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1.20 Was Rushed.

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by quick007, Jan 20, 2021.

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  1. Gumikacsa

    Gumikacsa A leghűvösebb kacsa a világon HERO

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    Imagine the damned raid chest opening
  2. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I agree, I simply do not understand why do game devs (in general, I don't mean just the CT and wynncraft devs) let themselves be pushed around by the community, getting pushed for an earlier release. Just take your damn time. Make the beta 6 months long for all I care. If it's gonna be polished and finished in the end, it's gonna pay off. The same people who complain about waiting are the people who complain about bugs later. These people are impatient little..... and should not be paid attention to. JUST. TAKE. YOUR. TIME.
  3. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    It’s not (just) about the community; Updates are huge sources of revenue and keep the playerbase active, and the amount of glitches that can be found in testing are relatively limited due to the limited number of players, so there’s a pretty good incentive to release updates sooner rather than later as bugs can be found and fixed much faster on the live server and there’s more revenue to pay for those fixes. Taking their time is an option, but if releasing the update sooner produces a better product faster at the cost of a worse launch day experience, they’re probably going to release it sooner. Plus, even if they made the update completely bug free on the beta there’s still likely to be bugs on the live server, because computers are just the worst.
    And for major game studios most of the pressure to launch games early comes from the corporate side of the companies, not the voice of the community
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2021
  4. quick007

    quick007 Master Adventurer

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    public beta could fix these -- even just a week we could have found hundreds of bugs.

    apparently salted was only forusing on major bugs, and also it kinda seemed like they cared a bit to much about releasing on 1/20 lol
    trex1611 likes this.
  5. Bixlo

    Bixlo Got drip like pablo HERO

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    I can agree with this ^. My current experience with raids has just been poor due to it still being buged/ unbalanced in certain ways
    i dont think lvl determines difficuly since EO can be really hard for some but easier for others, CC can be a great challange that needs teamwork, or it can be cancer because u cant do much bc of bugs/ your dmg being too low
    5 min for finding is alright and 10 min for getting out is also good. If it was a bug then that really sucks since ik Raids have been buggy with loot too.
    I still just don't fully like the idea for a time limit of a dugeon-esk fight

    Your probably right with TCC, I still think EO is harder due to the mechanics, but I have not fought CC yet so idk. ye Dern will 100% be harder, however better gear/hopefully new spells n stuff will b added balancing out that
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2021
  6. BTK2000

    BTK2000 helo im btk CHAMPION

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    Hey so I did around 6000 wars pre-1.20 wars, so I spent quite a while doing guild stuff ingame (not accounting for the countless hours of time spent doing the politics surrounding it). I generally enjoyed warring with my Divzer, Olympic, Hero and Lament, however, the game decided that my fun would be hereby over, as my Divzer build died on AN UNCLAIMED TERRITORY. Yes, I tried it right when the update hit, it couldn't survive a territory pratically undefended. I accepted my fate, this was indeed a glass cannon build. So I started building for my mage, which at the time had a lament build. It wasn't as lightly defended, but nonetheless, it could barely survive a four man (others were a shaman, a mage and a warrior) VERY LOW tower, so I asked my friend to create a build for me. The new build was a dual-mythic (Monster & Lament), high intel and defense build, with 22k hp. Hyped with this new, in 1.19 standards, OP build, I joined a LOW defended war. 5 minutes of constant hand pain and swearing later, I died. I understand that I shouldn't be able to solo a HQ, or something that a guild really wants to keep, I know I should sweat harder for those, but for fucks sake, this was an easy tower and a good build. Was this change tested in creative mode?
  7. ivo_bs00

    ivo_bs00 owo what's this VIP+

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    The guild system is flawed in so many ways. Things like being able to set your HQ in the middle of a guild's claim and become UNBEATABLE when your global tax is set to 80%, having to pay for upgrades HOURLY makes it so you constantly have to change your spending plan in order to make the smallest resource-profit you could. Not even gonna start on defenses and player caps, I can't comprehend that those were TESTED and still got released, it makes no sense whatsoever. If you're gonna make 'medium' territories practically unbeatable maybe allow us to have more players in a war. Also I understand we shouldn't be able to kill HQs when they have territories around them but at least make the territories around them wipe-able? A thing that also bothers me is the deletion of war worlds, I don't get it at all, 70% of wars won't let in if you don't have Champion rank.
  8. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    Just yesterday I did the grootslang raid with some level 70 people and they all die in one explosion (I forgot which mob did it), and I took like 8k damage during that hit as well (EFA exploited assassin 14k hp btw). I understand that raids have to be challenging but some of the challenges are beyond the point. And you don't get any buffs in challenge 1.

    iirc grootslang raid is for level 60-80 people, but I doubt people in this level could take a 8k-damage hit. It shouldn't be like that.
    As an assassin main I am happy with it. And you don't want paths to have a 1-block obstacle or some sort to mess you up.
    Uhh at least what I saw here is civil in general. There are differences between:
    "Great job CT, I really like this update, especially the realm of light"
    "The update is nice but Olux is still eh, and some of the features are buggy, like the CIP barrier wall"

    "Fuck you bunch of shit people not looking at CIP barrier wall, I have to do /kill 3 fucking times bc of this shit and filed a bug report and no one even looked at it, I am quitting and I will tell my friends to"
    At least to me no one is being that guy in red text. And I am sure that no one will be.
    Druser and trex1611 like this.
  9. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    I'm going to be honest, most of you have no idea what you are talking about.

    Data packets, plugins, and even command blocks, tend to not transfer the smoothest across servers. That's 99% of the issues we are seeing with this update. What does that mean? Well, litterally no matter how long we waited there would have been bugs on lunch, server said lag issues, and so on.

    That's not even getting into other issues I stated before, like content creep, the dying beta, and putting alot of pressure on a few gms.

    You guys don't seem to remember what happened to Gavel with its content creep. Look, are there unfinished or lacking features? Yes. But none of you are asking what the hell would have happened if we had waited. We already started seeing random features, or competely unrelated balancing steps being implamented.
    ghoti0315 and flip like this.
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