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Top 5 Best And Worst Quests From The Level 21-40 Range

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WoahItsAmethyst, Dec 21, 2020.

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  1. WoahItsAmethyst

    WoahItsAmethyst Trying out all the class archetypes VIP+

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    In this series I will be ranking my favorite and least favorite quests. Last week I started off with the 1-20 range, and now I am ranking the level 21-40 range, then eventually we'll work our way up to 80-103. After this I'm going to wait until Gavel Reborn comes out, because if I do 41-60 next week and Gavel Reborn isn't out, it's gonna get outdated FAST. Also as always, reply with some of your own favorite and least favorite quests. Without further ado, let's get started. (Also read in dark mode please, thank you)

    5 Worst: Cluck Cluck
    Although this quest is part of the animals you have to kill in order to fight Bob at a later quest, there's really no reason for this quest to exist. Don't get me wrong, it has some lore behind it and it's quick and painless, but I put it at the 5th worst spot simply because this doesn't even feel like a quest. All of the other animals don't have a quest and this one has an NPC with barely any story behind him so why should this one be any different?

    5 Best: A Sandy Scandal
    Yes, this quest is a slightly weaker version of Murder Mystery, but it's really not that bad at all. In fact, I actually consider it to be one of the best Almuj quests period just because of how fun it is. You have to find evidence and clues from other people's POV's so that you will know where the bandits are so that you can stop the robbery. After you stop the robbery you gain access to the Almuj Bank, I find it frustrating that you didn't beforehand but I'll let that slide. Really shows that it's possible to gain Almuj's trust. (and then you break it 20 levels later but that's another story)

    4 Worst: Pit of the Dead
    Now, I'll give it this, it's quick and painless, and the place you go to is mildly interesting. However the main problem that although it can be fun at first, the simplicity of the quest makes it a lot more bland. It's not boring, it's not frustrating, and it's a relatively harmless quest. However although there's nothing horrible about this quest, there's nothing interesting either, it's very simple. In the end I guess it just, exists, similar to Enzan's Brother, but I honestly think it should be improved.

    4 Best: Kingdom of Sand
    Easily the best dungeon quest in the level 21-40 range. You start by talking to a mage that is trying to figure out how to open up the Sand Swept Tomb, and she can't do it without the scepter, so you have to talk to bandits to find out where the scepter is. You don't have the password, so you have to go into the mansion to steal the mayor's journal. Once you have the password you have to sneak into a meeting, get the scepter from a house, then give it to the mage. The thing I love about this quest is the mansion segment, I like that you have to distract the guards so that you can progress and steal the journal without getting caught. Also like all of the dungeon quests, it has a lot of lore, and it really makes you want to know more about Hashr, which you can in the discoveries so yay! A great quest required to enter a great dungeon.

    3 Worst: Ice Nations
    This quest is just not good. The main issue with it is that it's too short and provides barely any lore for the Ice Nations period. All you have to do in this quest is settle an extremely petty disagreement that seems to be causing a war of some kind, which lasted for an unknown amount of time. Also when I say it is too short, I just mean that it ends so quickly. If this war has lasted for a few years, it makes no sense to just like abruptly stop just because one side got what they want. Also without a map, boat, or Wynntils, finding the ghost ship is going to be pretty annoying.

    3 Best: WynnExcavation Site A
    A great start to a great questline! WynnExcavation Site A is the introduction to the WynnExcavation questline, but oh my it's a good one. First you are told to translate an ancient text, which turns out to be a clue for the temple, then you have to go into the temple and use that clue and eventually progress to the crystal. At the crystal, you have to kill the boss to get a shard of the crystal, which you will need for Site B when you eventually do that. This quest makes you wonder what's going to happen in the next 3 quests of the storyline, and that's why it's a good one.

