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SPOILER Gaval Reborn-will It Be Fun Or Nah?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Bunnylord, Nov 7, 2020.


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  1. Bunnylord

    Bunnylord Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I really hope that Wynncraft doesn't go down a pay to win server with the new rank. Here are my thoughts on the matter.
    New Rank:
    This rank could ever be a really good addition or make Wynncraft very biased to ranked players. I think that if executed correctly, it could be a really good addition however, I have one question, will Hero Betas turn into Champion Betas? I hope not but who knows?

    I think this is a really good addition but I have two main concerns:
    1. Will this make towns irreverent and will we just stay at our houses and not go to Deltas or Lutho? If so then I would be really sad. I enjoy going into Deltas and seeing a bunch of people running around makes me feel like these cities are really real.
    2. Will we just get creative mode? If so then will this might lead to a few problems.
    Another thing I am wondering. Will we be able to upgrade our houses making them bigger?

    I think this is a really cool addition. Not much to say we don't know all the details. Looks cool tho!

    Gavel Rework:
    This could either be really good or bad. Here are my hopes:
    1. Better Realm of Light quests
    2.More magical forests, creatures and a lot more
    3. Dungeons
    4. More lore

    From what I see, the builds look really cool.
    The Cinfras remake looks really cool and so it the valley that the elves live in.

    The forest of light looks really cool I like the new trees and the tree stump.
    The raids look really cool and regal too!

    Closing Thoughts:
    There are a lot of things I have not covered but these are the first things I noticed when looking through the info page. So what do you think about the update so far?
    funnysillyman and __Excel like this.
  2. Keeko100

    Keeko100 static VIP+

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    Everything looks great, but the thing I'm most worried about is raids.

    Personally, I really liked the Eye boss fight, but I know a lot of people didn't. It was pretty good as a 'raid-lite' boss, but I wouldn't be disappointed if all of the raid bosses were like that.

    How long are the raids going to be? How many bosses? I don't expect them to be too large given that there's 3, but I imagine that they've been working on these since Gavel came out, soooo...

    I also hope that there's a reason to run them repeatedly other than just "Complete raid X amount of times to purchase Y thing." Having an incentive to run them over and over again would be awesome.

    and I hope the raids don't have player scaling or have some sort of player cap on them, with the raid being balanced around that number of players. It would allow for much tighter encounter design and an overall better experience.
    Miles_, Maronee and Druser like this.
  3. •WhiteWolf•

    •WhiteWolf• Traumatised. HERO

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    From what I’ve seen it’s looking like an amazing update. Rol looks like it’s becoming the light version of se/rtd, gavel is getting revamped like I’ve always wanted it to. All the discoveries that I know of in gavel will finally work (yay), housing will be kinda fun, but idk how building will work if we all have the wynn play pack on, and not the Wynn build pack. Yet to see a worm boss, but there are a few pics that suggest something to do with the grootslang. Siegfried exists now, so we can solve that mystery. And finally, just general reworks like the colossus having a purpose, it gets hunted at by a citizen in kandon still, but it’s just there atm and I’m intrigued to see what it does.
    Maronee likes this.
  4. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    I notice that Cinfras has a villager statue - I wonder if Gavel will now embrace the "this is the villager's homeland and heritage" a lot more now.
  5. Bunnylord

    Bunnylord Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I did the eye boss fight during the Hero Beta and kinda hated it. This was mainly due to the lag and that I did it solo. I am also concerned with the same things you are but we really have no info.
  6. wynnmemester06

    wynnmemester06 god is dead and we killed him

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    ngl i hate cinfras remake. I see the effort but it just looks like the eldritch outlook in town form
    also i have a feeling the raid system is just gonna be dungeons with a number of players requirement
    Epicness937, WackySmurf, hmtn and 5 others like this.
  7. Greedus

    Greedus Knight of Wynn VIP+

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    For the Gaval stuff, I just hope that the decay stuff is continued outside of RoL as well, cause I actually think that Taproot questline is pretty decent but the Provincial-wide problem over the decay, doesn't even reach cinfras which is roughly half-way across the country
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  8. Miles_

    Miles_ hi CHAMPION

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    Not a fan of new Cinfras but that won't really take away from the gameplay. All the actual gameplay additions - tomes, pets in battle, raids, housing and the guild revamp I am super excited for. Raids and housing especially, although we have yet to see in detail what raids will be. The unique loot opportunities give me plenty of hope though. Housing will also be super cool and chill, so I'm excited for that. Also I look forward to all the artistic designs and creations the community has in regards to housing. Finally, this update may strengthen some areas of the community with housing, 4-6 player raids and guilds actually being good. All in all looks super fun... Kind of like a cross between Gameplay Update and Gavel Update except they're more making cool extra additions instead of making up for deficiencies within the game (as the gameplay update had done)
  9. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    To be honest, I kind of agree
    I dislike how unnecessarily complex old Cinfras' architecture is but... Yeah, I'm not sure how to feel about EO: The City
  10. Bunnylord

    Bunnylord Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I Didn't like how busy looking Cinfras is now. In my opinion, this is much easier to look at. I do get EO vibes from it but I think this is the "new" Wynncraft style. It also reminds me of Detlas in a few ways. I think it's a step up but not the best.

