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Why Wynncraft Feels Boring To Me...

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by AcadeeAlkana, Jan 11, 2021.


Can Wynncraft be Improved?

  1. Yes!

  2. No!

  3. Yeah - it NEEDS improvement.

  4. No - can't improve on perfection.

  5. I don't know...

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  1. AcadeeAlkana

    AcadeeAlkana Maiden Voyage Dev HERO

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    I mean no offense to the Content Team, nor to anyone who's worked throughout the years to bring us the lovely world of Wynncraft. I'm incredibly impressed what they've managed to do with Command Blocks and one or two plugins, and I do not mean to hate on anyone who enjoys and/or plays the game. I have no intentions of starting a fight with any who disagree with my point of view on the game's design choices, and only hope for the betterment of Wynncraft.

    That said, I unfortunately have to bring to light my recent gripes with the game, because I simply have no one else to talk to about these kinds of things (no one else in my family really takes interest in Wynncraft), and want to see this game get better. Please understand that this is something I want to get off of my chest, and share with all of you. And now, on to the actual post.

    Allow me to summarize where the game excels, and then just where it goes south.
    Difficulty: 2/3
    Playerbase: 4/5
    Story/Lore: 3/5
    Basic Gameplay: 2/5

    The game, in theory, isn't that hard. You just have to know which items are good, understand and read through Item descriptions which more often than not go off your screen, and kill the projectile enemies before they kill you.
    In practice...Well, it's heavily, heavily carried by how good the community is.

    Speaking of the community, it's a pretty nice one! Sure, there's the occasional toxic person, but there's nowhere near as much toxicity as a server such as Hypixel. That may be due to the size and popularity difference, but I'm certainly not complaining about it.
    A lot of people are nice to me and others, and those who have criticized my ideas aren't too mean about it. Mostly. Their concerns are understandable enough, though, and I can only hope they don't come from hate with their claims.

    I haven't actually seen too much of the lore. Most of the story is just, "You're here as a soldier of Ragni, we've assigned you to no official group, and your goal is to do whatever the Nether comes up, now get to exploring!"
    Hey, I didn't come to this RPG out of a need for a good story, and to some, unraveling the long list of crap which has gone down around them in the past few centuries may be interesting. That said, most of the quests are realistically chores which have no purpose in a real narrative, but again - I don't play this game to have my heart moved by the story, I'm here to blow up Mobs and kill enemies!

    Basic Gameplay
    Well. This could honestly use some work.
    The basic gameplay consists of using four Spells and your Weapon to cave in the heads of every enemy which the story asks you to. Hundreds of Items have been carefully hand-crafted for each and every Class, and there's hundreds more strategies to try out! Having so many Items from years upon years of development and balancing should be a good thing, right?

    ...Well, it would be, and it almost is. But it's not, because the devs, for all of their hard work, didn't consider a few very big problems this system has:

    What happens when you have to add new Spells to keep the game alive? You can't, because you'd soon be drowning in obscure Item strategies which are from exploiting that one Item you forgot to properly balance for a situation which you never planned for! Yeah, you could just start up the Items system from scratch, but that's years of effort gone to waste!

    Because there's only a total of 20 Spells - only twenty ways for players to change up how they effectively play out and approach every hand-crafted situation - the game gets stale. Very fast.

    There's not even a variant Spell which has a different feel to it for the first half of the game at least!

    The overall problem with this game is that they took Items - and continue to take them - as dang hecking far as they can, but don't bother to flesh out the core gameplay. You never get to soar through the air if you're playing Mage, because their Spell for mobility will be Teleport, and Teleport only, until the game dies.

    The Items System has a lot going for it:
    • Weapon Attack Speed changes how often you can use your Main Attack
    • Damage multiplication and different Items' IDs change how you use your Spells
    • You can be dedicated to up to 3 of the 5 Elements, making for dozens of ways to use your single Main Attack and 4 Spells
    • Main Attack/Spell Neutral Damage modifiers effect how you use your Main Attack and 4 Spells
    • Ingredients and loot dropped from Mobs can be used to craft Weapons of your own making so that you can use your Main Attack and Spell in new ways
    • Major IDs change the way you use your Main Attack and Spells
    These are just a few of the points going for this system, and there's likely dozens more you could make. However, they never bothered to flesh out the core of the system keeping this entire Items System afloat, because the only way to change how you play the game is to change how you use the tools you're given, and you're almost never, ever allowed to change the tools themselves.