    2 Worst: Lost Tower
    Alright let me get something straight, this quest doesn't make any sense. You have to help a random guy who lives in Nemract find an ancient book his ancestors used to own, but I have a few questions. How does he know this book exists, and how has the book which I have checked the timeline btw, is over 1000 years old and somehow it still exists? Not only does it not make sense, but it is just so annoying. Without a Wynntils beacon or a guide, you'll spend hours looking for the actual tower, and once you actually get in, it is a CHORE to navigate. Once you return the book to him, he just says "Great this book will be good to read! Thank you!" and that's all he says. If this quest involved lore about Ancient Nemract and didn't involve a book which shouldn't even exist at this point, then it would be a way better quest.

    2 Best: Recover the Past
    This quest was a monumental improvement over the old Tower of Amnesia quest. Instead of just an annoying scroll fetch quest for a scroll that does something you've always been able to do, this quest actually has a story and makes you wonder what lives in Fruma were like. Basically, after you help the test subjects with whatever they are trying to do, they help you by gazing into orb and finding their long lost past memories. The best thing about this quest to me at least is that your past remains a mystery. When you gaze into the orb, it pushes you back because it can't recognize those memories. Once the Fruma update comes out if it does, I really want to see a "sequel" to this quest.

    Alright, before we go over the best and worst quests, I'd like to give four quick honorable mentions:

    The Dark Descent: I was really debated to pick which dungeon quest between this and Kingdom of Sand, but in the end I think I had much more fun with Kingdom of Sand and it just overall felt more action packed than this, even though they both have a lot of lore.

    Tower of Ascension: I was really close to including this, but this is meant to be more of a progressive quest from level 40-75. I enjoyed it, but it just simply didn't belong in these rankings.

    Meaningful Holiday: God I love this quest so much, although there's not that much lore, it's a very sweet quest with some memorable characters. The story was great, and I wish I could put this on the rankings.

    Studying the Corrupt: Again, another really good dungeon quest. It gives a lot of lore on the corruption and what it does to people, and it makes you interested about Garoth. The only reason I don't think this is as good as the other two is because A. Some of the bits can be pretty boring, and B. The dungeon isn't really that good, so this quest is pretty robbed in my opinion.

    1 Worst: Green Gloop
    Ok, what is this and why does it exist. First off, you need to grind for 5 Soft Sand to make the Slime Scooper. It does make sense because in real life you would have to put the slime you need to grind in that, but the Slimey Goo which you need 8 of is an actual item, so you never even have to use the Slime Scooper in the first place, and I KID YOU NOT you can only get the slimes at the end of the cave, and you can't even enter the cave without the scooper, which doesn't make any sense. Surely it would have good rewards after grinding for a good while right? WRONG! All of the rewards are necklaces that range from 32 to 37 and don't go any higher than Rare rarity and have 4 or less ID's all of which aren't very good except for maybe Sting Glass, and you want to guess what you need for all of them? 5 OR 6 SOFT SAND!!! What's worse is that there's NO lore behind anything about this quest, so by the time you finish, you might as well just forget about it and question the same thing I did at the start of this paragraph.

    1 Best: Misadventure On the Sea
    Okay let's be honest here did anyone not see this one coming from a mile away? Misadventure on the Sea is one of my favorite quests in the entire game. The story is great, it's a tale about you going on a journey with a random sailor, but UH OH, he's a pirate! You then have to think of a way to escape while also doing every task the pirate assigns you. The Colossal Rat fight was meant to be a joke, but wow they did the music so well. I also love the bit with the Seaskipper Captain, it really makes him a memorable character and not a boring 30 seconds loading screen with no personality. Similar to my other #1 pick last time, I'm so glad they replaced an old quest (which was awful) and made this. 1.19 was a great update.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2020
  2. Furry

    Furry Well-Known Adventurer

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    Can you change the colours? I can’t read it
  3. WoahItsAmethyst

    WoahItsAmethyst Trying out all the class archetypes VIP+

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    Are you in light mode or dark mode? I tried to make it so that it's both but I didn't really do a good job
  4. Furry

