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SPOILER The Overworld Multiverse Theory (aka Infinite Overworld Theory)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by DaCorruption, Jan 15, 2021.

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  1. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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    NOTE: Contains 1.20 spoilers.

    Hello! This is my first theory on the forums.
    You might recognize the title if you saw my lore iceberg, where at the very last tier I mentioned this "overworld multiverse theory". Now, I would like to propose this theory to the forums so people understand what I was talking about.

    TL;DR: There is an infinite amount of alternate overworlds. We are just one of them, and the Light and the Dark have fought in these infinite overworlds since the dawn of time. The Nether and the Gateway Island realm are both alternate overworlds.

    Now, let's begin.
    In the Light Forest ultimate discovery "Ne du Valeos du Ellach" we see a conversation between the Dernic Beast and Orphion, ending with the Decay Parasite infecting Orphion. Let's examine some of the text in this discovery:

    "Before time, it began. Through the ages it ravaged the lands. Another day, another night, it continues in the worlds beyond. Forever it shall last." -Description of the discovery

    You may be asking what the "it" is referring to, and the answer is: the War of the Realms, the conflict between Light and Dark. As the description says, this war has been ravaging the lands since before time even started and it is still raging on to this day. The War of the Realms will never end, and this is further supported by something the Dernic Beast says in the discovery itself:

    [9/10] ???: As the war of the realms...
    [10/10] ???: is endless.

    Indeed it is.
    However, some of you may be asking: "Wait, didn't the War of the Realms start in 0 AP, when the portal opened?"
    The answer to this is: yes, and no. Yes, the War of the Realms in our overworld started in 0 AP, however, no, it doesn't mean that our overworld is the first time the Light and the Darkness fight. There were probably a plethora of other overworlds, maybe even similar to ours, in which the two forces fought in the past. Some overworlds may be completely covered in Darkness. Some may be covered in Light. Some may be completely corrupted, as is the case with the Nether, one of these alternate overworlds that fell to the corruption.

    Does this mean that there are also infinite Derns, infinite RoLs, infinite Orphions and infinite Dernic Beasts? No. As we know, there is only one Orphion and only one Dernic Beast. If there were more, we would've seen them, perhaps they would've allied with eachother. But it is obvious that the Light and the Darkness are unique.

    Does this mean that there may also be infinite Bobs, or infinite Bak'als?

    This theory also gives an answer to the age-old question: Where is Gateway Island?

    The answer is: Gateway Island is in an alternate overworld.

    Recall back to Fantastic Voyage. After we craft a steering wheel and give it to Relend, he asks us to steer the ship to solid ground and avoid the spikes. At the end of this little minigame, what do we see? A whirlpool. We then fall into this whirlpool and immediately after, Relend's ship crashes and we're stranded on Gateway Island. However, there are some flaws with this:

    1. We are not underwater. Naturally, if we fell in a whirlpool, we should've fallen to the depth of the ocean and Gateway Island should've been a sunken island, kind of like Atlantis. But no, once we fall in, if we look up it's a clear sky, and next to us is a normal ocean. This suggests that this is not a normal whirlpool.

    2. This island is nowhere on the map. Look at the size of Gateway Island. It's around as big as Skien's Island, and yet, if we take a look at the official Wynncraft map, Gateway Island is nowhere to be seen. Heck, NOBODY in the Wynn universe has ever seen Gateway Island, not even the Seaskipper which has probably seen every single island in the Ocean 5 times over. The ocean is surrounded by mountains all around, so it's not like there's a "secret part" of the Ocean where Gateway Island could be. Plus, even if there was, we'd have to maneuver around mountains, even though during the Fantastic Voyage quest this does not happen.

    Where does this leave us? If this island was in our normal overworld it would be a complete contradiction of basically everything. But it obviously isn't, and I think the final nail in the coffin to set this theory in stone is the secret of Gateway Island: the Dern Portal. Ever since the Silent Expanse came out people have been questioning why our world had two Dern portals: the one in the SE and the one in Gateway Island.

    This theory finally also puts this question to rest: It doesn't. Our world has one Dern Portal and one RoL Portal, and the Dern Portal in this alternate overworld just so happened to be located in Gateway Island, and it is possible that this alternate overworld has a RoL portal as well.

