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Hey, Why Wasn't There A Rollback? ( Massive Dupe Issue Discussion )

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Saya, Dec 27, 2020.

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  1. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    God damn, I take off a couple weeks from Wynncraft and suddenly there's an actual Great Depression

    Yeah, I support a rollback. I think it's the lesser evil, even if only by a small margin. But whatever happens, we need the staff to talk with and inform us. I don't want to be left in the dark.
  2. FrozenGalaxy

    FrozenGalaxy Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Looking at it from a programmers perspective, since I am a software engineer myself, it shouldn't be too much of a deal. Speaking about the market rollback itself. But yes, there are more questions needed to be answered, such as what happens if the le got transferred to another accounts, if in game trades were made after the trade happened on the market, etc. That will be the harder part.
    TrapinchO likes this.
  3. ditsario

    ditsario it's always christmas somewhere in the world VIP+

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    I'm not opposed to a rollback personally, but I can't help but feel if they were going to roll back the server they would have done it already. If it wasn't a viable option the day after the dupe, I don't see how it's going to become a viable option a week later just because a lot of people on the forums want it to be. I agree that it would be nice to know what reasons there are for not having a rollback, but there are pretty clearly enough that it's most likely not going to happen.

    That being said, it's still good to state our opinions on the matter, so hopefully staff will be able to come up with a good (or not too bad) solution for everyone. I do hope staff takes our opinions into account, but still, assuming there won't be a rollback, we should be looking for alternative solutions as well.
    RenZenthio and TrapinchO like this.
  4. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    I havent really done much in-game recently, and I think a rollback is completely necessary in this situation. All the focus needs to go to fixing this dupe, and I'd rather 1.20 be delayed than have the market not be fixed for months like before
  5. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I literally have no idea what the announcement section of the forums is for anymore. In any other game there would be a massive issue and a public announcement explaining what the issue was and why the markets were down, constantly being updated until a resolution was found and an explanation was given on how they'll prevent it from happening again. Wynn has had problems before, but this is something on a whole new level and it's being made more and more clear the people who really need to care don't. It costs them nothing and takes almost no time to type up a quick message on the announcement page of the forums and add a link to the markets closed message so people actually understand what's going on. The fact that not one person could be bothered to do so and the fact that nobody has addressed this issue at all, it's almost as if nobody is allowed to comment on this which if that's the case this is much more concerning then a market dupe. Whatever the case, this is a massive problem with communication and we can't just let it get swept under the rug.

    I'm not, I got every gathering to 110 and almost every crafting to 103 after the dupe and I'm not alone. This also happened on a DXP weekend with a sale where people bought bombs after the dupe happened so doing that costs people money, plus the time they spent playing the game. It's not even remotely fair to waste the time of and punish players who didn't exploit the dupe, especially since I (and many others) don't really care about the economy of this game beyond the community aspect of it. If a rollback had been done an hour after the TM's closed the first time, I would be fine with it as long as some compensation was given, but we're almost a week out now, a rollback is not just a bad alternative, it's worse then just leaving everything as is.

    Also, you can't just do a market roll back, people moved LE into their banks or onto their person, so you would need to roll those back too and that's where the real issue starts. If you only roll back the market, you're just going to be duping every single item which was bought while also allowing all the duplicated money to still exist, it just makes the issue worse.

    Ban the players who exploited it, that's the only fix. Won't remove a lot of the duped money but should remove enough to salvage something. At this point, a roll back is out of the question[
  6. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    How does waiting longer make the effect worse?
  7. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    Even right now people are playing the game, doing quests, leveling up and getting richer. The longer they wait with a rollback, the more progress is lost. That's why ideally the server would've been rolled back already.
  8. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Because you can't just rollback the trademarket. People moved LE to their banks and into their inventory and they bought items with it which are in use. If you rollback the market, all it does is duplicate a bunch of items and literally nothing else. If there's going to be a rollback, it needs to be a complete rollback to actually work and that would be bad for obvious reasons, on top of the fact that they would be rolling back an entire DXP weekend where real money was spent which would be totally lost if they did a rollback now.
    That_Chudley and Foudre like this.
  9. That_Chudley

    That_Chudley Wynncraft Addict HERO

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    I was finally able to level up my profs loads as well as craft epic LQ and LB gear (helmets, chestplates, leggings, boots, all accessories, scrolls and food too) for me AND my friend - I spent a total of 32 hours grinding materials and ingredients to get this gear and have since been grinding mobs with my friend and gotten 100's of legendaries and a few fabled items.
    This has been, for me, once of the most productive weeks ever on Wynncraft and if there is a rollback, I don't see myself returning for a long time.

    I understand that it seems like it's needed, but is it really? Surely, the issue is that some people have exploited it and bought out loads of mythics/items or whatever and can charge whatever the hell they like for it, plus they've got millions of duped LE. Could the staff not view the TM items being sold for loads or check people's inventories and work out who's done it and sort it another way? I imagine that 99.99% of people will still be trading at normal prices as long as these duping assholes don't buy out everything as soon as it appears (e.g. If they're caught/tracked in some way, can't it be sorted in a much less drastic way?)

