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Update On ''possibility Of A Technoblade Wynncraft Video''

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Samsam101, Dec 31, 2020.


Do you STILL think a Technoblade Wynn video would be a good thing?

  1. Yes. There would be some good stuff along with it still.

  2. No. Him joining the server would only be a bad thing.

  3. He's too focused on the dream SMP to join anyway

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  1. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I would have posted this on my old thread from September ''Possibility of Technoblade doing a video on Wynncraft'' however that thread is now locked from being 3 months old. For context on this thread, see here.

    Back when I made that thread, Technoblade's content pretty much comprised of him participating in various tournaments such as MCC. Since then, Technoblade joined the incredibly popular Dream SMP. This has COMPLETELY changed his fanbase.

    You see, the Dream SMP is at this point just as stanned as BTS. I get that the definition of ''Stan'' is nowadays ''Super fan'' but there are some stans who take things too far. Techno has much more loyal supporters now but i guarantee if Techno were to make a Wynn video now the server would be flooded with Dream SMP stans.

    Once again, I understand that most stans are pretty chill and they just seriously enjoy the content. The bad ones are the ones who take things waay too far

    Then again, TommyInnit made a couple of Wynn videos earlier this year. Now that he's in the Dream SMP, you'd expect people to notice that video. But they don't.
    That was before the Dream SMP though. Techno would now have to this fabled wynn video whilst in the SMP.

    So, i no longer think Techno doing a Wynn video would be a good idea. Even if he did, I think any possibility of him considering it is completely gone now that he's focused on the Dream SMP. These possibilities will only return once the dream SMP concludes.

    and before you say it, yes. i am aware that techno stans are a lot less extreme than bts and dream stans. all im saying is that a lot of dream smp viewers enjoy the techno streams and there are guaranteed to be bad apples within them.

    Side note: Techno would probably stream wynn which would destroy the servers so epic
    starx280, Epicness937, pogge5 and 4 others like this.
  2. chryssie

    chryssie ultimate cur hater CHAMPION

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    at least if he streams wynn nynnf can kill 200 more lv 1 hich kids
  3. wxhlf

    wxhlf wxhlf HERO

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    Good or bad impact on the community does not matter for me other than the lag that would come though it would certainly be interesting to see a big youtuber play wynn and ofcourse the fanbase that comes along with them.
    Samsam101 likes this.
  4. ramenstew

    ramenstew professional idiot HERO

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    Bad community bursts through the gates and trashed the server
    Oh and also lag
  5. Miles_

    Miles_ hi CHAMPION

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    dream/techno stans make me want to alt + f4 humanity so i hope he doesnt do a vid
  6. GreenTheMeme

    GreenTheMeme Doing damage pleases me sexually

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    Wynncraft is SUPER niche. I doubt that Dream SMP stans (or even most techno fans) could have the willpower to grind up to high levels. I think they'd just quit after being really bored grinding, as it's not for everyone. Though the thing that throws a wrench into the mix is the fact that techno used to play and have an audience of Hypixel Skyblock. Maybe those audiences could carry over to wynn and be lasting members, and I have no idea how that'd affect things.
    MlecznyHuxel99, burble and Melkor like this.
  7. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    At this point I want him to make a video purely to put a stop to stop all of the "what if he makes a video" threads. We get them every month or so now, and it's honestly really silly. It's unlikely a large number of people would be inspired to join and stick around for a variety of reasons. They watch him because he plays a game that they like to watch or play. If he does something different, they may not be that interested. Or they may watch because they enjoy watching him play, but have no real interest in the game. I watch YouTubers who do plenty of stuff that's not all that interesting to me, but I watch because I enjoy watching them and they make the content interesting. Not because I want to try out whatever it is that they're doing. And even if they do decide to join and try it, most will probably try it out and leave. If they decide to stay, it's probably because they like the server and want to participate, and I think that you'll find that if people come to a community that's full of good, friendly people, they'll integrate into the community as a good and friendly person. Yes, there will be bad apples. There are already bad apples in the community. You nearly never see them though because the community as a whole is pretty good and when one starts being rude or harassing people or just generally being unpleasant, other people are quick to chime in and try to resolve the situation. Even if they ignore that, there are mods. If someone goes over the line, they can and will be banned. And remember, the community you're talking about, the Dream SMP community, watches him because of Dream SMP. Not because they necessarily want to watch him all the time. They probably are far less interested in his other content. The people who'd follow him to a new game are still going to mostly be the ones who watch the content he makes because they enjoy watching him and want to try out the stuff he tries out.

