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SPOILER The New Rank Is Fine

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Kraby, Nov 8, 2020.

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  1. Kraby

    Kraby *insert clever meme* VIP+

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    I am typing this from my phone so sorry for typos
    A lot of people are complaining about the new rank being pay2win so I would like to point out a few things (I am not planning to buy the rank incase you were wondering):

    1) pay2win on wymncraft is irrelevant , wynncraft is not a competetive game , if someone else has an advantage it does not disadvantage you or ruin your expirience of the game in any way

    2) we dont know the full details about the perks so we cannot really judge the rank yet

    3) wynncraft is a free game and its expensive to maintain , we shouldnt complain about the admins trying to make some money to keep maintaining and updating the server we all enjoy playing on free of charge

    Tldr stop bitching about the admins trying to make some well deserved money
  2. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Sure. Add SUPER for 120$ that adds /lvlup which gives you lv.106 (or max. lv). Wynn is not competetive, so no harm done...
  3. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    What if you are the obligatory leaderboards tryhard tho
    Fair but P2W isn't the only method of monetizing a game y'know
  4. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    In some ways, p2w is a problem though
    The on map market is literally just the ah but you can advertise it (more emeralds)
    There is a competitive side to the game that is ruined by the /switch command
  5. MlecznyHuxel99

    MlecznyHuxel99 Fruman walls guy VIP+

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    Honestly idc about this new rank, 1.20 is going to add so many great things!
    FAZu, Jirayut, Braadley and 9 others like this.
  6. Cutsard

    Cutsard Self-Proclaimed Idiot

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    p2w is still a problem with servers, no matter whether they're supposed to be competitive or not. Some of the aspects of the rank are going to be p2w, at least right now, such as, as Samsam said:
    However, with people trying to find aspects about it that ARE p2w, then there is a far smaller chance of any of them making it into the finalised version of the update
    starx280, Ellphant, H0Y and 5 others like this.
  7. Spyhy

    Spyhy Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I dont like the fact that people will have easier time playing wynn and getting it's bonuses because they spent money, thats why Im against p2w

    Its like your in a race and have a massive disatvantage because your opponent is rich and has a better car
    Its not impossible to catch up to him but its far harder
  8. KeyboardAlex

    KeyboardAlex Well-Known Adventurer

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    Yes P2W no problem add $1000 rank where we can go into creative mode and spawn emeralds please Salted.
    starx280, Ellphant and TrapinchO like this.
  9. Arkade

    Arkade Who am I? CHAMPION

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    > be wynncraft admin and make great content for over 7 years
    > people are annoyed that current host is not good enough
    > get new expensive host
    > barely any profits
    > introduce p2w so the server can still exist as it is and grow without it being too op
    > people are annoyed that p2w exists
    what to do
    Dwicey, CountBurn, btdmaster and 9 others like this.
  10. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    I think its fine
    MlecznyHuxel99 and Ellphant like this.
  11. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    Sell aledar cart pets and wybel plushies
    That's how you make money
  12. MntRunner

    MntRunner Confectionary Merchant Number 5 Fangirl CHAMPION

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    So my main issue here is the bomb tracker. Not because of any it's not pay to win or other argument but because I have heard that it was not allowed on the wynntills mod because it would give players an unfair advantage. So the same concept should then apply here. It shouldn't be allowed on the Champion rank because its an unfair advantage. If you set a standard keep it. I also don't like the command /switch because it seems to made to make it so that its only champions who can easily get to the bombs but that is just me.

    If the issue is getting money to offset new server costs may I present actual solutions that aren't pay to win:

    MERCH, in caps cause I want to see this happen. Its also holidays so people are looking for gifts, and I'd totally buy a hoodie and maybe a stein if they had it. Most of all id buy a wybel plushie. Make a guide book and sell it. A great example of a game that did the merch well and kept their game from having paid dlc or pay to win features is stardew valley. I have a print of that farm map not because I need it but because I love the game. Same thing here. Sell wyncraft themed keyboards and stuff, or a foam set of bob's weapons. There are so many options here because the content of the game is so in depth.
    Poker and starx280 like this.
  13. Kraby

    Kraby *insert clever meme* VIP+

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    The leaderboards offer no in game advantages they are purely for bragging rights which already makes it not an issue. you can even argue and say that if this is the case being high on the leaderboards without a rank will be more impressive and earn more bragging rights than with the rank thus adding more of a challenge for the leaderboards tryhards.

