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Weapons Stats

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Puhadrator, Jan 20, 2021.

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  1. Puhadrator

    Puhadrator Travelled Adventurer

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    Hi, I'm quite new, so I'm not sure which weapons stat would make for the best combo. Or let me rephrase that.. I'm not sure if I should keep using my super fast attack speed bow with little damage (Thunderbolt) or a Slow attack speed bow, with better damage. Is there anyways to see which would give more DPS/would be more worth using? Cause as far as I'm aware, the compass only tells damage range per shot/spell.

    If anyone is willing to look over the stats here are my bows that I'm deciding between:


    Super Fast Attack Speed
    9-19 Neutral damage
    5-128 Thunder damage

    +6% main attack damage
    +14% Spell damage
    +14% XP Bonus
    +14% Walk speed
    +10% Thunder damage

    (The Xp and walk speed bonuses are great, but not the thing I'm mostly concerned about)


    Very Slow Attack Speed
    120-150 Neutral Damage
    70-250 Thunder Damage
    +7% Spell Damage

    (Still has 2 powder slots to fill up)

    Also probably worth mentioning, I'm level 54, and am starting to find the thunderbolt lacking in damage, especially around troms and such, but other then Armageddon, can't seem to find a better bow. Also, I'm going for thunder damage.

    Also (just putting everything in one tread), if anyone has any tips on how to get a better bow for my level I'll gladly listen or even buy a fairly strong bow.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated or any tips on how to better calculate damage outputs of weapons
  2. 13threemc

    13threemc vote kanye 2020 CHAMPION

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    I stole this from the wynncraft wiki
    There are 7 different attack speeds for weapons: Super Fast, Very Fast, Fast, Normal, Slow, Very Slow, and Super Slow. The attack speed of a weapon is shown in its description. The exact values are as follows (hits per second):

    • Super Fast: 4.3
    • Very Fast: 3.1
    • Fast: 2.5
    • Normal: 2.05
    • Slow: 1.5
    • Very Slow: 0.83
    • Super Slow: 0.5
    Basically the amount of hits per second is also the spell multiplier. So you need to take this into account when choosing a weapon. When your levelling up, unless you really want to I don't reccommend sticking to a specific element because there arn't enough options at each level range for there to be a good bow of a specific element, at level 55 you can get the Olux's prized bow from the quest the shadow of the beast, which is a very good bow for its level.
    Puhadrator likes this.
  3. Puhadrator

    Puhadrator Travelled Adventurer

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    I see, so at this level no point in really going after a specific element. Hm, so for now I should really just get the quest bow. Thank you very much for your help kind sir!
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