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SPOILER All New Secret Discovery Locations!

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Samsam101, Jan 20, 2021.

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  1. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    So, 1.20 just released. I imagine a few of you will be confused on finding some of the new discoveries. Because of this, I have decided to make a thread on all of the locations. I mean no disrespect to the creators of any of these discoveries. Credit goes to @Druser for bringing the Hero Beta community together to find all of these.

    I don't know why I need to mention this one since you'll probably find it by accident whilst doing the reworked Enzan's brother but here's the step

    Go through Enzan's Brother until you find the key
    Open the door right next to the key
    Explore the room further

    Visit the house outside of Bucie at -1440 -4902. Talk to the fisherman inside and and pick up a fishing rod off the shelf. Stand on the rock and fish up the salmon, not the pufferfish. You need to get 8 or more salmon to receive the item from the fisherman. Once collected fill it with water (make sure not to use the decay water). After head to -1491 -4925 and place the item, a hole will open up and go through to get the discovery.
    this was written by @Spases , unfortunately just having the ''written by spases'' dialogue caused some kind of syntax error with the thread or something

    Written by @Siri
    Go down the cave at -2141 -4987 and grab a shovel. Then head over to the caved-in cave at -2194 -5035 and right click with the shovel. The wall will start to break and you just need to enter to get the discovery.

    Written by @Matteo_Games
    Go to -2161 105 -4491 in Llevigar (the location is above the court at -2083 -4490) and cast a spell next to the strange crystal that releases particles. Go down the stairway that opens and you will get the discovery.

    Written by @Matteo_Games
    Go to the map at -2034 -5017 and collect all 4 of the missing map pieces (their locations are: -2034 -5003; -2024 -4987; -2038 -5022; and -1986 62 -5015). Place them on the map accordingly. An elf (most likely Lari) will appear and will talk to you about the decay that has affected Gavel. She will then cast a portal and disappear, and green particles will appear. Go into the portal and you will get the discovery.

    Written by @MinerDwarf222
    Grove at -1786, -4857, cut down all the trees in the grove.

    Ultimate location: -1868 -4518
    (Found by @Spases , same syntax error. No idea what's going on with that)

    Written by @BramVeen
    At -1981 56 -5267 there is a house with some letters around it. The house has a window that you can break, when you do that you need to go into the house and you'll get the discovery.

    Written by @Bwitty03
    In the cave at -1900 -5465 there is a door held shut by water pressure. Go to the basement of the nearby house, pull the lever marked "reverse input/output", then push the button marked "activate pump". The door can now be entered.

    Written by @Brutakah
    Go to -2196 -5345. There's a boulder being supported by wooden beams. To the left at -2202 -5316 pick up the tnt. Proceed to place it at the unstable support beam. The tnt should cause the rock to fall, thus making a hole in the ground.

    Written by @Bwitty03
    Use the slime blocks to climb up the mountain at -1900 -5600. Discovery is in a cave at the top.

    Written by @Brutakah
    Grab the command chip at -1660 -5510. There's a saw that is stuck at -1569 -5560. Proceed to give command chip to golem at -1555 -5521. The golem will then remove the boulder, opening a enterance at -1578 -5578. Enter it, and a cutscene will start playing.

    Found by me, Samsam101. However, this part was written by @Neptune
    Olux bank, up on the chandelier at middle, there's glitter. Right click and it drops down, creating an entrance hole.

    | Found by @Brutakah |
    Ultimate Location: -2211 -5499

    Written by @Bwitty03
    Old taproot location. Break the window at -1349 54 -5501. Then enter and grab the "rusted scythe". Enter the house, and there should be a breakable block inside. Break that and proceed.

    Written by @Brutakah
    Go to House of Talor located at -666 -5317. Go to church organs, climb up the ladder and do the parkour. At the top click on the bell to break floor below.

    Written by @Brutakah
    Enter the cave at -1098 -5155. Then proceed to walk forward until Lari appears and starts talking.

    Written by @Brutakah
    Find Revand's head at -953 90 -5558. Proceed to follow bloodtrail down, leading to a small church-like building. Head to the center of the room, where the floor at -883 -5513 breaks when standing uptop.

