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1.20 Was Rushed.

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by quick007, Jan 20, 2021.

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  1. victorpotato2

    victorpotato2 Broke af HERO

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    This has been one of the smoothest update launches. Welp crybabies always gotta cry.
    Sg_Voltage and DaCorruption like this.
  2. Shoefarts

    Shoefarts I fart on shoes CHAMPION

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    About as smooth as pile of gravel
  3. dr_carlos

    dr_carlos Morph Gang! VIP+

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    Note: These do not necessarily relate to me just suggesting things that could affect others.
    Planning Parlour: no permission for Forums
    #looking-for-groups no permission for Discord
    Meeting people in TCC: doing a different raid
    Parties from shouts: no money for shouts
    Oh, and yes bad English I don't really care rn
  4. Miles_

    Miles_ hi CHAMPION

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    I understand. I just don't think we should start calling people crybabies and shit when they have valid complaints. Both sides should be represented fairly, and I just don't like when people act as if every single complaint is invalid because the CT are volunteers. That's not how promises and commitment work. However, someone could argue that Salted said/did a lot of stuff on behalf of the content team that some of those people didn't necessarily believe. Imo Salted can learn from this update and the testing process. It seems it was kinda rushed into the testing process, which in turn created a bunch of hype, and not long after, disappointment. People wouldn't be as disappointed if we didn't get constant hype for 2 or 3 months before the update happened. The rush to release from hero beta to main servers wouldn't have been as bad if the hero beta wasn't released with so many things not near completion.
  5. Arkade

    Arkade Who am I? CHAMPION

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    1. Raids are good.
    2. Yeah time limit in maze is glitched.
    3. I'm certain that guardian and mage died in first platform room which is said to be moved to third phase of tcc instead of first where it should have been in the first place.
    4. Tol runes arent rare and pricey.
    5. You haven't even mentioned rewards which are the biggest problem rn since they don't even spawn sometimes.
    this is true to full extent
    Bixlo likes this.
  6. Vholtz_

    Vholtz_ Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Your le isnt wiped you just have to set a hq to use the le, but be wary if your hq is taken you'll lose the le. And I 100% think this sucks for smaller guilds as larger ones will just wipe your bank's essentially (by taking their claims according to the artimis map)
    the way that the guild scene currently works sucks for smaller guilds unfortunately and the update certainly didn't help that imo BC wars have just become who has the le to throw at it.
    Bixlo likes this.
  7. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    1.18 and 1.19 were both way smoother than this.
  8. Pepo

    Pepo Snt best cult! QA GM CHAMPION

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    Well you definetely don't remember then, 1.18 was barely playable, servers were crashing all the time and it was so laggy

    This update is MASSIVE in scale, I dont think people realize how much was put into this update, we changed so much and added so much that unless we did a 3 months beta it was expected that this would be a buggier beta than others, (1.19 was a really small update for example)

    We had 5 devs working on the same code, we rewrote the market's backend, we added a major housing feature, reworked guilds, and there's more that was done adding new tools for the team that you'll never get to see

    So no the update was NOT rushed, working on minecraft itself is already a challenge so please have some patience and be thoughtful when shitting on people's content after the first day push because we worked really hard on this but some things just end up going to live and we'll work hard to get them fixed in the upcoming weeks and days.
  9. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Fair point that 1.19 was significantly smaller than 1.20. I do still think 1.18 and 1.20 releases are comparable in smoothness and general quality though.

    A three month beta would have been worth it honestly. Buggy releases do a lot to push people away (for example, it's a part of why Wynndata is no longer in active development, per dukio's own words).
    Sg_Voltage, trex1611 and Bart (MC) like this.
  10. TheLMiffy1111

    TheLMiffy1111 Previous Leader Of A Revived Wynn Community CHAMPION

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  11. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    The issue I have with raids isn't that you need to form a group, it's that there isn't an automated matchmaking option. If you look at literally any other MMO with forced party content (D2, RS has grouping, WOW, Maplestory, ect.) there's some sort of matchmaking system to ensure individual players can find a party without server hopping. Planning Parlor is an awful way to quickly get into a raid since it means you're only asking people on the forums at that exact moment which basically guarantees nobody who sees it is going to be interested in raiding at that moment. Discord is slightly better, but again you're only opening up yourself to a fraction of the player base there which means the odds of actually finding a party are incredibly small since most of the people in the discord at any given moment aren't actually in game.

    They shouldn't have launched content which requires multiple people without matchmaking, there's no defense for it, especially since the only way to get tomes is through the raids.
    To be fair, I've actually been quite impressed with the launch day performance, especially compared to the last two updates, though I think a big reason why 1.18 was so bad was because people were dropping constant gathering bombs, everyone was cutting down trees constantly and I'm guessing gathering wasn't really properly optimized to work at that scale, which is fine since you need to launch it to see how to optimize it anyways. Once the hype cooled off a little, I think 1.18 was fairly good too (Minus the trade market, that was rough).