    I think the biggest problem with Gavel is Decay. Everyone hyped up that Decay and greed were the main problems with Gavel but not really. I hope that the Dark and Light forests surround Cinfras and make the decay a lot bigger. I also hope for more quest lines in the 70-80 range that go into greed. Right now we just go through the dark and light forests and then forget about it.

    After looking at the 1.2o site a little closer I found this:
    1. 3 Raids
    2. They are random
    3. Boost stats

    I hope that the randomness is not just like 20 rooms and you randomly go through all of them. I hope that the three raids are different enough. I hope that there is a way to do raids with only 1 person.

    I didn't notice that there is a villager statue. I really hope they expand on the villager culture cause right now they are basically humans with funny noises and love emeralds. I would like to get more information on why the villagers went to wynn. Were they cast out? It would be cool to see an actual governing body that controls Gavel. Right, know Gavel is kinda a mess. On one side are plains and the other are islands in the sky. What do all these places have in common besides magic? Also, I hope that the Realm of Light looks a lot better. Right now I find the color palette to be really bad and I hate the mushrooms.
    7Red_Dragon7 and MlecznyHuxel99 like this.
  11. Greedus

    Greedus Knight of Wynn VIP+

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    I completely agree with all this. I think the problem is that the detlas remake was really good when it happened. Then Lutho was released which followed the same style, but was still cool becuase, yer know SE

    The problem with making Cinfras the same way is that it just doesn't look unique anymore. Sure the complex buildings were ugly but atleast that was unique to Cinfras. Atleast thats my thoughts, i suppose we got to bear in mind that it could look better when youa re wandering around through it
    Sockmower likes this.
  12. wynnmemester06

    wynnmemester06 god is dead and we killed him

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    same blocks used no but same architecture style. I hope this doesn't become the "new style" since everything will just lose its unique look and blend together to just be a boring lazy looking copy/paste style
    it has similar roofing, similar walls and towers. its just eos style with less wacky colors
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  13. burble

    burble dragon fruit go roar VIP+

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    I don't mind Cinfras's new style all that much. When I first saw it, I definitely thought, yeah, that looks a lot like EO, but I like it a lot better than the current Cinfras which doesn't really have any features about it that stand out, that make it different from the other towns and cities on Wynncraft. I think it might look better if the structure of the buildings was kept the same, but the block palette was changed a bit so that it has less dark colours and doesn't look too much like EO, but that's just my personal opinion. I'm really liking Aldorei Valley's new look, though.

    Realm of Light was apparently reworked, which is great, because I don't think I've heard anyone mention how they like the current quest, which is: kill these things to get a helmet, then ruin your build by putting on the helmet so that you can kill these other things. I also bet some of Gavel's lore and history was changed, so I'm excited to see what changes were made. It also wasn't explicitly mentioned, but in the trailer, I saw what is very possibly a new Corkus quest, which is great because there was a huge trailing plot thread left behind by Mixed Feelings, so hopefully, that plot thread is built upon. Corkus, as of now, has a lot of unused potential.

    Housing and the guild rework are all things I am very hyped for, and the guild rework is probably the highlight of the update for me. (Hard to say now, though, since not everything has been revealed, and I haven't experienced it yet.) It's nice to see Wynncraft taking feedback from the community.
    Stag2001 and CrunchyCol like this.
  14. ZockerCam

    ZockerCam Travelling sorcerer. Master of Wind Magic. VIP+

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    Im excited for this update and Im sure that it will be a great one.
    But there are some things that I hope are not added in a certain way:
    1) I hope the Chamüion rank is not pay 2 win
    2) I hope you cannot see those giant islands above every city but instead when you enter the hot air balloon you get tped to a different server (like the war servers now) and there is the island with your house
    3) I hope Gavel will keep the way it feels (for me it feels like its a hidden gem, a bit misterious and unknown and I hope that wont change)
  15. Greedus

    Greedus Knight of Wynn VIP+

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    I mean i swear the exact same tower is used in lutho in the cinfras picture
  16. Bunnylord

    Bunnylord Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I think that housing will have its own servers. I think this is the reason for the new rank. Maintaining those servers costs a lot of money and I can't blame them for needing some funding.
    ZockerCam and Samsam101 like this.
  17. french_bread_gud

    french_bread_gud french bread berb seel HERO

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    I hate gavel tbh so it being reworked is extremely pog
    Dr Zed likes this.
  18. Rimuwu

    Rimuwu Nyah HERO

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    This person is spitting facts!

    Ngl, I am most hyped about the raids, but if they turn out like slightly harder dungeons reward-wise, imma head straight back out.
  19. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I actually don't care about the raid rewards, they just look really fun. It's also a good way of meeting new friends which is always good.
  20. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    how can an update not be fun
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