    Written by @Blastbasher
    (Requires you to have started Headless History)
    Right next to the big door of Dullahan's castle there is a small entryway. After going through several doors you'll reach a spot with a dead body. If you click on the body it starts a long cutscene.

    Unfortunately, the person who wrote this one did not credit themselves :(
    Altar at (-1016, -5424). Around the edge is four item spots. Those items can be found at: (-1082, -5393) by killing the Summoned rift mob, the house at (-1082, -5465) by killing the magical writings mob, Around (-1069, -5301) is a mob called "Newborn cow" kill it, and lastly (-1009, -5294) "Vial of Blood". After getting all four items, place them in their spots. Then right click the enchanting table in the center of the altar.

    | Found by an unnamed person, quite possibly the same one from summoner's fate :( |
    Ultimate Location: behind lexdale, the old hand location (for further detail it's a large corrupted tree stump that is west of the giant castle)

    Written by @Bwitty03
    In the canyon at -700 -4780. At day, a large mirror reflects light to a series of lasers. Reflect the light to the door to open the discovery.

    Written by @Blastbasher
    (Requires completion of Shattered Minds)
    There is a cave around -961 -4694 near a bunch of multicolored mushrooms. In this cave there is a huge wynnic E, and if you click on it you can enter the discovery. You need the token from the end of shattered minds in order to enter.

    Written by @DragonEngineer
    At -903, -4712, pick up some red, blue, and purple spores, then make the caps of 5 of the mushrooms surrounding the largest purple mushroom into purple. Once they have turned purple, a hole near the largest purple mushroom appears

    Written by @AceCadre
    -1090, y, -4380, click the thingy in the hole in the mountain to start the cinematic

    Written by me, but if it weren't for @MinerDwarf222 and @kumakuma215 I wouldnt've been able to. Felt as though I should give credit where credit is due.
    Firstly, go to Cinfras and purchase a level 75 potion. Then, go to Efilim. In Efilim, there is a shrine at -1047, 42, -4995. Head across the river to encounter the first fairy, ''joyful fairy''. You will probably find it simply by walking through houses for a bit. Once found, lead it back to the shrine. Next, head to the minotaur sacrifice pit at -967, ~, -5062. The scared fairy will be in the middle of the bonfire. You need to take the bucket nearby and fill it with water from one of the nearby rocks to extinguish the flames. Then, interact with the fairy using the level 75 potion you got beforehand and when the heart particles appear you can walk away from the area. The fairy will follow you back to the shrine. The last fairy, the lonely fairy, is located in a small farm at -1178, ~, -5000. Take it back to the shrine and a small cutscene will play in which the fairies do a dance and open the floor. After doing this, the fairies will be there forever more to help you. Jump into the hole and follow the stream down into the cave, where a cutscene should play. Entering the cave will give you the discovery.

    Written by me, found by @Awesommme
    Go to the Forgery. Instead of entering the portal, go up to the chains and cast a spell near them. The underneath of the floating island the Forgery is situated on will have a reaction if you do this correctly. Once you have done this twice, a parkour will appear. Complete the parkour and you will be teleported to a blank void room where you will get the secret discovery. To leave, there is an exit portal behind you.

    | Found by @Matteo_Games |
    Ultimate location: -1130, -4509
    Credit to @Ankarin for helping me find this one so I could add it to the spreadsheet

    Written by @Jacquie
    When you enter the guild hall in Cinfras, take an immediate right turn. Along the path to the old Sodeta Grave, you should see a fire wand just leaning against some stone. Right click it to pick it up. As you follow the path more you should come to a corner to where the grave is to your right. Instead of going to the grave, look at the wall on your left and you should see some platforms that look like parkour. Follow this and climb a few ladders, and you should end up in a room in a tower. Use the wand on the wall and the door will open up to the discovery.

    Written by @MinerDwarf222
    At -18, 37, -4691 there is a small sandstone ruined structure, if you go to the back of it a hole appears.