    I have no qualms with the current Item System, but I'm tired of using the same 5 tools to approach new solutions without any sort of variety. Sure, it gets upgrades, but it's not enough. It's almost never a different arsenal I'm taking into battles, but a differently upgraded arsenal.

    The Items System isn't bad - far from it! - but it makes the current Spell system almost impossible to change. And that means that it's making the core gameplay almost impossible to change, too, and that's ultimately the biggest gripe I have with this game.

    Long story short, if you skipped past the monologuing so you could start up your comment:
    • Wynncraft has several hundred upgrades for your 5 to 6 tools!
    • No outside tools allowed, because we already have several hundred upgrades which will completely change the feel of your tools!
    • Disclaimer: They don't change how you control them. We also can't add more tools because that's when the upgrades start breaking.
    I really want to see this game prosper, because with the amount of hard work and passion from the developers put into it, I believe it deserves to be recognized as one of the coolest RPGs of our generation of great games. I hate to say this, but hard work doesn't automatically make it smart work...

    That said, there's definitely still room to potentially fix the mess which the game's in. It certainly won't be easy to resolve, but these problems certainly don't - and shouldn't - have to be what leaves Wynncraft dead in a few years of time.
    HalfCat_, MegidoGamerGod and NotFunny like this.
  2. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    hi yes i don't have time to read and respond to the full thread now but this is just factually incorrect. you can use as many elements as you want (albeit using either zero or one is very limiting, and using two is generally only competitive with mainly two duoelemental comboes)
    Uniimog, Iboju, Saya and 7 others like this.
  3. Furry

    Furry Well-Known Adventurer

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    There’s a lot more than the ragni soldier lore as you progress, in many of the later areas such as corpus and the silent expanse and revamped ROL questline, it gets really intresting
  4. quick007

    quick007 Master Adventurer

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    its minecraft...
    Ok. This is not right. Please, your highest level class is below level 50.

    Play. The. Game.
    Yes, many quests early game aren't that interesting, there trying to teach you the ropes of the game. But when you have seen less then 1/4th of the map and gameplay, here lies the issue. You haven't seen corkus, jungle, dernal jungle, light forest, swamp (maybe), guilya lake, canyon of the lost, molten heights, sky islands, corkus, or the silent expanse.

    yea I have to agree, Basically everything about wynns community is nice.

    Um? In terms of pvp: ToA, quira hive, LI, a hunters calling, etc. there's a lot of very hard challenges to unpack, and I'm probably missing many of them.

    For items, here's a quote I want to share, just about class builds: "To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Slayer builds. The damage is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the items will go over a typical builders head. There's also Slayers negative health regen, which is deftly woven into it's lore- slayer's IDs draw heavily from Motoki's literature, for instance. The builders understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these IDs, to realise that it is not just good- it says something deep about BUILDING. As a consequence people who dislike Slayer truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the consequences of Slayers 900 raw melee, which itself is a cryptic reference to Cancelstack. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the IMs genius wits unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them." -Yraw

    On the topic of just class bulds - there's a whole science being that, even with guilds and discord being formed around it.

    For quests? Yes, the quests at or below lv 50 aren't extremely difficult. But, lets take it up a notch (I'm excluding ??? quest for obvious reasons). Here's a list of difficult quests (in my options, I also haven't played many gavel quests bc of waiting for 1.20):

    - A hunters calling (solving those messages are, well, interesting to say the least)
    - D&D full series (while it isn't the hardest quest, it's definitely a challenge when there all combined)
    - Wynnexcavation site D (many cool puzzles and such)
    - PoNR (infuriating quest, in a good and bad way lol)
    - Mushroom Man (its so hard to get the mushrooms ngl)

    There are defo more quests, especially bc I didn't play most of the quests getting worked in 1.20. also, I realize wynn D isn't the hardest but I thought I'd include it bc its poggers

    oh man, ....

    Yes, I'lll admit most low-level lore is in secret discoveries (which you should do if you haven't), but there's a TON of lore. Ask @TrapinchO lol. Theres lore almost stuff in the game, sometimes is uh, hard to find.