    To recap: Our world has one Dern Portal and one RoL Portal. The whirlpool we fall into in Fantastic Voyage is a portal to the Gateway Island realm. This alternate realm also has one Dern Portal and (possibly) one RoL Portal. The island doesn't appear in any map because it's not in our ocean. When Bob came to Gateway Island, he most likely fell through the same whirlpool and ventured into the same Dern Portal. And when we exit Gateway Island, it's not by boat, otherwise it'd shatter this whole theory, but it's by portal, hopping from the Gateway overworld to Dern back to our normal overworld.

    This means that we now know of three overworlds that exist in our... multiverse:
    - Our Realm (Contains Wynn, SE, Gavel, Corkus, Fruma), has 1 RoL Portal and 1 Dern Portal.
    - The Gateway Realm (Contains Gateway Island), has 1 Dern Portal and possibly 1 RoL Portal.
    - The Nether (Contains, well, the Nether, a land that used to be like Wynn before it got completely corrupted), might have 1 Dern Portal and 1 RoL Portal.

    Some of you may be asking: Well, what about the islands we visit in Redbeard's Booty? Those don't appear in the map either, are they in another realm too?

    The answer is: Mmmhhh... I wouldn't be sure. After all, we reach these islands by boat, we don't fall into any magic whirlpool or whatever. I don't want to theorize why we don't see these islands on the map either as that would be going off-topic, but the Cosmic Crystal that is in one of the islands might be related to this mystery.


    The Wynn multiverse has an infinity of alternate overworlds and alternate realities. All of these are used by the Light and Darkness as their eternal battlegrounds. We are just one of the many proxies used by these forces of influence. Some of these alternate overworlds (Such as the Wynn realm and the Gateway Island realm, and the Nether) are connected with eachother.

    Also, do you know what else this means?


    The Hypixel Skyblock universe is canon in Wynncraft.

    Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
    Endistic, PercyTW, Gogeta and 34 others like this.
  2. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    It is a quest area, thus it is not on the main map. Same with Misadventure om the Sea
    Ok, that was correction and now:

    One of the greatest theories I have ever seen. The evidence and current lore seems to works almost perfectly (not 100% about Fvoyage realm portals, but it is good).
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2021
    Stag2001, Gogeta, starx280 and 6 others like this.
  3. FoxxoChan

    FoxxoChan Wynnian Photographer, Eye Pet Enthusiast CHAMPION

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    In the hypixel skyblock timeline everyone is a villager and darkness took over,
  4. LeviLips96

    LeviLips96 The guy who draws Wynn places in Paint.net.

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    Very cool, I love how ideas like those pop out all the time. It was fun developing on it in the lore discord.
    DaCorruption likes this.
  5. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    pretty sure it was confirmed somewhere in the dialogue that there is an infinite amount of dimensions that are used as a battlefield for dark and light and all of them end up like the nether. just can't remember where.

    Just realised though that the Eye was placed in Wynn of all places. If there were multiple universes then the Dern Beast must have a LOT of eyes
  6. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Or the eyes were just not needed
    FoxxoChan likes this.
  7. ditsario

    ditsario it's always christmas somewhere in the world VIP+

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    • Martim: Garh... I be losin' my patience. Argus arrived, let's ditch the lubber before they awake, hm? This island be hidden by magic, ain't no way they're gettin' found.

    Also, I still think the dark realm in Fantastic Voyage isn't Dern, but rather (a part of) another overworld realm that got SE'd, for a few reasons:
    1. You go there through a nether portal, not a Dern portal, although this could just be an oversight since Fantastic Voyage is so old.
    2. The realm we go to has a portal straight to the exit of the Abandoned Mines, which would seem to make the actual Dern portal in SE pointless (for the Dern Beast, at least).
    3. Both the player and Relend can go there without any AHC-type soul cleansing.
    4. It just generally looks more like SE than the area around the Dern portal or Slykaar's realm, although this is just speculating about what Dern actually looks like.
    5. If the gateway island portal IS to Dern, why doesn't gateway island look like SE? Assuming it was Bob who broke the portal on the other side, it's only been that way for 16 years, so the Dern beast would have had plenty of time to SE'ify the island.
    6. Why would the player be able to fight off Dern mobs when they struggle with some SE mobs 10 levels later? Granted, levels aren't the most canon, but you'd assume things like that would get easier, not harder, and Dern mobs are almost definitely stronger than SE mobs.
    AlleonVera, Emogla3 and Ellphant like this.
  8. ramenstew

