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Archer/Hunter Any Archer Builds That Can Surpass 100k Dps?

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by KeanuReee, Dec 25, 2020.

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  1. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    If you're being serious, it's probably the combination of a bad build and you as a player being really bad.

    Ask for a better one that suits your playstyle @ the atlas inc build aid thread, make sure to mention budget and restrictions.
    RenZenthio likes this.
  2. 182 others

    182 others Well-Known Adventurer VIP Builder

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    Is this a shit post
    Wow I didnt know bosses dealt like 10k damage a hit now. Btw Mummyboard deals 2k a hit iicr (not counting base defense) and last time i checked morph didnt have 9.6k EHP

    Anyway, Storms take 1 second to cast (Iicr, I tested this out with a stopwatch on my phone and watching the storm casting on my computer) without Nighthawk, so even with something like 25k Storms (EWF Olily) takes 1 second to cast, and bomb with 25k storms has 10k Bombs i think so it's around 35k DPS which is about the same as a Mage if you did TP TP TP Meteor, however with Nighthawk you can get 30k storms and 1 storm every 0.25 seconds you can get 120k DPS. But since it's 4 storms a second, you'd first need very fast CPS and timing, and also you can only do it for a few seconds since your mana will go boom. Nighthawk is also getting nerfed so it'll deal 2/3 of the storm damage from before so it'll deal like 80k DPS, but however this only lasts for a few seconds. However, the build for it is very glassy (13 mana storms, and 14k HP no Defense/Agility, and 60% base defense rating makes it around 7k HP). EWF Olily is however tankier and a little bit more mana sustain and can get 80k DPS right now (not with the nerf) and with the nerf it's 53k DPS. I am sure you can get the mana sustain for this, but however you'll need really good CPS and timing for this. Also where did you get 100k+ dps warrior/assassin builds? Closest assassin gets to 100k is Courage Limbo Bwash abusing which gets 60k DPS, but if you measure to the absolute MAX (Which is a REALLY bad way to measure it), it gets 115k DPS or something. Keep in mind I'm talking about if you're in vanish. Also, I'm not sure how you got a 100k+ warrior dps build as the closest I found right now is Alka tierstack which gets 44k DPS unboosted (50k Boosted).

    If you can't beat CUR with Morph Cluster (Which if you can't I must say, you must be really bad at the game but if it's not with HP pots that's understandable since Morph has like very little HP sustain), try to get into parties or bring a crap ton hp potions into your inventory.

    Edit: Gma 1 hp rage can hit 280k DPS for a few seconds with good cps/timing as of 1.19
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2020
  3. Grugle

    Grugle RotS Enthusiast. HERO

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    Dang, that’s sad considering I just ran through EO with nothing more than morph set and Hive Bow. I think the issues are with you being a wing nut, and less with Archer being bad.
    RenZenthio likes this.
  4. Zelli

    Zelli Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Wait... Did I fell in a troll ? I had an illumination.
    RenZenthio likes this.
  5. Shutler

    Shutler hello HERO

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    That's just you being bad, I can solo LI w/ morph cluster. Just use a proper build instead.
    also wtf why am i responding to a shitpost
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  6. 182 others

    182 others Well-Known Adventurer VIP Builder

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    Lol i was confused about what Ren's post for the skill points meant earlier but now I know it means what sp he assigned, iicr you can't use morph cluster with 0 str/dex points.
    RenZenthio likes this.
  7. ramenstew

    ramenstew professional idiot HERO

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    Alright I've been on HSB for long enough to know how to shitpost back
    Bro you using depressing bow? Didn't know Dodegar made a bow as well. How bad do you have to be for archer to do less damage than warrior? You can't even get silver pass in LI? LMAOOOOOO /s
    ihadnever, NotFunny and RenZenthio like this.
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