    Yea, fetch quests aren't the most exiting. (higher-level ones are much better tho)

    *and powder specials but ok

    If you want a game with the best, most fleshed out combat, look beyond Minecraft. I know this is probably just you pushing your spell suggestions and such tho.

    uh ok...
    5 tools? are you talking about classes? If so, call them "classes" or "characters", as some classes have multiple wepons.

    Actually, attack speeds, life/mana steal, and many other ID's can change your playstyle and feel. Some playstyles are good at getting in the enemys face and hammering out powerful attacks, while others stand from the sidelines casting spells (that's very watered down, there's very many more playstyles, take the quote from above for example)

    confused on where it says this? there are 1 ele builds and 5 ele builds, and everything in between.


    just wanting to know how many people agree with the fact that wynncraft is a mess


    It honestly seems like you've given up after people shooting down your suggestions. Now, your just making rant posts about how wynncraft is bad. My answer to that, is the same as above:

    Play. The. Game.

    And yea, wynn isn't for everyone. Instead of basically saying "lore bad quests boring, pvp is trash and I want more spells", go play another game instead of suggesting an overhaul to this one, that's gained its reputation because of Salteds, Grains, Jumalas, and all the rest of the CT's image.

    Also whats with this question? Yes, anything can be impvored, and of course I want wynn to be improved. Are you implying they should follow their image instead of there own? I'm confused...

    also why do ur ratings on the top not match your comments imo
    TheWitch3r, iExpo, Crokee and 21 others like this.
  5. dr_carlos

    dr_carlos Morph Gang! VIP+

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    Because the repliers haven't done the poll and the people who have probably either a) are low-level or smth, or b) agree because some people do.
    Also, the poll isn't very specific.
    quick007 likes this.
  6. chocolatte

    chocolatte Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Wynn is pretty difficult w/ ToA qira hive and boss altars, and ids Matter A LOT
  7. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    I wish there was a pool option that says the game is very better then you think, but could still be improved.
    Everyone and their mothers have said this already, but do more damn quest, you've done 20 in total, not a joke.
  8. Dungrim

    Dungrim Dwarven Supremacy VIP+

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    Before I really get into it, I should possibly advise that you get into the game a little bit more - I had my own personal qualms with it around level 20, but it's hard to see the big picture when you have barely seen 5% of what is there.

    Less of a critique, more of a small pet peeve - Stick to a singular way of rating, having it out of 5 for the rest and an arbitrary out of 3 throws things a little out of wack.

    Difficulty isn't based on experience or items, because then most games would have low difficulty ratings. A difficulty is an accumulation of multiple things, such as a learning curve to the game, the ability to play it solo without having assistance from outside sources, and how streamline the leveling system (if there is one) is, just to name a few things. I would say that the difficulty is a good 3.5/5 as it does offer quite a good variety of ways to make the learning curve much more shallow.

    Whilst critiquing, may I advise possibly not pulling one server down to pull up another, whilst you can compare two - You are able to do such in a way that doesn't sound too drastic. For example, yes WynnCraft's community is one that offers many revenues to allow players to talk with one another, offer eachother assistance with bosses and builds, as well as a fairly well rounded player-to-player trading grounds which pushes itself ahead of other servers of the category. Overall I would agree with the 4/5 rating.

    When you state that you haven't seen much of the lore, it reads that you are not bothered to give an unbiased review but the main sadness here is that, you feel that it is boring without wanting to get invested into the story. You get as much enjoyment out of it, than you put into it, and similarly to World of Warcraft and Elder Scrolls, the lore is there for you to find if you want it but it will not force text screens down your throat to read. You are chopping and changing the whole point, you are seeming confused that you have no group assigned and you are a random soldier, but then state that you didn't come here for a story - To then go on about how there is no real narrative, to then finally state that narrative be damned I am here for a good fight not a good time. It's a bit flip-floppy, especially considering you gave it 3/5 when you haven't experienced much of what is offered - Personally I would give it a 4/5 with creativity under the limitations of what Minecraft can give you.

    Alright this is the longest one, so I am going to say here; What do you believe is needed to fix it? You quite honestly scrap on a lot of what is fun, but offer no solutions.