    Furry Well-Known Adventurer

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    Light. You just kind of cannot see anything.
  5. FoxxoChan

    FoxxoChan Wynnian Photographer, Eye Pet Enthusiast CHAMPION

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    How do you even read this i cant :(
  6. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    Green gloop is impossible to read in dark mode
  7. IceBear

    IceBear Ice Bear says hi VIP+

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    *Ice Bear cries in light mode*
  8. WoahItsAmethyst

    WoahItsAmethyst Trying out all the class archetypes VIP+

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  9. Da_Chicken303

    Da_Chicken303 The fastest spell spammer in the west VIP+

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    My top 5 and bottom 5 quests


    5. Studying the Corrupt

    The quest is boring, and the dungeon it unlocks is the worst dungeon in the game; also the Adventuring Mage is the bane of every player after doing this quest because they accidentally triggered the dialogue. However it does have good lore so it's the 5-th worst.

    4. Canyon Condor

    The Mesa is a pain to navigate when you have not unlocked the elevators in this quest. Fell off of cliffs and got lost. Literally took me longer to finish this quest than ToA.

    3. Ice Nations

    Boring, swimming is trash. I've always despised the Ice Nations, they add no lore and are really just there for the Climbing Helmet to access Maro Peaks.

    2. Green Gloop

    The quest is bad and forgettable. The grinding is terrible, the rewards are subpar and the quest is an absolute pain. Why does this quest even exist, and the pre-1.19 UG spawnrates of the slimes does not improve it.

    1. Pit of the Dead

    A) Barely any lore significance
    B) The only highlight is the parkour
    C) Boring. Very boring.
    D) Rewards are sub-par.

    I probably hate this quest because of the parkour. Honestly, worst quest.


    5. Stable Story

    Average quest, best reward.

    4. Meaningful Holiday

    Wholesome theme, actually fun, enjoyed myself.

    3. Pirate's Trove

    First Gavel Quest, and while epic fightscenes and stuff are cool and all, I do love a simple riddle quest like this. Brilliant in every way.

    2. Tower of Amnesia

    Great lore, not one but TWO memes (Caid and Fruman Walls), really fun and ties in well with the area.

    1. Misadventure on the Sea

    Third best quest behind AHC and Order of the Grook, this quest is a blast. There are so many secrets and I wanted to stay on the boat, not to mention Pep is daddy.
    FoxxoChan and StormKing3 like this.
  10. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    both 5th and 4th places are hard to read in light mode




    5. Canyon Condor
    fetch that has a somewhat interesting goal
    4. Ice Nations
    3. Cluck Cluck
    kill a chicken lol
    2. Green Gloop
    fetch with an rng element
    1. Tribal Aggression
    go to owl camp. go to eagle camp. go to owl camp. go to eagle camp. go to owl camp. done.


    5. The Mercenary
    a classic. feels like an actual assassination mission.
    4. A Sandy Scandal
    very solid and memorable quest imo
    3. Kingdom of Sand
    stealth mission moment. i wish it'd have a bit more focus on the empire lore but w/e
    2. Misadventure on the Sea
    1. Craftmas Chaos
    gg more time travel based plots, the gameplay is bad but the story is great

    honourable mentions:

    Recover the Past
    cool but a bit too fetchy for my taste
    Dwelling Walls
    the theme that plays in the mansion is really good and underrated
    Pirate's Trove
    a fun riddle introduction tour to Llevigar
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2020
  11. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    Right, my choices may be controversial but I think they're right imo


    5) Misadventures on the sea: Really, putting this first? Okay, it has some nifty mechnics in part and a good story but gosh if it isn't overdoing it, forced to sit through dialogue, forced to wait on a desert island for ages doing boring tasks before the seaskipper inevitably arrives (funny when he does tho). Actually, if you look at the dialogue in this quest it's not that bad at all, but it's a game not an amateur novel. Overlong dialogue and no memorable fights or game mechanics bring this one down but it's still okay.

