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SPOILER Wynncraft Food Conspiracy 2: Diabetes Boogaloo

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by ditsario, Feb 4, 2021.


Wait, why did I make another one of these threads again?

  1. It's still a funny topic

    1 vote(s)
  2. You were bored and had nothing else to do

    7 vote(s)
  3. Idk, it's dumb, you shouldn't have

    1 vote(s)
  4. The Illuminati must be stopped

    5 vote(s)
  5. Just for that one complaint about Ava simps

    4 vote(s)
  6. You're actually trying to reveal the pro-healthiness movement's plans to Salted, traitor!

    2 vote(s)
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  1. ditsario

    ditsario it's always christmas somewhere in the world VIP+

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    A while ago, I made a thread detailing how Salted and the rest of the CT are plotting to trick us all into eating such unhealthy food that we will no longer be able to go outside, and therefore, will have to play Wynn all the time - https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/wynncraft-unhealthy-food-conspiracy.278329/. (It was itself somewhat based off another thread about how Gavel Reborn is the Illuminati.)

    However, Klepto and I do not have HERO, and thus, we did not have the opportunity to see the true Gavel Reborn until... uh... 2 weeks ago...

    ... well, there goes that excuse, I guess. Of course, I've actually just had better things to do since the update released, but I've done most of them now, so why not make another of these. Now, we must dive in, so put on your tinfoil hats.
    Just kidding, don't use tinfoil, I would never recommend anything that involves excessive eating in these threads. That being said, cover your heads with something.

    The first, and most obvious, case of Wynncraft 1.20 supporting unhealthy food is, you guessed, it, Troms! In fixing the lore, the CT have cleverly also begun conditioning us to support Burger King and eat fast food all the time. (Blastbasher made a thread about this a while ago here, soon after we first realized.)
    As you can see, they are, in fact, identical, aside from a few minor details such as the Troms king not actually have "Burger King" on his crown (as far as we can tell).
    This one is pretty straightforward, I don't believe I should have to explain why blatantly supporting supporting fast food leads to the playerbase developing unhealthy habits. I mean, it was even admitted by this Wybel overlord completely normal human being here:
    (I'm not making it up, check Blastbasher's thread)

    However, now that we have covered the obvious point, we must move on to more devious strategies employed in update 1.20.
    Firstly, the Letvus candy merchant. Unlike actual candy, these in-game ingredients give positive stat bonuses, clearly tricking children (and probably others) into thinking real candies will do the same. For example, candy buttons actually make you smarter in-game, clearly tricking gullible players into thinking real candy will make you smarter, and leading them to becoming hyperactive and wanting to play Wynn more, and more, and more...
    But, still this is only the surface level. Most people have seen the Letvus merchant and therefore will be able to explain to the more susceptible members of the community that we should not, in face, eat tons of candy to try to become smarter. That being said, you must all do your part to make sure this continues to be the case, or else we will all have a horde of hyperactive players to deal with.

    There are, of course, more examples of these kinds of strategies. Look no further than The Feathers Fly to find a sneaky trick to disable Wynn players.
    WHAT IS THIS?! Ava eats rocks! Now, everyone who has found the easter egg in her workshop will be encouraged to eat rocks too! This is especially worrying considering not enough people will have found it to build up a community resistance, as we will/have with the Letvus merchant. And, given how many players feel about Ava, they will no doubt all eat rocks themselves to try to impress her, and be forced to remain inside and play Wynn while they recover. Do we really want to have to deal with MORE Ava simps? Of course not, we must raise awareness about this trick as much as possible. In fact, I'd say it's the most important of all of these, we really need to stop the spread of Ava simping. Seriously.

    You know, come to think of it, these are all actually really straightforward. Much more so than before, and last thread, I had the entire server to look through, while now, I'm only checking one update. Either the CT is slipping up in the conspiracy, or...
    You know the Nigerian prince phone scam? How they're all deliberately obvious, because the scammer only wants to deal with people who actually might give them money?
    It must be like that - Salted only wants to trick those who have not been warned yet, those who will still fall for his devious tricks. However, he did not do this before - the methods were much more subtle in 1.19 and earlier. CLEARLY, the reason for this is my previous thread. Together, we have spammed Detlas player ghost chat with enough warning messages that the CT are being forced to increase the levels of their tricks to retain influence on at least some of the playerbase. Meaning, of course, that if we push the campaign more, we will soon have enough leverage to topple the Gavel Reborn Illuminati, and restore balance to the server.

    Keep it up, everyone. Wynn needs you. As a wise warrior once said,

    No, don't worry, the Illuminati hasn't gotten me. Considering they've had so long to do so and haven't even tried yet, I very much doubt they will. That being said, I'd be quite surprised if I ever manage to find enough random things in Wynn to point out to make another of these, so goodbye.
    Well, I suppose that's that, I'll just go n-

    Oh no. He's coming.

  2. Crokee

    Crokee Nudist poking eyes CHAMPION

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    That's why I advocate all proffers who reach lv 90+ in cooking to use avo hearts because they are clearly healthier than candy. We don't want people getting early stage diabetes too soon.
    HoboMaggot, NotFunny and coolname2034 like this.
  3. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    Frankly people in Wynn would probably have their health improve if they ate fast food. After all, in Gavel the Villagers are all eating Gert meat... which is just mutated Villagers, so again: better to eat fast food than be a cannibal.

    I think cannibalism might be better than eating rocks, but that might just be me.
  4. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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