    Why should new spells be added? Adding for the sake of having new things is not needed and starts a line of thinking that will never stop, also with the system we have how would you suggest the spells be accounted for? The spells are fine, you don't need to add new spells to "keep the game alive" because you aren't joining the server for the spells, you are joining for the experience and the fun given, the spells aren't the focal point they are a means to an end, which is combat. Yes, ignoring the upgrades, at the end of the day there are only 20 spells - How does that make the game stale? I'm sorry but that doesn't hold water, look at League of Legends, a game where characters have the same four spells for literal years or look at Diablo, a bit closer to WynnCraft, where most champion abilities remain the same over years - Again, the spells and abilities are not focal points, they are means to an end.

    Minecraft has limitations, so does the server and we need to keep it at a state that is playable for everyone on the server. Also, why do you need to soar through the sky? What benefits would you gather from it? Transportation is done via horses, get a horse?

    This sort of shows how little you have gotten into the game, I've a bow with all 5 element damages, but this is just a small thing.

    What do you mean by outside tools?

    I believe that everyone in the community wants the server to prosper, and honestly it has been doing well - I do not agree with the insinuation that smart work isn't being done however.

    All servers and communities have room to grow, but you are stating a lot of things with little knowledge of what you have gotten yourself into - I myself have barely scratched the surface.

    I say this with 100% genuineness - Play the game to the fullest, enjoy what there is and see it from the big picture, get a character to the level cap and play all the quests, then look at it subjectively. Heck, I am more than happy to do a separate play-through with you, you are more than welcome to apply to join Imperial guild - Why am I bringing this up? Because maybe you are finding solo-play a bit slow or repetitive, I do not know but I am here to offer a second person to hang out with if you would like.

    Ultimately, please try to enjoy the game - I assure you it gets better.
  9. ramenstew

    ramenstew professional idiot HERO

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    Acadee this is exactly what me and Qzphs were talking about when we mentioned making bold claims when low level
  10. SuperTheFlugel

    SuperTheFlugel Battle Monk Enjoyer CHAMPION

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    I recommend to play the game without doing professions at least for your first run. You will enjoy the game alot more.
    Arkade, TrapinchO and Epicness937 like this.
  11. quick007

    quick007 Master Adventurer

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    nice, imo much better than my harsh roast of it lol
    the issue is they seem to get board really quick, they have 4 40ish classes...
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2021
    donda biblioteca likes this.
  12. Shortsightedness

    Shortsightedness Somehow the IGN doesn't change on forums VIP

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    Refer to Crokee's EO challenges and do them yourself
    There is a story you gotta play more (also secret discoveries fill up the lore a lot)

    For gameplay I think more major IDs would be beneficial to wynn craft
    Crokee and TrapinchO like this.
  13. Yraw

    Yraw Water Fountain

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    I agree with most of your general points apart from gameplay, but I can see where you're coming from.

    Just incase I'm not clear though my criticisms do seem harsh I genuinely believe that your suggestions are pretty interesting, just a little bit of experience getting to know the game is needed, it is an MMO afterall, not just an RPG.

    I agree with your points on lore, playerbase, and difficulty, (Personally I would include atmosphere but yeah). Difficulty gets a bit lacking, playerbase is nice, lore is pretty detailed I've heard but just personally not that into it, just seems very basic war of the realms kind of stuff.

    On gameplay, I do have some qualms with how you describe it. There seems to be like a negative connotation with having a set that's basic with spells. Though only focusing on there only being 4 spells is pretty misleading towards the larger picture. Combat in games is so much more complex, I'll use hades as an example again.

    Hades is great at using simple tools to have good gameplay. There are 6 weapons in hades, a normal sword, a spear, a shield, some claws, a bow, and a gun. They all have 4 different variations of them, which changes something minor, like the claws in hades has a variant that lets you pull enemies in using your special. Nothing really out of the world, nothing really mindblowing or cool.

    But then you find the random upgrades you get each run. It's randomly selected and you choose 1 from a list of 3 given to you, there are around 7 main branches for upgrades, each having different abilities and effects. Artemis for example has upgrades which increase your critical attack chance. Miniscule when you only look at a few, but you need to look at the bigger picture.

