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The Problems With The Current Moderation System

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by FrankyPT, Jan 12, 2021.

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  1. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    not gonna chime in the most here just to stay relatively bipartisan but
    A) Yeah, mod team absolutely needs restructuring at the top end to prevent all three things listed; regardless of me being on the opposition of OP and whatever my beliefs of what happened are, it's clear that the fact there's even this much confusion about it is a huge issue. Clarity and effective communication is a necessity.
    B) With this in mind, I do think it feels incredibly rough to prevent mods from playing or experiencing ANY part of the game. Be it just politics or guilds overall, it's critical to remember that yeah they are mods and they have a job to do, but at the end of the day they're also volunteers who do their job because they love playing the game and experiencing all that it can offer. Taking that away from them is one of the last things I would want to do as it could consequently take away their motivation to stick around and do the work that they do.
    FAZu, trex1611, Shoefarts and 17 others like this.
  2. Moshimoo

    Moshimoo Bird furry turned civilised

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    I do agree, but there's much more to the game then guilds & guild politics, most mods aren't interested in it and so don't participate, why do we need to have an exception for like, 5 or 6 moderators who're heavily involved? We don't have to exclude them from the whole game, but mods NEED to be unbiast otherwise this happens. I know guilds aren't the only thing that can cause this, but its the one i'm personally most familiar with. And also, i'm willing to believe this could also help bring more moderators to wynn, i know a lot of people who would apply if it weren't for how fundamentally corrupt the system is right now & not wanting to associate with that.
  3. Naraka00

    Naraka00 Warrior of the Revolution Staff Member Mod Manager Moderator CHAMPION

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    I will not discuss the examples brought here since giving personal information about these cases would be a breach of privacy of the cases referenced here which I'm not willing to do, but about rule 13, it is something that we are reviewing since we do need to redo it in order for players to obtain the achievements in the new 1.20 update. I cannot say which direction we are taking in its restructure, since its very much still being discussed.

    We do make mods review things together when a case might have bias or even make another mod take on the case. Often it is not revealed who else is accompanying the moderator on the case because if we did that players would feel the need to message more mods to hurry his case along. Thing is mods become more busy the more cases that appear, and since every mod has cases to take care of, they can't place some ahead of others.

    That is something that its simply not only viable but most likely would become really terrible in practice. It's like saying "You've become mod, so now you have to let go of all the friends you've made along the way." It would completely put off people from joining the mod team, most players would refuse in order to not lose their friends. After all a rank is just a rank, giving friendships in exchange for work isn't something a player would agree with. Also if we did not have a single moderator playing, or involved in guilds, or inside any other group then they wouldn't really know what issues that players report are about, or even be aware when issues arise, so it is actually a necessity on occasions.

    This is not correct, we do not add players simply because they are friends with us or the player needs to have a reference from a mod, we simply review and search for players and if we find someone with potential we might add them to the team. Sometimes that happens when mods meet people playing yes, but the best way to become a moderator is and always will be by applying through here: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/moderator-application-open.232385/
    We would never accept someone into the team simply because they are friends with a moderator, in fact a lot of people think that's the case and have tried to join the team that way, but its simply not our way of doing things. So for everyone out there who is being 'obsequious' (I couldn't think of a better term without sounding rude, sorry for you folks out there who are all around just regular nice players) to mods or tried to get in through friends, its not happening that way sorry.
    And nope we cannot say what our search parameters are or how many mods we have on the current team that have come from there, that is a state secret ;) but my phrase is true!
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2021
  4. FrozenGalaxy

    FrozenGalaxy Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    By not being in a guild you don't have to let go of all your friends. You are simply not part of any guild, that way you are not involved in guild politics = the amount of bias is greatly reduced on average.

    Excuse me if I sound rude, that's not my intention, but your answer to this thread sounded a little like this: "I don't know what are you complaining about, mods are good, there is no problem with the moderation team. We won't implement changes, because we are the best already."
    trex1611, xMini_ and DeathLucifer like this.
  5. ivo_bs00

    ivo_bs00 owo what's this VIP+

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    mod go brr
    DeathLucifer likes this.
  6. Naraka00

    Naraka00 Warrior of the Revolution Staff Member Mod Manager Moderator CHAMPION

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    Except when there's bias we usually have more moderators on the case that are not biased or even give the case to someone unbiased. By only taking in players not playing in guilds it would reduce our options at picking mods and would also exclude them from parts of the end gameplay just to say "see we're not biased", I don't think its a perfect solution so its simply something we aren't considering at the moment.
    Lucky32, Bliss, Shoefarts and 5 others like this.
  7. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    I'm just gonna slide this here:
  8. FrankyPT

    FrankyPT Asherit lover CHAMPION

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    i don't really wanna get into details here but yes players do get banned for using macros to spam gu attack. However it was never proven that that actually happened. I'm not saying there was biased bans or that there were not but the evidence was simply not enough.
  9. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    Bans were not based entirely on what players reported and sent in. Just because moderators do not disclose their evidence and findings doesn't mean that there isn't any.

    If you are not violating Wynncraft's rules, you have nothing to worry about.
    Moderators are players and should most definitely have the right to participate in guilds. Guilds themselves are for the purpose of community, war is just a feature. Being a feature in Wynncraft, moderators should also be able to partake in that to if they wish.

    I will quote:
    "To those that are making the argument of targeted moderation... e.g. people on one side of the war are being watched more closely or by more mods than the other side

    maybe don't break the rules...?"