    I agree that p2w is not the only method of monetizing a game , the wynncraft team already found a lot of ways to monetize the game without it but if they think its needed than we shouldn't complain since they know what the financial situation of the server is and not us.

    you are not seeing the big picture , if they offer a way to pay to basically complete the game they will lose players (who will grow bored of the game a lot faster)
    and end up losing money eventually , balance is important and giving extreme examples is a bad argument.

    You are not in a race , nothing about other people doing well will ruin your fun , infact it will probably only make your experience better

    think about it like you are trying to get to a nearby city and your car is terrible and barely works , if you have a rich friend who is also trying to get there you can ride together in his car.
    Rimuwu, SmileyAlec and Arkade like this.
  14. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    The extreme example given by TrapinchO is to show that P2W can still be bad in a non-competitive game
    starx280 and TrapinchO like this.
  15. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    balance is important and giving extreme examples is a bad argument[/QUOTE]
    Well, is it? You are saying p2w is ok, so I inteoduced p2w mechanic. Before you say something is fine, look at the edge cases. SUPER rank is not even on the edge really.

    Are you sure it wouldn't pay out? Like how many people are going to spend $1000 on wynn? Not many. I don't think more than those who would buy SUPER rank.

    Are you sure? Edge cases can ilustrate many things that would not be shown with normal one. Although I agred thit particular argument might nkt be the best, it is still goo counter argument to "pay2win on wymncraft is irrelevant"
    starx280 likes this.
  16. 1+1=3

    1+1=3 LegoBoyWelly HERO

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    why doesn't wynncraft team just make more merchs/bombs, and make the ranks more expensive?
  17. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    Do you really believe that? Let's take possibly the most controversial features of Champion: the (alleged) bomb tracker and the quicker server switch. These both allow any person with Champion rank easier and quicker access to worlds with bombs active. Both bombs and server slots are a limited resource. A slot taken up by someone with Champion rank must come at the cost of someone else. So yes, another person doing well will "ruin my fun", given that they're doing well at other people's expense. And before you say "well that won't negatively affect many people, so it's not that big a deal", let me tell you that that means it won't benefit many people either.

    You're acting like Champion sales would suddenly drop to zero if the pay-to-win elements were to be removed, while that's by no means certain. On the topic of the monetisation part, will buying the Champion rank not substitute for buying bombs to some people, ultimately resulting in less bomb sales? Even if that change is minimal, people are already busy coming up with alternatives and I have no doubt that there are alternatives which are not only more fun for everyone, but also more financially attractive.

    An idea I just thought of is making XP bombs (or other bombs) thrown by people with Champion rank 10% (or any other number) more effective. From my experience, people usually don't stop buying XP bombs when they hit a certain level or anything of the sort, so a larger XP buff probably wouldn't decrease bomb sales by a significant amount. Instead, people that have bought the Champion rank would have more incentive to throw bomb parties and people who already regularly throw bomb parties would be encouraged to buy the Champion rank.

    There are a billion other solutions being thought of by members of the community as we speak. If pay-to-win elements can be removed at a reasonable cost, should they not?
  18. Arkade

    Arkade Who am I? CHAMPION

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    First time seeing suggestion that makes total sense in this matter ngl.
    Stormarend likes this.
  19. Braadley

    Braadley Guest

    I don't mind the new rank, I actually like everything listed so far. It doesn't seem that P2W to me, the server needs to make money, sure there are other ways they could go about this, but this is the way they chose. Most of the features that Champion is getting, other ranks will get, but most likely in a scaled manor to make it fairer. The whole /switch command, Salted said that it's not just a Champion rank perk at the moment, and most likely judging by what he said, Hero rank will get this as well. I think in regards to this update they'll make it fair, and balanced. They did say that pre-existing ranks will be getting updated perks as well, which is great to hear! I also don't see the bomb alert being that P2W, but that's just me!

    Arkade and Kraby like this.
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