    The combat is very basic in hades, I would say more basic than Wynn's. You have one attack, a dash, a midrange projectile, and a 'special' attack that varies by weapon. That's a total of 4 attacks each for 6 main classes, which is 24 in total, only 4 more than Wynn.

    When hades combat gets real is when you get everything together. There's also these hammer upgrades that change how a main attack would work, think of it as a major ID. Some might make your attack shoot three times, some make it so you get more damage but lower speed.

    I'll use the fists as an example. The fists are a fast paced, close range weapon on it's own. The aspect of Talos makes it so the special, which is an uppercut, pulls enemies towards you. Sounds a bit useless at first, but then you can get the upgrades. One upgrade makes it so when you dash and use your attack at the same time, you deal 900% damage to armor (Basically a secondary health bar for enemies). So with only two changes, you went from a close range attack that's fast, to an agile class that takes enemies with them, and pierces armor. That's not even getting into the boons (Upgrades from the gods, you choose from a list of three). There's a god called Athena in hades, she offers a boon that makes it so when you dash before getting hit, it deflects that attack, making you take no damage. This adds yet another ability to your arsenal of attacks. You now play using a lot of dashing and attacking and uppercutting, very different than normally. None of these changes were even anything major, it's the accumulation of them that changes everything. Your dash will always be a dash, and your attack will always be an attack, but you can change how you change everything using only just simple mechanics.

    The same applies to Wynn using builds. You mentioned that you can't have a flying mage build, but the thing is, you can. You don't even need mythics, just grab a water weapon, get gear that reduces your 2nd spellcost, and stack a boatload of mana regen. You can now fly using mage, and literally never need to touch the ground. The spell is teleport, and will be teleport for probably the entire game, but it's these small statistical changes that add up. It doesn't need to outright say 'This lets you fly" or anything like that. It doesn't change how you activate teleport or anything like that, it's still just teleport.

    Another point is your stance on the item system, though it has it's flaws, it gets painfully obvious you didn't really experiment with items, in Wynn, as of now at least, there's very few items that dictate an entire playstyle, it's how they interact in a build. Yes some items are busted and broken, but that isn't intended, and if you look at changelogs, the item team does take feedback on a lot of items. If you think an item is op just say it on the thread (Though first actually try to use it to make sure you know it is).

    Lets look at some items then, shall we?

    Virtuoso is probably known as one of the most overpowered items in the game, note that it is a rare item.
    Now this looks confusing, but I'll explain. In wynn the 'meta' right now is spellspam, you just spam your spells over and over again, it's boring, but that's usually what metas in most games are. Mana regen is a very important part of spellspam, and because it has 3/4 mana regen that's very significant. Most people aim for around 12, so this already takes care of 1/4th of your mana woes. You might then look at the mana steal, it has a higher negative, so surely that means it's a net loss of -1/4s mana right? Wrong, in spellspam you don't melee at all, you don't need to proc your mana steal, so it doesn't. This makes this downside pretty much non existent. The walkspeed is pretty self explanatory, and 44% more spelldamage is probably also explanatory (remember it's additive). The raw spell is where it really gets insane. TLDR Wynn multiplies the raw spell by the amount of damage a spell deals, say you have a spell with 100% damage, you multiply 333 by 100% to get 333 spell damage (assuming the weapon you are using has no base damage at all), of course it's more complex, there's some threads on the forums I linked some before, but this is a major aspect for a lot of item design.

    Virtuoso is overpowered for that reason, and it's quite easy to see why (It was also easy for IMs to see why, it was an oversight on their part and it slipped through, already getting nerfed next patch)

    Now for something a little more complex, this time why an item is considered bad.

    Stardew is a mythic item, and with that comes with a lot of power. 558 raw spell is insane, along with 46% thunder and water damage, with 4 mana steal, what's not to love? For this you need to consider a full build. Every build has items with requirements. Some require dexterity, others strength. Stardew needs 75 dex and intel, which looks pretty easy at first, you have 200 skillpoints to spare, why not? Well the problem comes in when you consider other items. An item a lot of people would like to use with this is Cataclysm, very powerful thunder mythic, but because of its high requirements, it just doesn't work that well. You have to get more skillpoints from other items, try getting some sustain, try getting some mana regen to counter the negative there. This item, which looks amazing on paper, is hell to try in building. And there's no set cause. There's no unforseen reason that wasn't balanced for, just that it is kinda a bad mythic.

