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Guide The Canyon Colossus Raid

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Sar, Jan 26, 2021.


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  1. Sar

    Sar The Fire Archer CHAMPION

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    So I've been doing a lot of raiding and wanted to share my experience with all of you.

    First off, what is The Canyon Colossus (tcc for short)?
    Its a raid for lvl 95 and up which can be done by 4 players.
    It starts at the bottom of the giant statue behind Kandon Beda.
    raids can be done to acquire tomes and charms

    - First room -
    when you start the raid by getting 4 players in a party and giving 4 tol runes to the keeper,
    your party can get send into one of two rooms:​

    The mini games room
    to open the middle to continue you need 10 iron which you can get from the mini games at the 5 tunnels.
    the minigames are:
    - avoid bolders
    - Hivemc blockparty
    - parkour
    - boss room 1
    - boss room 2

    some of the tunnels will open at a time, so you might not be able to do your favorite all the time.

    The lava lake room
    at the beginning, all 4 players will need to get water from the pool on the right.
    if one of the 5 lava falls starts to smoke, you need to use the water on it quickly.
    after your party has used 5 water on the lava, the first platform will rise up from the lava lake.
    one of the players, preferably a tanky one, will have to sit on the platform why the rest repeats the task again.
    then a second platform will rise and the tanky player will have to get to it since the first platform will sink.
    then when the other 3 have done the repeat task again a third and first platform will rise and everyone can get across.

    - The second room -
    the second room will be one of 2 rooms​

    Hold the 3 platforms room
    the party starts in the middle and 3 sides will open and will need at least 1 player to go in each,
    they got 5 seconds to do that.
    if it fails the rooms will open to the middle and all players will need to go back there.
    in every room is a platform on which 3 players will need to stand on at the same time for 60 seconds.
    the countdown will stop going down when there are only 2 or less players on the platform.
    30 seconds after the rooms closed, the platforms will shut down and the rooms will open to the middle.
    the party needs to hold the platforms until the 60 seconds have fully depleted.
    the longest hold over the platforms in one go, that I have seen is 27 seconds.

    The maze room
    all players will spawn in the middle of a maze and one of the 4 needs to grab the wings,
    they then start flying above the maze to find a circle of white particles which is the exit.
    the other 3 players will go exploring together to kill mini bosses to reset the timer that is on this room.
    when someone finds the exit they lead everyone to it.

    - The third room -
    again, will be one of 2 rooms

    The 2 platform room
    as the name says it has 2 platforms, a lower and upper.
    if you stand on the upper platform the door to the lower platform will open.
    each platform will need a player to stand on it for 60 seconds.
    when the platform starts smoking. there will be spikes on it which will throw you of if you are then still standing on it.
    I can advice for an archer not to get thrown of the upper platform since its a long way down
    and archer can't use escape in the air to soften the fall.

    Defend the 3 statues room
    for 2 minutes mobs will spawn in the room, also 3 zombies will spawn every 10 seconds that will target
    the statues and the task is to the party to kill the zombies before they reach the statues.
    the other mobs that spawn will teleport to blind and multihit to throw you away from the zombies.

    - The boss -
    the boss consists of 3 phases, the second phase is the hardest.
    I may need a bit more info on what happens in the phases since it can be a bit chaotic.​

    Phase 1
    the colossus will put its arms before its head and the party needs to kill the 2 arms to enter phase 2

    Phase 2
    in this phase there are 3 entities to kill: the mouth and the two eyes.
    the eyes can spawn green mobs that fly high and cast pull spell to launch everyone in the air.
    the mouth spawns a lot of low flying black mobs that will explode and knock players of the platforms.
    if you fall you will lose half of your current health and tp you back to the middle of the room.
    the platforms themselves can turn red and cause an explosion on them which also takes away 25% of your hp.

    during the fight there will be 2 times when an obelisk will spawn at the back of the room which needs to be killed fast before it erupts.
    the player closest to the obelisk when it dies will be chosen, the only chosen players can enter the body of the colossus at the end of the third phase.

    Phase 3
    at the end of the second phase, the party will get teleported at the front of the head of the colossus.
    you want to fall of to be teleported to the back of the head since that's the place where you tp to if you fall.
    there are now 4 entities to kill: the brain, the mouth and 2 ears.
    the 4 body parts will shoot when you hit them, so as an archer hf not using arrow storm (it will likely kill you).
    at the platforms next to the mouth, incoming attacks will spawn which explode after a second or 2.

    The body of the colossus
    at the end of phase three, the 2 chosen players by the obelisk in phase 2 will have to enter the body of the colossus to get this last puzzle.
    you need to replicate the pattern on the floor in the interface on the wall.
    if done correctly the rest will get teleported to the room and the doors at the sides will open after a bit to let you get your rewards.

    - Tips -
    I'll leave this space for tips I or other have for doing the raid,
    feel free to add some advice for others and I'll put it here.​
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2021
  2. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    lava room and stage 1 plate room got swapped. thats also not how the rooms work. Stage 1 is the lava and minigame room. Stage 2 is the color room and the maze. stage 3 is the dual plate room and the golem room. its not a random selection.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2021
    one_ood, Sar, Dwicey and 1 other person like this.
  3. MlecznyHuxel99

    MlecznyHuxel99 Fruman walls guy VIP+

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    3 platforms room is PAIN
    great guide!
    Sar likes this.
  4. Pepo

    Pepo Snt best cult! QA GM CHAMPION

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    If it's a pain that means we did great work!
    Elysium_, Relflow, AIexxx and 10 others like this.
  5. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    it made me cry

    hope your happy.
    Ronnoc, Pepo and MlecznyHuxel99 like this.
  6. Nukewarmachine

    Nukewarmachine emerald tier above LE when VIP

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    about the boss parts:
    phase 1: 2 colossal dukes (2 million hp each)
    phase 2: 2 colossal eyes (3 million hp each) + mammoth mouth (4 million hp)
    phase 3: 2 ruptured ears + gnarled mouth + quartzite cerebellum (1 million hp each)
    total: 18 million hp across all parts

    oh and falling off the platforms during the colossus fight now takes away 25% hp instead of 50% hp
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2021
    Coragon42, Ronnoc, Sar and 1 other person like this.
  7. Sar

    Sar The Fire Archer CHAMPION

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    made some changes that have been pointed out about which rooms you can get since they changed it in a hotfix
  8. Bixlo

    Bixlo I maybe am funny sometimes HERO

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    Tips with wing room. Remeber there is a 2 min timer, killing mini bosses resets the timer, if the 2 mins pass fully without the players leaving the raid will fail. I suggest just killing bosses while your wing scouts out the exit

    Tips with boss
    If your a mage / shaman do your best to heal every time you take dmg, most likely your allies who can’t heal have taken more than u

    When on seccond stage ALWAYS kill mouth first. Otherwise it can get bad quick

    Red tiles deal 50% hp removal whole void is only 25%. The colossus also spawns small floating blocks. If you touch these they will deal massive dmg

    Stage three activates when the players are ready, so take some time to re center yourself after stage two
  9. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    overall pretty solid guide

    a couple things you might want to mention:
    if a player dies in wings room, they will also need to move their ghost to stand in the circle for the party to be tp'd. there are also a variety of safe spots throughout the maze.
    pesky p whatevers float one block above the ground-- this means their multihit will not hit you unless you jump are all pulled by the green thing
    only one player per platform at a time for the platform rooms (not lava)

    might also want to note the current state of the chosen entity and how it impacts specific builds-- it blocks a lot of projectiles, but you can still hit the boss targets by either strafing forward and back or by standing close to your target
    Bixlo likes this.
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