    Written by @MinerDwarf222
    Northeast from "The Lad" (The Lad is the half buried golem in the July news found at -187 -4599) there is a small golem head at the base of a small hill with blue blocks around it in the cliffside. Right click it to get a block called "Ruined Golem's Head". Head back to "The Lad" and on his east side run up the boulder and on to his east shoulder and right click the block into the crack between his neck and arm. You'll get sent flying infront of "The Lad". "The Lad"'s chest will open up to the discovery.

    Written by @MinerDwarf222
    A Boulder is supported on a cliff at (-115, 58, -5551) left-click the support and the boulder will roll down the hill.

    Written by @Derek_B
    Two fountains at (-388, -4961) and (-388, -4918). Looking at the guild hall there is a white "lever" by both on the wall. Jump on them.

    Written by me
    (Requires completion of The Hunger of Gerts part I)
    Equip the Gert mask and go to the coordinates: (-93, 99, -5539) in the main Gert camp. There, you should find a library key. Then, go to the Gylia Watch tower and into its basement. In said basement, you shall find a library with a hopper carpet at (-11, -5412). Throw the key into the carpet and the wall in front of you should break. Go through the door and into the library.

    | Found by yet another unnamed individual :( |
    Ultimate Location: -99, -5315

    Written by @Blastbasher
    600, -5315: Where there was previously a house on a floating island there is now a water wheel that, if you break the debris around, will be able to reactivate. This opens a door nearby that lets you access the discovery.

    Written by @highrescucumber
    At around 965, -5094 there are crystals hovering in the air. If you go up the stairs, there will be blocks hovering in the air to parkour on. Climb up the white glass to reach the discovery. An easy way to reach this place is to go up the trail starting at 1078, -5278 and follow the red trail.

    Written by @Laneous (i don't know if the user i'm mentioning is the one who wrote this but i'll assume it is. i did my research and the user laneous has not linked their forum account.)
    At 555, 123, -4348, there is a small crane. Click the bottom of the crane to make it fall down. This should trigger a cutscene.

    Written by @highrescucumber
    In Thanos, above Syni's tent (164, -5230) there is a white pipe. Right click on the green sparkles to activate it. Then, climb the ladder to the right and go inside the newly emptied bucket to get an item. Take it to 233, -5052 (inside of the vault to the left) and place it in the wall there. From there a door should open to the discovery.

    Written by @Flora
    Head to the Elephelk tree village and climb the ladder at 362, -4791. Climb up the tree and go to the chest at 364, 58, -4792. There's a key inside this chest, grab it and take it to 403, 48, -4780. Interact with the door, and it should open. Walk in and the discovery will trigger.

    | Found by @Flora |
    Ultimate Location: 204, -4934

    Written by @highrescucumber
    Go to the various yellow water pits at around 1245, -5501. Continously jump into the water pits that are smoking until you are shot out into the Upper Molten Heights. Instead of continuing on, go back down the hole you came from. You will land on a stone structure that will collapse into a hole in the wall.

    Written by @Siri
    At Upper Molten Heights 1542 -5585 you will find a Phoenix Poacher. Run after him until he locks himself in the elevator then pick up his dropped Fine Pottery. Give your fine pottery to the pottery shop in Maex at 1464 -5340 and go through the back door into the Maex Black Market.

    Written by @highrescucumber
    Go to 1554, -5067 and grab the Dogun Tablet from its place. Then, go down to the house at 1597, -5133 and enter to find an identical structure from where you grabbed the tablet. Place the tablet there to fire it up. Go back to the first coordinates and replace the tablet with the fired one.

    Written by @Siri
    Get yourself level 1+ pickaxe. At frozen heights, keep following every path up that you see until you reach 1498 135 -5442. When you are there, break the rubble with your pickaxe and follow the flowing lava until you get the discovery.

    Written by @highrescucumber
    First, go to 1074, -5311 and get a Kindled Branch. Next, climb up the big statues near the gate and light each eye on fire (there are smoking water pits nearby the statues to help with the process). Once all eyes are lit, a cutscene should play.