    All of these are changable, virtuoso is getting nerfed, and soon stardew might get buffed in the future, or more gear will be made that works well with stardew.

    Simple changes like these like values change how you use a build, because stardew just happens to have high requirements in offensive skillpoints, most people use very glassy builds with it. Items like azurite or aquamarine just happen to have stats perfect for spellsteal. Your arsenal is the same, but it's how you use it that's different, you can see systems like these in other games, if you got 20 dollars to spare just try hades for an hour and return it if you dislike it.

    You can also learn about things in the game without actually playing the game. Try experimenting with making different endgame builds, and just see what happens, don't go in with a set 'I want to do x", just look for some cool items and try something around it. It's almost puzzle like with how deep optimization is in Wynn.

    Also please, just look at changelogs and annoucements, a boatload of the issues you face are being addressed, tomes are coming in to change gameplay, there will be early and mid game revamps (quite major ones) to a lot of quests. There's a whole suite of new items, more content to do in mid game, and new items that make combat less repetitive. You don't need to play the game at all to see these though I really recommend you to just get to endgame, I can help you if you need it to get to endgame to see the bosses, just shoot me a message
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2021
    Saya, aFireBlaze, FAZu and 9 others like this.
  14. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    This is rather ironic considering flight by teleport is a big draw for Mage - it's one of only two classes that can infinite fly (and definitely has an easier time doing so than Shaman).

    That said, while in general I disagree that a change is needed, you do bring up a valid point that the current set of spells may limit gameplay. I don't think the issue is nearly as important as you claim, though.

    Also, you really may want to actually reach endgame first.

    yraw wtf this nonsense please go reread the relevant posts in my sig
  15. Yraw

    Yraw Water Fountain

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    shit me when it’s 1 am
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2021
    Saya, CrunchyCol, fishcute and 6 others like this.
  16. Da_Chicken303

    Da_Chicken303 The fastest spell spammer in the west VIP+

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    I'm gonna ignore the fact that he/she is a level 50

    The game, in theory, isn't that hard. You just have to know which items are good, understand and read through Item descriptions which more often than not go off your screen, and kill the projectile enemies before they kill you.
    In practice...Well, it's heavily, heavily carried by how good the community is."

    Yeah the game's pretty easy (With the exception of the Eye, Qira and others) Once you can circle strafe, have a good build and spell cycle anything can die.

    Speaking of the community, it's a pretty nice one! Sure, there's the occasional toxic person, but there's nowhere near as much toxicity as a server such as Hypixel. That may be due to the size and popularity difference, but I'm certainly not complaining about it.
    A lot of people are nice to me and others, and those who have criticized my ideas aren't too mean about it. Mostly. Their concerns are understandable enough, though, and I can only hope they don't come from hate with their claims."

    As a Hypixel Skyblock player I can agree. The community is super nice and I'm glad to be a part of it.

    I haven't actually seen too much of the lore. Most of the story is just, "You're here as a soldier of Ragni, we've assigned you to no official group, and your goal is to do whatever the Nether comes up, now get to exploring!"
    Hey, I didn't come to this RPG out of a need for a good story, and to some, unraveling the long list of crap which has gone down around them in the past few centuries may be interesting. That said, most of the quests are realistically chores which have no purpose in a real narrative, but again - I don't play this game to have my heart moved by the story, I'm here to blow up Mobs and kill enemies!"

    Interesting, I play for the lore. While yea a good bulk of the ingame quests are just tasks to do, some quests like Dwarves and Doguns, A Journey Further and Tower of Amnesia really do give a bunch of lore to the game, and I really like the story.

    About spells. Wynn's spells are not focused on having cool flashy and many spells to choose from. The secret as to why it's good lies in its simplicity, where you need to use the 4 spells you have available to you in intersting and unique ways to defeat bosses. As a mage-main, I have to say that, yeah combat is boring, just an infinite cycle of RLL and RRL, but the fact that the bosses and such have such variety and have their own cluster of spells to beat you up kind of makes it more exciting. While I do wish that there could one day be more spells, with the current system I'm not complaining.