    4) Kingdom of Sand: Like Misadventures this is just a long dialogue filled quest with nothing of note and only an irritating stealth section to boot.

    3) Lost tower: Bit boring, not much to it

    2) Green Gloop: Fetch quest, needs a rework I'd say. I agree with others when they say it's their least favourite

    1) Dwelling Walls: The single most annoying quest ever, without a guide it's positively infuriating and serves no purpose to either the story or rewards wise. A terrible rework and despite the old quest not being perfect this was a mistake to create this. You can spend over half an hour in that dratted mansion


    5) Macabre Masquerade Hallowyn 2014: Fun little dungeon type quest, get a good reward with an entertaining boss fight

    4) Cluck Cluck: One of the funniest quests in the game, it's very short so no time to get bored and set on a lovely little island surrounding by chickens and one crazy old geezer

    3) Recover the past: I enjoyed this one! The dialogue was incredibly cringey in parts but I think it's meant to be tongue in cheek which makes it fun! Clever use of new mechanics with a bit of fighting to go alongside it and a good use for the old boring Tower of amnesia quest, good change

    2) Wynncraft Site A: Fun dialogue and characters that'll pop back up later, I actually really enjoyed this quest line surprisingly

    1) Wrath of the Mummy: A classic, good boss, an exciting dungeon filled with monsters and puzzles as well as great buildings. Such as the well-designed tomb

    P.S. Saw a few people praising the Order of the Grook quest, I'm going to have fun slating that when the time comes ;)
  12. ditsario

    ditsario it's always christmas somewhere in the world VIP+

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    Ok, firstly, while the importance of the fun mechanics (taming pip and snoo, drinking the whiskey at the start, etc.) is subjective, the entire quest is filled with them, to the point that you can spend more time just exploring and finding fun things than actually doing the quest. I don't think it's fair to downplay these just because the dialogue takes a while. Also, on the desert island, you sit there for under a minute before he finds you, which is insanely short considering you're stranded in the middle of the ocean. You don't have to do the tasks, either (I think).
    Wait... no memorable fights or mechanics? What on earth? Colossal rat is by far the most memorable fight at that point, not only because it's hilarious but because it's actually somewhat difficult at level. I don't at all understand how haunted mask and the mummy get boss fight points on this list but the colossal rat doesn't. And if taming a chicken using seeds from a furnace to scare off an ocean monster isn't a memorable game mechanic, I have no idea what is. Just because it's optional doesn't make the quest worse, it means your actions actually mean something instead of being forced into doing what the quest maker wanted you to do.

    Nothing of note? I mean, if you don't care about lore, fine I guess, but it's not nothing of note just because it isn't "fun", it tells you a lot about the desert lore when/after the empire collapsed. I can get how the stealth section might be a bit annoying at times, but it's overall pretty fun imo because of the distracting mechanic. At this point, I suppose it really comes down to what you like, and if you like a traditional dungeon-type quest like WoTM, I can get why you wouldn't like other, more lore and sneaking based quests, like kingdom of sand. I can get why you wouldn't like unskippable dialogue (even if you somehow still put rtp on the top list despite it being almost entirely unskippable dialogue and fetching), but I still fundamentally disagree about putting quests like mots on the bottom and putting four quests that are literally just talking to people and killing a boss on the top.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2020
  13. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    Ok thanks for responding, I had forgot about the rat fight so thanks for reminding me. I do like misadventures on the sea in parts but a lot of it I dislike. Maybe it doesn't deserve top 5 worst spots but I had to include it after all the praise it was getting which I disagree with. Kingdom of the Sand just has a lot of talk that contributes very little: Go to the tomb, go to the hideout, go to the house, go back to the hideout (lots of dialogue in these of course) search the broken cart, go to yet another house and then back to the tomb. What's fun about that if you care little for the jumbled and boring lore anyway? I feel like people are giving those quests too much praise just because they're new and have some fancy new features.

