ash on the ground.

    Amadel's assistant: Amadel!
    Amadel's assistant: AMADEL! (Crying)
    Amadel's assistant: I...... I can't believe you beat him...
    Amadel's assistant: Amadel was a god...He was going to save the province...
    Wynn Soldier: Well, you don't have to tell the lies now. (Walk toward Amadel's assistant)
    Amadel's assistant: Wait, wait, don't kill me!
    Wynn Soldier: Don't worry, We have no reason to kill you now. (Squat)
    Wynn Soldier: I think it's better for you to get a new identity, instead of keeping be his assistant.
    Wynn Soldier: I think it's time to leave now, just take his leftover ash if you want, this thing is no any relationship to me.
    Wynn Soldier: It's such a long time, I have never see the sunlight.

    Orienor and the Wynn Soldier leave the place, then they see the King of Ragni.

    Ragni's King: You... hmm... Ahh yes! I remember you. You're one of the recruits I accepted long ago.
    Ragni's King: I'm no mage, but what you have there may just be the most destructive force in the entire world.
    Ragni's King: I remember being told something by my adoptive father, and he was a king of Ragni himself!
    Ragni's King: He told me that the Wynn province will never find solace. I never truly understood why, until now.
    Orienor: I see...... that's why this land...... always in war.
    Ragni's King: You see, many forces are at work on our lands that we cannot physically see, but the outcome of the influences cannot be ignored.
    Ragni's King: Creatures that you can find in Wynn may not exist in Gavel. In Gavel, there are many magical beings. Creatures influenced by forces other than the Corruption. Not all of them are friendly, mind. Orienor, as you're the resident of Gavel, you should know this.
    Ragni's King: But rarely do you see the undead in such numbers. You know, there is a fundamental law of our land, when two forces collide, there is war.
    Ragni's King: This could be people, species, or anything, really. And I think the same thing can be said for the energy that resonate in those crystals you have there.
    Ragni's King: I don't know what the power of meteor sharp in Orienor's body represent for, but I think those crystals represent a force far beyond what we can grasp, and if that power can turn one man into what you fought back there, I shudder to think what else it could do.
    Ragni's King: The Olm in the jungle clearly knew of this, too, as they met their eventual demise. Their desperation most likely led to them attempting to harness that power, as well.
    Ragni's King: These are things that the mages of the ocean have studied in secret for centuries. We may never know, and rather, I think we never should know.
    Ragni's King: If Amadel taught us anything, it's that we can never be trusted with power. Here, put that crystal into the lava. Let it burn and never be used.
    Ragni's King: Though it contains some of the most concentrated magical power ever, it is still limited to its container. Let it burn.
    The king places the crystals in the lava, and watches it sink. However, the power released and go to Orineor's body, where the meteor sharp are in.
    Wynn Soldier: Wait, the power of the crystal run into Orienor?
    Ragni's King: I think the meteor sharp resonate with the power in the crystal, and absored it, Because the power inside him is also cosmic.
    Ragni's King: But this cosmic power never let him gone insane even corrupted, that might mean this cosmic power is the brand new one we never seen before, and it was actually become a part of Orineor's life.
    Ragni's King: If my guess is right, Orienor might be the one who can actually use the cosmic power.
    Wynn Soldier: Orienor, be sure you use you power in the right side.
    Ragni's King: If there're no any accident, I think he will still use it in the right way.
    Ragni's King: I do not know the severity of the Excavation's integration into the powers of Gavel, but I bet we haven't seen the last of them.
    Ragni's King: You both have done this province an unspeakable service. I believe that even Bob is smiling down on you, today. I'm sure that if he were here with us, he would crown you both worthy.
    Ragni's King: As a token of our city's eternal gratitude, I wish for you both to take this. It has no value to anyone except you.
    Wynn Soldier: What is it use for?
    Ragni's King: You might want to hold onto it, a merchant in Cinfras has arrived and you will be able to trade it for the item that I wish I could bestow upon you now.
    Ragni's King: Also, Orienor, you're free to go now. Unless there are serious event that we need you, we are no longer offer you more quest now. You can go to anywhere you want, and your identity of being a Wynn Soldier will still being kept.
    Ragni's King: You both truly are one of the greatest warriors to ever step foot in these lands. I hereby knight you as Wynn's true protector for your deeds today.
    Ragni's King: I hope we meet again, young master and the Dogun Traveller.

    Wynn Soldier: Orienor, where are you decide to go?
    Orineor: I think...... I will go to the light forest...... to see what happen.
    Wynn Soldier: I see, I also decided to visit there.
    Orineor: But before I go...... I still wanna explore...... this land is so big...... and I've many place I missed...... when I pass though.
    Orineor: Also...... I'm sure that Elf girl might...... take a lot of times on her things...... Maybe it's too early to visit.
    Wynn Soldier: Oh no, Lari again. That Elf girl is so annoying and I even don't want to deal with her.
    Orineor: I know...... she is too conceited. (Facepalm)
    Wynn Soldier: Maybe I can visit other place, then we can meet in there.
    Orineor: I think so......
    Wynn Soldier: So......
    Orienor, Wynn Soldier: See you in th Light Forest!

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