    I think its really unfair to make such a proposal. It additionally takes away from what the primary function of guilds are.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2021
    TrapinchO likes this.
  10. FrankyPT

    FrankyPT Asherit lover CHAMPION

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    I never acused anyone of being biased however the way that he speaks is wrong. If you break the rules on both sides you should be banned the statement "just don't break the rukes" is not fully correct. Also i believe chat macros were allowed as in to type to people. How can you tell if it was or was not a chat macro? And even if it's bannable we go back to the problem of one mods will ban you for it and some won't so it's just a whole mess.
  11. FrozenGalaxy

    FrozenGalaxy Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I disagree. Moderators are moderating players, thus in some way they are above them. They are not regular players. And "with great power comes great responsibility" as well as some necessary sacrifices. And as I stated before, if WynnCraft wants to have a professional moderation team, they will remove bias. But maybe being professional is not their goal as it seems...
    StormKing3, trex1611 and Shoefarts like this.
  12. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    With such a request you seem to see all moderators who participate in guilds as inherently biased people who would act unfairly in their position as to give their guild an advantage. That is not fair to assume of them, especially given the fact they have already addressed the incidents that much of these claims are based off.

    Everyone is biased, and that is the truth. What your assuming however is far beyond bias, and would extend past guilds themselves. The only way a moderator could be unbiased is if they didn't play Wynncraft at all and had zero association with the community...

    Bias is already easily combatted by simply having multiple moderators of different backgrounds on the server review a case. That is how you target bias in any given situation.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2021
  13. Viridian

    Viridian The Moviegoer CHAMPION

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    I can't speak for any moderators here, but possibly a tool moderators have to verify this is timestamped chat/command logs (or getting an admin to check them). If the logs are accessible in any way, it's quite easy to see if automated chat macros were being used - having a singular chat message being spammed > x times per second is practically infeasible. Regardless, I'm fairly certain moderators must have 100% proof of someone breaking the rules in order to punish them. The tools they have to gather that proof shouldn't be known to the general player base because there's the possibility that players could use that knowledge to circumvent being checked.

    This is all besides the point. I do agree that the standardization of punishments is necessary. There are some gray areas that require moderators to debate and challenge what's in the existing rules to decide on a punishment, but in the case of using automated macros doing so is explicitly illegal.

    Bias is natural (even in any professional setting), and eliminating it in the way you're suggesting will only divide the mod team and player base even further. Sure, moderators are in some way above players, but neither moderators nor regular players are above the rules of Wynncraft.
    Bart (MC) and IceResistance like this.
  14. Moshimoo

    Moshimoo Bird furry turned civilised

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    Bias is an important issue, just because you're not effected by bias does NOT mean it doesn't happen. You can take as many similar measures to this to prevent bias, but it simply wont fix anything unless you try to remove things that cause these biases, guilds being one of these ways that bias is caused. Regardless of taking moderators out of guilds entirely, i for one don't believe moderators should be involved in guild politics the way many of them currently are, specifically associating with alliances & the like.

    And there's also the issue of moderators refusing to speak to & not liking people due to previous guild drama, which is an issue.

    Besides, if you're going to moderate for a server, with power comes responsibility. You need to be willing to give up certain things to moderate, and if you're unwilling to do that then maybe you shouldn't be in that position of power because you're clearly not responsible enough for it.
    FAZu, trex1611, DeathLucifer and 2 others like this.
  15. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    I could not have said this better.

    It really isn't hard to verify use of illegal macros. Chat macros, are allowed, but only one output for every input as with macro usage on the server, which again they can authenticate. That said, they can easily distinguish between different uses of macros and if they are in accordance with the rules. I don't know how lack of evidence is still suggested as a problem in this case, it is not remotely hard to find proof of misuse.

    This is also the third thread on the topic, and it has been addressed every time and on discord. Just because moderators do not disclose their findings does not mean it doesn't exist, and I trust moderators on their decision in this given how easy it is to verify misuse of macros.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2021
  16. Moshimoo

    Moshimoo Bird furry turned civilised

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    I'm just gonna say that the validity of the bans that were discussed in the thread isn't necessarily a key issue, its a key issue that whether or not they were valid bans is still a topic, besides, I can name other examples & so can you, so don't act like these bans were the be all and end all of mod bias lmao
    StormKing3, trex1611, xMini_ and 3 others like this.
  17. Moshimoo

    Moshimoo Bird furry turned civilised

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    Why are we even talking about 1 case in a thread with multiple examples as a way of saying there is no bias? idk about you but the one about the dude getting banned for something a mod told him was ok was 100% fucked & looks bias
    xMini_ and DeathLucifer like this.
  18. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Bias = intentionally helping/damaging one party based on your thoughts to help another party you are affiliated with

    E.g. 1 player is stuck and uses /class to get out. A moderator sees them and says "it is ok, they are just getting unstuck, they are not really exploiting it". Then another moderator sees them and ban them because "They are using a glitch to move inside wall"
    Os any party biased? No, because there is no 3rd party that has interest on the result. One is just more strict than the other.
    Shoefarts, Lucky32 and IceResistance like this.
  19. Casparof

    Casparof mythic counter: 2 HERO

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    Lets make a thread about the guy that got banned for nothing and try to get him unbanned

    make a poll i wil vote
  20. Moshimoo

    Moshimoo Bird furry turned civilised

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    which one we talking bout because there's a lot
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