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Please Make The Amount Of Xp Needed For 110+ Profs Higher.

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by I_Liek_Turtlez, Jan 28, 2021.


Should the xp requirements be made higher?

  1. Yes

    18 vote(s)
  2. No

    147 vote(s)
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  1. brixt01

    brixt01 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Apparently nerfs are incoming for gathering xp ingredients. Anyone know anything about this?
  2. I_Liek_Turtlez

    I_Liek_Turtlez hi i play hic CHAMPION

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    Literally anyone who wants to can join the PROF guild temporarily and get a free +180% xp boost for dernic gatherings.

    It is possible to use hunted mode on HIC, but it’s not something I would recommend.

    A hunters calling is a quest, that’s it. Very easy to do, so I don’t really see what the argument here is?

    Not super expensive. About 1 stack of LE at the most for a good set (easily above 140% gxp). Most players have this, if not more, when they complete a playthrough/have grinded gatherings to 110+.



    The mats are t1-t2 meaning they only cost from 32 emeralds to 3 eb per at most. The ingredients themself can be a few eb per, so I’m extremely confused as to why you think these are super expensive.

    You can just join the PROF guild, and they tell you in chat (the players in the PROF guild with Champion rank) when someone is dropping profs. Either that or just join the Bombs tracker discord or the Prof Tryhard discord so people can ping you when they see prof bombs.

    Once again, I’m a bit confused. I only want the levels that don’t do anything, the useless levels, to be changed. This changes nothing with pre-110 levels. My suggestion only matters for the levels after 110.

    As Max already pointed out, the sets are not as expensive as people think they are.

    I brought up craftings because I was saying that 1690 is now an absolute joke and as you probably know, craftings are part of getting to total level 1690. I meant that gatherings were the only challenging part of getting to 1690 pre-1.20, but now that’s also super easy.

    In reality I want them to increase the xp reqs for 103+ for craftings and 110+ for gatherings, but I’m not sure if it’s possible to separate them like that so I just went with 110+ for both. The reason for this is because there is zero actual reason to go beyond 103 for craftings and 110 (118 if you want max efficiency) for gatherings other than flexing purposes. Now, the reason why these xp reqs should be made higher is because, like I’ve already said, what was a challenge before is now an absolute joke.

    My suggestion only matters for dernic-level mats, 110+. The PROF guild owns SE and literally anyone can join it temporarily for a free +180% gxp bonus for dernic gatherings. This is literally just a free +180% gxp bonus, and is extremely realistic as it is literally happening right now.

    This idea is only for 110+. This suggestion changes absolutely nothing for everything before 110. Everything before 110 will stay as it is right now. I will say it once again, everything before 110 will stay the same. Please actually read the thread.

    Also, as a side-note, I’m not trying to be mean here but 5 nodes for 1% is extremely little and it is still very easy for you to level up.

    This idea solves both of the problems that existed. If they didn’t add any kind of gathering boost, the majority of players would just think profs were a huge waste of time and would simply ignore them, but if they did add huge boosts, an extremely dedicated minority would be angry and upset that their hard work has been invalidated just because someone had problems reaching level 30 mining.

    The issue is that everything we did before 1.20 has now been made extremely easy, so that what was once an achievement is now easy to get.

    1. The PROF guild owns the whole of SE, and anyone can join it, meaning a free +180% gxp bonus for dernic gatherings.

    2. You would not have to do it for long, and it would only be 1.5x as much of a grind without it so it doesn’t really make a difference when we are talking about 20 minutes to do 131-132.

    3. Ridiculous amounts? No, a few eb each.

    4. Literally just join the Bombs Tracker or the Prof Tryhard discord.

    No, the problem is that it’s possible and easy to level profs super quickly now at lvl 110+. It’s literally 1.5 tools with the best setup for 131-132, which is an extremely small amount of tools for that. This suggestion only matters for 110+, and those levels are pretty much useless.

    The problem isn’t that “haha I want all prof levels to be slow so everyone can suffer”.
    Crokee, Arkade, chryssie and 2 others like this.
  3. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    You didn't answer my question, what would that do? More xp means everyone has to level up to 132 again, and I doubt everyone with max profs are super interested in grinding that up again especially if there are other options that don't involve regrinding
    crafting was never a challenge and was never changed and I don't know why it should be, you just have to pay more to max it if you increase the xp needed for literally no reason
  4. CrunchyCol

    CrunchyCol CrunchyCOOL CHAMPION

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    Just a note: Wynn doesn't use total experience to calculate level, they reset your total xp to 0 whenever you level up. So instead of saving a single raw number for your total xp, it saves your level and the xp you currently have at that level. If this suggestion was implemented, and you currently have a level 132, your level would not decrease. If you have a level 120, your level would not decrease. The only thing that would change is the amount of xp needed for levels you haven't gotten to yet. (Not commenting on the suggestion itself, just saying how xp is stored in the player data).
  5. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    I suspected as much, but I also wondered if prof xp was treated differently since it doesn't use the XP bar or anything
  6. CrunchyCol

    CrunchyCol CrunchyCOOL CHAMPION

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    Hmm, I'm not sure actually. I figured combat and profs would use the same type of xp data storage, but I could be wrong.
    btdmaster likes this.
  7. I_Liek_Turtlez

    I_Liek_Turtlez hi i play hic CHAMPION

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    All the levels would stay the same, the only thing that would change is the % of xp you have to the next level. If I had lvl 126 farming with 46% before the change, I would still have lvl 126 farming, but the % would go down since the xp req to get to 127 is now higher.
  8. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I'm expecting to get some heat for this, but I think guild buffs in general are kind of their own separate issue that stem from the problems that the new guild system have. I do agree they're too strong, but the reality is, basically nobody is ever going to have access to these buffs so saying they're throwing off the balance doesn't really mean much. Overall, I actually think tomes throw off the balance more then the guild bonus because they're an endgame, fixed bonus (basically hunted) that is locked behind guilds and a endgame multiplayer raid. It sucks because it's super easy to get for social players but for people like me who just want to do their own thing it's basically impossible to get.

    I agree with the rest of the stuff you said, but people (not you) have been complaining a lot about the guild bonus so I figured I should just throw that out there.
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