    Regardless thank you for responding, very interesting ideas. Out of intrigue what would be your top and bottom 5?
  14. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    What about the desert lore is boring and jumbled? It's short and easy to understand, a prince commits regicide on his immortal father and uses forbidden magic and hides in a temple doing whatever bad guys do.
  15. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    I meant all lore in general. Kingdom of Sand has generally more interesting lore than usual but it can be summed up in 1-2 paragraphs, going to find the sceptre is just boring filler, basically everything after the first dialogue is irrelevant

    How would you rank your favourite quests out of interest?
  16. ditsario

    ditsario it's always christmas somewhere in the world VIP+

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    I've never really though about it, but I suppose:

    5. Pit of the dead - Literally just talk to a guy, walk through some area with minimal amount of parkour, leave that area, talk to guy again. We're reaching Enzan's brother levels of simplicity, and this 20 levels in, come on.

    4. Tribal aggression - Similar to pit of the dead, it's just stupidly simple mechanics with no good story, boss fights, or funny characters to lift it up. Talk to guy, talk to other guy, kill boss, talk to other guy again, kill the same boss again, talk to first guy again. Especially with the 1.18 tribe secret discovery, this deserves to be at least more interesting lore-wise, if not revamped so it's fun to play.

    3. Craftmas chaos - Admittedly, part of the reason I put this down here is because meaningful holiday looks so much better by comparison, but still. Firstly, you get to swim to the one island the seaskipper doesn't exist on, and if you don't know about nodguj you're even more screwed. Then you go to the past, do some confusing stuff with a corruption shard, and end up having to kill santa in the future for some reason, then you go back and everything's fine also tom doesn't remember you wait what time travel is supposed to make sense right? This was before they came up with "rules" for visions/going to the past, and the causality doesn't make any sense to me, so all I really remember is swimming to craftmas island and killing two boring bosses.

    2. Lost tower - This is a combination of stupidly simplistic and really annoying. Of course, it would be too little to just go get the book and make this quest not painful to do, so you get to go through a confusing underground maze with no reference points and the only "guide" being the idea that you should probably go downwards. Then you get to do the same maze again but the other way around, just in case you missed a confusing bit the first time. Amazing.

    1. Green gloop - Really isn't much to say about this one, even. You grind sand so you can grind slime so you can unlock a merchant that lets you grind even more sand. Sure, there is dialogue in the quest, but it's almost entirely just trying to explain why you're doing any of this nonsense in the first place (('m still not remotely convinced it was worth it).

    5. Kingdom of sand - Of course I'm putting this here after arguing for it earlier. I quite like the Hashr lore, and even though it doesn't fill it all in itself, it builds on it a lot and makes you intrigued to find out the rest, which you can in the secret discoveries. I also like the sneaking section, getting kicked out is definitely annoying, but if you know what you're doing you can pretty easily go through it without getting caught at all. And the concept of having to prove your lawlessness to get into the bandit hideout is both interesting and makes a lot of sense, providing possibly the only good reason the player ever has to break the law in a quest.

    4. The dark descent - This one is honestly kind of similar to kingdom of sand in terms of why I like it, which makes sense since they're both dungeon quests. The lore about ancient nemract is both interesting and pretty clear even if you don't know a lot about it beforehand, and while Charon is very explicitly a generic bad guy, his dialogue is still kind of fun to read just because of how much he enjoys his evil doings (it is unskippable though reeeee). There's not much else to say here, it's just a somewhat entertaining lore quest you do to explain what happens in the dungeon, with no needless grinding or anything.

