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Hi And Maybe Bye (?)

Discussion in 'Llevigar's Docks' started by J mun, Jan 17, 2021.

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  1. J mun

    J mun Snoisty VIP+

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    TLDR; I am sharing my memories and experiences with wynn. I wrote this at like 2 am so if something doesn't make much sense/is super grammatically incorrect, that's why - skip to the end for my final message

    I have been playing wynncraft since pre gavel and for the first time, I can genuinely say that I beat the game. Although I technically got a level 100 sometime between 1.17 and 1.18, I just recently went through all the new endgame quests over the past week and it has been quite the experience. Playing through these quests has brought back a lot of memories over the years on this server and I'm honestly feeling slightly emotional now that I've completed A Hunter's Calling for the first time.

    Back when I started, wynncraft was super basic. I remember my sister showing me the server for the first time back in the summer of 2013 or 2014 and my 10-year-old self was blown away. Although all the quests were super basic, there was no texture pack, item identifiers were almost useless *, the level cap was either 70 or 75, and more, I had a lot of fun messing around in Ragni having no real clue what I was doing. When gavel came out I immediately grinded through the entire game and got 8 level 100 classes (jk, I quit for about a year or two because I had no idea how the new mechanics worked).

    *before gavel came out, armor/weapons only had neutral damage and neutral defense. Item identifiers did exist, but identifying items did not really give a huge advantage and gave mostly minor stat bonuses

    I don't remember much else until the updated ??? quest came out - that quest had me HYPED

    If you were here around this time, you would definitely remember the excitement surrounding it. I have memories of watching IceBreakerGamer's videos on youtube on each individual step and checking his channel / the forums at least a few times a day just to see if something new had been found. After all three meteors had been found, I got a group of people and rushed to start the quest. Fun fact - I almost missed my karate practice because of this quest.

    I don't know exactly how long it took to find out the end of the quest but I also immediately jumped on that once I found out that people finished the quest. As I was entering the entrance to the final puzzles with a group of people, I somehow ran into SoloSnuggles and Shtafjord (sorry to the one person who I ditched for these two people mid quest- I hope you don't still have beef with me)
    Also please don't check what I said in the quest guide video - I said some pretty cringy stuff

    The next prominent memory I have of wynn is the qira hive (that quest gave me way too much pain). I remember dying way too many times and not having the patience to just get an actual build, do it with other people, or just level up and not be an idiot. However, I was extremely bad at wynncraft until ~1.18 so I kept trying like a moron. I'm pretty sure I eventually got my friend @Iglee to help me finish the quest as he had a high-level archer at the time.

    Speaking of @Iglee, he is probably the only person who I would consider to be a friend that I met online. I'm pretty sure I met him while trading an item like 4 or 5 years ago and played with him ever since. Although I have not talked to him in about a year, I still remember playing on various servers with him along with getting carried through terraria and modded terraria by him.

    While I hate to admit it, I cheesed myself through levels 92-100 with csst parties. At the time, the highest level quest was a level 90 quest (which I don't remember the name of) and the grind was just too much for me.

    While the gavel update was impressive, the corkus update blew me away. I can't exactly remember, but I am pretty sure that this was the first time that npcs could move in quests, complex cutscenes were introduced, and I found fallen factory to be a very cool dungeon.

    As for 1.18, I never really played through it.

    On the other hand, 1.19 caught my attention. With the addition of a new class, I was very excited and even got an irl friend involved until we were burned out around level 60.

    Playing wynncraft has brought me many wonderful memories, but I will bring up one very negative one. A few years ago, I became friends with the staff member Santacuzz. I never knew him very well, but I would occasionally talk to him until he one day disappeared. It wasn't until a year or two ago that I found out that he had committed suicide. I remember feeling genuinely shocked, sad, and confused after hearing this as I had never known someone who had committed suicide before. I still have Santacuzz on my friends list, and I am unsure if I should remove him.

    While this isn't necessarily part of wynncraft, I want to mention llamacraft. Llamacraft was a private smp server with people from wynncraft that was full of extraordinary builders - and not so extraordinary people who could build farms for these people (i.e. me). The server has been shut down since around December, but I wanted to mention the server as it is vaguely tied to wynn and I am still blown away at what the server was able to accomplish
    screenshots - https://forums.wynncraft.com/thread...d-other-stuff-in-the-smp.244220/#post-3004001

    And that brings me to today, January 17th, 2020. I have finally beaten wynncraft's final quest, and even if I don't have 50,000 level 106 accounts, all maxed out professions, found all discoveries, etc, I feel like I have beaten the game. Seeing the server progress and turn into a fully realized rpg has been an amazing experience. I say thank you to all of wynncraft's staff team, may Santacuzz rest in peace, and Iglee for following me on my journey. There are a few more things I'd like to do in wynncraft, but I am unsure whether or not I will return anytime soon. Having all these emotions over this fictional rpg inside of a game I already have memories with may seem weird, and it probably is, but it is a genuine part of my childhood that I hope to never forget.

    Ight I need to sleep it's like 2:40 am

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  2. dr_carlos

    dr_carlos Morph Gang! VIP+

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    Wow pretty cool!
    Hope you find some other rpg that is just as good as Wynncraft
  3. Justice

    Justice Obliterator of Grooks VIP+

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    Well I hope you enjoyed the game and (maybe) come back when 1.20 drops!

    Other than that, have a good time away from Wynncraft!
  4. 1Warp

    1Warp Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I hope you have an amazing time playing other games, farewell!
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