    (Apologies if I've totally misunderstood something - if I have please respond kindly :) )
  10. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    This is the same problen as with this (resolved), they eventually replied, after a long time and after I contacted both Mod Managers.
  11. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Christ, their community management policy is so awful if they can't even address actual issues.

    Speaking of actual issues, I don't think people understand how inflation works. When more money is in circulation, that's one half of the problem, but that doesn't mean prices go up. In the real world, the cost of inputs needs to go up which means the cost of outputs goes up, causing the cost of inputs to go up more since they now cost more to produce and so on. That happens all the time, but because of things like sticky prices we don't really feel the effects of it too often (it costs more to print new price tags then they would make by increasing prices of the item by 10 cents is the common example).

    Wynncraft isn't really an economy in the sense that it 1, doesn't have sticky prices (neither good nor bad) and 2 and more importantly, there's no cost of inputs. The value of a lootrun is fixed (The rarity of items, not the items themselves) so the prices will meet to match those. Prices will be high for now, but they should go back down to where they were eventually since if the items are being sold for too much, lootrunning has the lower opportunity cost so more people will lootrun. Because of that, more items will be on the market and they'll sell the items at a lower price to compete and boom, market prices have fallen back into an equilibrium where the opportunity cost of lootrunning is equal to the cost of the items on the market.

    Again, rolling back, markets or especially everything isn't going to fix any of the issues here, it'll just piss players off. The real solution here is to just start lootrunning and stop buying items from the TM (once it goes back up) and just wait for the economy to fix its self.
    FAZu likes this.
  12. Ingo

    Ingo Class Building Enthusiast HERO

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    So you want years of work to be gone? Some players (like me) worked hard in order to get a reasonable amount of raw.

    My 10 stacks raw now are worth like 10 pre-dupe EB
    Also they could just refund bombs etc and host a triple xp week to excuse
    RenZenthio likes this.
  13. Valdu

    Valdu hello HERO

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    Lets hope they dont rollback my HIC class because i have spent alot of time on that and its gonna take sometime to get it back to 75! (especially without profbombs) It would be great if they didn't touch ironman classes because they can't even use the market.
    Crouton_18, creeper1562 and _Johku like this.
  14. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    wheere are you getting that number from smh
  15. iExpo

    iExpo Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    No matter what way you look at it, it's a shitty situation. And it certainly doesn't help that the only input players are getting is 'No rollback' with no explanation. Please for the love of God, don't keep your playerbase in the dark. We care about the server and the way this situation has been managed is awful from our perspective. All we've seen is TM going up and back down repeatedly, heard rumours of a dupe and the economy being fucked for the foreseeable future.
    starx280, StormKing3 and TrapinchO like this.
  16. Wizconsin

    Wizconsin Official Cheese Man VIP+

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    I bought vip+ over dxp weekend along with a friend, what would happen to that?

    Also if they arent gonna do a rollback just confiscate as much duped LE as possible and ban the people who duped
  17. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    Dear god this is bad. I honestly don't know what to think here. @Saya make a poll for the thread listing some of the courses of action suggested here. That way the staff may quickly get community consensus on what they think should be done.

    EDIT: I heard that the Trade Market can be rolled back seperately from everything else on wynn since it has a seperate IP. if so, i completely support a TM rollback.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2020
    BqwaOLD and Wizconsin like this.
  18. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    I am in full support of a rollback. (With compensation like a dxp weekend)
  19. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    Okay, thanks. They're not worth the same monetarily then but they're the same items still

    I need to look into this more :O
    ZockerCam likes this.
  20. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Read what I wrote above, I'll also add item buyers are what determine the floor value of currency anyways so what you're saying is actually just wrong.
    I don't want to play for 30 more hours just to redo what I already did 3 days ago, if I lose all the time I put in I'm done with this game, I would rather play something that doesn't waste my time or put more effort into something else. For people who play this game casually, a DXP weekend to compensate for a failed DXP weekend is a slap in the face.

    Also, since people keep saying they want a rollback because it looks like a popular opinion, consider this, the forums make up far less then half the active player base and mainly consist of the most hardcore players who actually care about the economy and use the trademarket. I think it's fair to assume the players who don't use the trademarket and are just playing around casually, who don't know what CUR or Bulb Cave mean are the ones who wouldn't be happy with a rollback. For most people here, if they lose a few levels it's fine since they can just hop into a grind party and get it all back given the chance, but for a casual player they can't/don't know they can do that so they're the ones really losing here. This is a casual game and a rollback screws the people who play it properly the most.

    Finally, we don't know what's possible and what the real solutions are since nobody has said a word. We don't even know if rollbacks are possible since it hasn't happened at any point in the games history, even after people lost their mythics with the launch of 1.19. Instead of just saying "yeah, I'm down with a rollback" we should be trying to get some sort of statement on what happened, what went wrong and what is going to be done about it from somebody who actually knows.

    In this situation, communication is the only start to a solution, so until that happens it isn't helpful to try and suggest anything beyond that.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2020
    FAZu and Foudre like this.
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