    3. Meaningful holiday - I haven't seen many people talking about this one, but I quite like it. It's the first quest you find that actually deals with morals and helping people who need it, unlike Craftmas Chaos which is only Christmasy because Santa's in it. While Santa lore is weird at best in general, the system of having a group of sort of elite workers such as Nick to protect Craftmas in major cities sort of makes sense, actually. The message of helping the needy is, of course, a good one, and besides the ice parkour and the last speech having a LOT of unskippable dialogue, I don't really see anything wrong with the gameplay in it. It feels a bit strange putting it so high, but I just don't dislike enough things in it to put it lower.

    2. Wynnexcavation site A - I've seen this on a lot of the lists in this thread, and for good reason. It does a really good job of setting up the other WynnExcavation quests as something you should be excited for, while providing its own unique dialogue, puzzles, and boss fight just for good measure, so it's still fun even if you know what happens in the other quests. A nice combination of lore setup and fun mechanics.

    1. Misadventure on the sea - I'd have to have a really good reason to not put this #1, and I don't, so it's going here. Lots of nice little easter eggs to find on subsequent playthroughs, the dialogue changes based on quests you've previously done near Nemract, the pirates are all pretty fun characters, and COLOSSAL RAT. I don't mind the unskippable dialogue personally just because there isn't much of it and the pirates are all pretty funny. Only real complaint I have is why the seagull section exists, it's one of two 1.19 quests to have one of those and I personally just don't like the concept very much, it doesn't make sense in this one and it's so different from the rest of the game that it's really hard to get good at it.

    ...maybe I should've kept it to one line summaries, this took way too long. Well, I don't want to have to change all of this now that I already wrote it, so I'll just hope that all of my reasoning makes sense and post it now.
    AlleonVera likes this.
  17. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    5) Dwelling Walls: I kinda just pass through this quest relatively easily, and frankly, mental workouts aren't actually that bad. Not very entertaining and not memorable alongside kind of having a dumb setting (electromagic is cool and all, but what Corkian con artist would go through the trouble of a house that switches rooms?)

    4) Pit of the Dead: Frankly, it opens up an interesting part of Nemract history and then does nothing with it. You have this well of angry souls and you calm them down by taking a dip with them, then you just leave them forever. Don't these souls want something perhaps?

    3) Ice Nations: Pirate ship was the only fun thing about this quest, rest was meh.

    2) Lost Tower: 1000 year old book, kept by a necromancer in... a crowded basement.

    1) Tribal Aggression: Pretty much the same plot of Ice Nations but it's done twice and it's not a whacky pirate ship.


    5) The Corrupted Village: Fun little adventure of a less experienced studier of the Corruption, while it does have some fetchy elements it has some nice dialogue and interactions. (although frankly the corrupted potato came out of nowhere compared to the old quest)

    4) Recover the Past: More Fruman insight, although that's mainly the best part, everything except the Sailor Caid part is mostly unentertaining.

    3) Studying the Corrupt: The exploration in this quest is quite refreshing, it paints a interesting picture for Garoth, but the dungeon itself is completely ambivalent of Garoth in this quest, alongside the dungeon being meh ofc.

    2) The Dark Descent: Has a bit of a similar style to Point of No Return, not as poignant but the decrepit aesthetic shows a loss to a arrogant villain, which gives us all the more reason to massacre him with Graken :)

    1) Wrath of the Mummy: The tomb itself is really fun, like a mini-dungeon, the boss is a bit challenging and the reward is great.
  18. StormKing3

    StormKing3 Famous Adventurer

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    Ok! That's very interesting that you rated Meaningful holiday so highly, and pit of the dead so low down. Misadventure of the sea is still top though, colossal rat seems to play a part there eh?

    Yeah I hated tribal agression too, I was tempted to put both that and ice nations on my list. Likewise I was tempted at putting corrupted village as one of my favs

    Yes lad!!!
  19. dr_carlos

    dr_carlos Morph Gang! VIP+

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    Bruh imagine using light mode
    25 Days of Craftmas ftw
  20. SoulBurned

    SoulBurned eee HERO

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    How do I dislike a post
    Bwitty03 and Namakobushi like this.
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