    Written by @highrescucumber and @MinerDwarf222
    (Upper Molten Heights) The entrance to the cave is at 1180, 154, -5080. That Castle(?) thing on the edge of MH towards SI. Inside it there's a big lava wall with a console next to it. Nearby is the item required.

    | Found by @highrescucumber |
    Ultimate location: 1469, -5163

    Written by @Bwitty03
    In the cave at 1292 -4680 there is a mysterious device. Use it to open the door at 1318 -4764

    Written by @Siri
    There is a statue at 1112 -4811, right clicking on it will mention a part of it was stolen. If you go to 1053 -4859 you will come across a Deranged Swordsman who stole the sword from the statue. He will challenge you to a duel and if you win you get the sword, then you just need to bring the sword to the statue at 1112 -4811 and the ground will open up.

    Written by @milieus
    (Requires completion of 1000 meters under)
    13776 -4041 in the void. Jump down onto the smaller island and survive for the set time/kill everything. A cutscene will start.

    Revised version written by me
    Go into the void. Head south through the island cave, and southwest away from the housing balloon. Head south again from there and walk across the invisible particle bridge and head west. After that, go into the teleporter and head straight north. Finally, jump down at 13777/~/-4042 and fight/survive.

    Written by @milieus
    Climb up (or use the indoor spiral stairs on the left side of the building) your way up to the top of the building in Ahmsord to 938 147 -4576. Click/pick up the hoe in front of you and take it to the hay bale nearby at 936 147 -4558. Use the hoe on the hay bale.

    Written by @milieus
    Go to the boulder at 879 85 -4675 and cast a spell on it. It'll create a hole at 846 74 -4674.

    Written by @MinerDwarf222
    At Raider's Base Lower there is a tied up Airship facing the mountain at (1461, 143, -4312). Right click the rope.

    | Found by @Bwitty03 |
    Ultimate Location: 1228, -4686

    Please tell me if some instructions provided are unclear and if there are any inconsistencies and such that need fixing.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2021
  2. dr_carlos

    dr_carlos Morph Gang! VIP+

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    Could I add this on the wiki?
    starx280, Relflow, bobclash and 3 others like this.
  3. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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    I think you can
  4. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I was credited on the spreadsheet, but someone erased it for some reason.
  5. dr_carlos

    dr_carlos Morph Gang! VIP+

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    Yes, I was asking permission from the writer.
    I've used it anyway though
    DaCorruption likes this.
  6. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    So just to clarify, this one was you?
  7. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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  8. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    Edit: I made a mistake with the fairy shrine one, the Scared Fairy requires you to use a healing potion.
    Added to the thread
  9. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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  10. Fries

    Fries yeah i game G-can't do NoL cuz RoL5 buged A- M- E-

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    I really wanted a guide on how to get these secret discoveries without detailing what the discovery was
    thanks for this
    Ronnoc, Nukewarmachine and Samsam101 like this.
  11. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    I like how in the "Empty Vault" discovery you just straight up make a chandelier fall in the middle of a bank
    Samsam101 likes this.
  12. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    and then the discovery itself pretty much says ''they're broke. that's all. go home.''
  13. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    could we get also the dialogue of the discoveries?
  14. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    No, because
    Potatomancer likes this.
  15. realJesusBTW

    realJesusBTW heheheha grrrrrr CHAMPION

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    The ultimate discovery in the Dark Forest gives you an item called Mysterious Egg. Any idea what this is for?
  16. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    No idea, nobody even found the usage while in the hero beta. It's possible that it's just a junk item
  17. MinerDwarf222

    MinerDwarf222 I AM A DWARF. HERO

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    Egg leads to Secret Dialogue for RoL Raid? (I doubt it).
  18. dr_carlos

    dr_carlos Morph Gang! VIP+

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    Yeah probably not, but it's likely that it isn't added yet (just like RoL raid)
  19. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    Yeah, that's a theory I had too. However, I don't understand how it would HELP orphion since it literally contains the children of the thing infecting him
  20. bobbot5000

    bobbot5000 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Hey I'm a little stuck on the Thanos armoury. Where is the green particle I meant to click? Particles are on, and I found the pipe, I'm just can't find what I'm meant to click.
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