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Guild |♕ Kingdom Of Foxes ♕|

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by LoveLusting, Sep 7, 2015.

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  1. bolyai

    bolyai Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    You've been offered a conditional admission into our guild!

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  2. Zacattack97

    Zacattack97 Newbie Adventurer

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    In-Game Username: Zacattack97
    Country and Time-Zone: USA PST
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional):
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: an hour or more a day usually
    What's your main class and its combat level?: warrior level 84
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional):
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: this is the first time ive been invited to a guild
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: no
    Do you have Discord?: yes
    Who invited you? (Optional): keyboardalex
    Additional Notes (Optional):
    KeyboardAlex likes this.
  3. Classicalad

    Classicalad Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Guild Application Form
    In-Game Username: Classicalad
    Country and Time-Zone: Canada EST -5
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 21
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: Every day usually 3-5 hours!
    What's your main class and its combat level?: I spend the most time on my disco LQ LR 105 archer (no flame pls :D)and my main combat class is fatal 105 mage.
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): Lootrunning and helping new players!
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: I was in this guild previously and I really liked the friendly atmosphere and how helpful people were when I was starting off =) I left because due to personal reasons my life went downhill for a while, and I just didn't have a chance to check in with anyone from Minecraft. I've spoken to the person who previously invited me to the guild more about why I'd like to join back again!
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: I've been in guilds in the past but have only ever left due to inactivity, but I'm finally on a point on wynn where I really enjoy playing and want to hang out with friendly people whilst I work towards my goal of a page of LE!
    Do you have Discord?: Yes! Classicalad#2452

    Thanks for considering!
    KeyboardAlex likes this.
  4. heart6008

    heart6008 :O CHAMPION

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    Guild Application Form
    In-Game Username: heart6008

    Country and Time-Zone: USA (Central Time)

    Gender: Female

    Age (Optional):

    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: I generally play for about an hour or 2 every day (probably will change if I have a test coming up/finals week). Over the weekend, I play a lot more than that. I've also played for about 3 years.

    What's your main class and its combat level?: Mage Lv. 67 (might change, currently grinding UR)

    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): Currently trying to catch up with the crafting update and discover all areas + secrets.

    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: I was invited and I've never been in a guild before, so I decided to give it a try. I also have heard some pretty good things about Kingdom of Foxes before, so I decided to just go for it

    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: N/A

    Do you have Discord?: Yes, ShiningUmbrage#5534

    Who invited you? (Optional): KeyboardAlex

    Additional Notes (Optional): frog
    KeyboardAlex likes this.
  5. Photor

    Photor Marchionesss of the Foxes HERO

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    You've been offered a conditional admission into our guild!

    A letter with extra, necessary information has been sent to you.
    I'm not able to send you the letter because of your profile restrictions, please find some way for me to be able to start a conversation with you.
  6. heart6008

    heart6008 :O CHAMPION

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    Sorry, I just changed my settings now! It should allow you to message me now
    KeyboardAlex likes this.
  7. muj0

    muj0 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Guild Application Form
    In-Game Username: PSEUDO_NYMPH
    Country and Time-Zone: US EST
    Gender: M
    Age (Optional): 20
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: ~1 hour a day
    What's your main class and its combat level?: Mage, 102
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): Lootrunning, builds, dungeons
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: Especially active and chill community
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: KoF, inactivity
    Do you have Discord?: Y
    Who invited you? (Optional): N/A
    Additional Notes (Optional): N/A
    KeyboardAlex likes this.
  8. IDontCare108

    IDontCare108 Bad Warrior Main VIP+

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    In-Game Username: IDontCare108
    Country and Time-Zone: US EST
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 15
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: 35 hours a week
    What's your main class and its combat level?: Warrior 101
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): Grinding, Dungeons, Discoveries.
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: I think I would be fun to have people to do the new update with, active too.
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: Eden, Guild died out, stopped playing as frequently due to school.
    Do you have Discord?: Yes
    Who invited you? (Optional):
    Additional Notes (Optional):
    KeyboardAlex likes this.
  9. SeabassTheFish03

    SeabassTheFish03 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    In-Game Username: SeabassTheFish03
    Country and Time-Zone: United States, CST
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 17
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: generally daily, 12+ hrs a week
    What's your main class and its combat level?: Mage, 105
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): Pretty much anything
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: Ranklist is impressive, and I want to get into a guild to see what it's like
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: Sea Squid Squad (friend guild, pretty dead), left because the bossbar got annoying and guilding wasn't helping me much
    Do you have Discord?: SeabassTheFish#7753
    Who invited you? (Optional): Ranklist
    Additional Notes (Optional):
  10. BlckRabbit