    I also don't think anymore time in a hero beta would have changed anything, there were too few people on to really make a difference. Once they think the hero beta is ready for launch, it might be good if they hosted a week long VIP beta to try and catch the last few bugs that take more then 14 players to find.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2021
    crawfish and trex1611 like this.
  12. hiimNayNay

    hiimNayNay Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    people argue about how smooth the launch was didnt play the game. dungeons are pretty much unplayable w/o encountering game breaking bugs
    trex1611 and Shoefarts like this.
  13. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I didn't play dungeons, but from what I've seen the issue stems from the fact that people were entering the dungeons in broken up parties while on dungeon bombs, which isn't a new for 1.20 thing, it's always been an issue. Most of the dungeons have been really broken for the past few years, so I wouldn't really blame the launch of 1,20 on that. CIP is particularly bad with the invisible cutscene wall softlock.
  14. hiimNayNay

    hiimNayNay Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    the problem is that those issues were never fixed . now we end up in a situation where you either wait 20 min for a bug to fix itself, /kill and lose your streak) or you are stuck in a dungeon-Furthermore there were quite a lot of nerfs to ingreidents this patch w/o any compensation. I was really hyped for 1.20 to launch since those new features looked really cool, but I had to figure out how bad 1.20 was yesterday and this is not just related to the performance issues.
  15. victorpotato2

    victorpotato2 Broke af HERO

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    pretty sure they werent playable lagwise

    edit: just saw pepos detailed explanation
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2021
  16. _purplegiraffe_

    _purplegiraffe_ Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I think the problem here is that the item you're holding is called black whistle leaf, when he asks for death whistle leaf (and that's probably why he won't accept it). It still could be the right item but maybe someone made a mistake while naming it (maybe file a bug report for it if you haven't already)
    hiimNayNay likes this.
  17. Bixlo

    Bixlo I maybe am funny sometimes HERO

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    Ok if its a bug then its a bug. A time limit is understandable, yet there shouldn't be a time limit for a phase that takes a long time to complete. And if there should be then it should be quite long bc getting kicked for trying to find the exit is absolute bs.

    1. Trade market has been down for a while(you live under a rock?), we also USED my avia feathers (4 of em) to do it and it was still quite annoying to try TCC.
    2. TCC isnt supposed to be the hardest, I believe EO is since its the end of the game....Also its still unbalanced since the mobs in there have alot of HP and alot of Dmg, there is no balance.
    3. Oh boy id love so see these items, but we cant do it because of the unbalanced fights and shitty time limit on it :/
    well said :D
    Yeah. I didnt wanna come off as rude since this update reworked half of the entire game. The only issues are some of the new content ends up causing more issues than it solved. I 100% respect everything the CT has done bc its really cool imo, its just equally frustrating bc alot of the bugs and gliches wont be refunded even tho they are game issues not player issues (ppl losing LE to wars, ppl losing stuff to raids etc)
    I do apologize for all the ppl who did shit on the ideas since they cant just learn to change with the rest of humanity lmao
    yeah thats what happend to us...
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2021
    Miles_ likes this.
  18. aFireBlaze

    aFireBlaze DM another mod if you have any appeals with me CHAMPION

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    From plenty of testing around with hero beta, raids are supposed to be a challenging aspect of the game with team coordination and proper building of gear and weapons is required to make the raids significantly easier to go at. It isn't intended to be solo'd at all, hence why raids require multiple people. Deaths of certain members can mean exponentially hard difficulty which spices up the experience. I heavily enjoy this aspect as it requires player dependence on everyone(who's going to be the healer? Tank? high DPS? etc as we ask each other) and I wish to see the many other bugs and issues that people have said earlier in this thread and many others like the rewards be fixed or changed soon.
  19. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    First off, I don't think that's true, the Canyon colossus is level 250 which makes it the highest level boss in the game iirc, at the very least the eye is only 110 so it's higher then that by quite a bit.

    Second, the raid is actually easy if you have a good build (morph or better) and a competent team. If you go in with 4 glass cannon archers you're going to get your ass kicked, but if you bring a couple mages or shaman for support, a defensive archer (or a giant II or III archer) and a warrior for the buff or an assassin for the nutty DPS it should be easy. I ran it multiple times on the Beta pre-nerf without any major issues, at least regarding difficulty, and my run last night was a complete cakewalk, I don't think I dropped below half health at any point so for the point about the eye. Might not be the popular opinion, but I still think the eye is harder.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2021
  20. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern. HERO

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    It is long. Long enough for the winged dude to search all four of the paths thoroughly. The point of the phase is to camp the center until the winged person finds the exit, which should take no more than 5 minutes, and then reach the exit, that should take no more than 10 minutes if you have a good enough build. You're basing this "time limit not long enough" claim on a probable bug. Trust me, I've run TCC before, I can absolutely assure you that the time limit is long enough for a skilled (and even unskilled) party to find the exit.

    I know that the trade market's down, lol. Asking in the discord, simply waiting for the TM to return, or going out and farming the feathers yourself is a good way to get them. Once the Trade Market's back I don't think there'll be the "needing Tol Runes" problem anymore. Maybe you can get stronger party members or stronger builds.

    No. For now, TCC is supposed to be (and is) the hardest challenge in the game. The boss fight alone has 25 million HP total and it's built around a team of 4 fighting it. Plus, it's one of those "optional endgame bosses" that a lot of other RPGs/MMORPGs have. Eldritch Outlook, being a dungeon, was not necessarily built around having friends with you to fight it. So they made sure to make the Eye soloable as well. Also, TCC and Eldritch Outlook are around the same level (TCC is technically level 95 min but let's face it nobody under level 100 is actually going to try and fight it), and plus Eldritch Outlook isn't even SUPPOSED to be the end of the game. Wait until we get Dern, the actual end-game area, and I expect boss fights harder than TCC.

    See my first post for the time limit stuff, again you're basing your thoughts off a bug you got, the time limit especially on the TCC fight is very long, long enough I'd say. The fights I wouldn't say are unbalanced. Heck I'd say the boss itself is not even hard to survive, you can camp in a few spots at the edges of the arena and you're set. For the minions, maybe the minions in the first challenge room (the one with the platforms you need to hold) are a bit too powerful. However if you're tanky enough and if you spam healing potions (or if you're mage, spam heal) you shouldn't run into too much trouble with them. The minions are most of the times not even supposed to be fought. You just need to survive them.
    Sg_Voltage likes this.
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