    Yes, the servers will be laggy at first, especially if he streams. Yes, some might even crash. Yes, that might mean you can't get on for a bit. That means that more people are trying out the server and maybe enjoying it. That's always a pretty good thing in my book. The main thing is that more players is a net benefit to the community. More players = more donations = more money for the server = more devs/ better servers = better content/ better experience. Yes not all of them will donate. Not all the players we have now donate. But the fact is that more players pretty much always means more revenue. New players also means more revenue especially I'd wager because they don't already have ranks and skins and stuff. The fact of the matter is, Wynncraft is a business, and in order to remain in business, they need customers.

    Sorry about the rant, but this gets brought up so often and it's always the same thing over and over and over.
    the drink, H0Y, Epicness937 and 5 others like this.
  8. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    I don't think we should deter Techno's fans from Wynncraft, and I don't think they'll bring any harm to this community. The most toxic people will leave out of disinterest, boredom or by being banned. The least toxic will stay and be welcome. Remember, Techno isn't able to moderate his YouTube community, but Wynncraft is.
    Thega, H0Y, MlecznyHuxel99 and 7 others like this.
  9. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Okay, seriously. We go through this every time we talk about someone making a video on the server. People will join because of Techno, but they’ll stay because of Wynn. If they’re interested enough in the server to last more than a month or to make it to endgame, they’re going to be similar enough to the rest of us that it won’t matter where they came from. The ones who join because they’re interested in Dream or Dream SMP won’t last, because this server isn’t about him, nor should we make any of this about him. And in the meantime, new players are still potential revenue boosts for a server that sorely needs it, even if they don’t stick around.
    Thega, H0Y, Epicness937 and 15 others like this.
  10. TwentyZ6

    TwentyZ6 average wynncraft addict HERO

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    I personally don’t mind :)

    I understand people’s reservations around the idea, but don’t underestimate people!
    If Techno chooses to make a video or stream on Wynncraft, I think that’d be really fun! If people from his fanbase, or from the smp fanbase decide to come over to Wynncraft because of that, it doesn’t mean they’ll be inherently toxic, and they could really like the server, which can only be a good thing.
    Again, don’t underestimate people and assume they’re all toxic, or that they’ll just sweep through, lag the server, and then leave.

    my thoughts on it, I do get why people would be hesitant about it, but also I don’t think we really have any say on what happens regardless :)
    starx280, Melkor and Namakobushi like this.
  11. Yraw

    Yraw Water Fountain

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    I don't really like dreams content or technos streams (His standalone content is fine) or the fans but I don't really care if people join wynn from them, bigger playerbase would just mean Wynn needs to cater to more players and make Wynn just overall more polished for everyone else
    Melkor likes this.
  12. burble

    burble dragon fruit go roar VIP+

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    The crazy, toxic stans are a loud minority. And, like a lot of others in this thread have said, if Technoblade does make a Wynncraft video, there'll be a large influx of people joining because of him, but after a little while, a lot will leave, and those who do stay will stay because they enjoy Wynncraft.
    Melkor and Ellphant like this.
  13. IceBear

    IceBear Ice Bear says hi VIP+

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    The problem with Wynncraft is that for the most part it doesn’t make very good content for YouTube. Showing quests is a dice roll due to the inconsistent quality and it requires a lot of grinding and work to do. Ice Bear isn't too worried about the fans if a YouTuber does decide to do a Wynncraft video Wynncraft isn't a competitive game so it won't bring out toxicity as other games do.
  14. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I've never seen a ''what if techno made a video lol'' thread that isn't my old one from september or this one. Plus, this one is an extension of my old one since that thread got necroed. I don't think they're as frequent as you're making them out to be.
    Good point, I should've thought about this when I made the thread.
    fishcute likes this.
  15. zionthegoat

    zionthegoat Well-Known Adventurer

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    I feel like everyone who comes to wynncraft from technoblade would probably stop playing around level 50-60
    Mac N Cheese Man likes this.
  16. Mac N Cheese Man

    Mac N Cheese Man First Official Member Of The Mac N Cheese Club

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    Here’s the thing, for the most part Wynncraft isn’t grinding. It only gets better with each update. So if he does make a video after 1.20 releases there would be a higher chance they’d level up as 1.20 appears to be removing the most grindy part of the game.
    starx280 and burble like this.
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