    "You never get to soar through the air if you're playing Mage, because their Spell for mobility will be Teleport, and Teleport only, until the game dies."
    Uh while I do not 100% agree with having more than one movement spell, I'd just like to point out that when doing infinite-TP mage you need to cycle every 3-4 strokes with another spell (Usually Ice Snake but Heal if you're using King of Hearts) or else you'd run out of mana quick.

    "The Items System has a lot going for it:
    • Weapon Attack Speed changes how often you can use your Main Attack
    • Damage multiplication and different Items' IDs change how you use your Spells
    • You can be dedicated to up to 3 of the 5 Elements, making for dozens of ways to use your single Main Attack and 4 Spells
    • Main Attack/Spell Neutral Damage modifiers effect how you use your Main Attack and 4 Spells
    • Ingredients and loot dropped from Mobs can be used to craft Weapons of your own making so that you can use your Main Attack and Spell in new ways
    • Major IDs change the way you use your Main Attack and Spells"
    Yeah it's pretty cool. Would like to see more Major IDs

    "These are just a few of the points going for this system, and there's likely dozens more you could make. However, they never bothered to flesh out the core of the system keeping this entire Items System afloat, because the only way to change how you play the game is to change how you use the tools you're given, and you're almost never, ever allowed to change the tools themselves."
    I do agree on this point, items are honestly pretty boring, with a few exceptions like "The Nothing" which is my favourite wand and some others. I think that we need to not just alter stats, but alter properties. Taking Archer for example, maybe a "Snipe" stat that increases the range of your shots, or an "Accuracy" stat that gives you a chance for your arrows to home to nearby enemies.

    Long story short, if you skipped past the monologuing so you could start up your comment:
    • Wynncraft has several hundred upgrades for your 5 to 6 tools!
    • No outside tools allowed, because we already have several hundred upgrades which will completely change the feel of your tools!
    • Disclaimer: They don't change how you control them. We also can't add more tools because that's when the upgrades start breaking."
    Eh I'm fine w/ the current item system. Would like to see more variety with our existing tools but it's fine.

    I really want to see this game prosper, because with the amount of hard work and passion from the developers put into it, I believe it deserves to be recognized as one of the coolest RPGs of our generation of great games. I hate to say this, but hard work doesn't automatically make it smart work...

    That said, there's definitely still room to potentially fix the mess which the game's in. It certainly won't be easy to resolve, but these problems certainly don't - and shouldn't - have to be what leaves Wynncraft dead in a few years of time."

    The item system has been what's kept Wynn up for 7 years now, and it's not going away anytime soon. And while yes, Wynn does have flaws, it remains as my favourite RPG game ever and there is no going back with our current item system. The amount of time people spent making builds and getting used to our method of combat is breathtaking and I don't want that to go away. That being said, WYNNCRAFT PLEASE STOP GIVING MOBS TP SPAM IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO HIT WITH METEOR.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2021
    donda biblioteca and Bart (MC) like this.
  17. Dungrim

    Dungrim Dwarven Supremacy VIP+

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    You have taken that completely out of the context that it was placed into, of course random advertising of a guild is seen as quite not needed but in the context I had it in, was advising a solution to the boredom; playing with a group rather than solo.
  18. Papist/Ideology

    Papist/Ideology Silly Cat

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    Wynn offers a lot more than you're giving it.

    I came back after 5 years of inactivity and was blown away as to how much they added. Wrong items impact your playability. Stories get deeper and more intense. You're highly encouraged to explore the map to find secret discoveries, T3 & T4 chests, and mobs that drop specific crafting items.

    I know plenty of people have multiple accounts on Wynn which is why I didn't feel like using the fact your current one is like 50-60 at the current moment. But hear me out; I've only ever played Mage and the number of items I've had to throw out items and replace them with something better to finish a boss is huge. It rewards you for experimenting. Spells are simple, but misuse will cost you (literally, mana). Play some more quests, try to find some discoveries, and generally, don't worry about grinding. You really don't need to grind until levels 95-100, because quests and slaying posts will provide.

    Hope this gives some better perspective on the game. You got some pretty impressive stories to uncover about 10-20 more levels from where you are right now, some of my favorites thus far.
    Da_Chicken303 likes this.
  19. quick007

    quick007 Master Adventurer

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    no I know it was a joke, sorry if it felt to out of place
    Dungrim likes this.
  20. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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