    BlckRabbit Hood Pharmacist VIP+

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    Guild Application Form
    In-Game Username: highonyou
    Country and Time-Zone: Canada, Eastern Standard
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 16
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: I usually play Wynncraft almost every day, some days I may be busy or get pre-occupied with other things. But when I am on Wynncraft I play for around 6+ hours.
    What's your main class and its combat level?: My main class is my level 75 assassin, but I do have a level 102 Dark Wizard that I don't really consider my main.
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft?: I really enjoy the community aspect of Wynncraft like meeting new people and just questing. I'm super excited for raids coming in the 1.20 update because that's right up my alley. I really do not like warring in Wynncraft but I can tolerate it if necessary.
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: To be honest Wynncraft is getting very boring playing with only like two friends, and I want a big group to do the raids with, also want to meet new people that love Wynncraft. :D
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: I was apart of Malachite and Void Villager Cult. I left these because they became inactive.
    Do you have Discord?: Yup, zayn.#5713
  11. Hadences

    Hadences Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    In-Game Username: Hadences
    Country and Time-Zone: Central Standard Time; CST
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 17
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: When I'm not busy I usually play 3-6+ hours daily; Busy weeks - usually play 2-3 times a week for about 1-2 hours
    What's your main class and its combat level?: Assassin; 90
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): I enjoy like doing dungeons(especially with friends but I rarely got that opportunity mainly because my friends don't like leveling up)
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: I would like to experience what its like to be in a guild; I feel like even though I played this game for a long time, I lacked the ability to fully experience what Wynncraft really is. I've always played this game solo and the warring/community aspect of the game has peaked my interest. And for some reason, I tend to become an introvert when I talk to strangers on discord so I feel like by exposing myself to the community I will be more comfortable interacting with others.
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: No
    Do you have Discord?: Yes; Hadences#1802
    Who invited you? (Optional): N/A
    Additional Notes (Optional): N/A
  12. Lego_DW

    Lego_DW yeppers HERO

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    You've been offered a conditional admission into our guild!

    A letter with extra, necessary information has been sent to you.
  13. vssv

    vssv The Man With The Plan

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    In-Game Username: vssv
    Country and Time-Zone: UK, GMT
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 19
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: Few hours a day when I can make it on
    What's your main class and its combat level?: Assassin, 92
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): Quests/exploring
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: Large, seems welcoming. Looking to try out new features when 1.20 is released.
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: Personal guild with friends, disbanded
    Do you have Discord?: McNamara#0109
    Who invited you? (Optional): Godenn via shout
    Additional Notes (Optional): Hey
    diet ice enjoyer likes this.
  14. the block

    the block Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    Username: _mr_block_
    Country and Time-Zone: US EST
    Gender: male
    Activity: 1 hr a day
    Main class: archer lvl 104
    Reason: I need the resources to help crafting
    Previous guild:No one was active so I left Dgw
    Discord: yes
    Who invited you: Godenn posted link in chat
    Additional Notes: I like resources and money
  15. Stoneman2015

    Stoneman2015 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    In-Game Username: Stoneman2015
    Country and Time-Zone: US EST
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 18
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: at least 5 times a week with at least 1-3 hours every time I play
    What's your main class and its combat level?: 102 mage
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): grinding, exploring, hunting for items on the market
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: because it seems like a pretty cool place and i've met a couple people from this guild in dungeons they seemed cool
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: Heavy Metal Viking, left because everyone seems to have stopped playing
    Do you have Discord?: yes!
    Who invited you? (Optional): none
    Additional Notes (Optional): hoping to help with raids when the update comes out :)
  16. Novaren

    Novaren Well-Known Adventurer

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    In-Game Username: Novaren
    Country and Time-Zone: US, EST
    Gender: Male
    Age (Optional): 16
    How often, and for how long do you usually play on Wynncraft?: at minimum 3-5 times a week, max 7-8 times a week for about 1-5 hours depending on what I'm doing.
    What's your main class and its combat level?: 105, Archer
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft? (Optional): Usually I'm lootrunning, and looking at all the expensive things on market I cant afford.
    Why do you want to join this guild over any other guilds?: I really just want a guild that's active and is decently known in the Wynncraft community.
    Any previous guild affiliations and why you left: Cleanse, They were just friends I've played with for a while and don't seem to be active at all.
    Do you have Discord?: Yes, message me to get it.
    Who invited you? (Optional): No one however i saw Godenn's shout.
    Additional Notes (Optional): I started playing in 2016 and took a break for a while but I'm back and better than ever and excited for the new raids update!
  17. Photor

    Photor Marchionesss of the Foxes HERO

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    You've been offered a conditional admission into our guild!

    A letter with extra, necessary information has been sent to you.
  18. Tintura1

    Tintura1 Marchioness of the Foxes

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    You've been offered a conditional admission into our guild!

    A letter with extra, necessary information has been sent to you.
  19. Bart

    Bart Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Little bump :)
    Tekenen likes this.
  20. Luky0

    Luky0 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Username: Luky0
    Hours online per day: 1-2, on weekends 2-5
    Timezone: GMT +1
    Highest Level and Class: lvl 95 Mage
    Previous Guild Affiliations: None :D
    What you can contribute: I can do war, farm, have game knowledge, 2 totems per day and sometimes donate some emeralds
    Reason for joining: I want to play with new friends and I want to fight in guild fights. :D
    Skype/Discord (Yes/No): No
    Were you invited (name): Yes Drew1011
    Additional Info: I also have a lvl 68 Assassin and I like to help people at quests and at Qira.
    Tekenen likes this.
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