    ramenstew professional idiot HERO

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    Hot take: Hypixel Skyblock is just Wynn in the far future when greed took over, all the islands were shattered, and the corruption was destroyed. Light and darkness have given up on this world, so people just try to advance in technology and magic.
  9. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Pretty sure Hypixel Skyblock was a world where it was only the Canyon of the Lost and the Colossus got mad so he destroyed the entire canyon, except there is no void area.
  10. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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    Could be. Honestly the whole Gateway Island portal thing is very outdated and confusing, so when it comes to theories on the portal and on what's inside, anything goes.
    ditsario likes this.
  11. EpsilonDown

    EpsilonDown Vibing to TNA theme HERO

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    There's also The Forgery, which shows alternative already corrupted versions of wynn.

    That darkness dude at AHC is assumed to be able do that too, though it may be just illusion.
  12. Greedus

    Greedus Knight of Wynn VIP+

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    I always assumed that the ocean was bigger and the mountains were put in place just to act as border. Also during FV, there is this bit when you move around the rocks to get to the whirlpool...


    (Just found this on google)

    As you can see, you do manoeuvre around mountains...

    That said, great theory
    Bwitty03 and DaCorruption like this.
  13. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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    Nah. For example when Gavel was added the mountains that divided Gavel and Wynn weren't removed, so the mountains are there to stay. This also applies for the Silent Expanse and (in the future) Fruma, since we already have its gate.
    Small image, but if you look closely those mountains aren't snow-capped. Some are, but if these were the mountains that serve as the borders in the Ocean, they'd all be snow capped instead of just a few. Even then, there would be a passageway between the mountains somewhere in the map, if there was another section of the Ocean, but there isn't. So these are just some minor mountains, similar to the peak in Half-Moon Island.
  14. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    Wait a second, this is not Inception...
    DaCorruption likes this.
  15. Lex!

    Lex! :] CT Manager Ability Designer QA GM CHAMPION

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    cool theory, but im not a huge fan of "it's not on the main map" as a piece of evidence. the main map isnt big enough to fit every bit of content, so a lot of things are offmap, but this doesnt mean theyre not on the main map lore-wise. just because the ocean seems small from what we can see, doesnt mean there arent more islands (and, there are! both misadventure on the sea and redbeard's booty have you go to islands that arent visible on the main map)
  16. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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    Even if that may be true, there is still plenty of evidence that supports the theory. Thanks for pointing this out however, now hopefully people won't use this as a piece of evidence (and yes I know I did but eh, I won't do that anymore).

    By the way, does this mean that Gateway Island is in our realm? Or are you just saying this because you dont want people to use the "not on the map" thing as proof?
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2021
  17. Greedus

    Greedus Knight of Wynn VIP+

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    Prior to Corkus, there were mountains to the west, but they were removed (and new further western mountains were added)
  18. brilliantknight

    brilliantknight The Lucky Lootrunner.

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    It's time for you to learn to tell the difference between Dernic Beast and the Dern Beast.

    Remember the quest "A Journey Beyond".

    The dialogue with Dren when he reveal to us Hidden Element, Darkness.

    And here is the dialogue:

    In order to purify you, I will need 2 powerful items.
    Dren: Firstly, a shard from a Dernic Beast. There is one living in the depths of the Roots of Corruption."


    The Dernic Beast is Mangled Progeny, not the Dern Beast.

    So, that's all i had to say.
    TrapinchO and DaCorruption like this.
  19. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    I thought this was already confirmed?
    I personally thought this was self explaintory, in fact, I'm pretty sure a quest says it somewhere...

    Also, God like entities being cross dimensional is super common with Lovecarft, and seeing how inspired the game is by him...
    DaCorruption likes this.
  20. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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    We don't know what they're planning to add after Dern and Fruma. They might stop adding provinces alltogether (unlikely). We know that they won't have to move the ocean mountains to add either provinces. Plus, I doubt they would expand the ocean just to add Gateway Island because of what Lex said above.
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