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Why Do People Hate Eye Of The Storm So Much?

Discussion in 'Questions' started by Samsam101, Aug 12, 2020.

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  1. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    Yes, I agree. It's an awful quest. However, I don't think it quite deserves the throne of the worst quest in the game. I would probably give that to Canyon Guides. Here is everything bad about it that I understand

    Naragath is ugly as hell
    The dog you have to kill keeps spawning in the ceiling
    The fact that taking the ''shortcut'' tunnel is actually slower than going on foot, especially because of the puzzle at the end
    Naragath is too easy. Archers, mages and shamans can just sit on the stairs while warriors and assassins can melee him without any trouble because he's weak.
    The rewards suck

    So yes, the quest is terrible. However, I can point out other quests that are arguably worse.

    The Canyon Guides:

    Seluc is an idiot who attacks everything before continuing to follow you
    If he gets caught in the rockslide, you are forced to restart
    You can easily cheese this quest with one cave that has a waterfall leading up to the temple
    You know what I said about him trying to kill things? HE CAN'T! he does 0 damage per hit meaning that unless you kill the mobs for him, he's screwed!
    There are multiple paths but most are unintentional and wrong. It's a miracle I did this in 1 attempt on my mage, because on that attempt I led him down the wrong path and it had super tanky mobs
    By the time you get this quest, you still won't know how to effectively navigate COTL. This means that you mostly have to guess the right path back to Bantisu
    The rewards are utterly abysmal. Half a liquid emerald and 1.5 mil exp? Avoid this quest.

    Temple of the legends

    yay fetchquest
    Coral of nelfors is annoying as hell when you just want to take a swim in the seavale reef
    You need to beat way more smaller quests for this one, pretty much doubling or even tripling its size. Plus, one of them is Bob's lost soul, which requires 3 players.
    Why the hell would Kelight want Yahya's bowl? Same could be said about bob's soul, the potato, Sayleros' Brother's ashes, and a recommendation letter from Maltic.
    You can accidentally talk to that god damn adventuring mage because he's in the same cave as Jorkin
    Hooray, I have to go through an annoying ass cave until I'm under detlas to get this light dust.
    The fact that you have to go to Mage island, do a parkour, talk to the guy, grind sky vapor for like 5 minutes and go back up to him is stupid.
    Now I have to go back and forth from the creeper cave? Ugh.
    The fact that there is so alternative ending if you bring Garull a fresh touroto hide dropped in Cinfras County. In fact, he won't say anything.
    yay i have to transfer my emeralds into gold for this quest how fun
    Annoyingly, the gold used in Rymek is an ingredient instead of a currency, meaning that you might accidentally lose them in your ingredient pouch and sell them
    Aseado leaf is super hard to find. It took me like 10 minutes to find on my mage (but 5 seconds on my shaman now that i knew)
    Maro's eye jewel is so annoying to find. Plus there are like 20 of them at any given time.
    How do these things even fix an old touroto hide?
    Isn't it amazing how a cow's leather has gone purple without any dyes?
    Corrupter of worlds is the first difficulty spike boss and for people without builds it can be hard. I pretty much skipped him on my Shaman.

    There are many more quests that are terrible like this, so why is EOTS targeted?
    Ellphant, 182 others and JohanLTU like this.
  2. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    This sums it up honestly.
    It's not just the mechanics, it's also the terrible writing.
    It's also that people remember the original state of the quest which was even worse.
    TOTL is actually slightly enjoyable, espicially the end. The cave sequence is awesome, and CoW is a great boss. Canyon guides is shorter than the other two. Meanwhile, EOTS lags on and never has a single good moment.
  3. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    it has the potential to be an awesome quest, like wynnex D, but it completely fails in just about every aspect of it
    Dr Zed likes this.
  4. Pifg

    Pifg aaaaaaaaaaaa CHAMPION

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    Let's be honest, who WOULDN'T want Yahya's bowl
    Samsam101 likes this.
  5. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    To be fair, a lot of those reasons Selvut listed are either outdated or extremely nitpicky. The quest only really has 3 major problems: Messy and confusing writing/lore, unnecessary and arbitrary tasks, and in general, poor game design.

    Although EotS is bad, it’s not the worst quest ever imo. That honor would go to Realm of Light.
    Dr Zed and Stormarend like this.
  6. 182 others

    182 others Well-Known Adventurer VIP Builder

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    The ultimate weapon can also be to one of the worst quests in the game, (But man that 7 LE) if you don't count that it gives 7 LE, because its just fetching shit and probably the 2nd most fetchiest quest (1st is obvs tol). But probably the best reason why EOTS is the worst quest is bc the wolf thing keeps getting stuck on the top and gl if you're not shaman.

    Also CoW is kinda a joke on shaman.
  7. robincaiye

    robincaiye ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer HERO

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    True. I personally haven’t had a bad experience with this but I can see it being bad for other players.
    This is not really hard if you take it slow and if you’re at an arch you can speed up a lot and easily get him through.
    There are like 8 signs pointing towards Bantisu; and while even going to Bantisu you’re going to come across them (The easiest way to Bantisu is Thanos anyways, and even if you go from the Thesead bridge you will still come across at least 1-2 sign), so I don’t see this as a big deal.
    Bob’s tomb needing 3 players seems ridiculous for me now; it’s just very annoying when you want to get through into the tomb because if you don’t know many people it’s way too hard to find convenient people. Definitely needs a small revamp.
    Ah yes, Garull, my least favourite existence in this game...
    Maro’s Eye Jewel is stupidly hard to find because Maro’s Peaks are actually impossible to navigate.

    Because ToL gave a somewhat decent reward; the training area... while I don’t remember EoTS giving a significant or even good reward. EoTS added nothing to me while ToL added a little
  8. Zyrbaiakor

    Zyrbaiakor From the Shadows VIP+

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    Just a PSA:

    You can complete Bob's Lost Soul up to the point where you get his actual soul by yourself. You can turn it in for ToL because the soul is no longer needed by the time you enter Bob's tomb (or is it). Thus, Temple of the Legends remains a singleplayer quest
  9. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    It's 80% propaganda in my opinion. While the quest is bad there are way worse quests out there and the only reason it's considered the worst is because of how much attention has been brought to it. If everyone were complaining about Temple of Legends or Realm of Light in the same way either of those could just as easily have taken the spot.
  10. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    The difference is that ToTL ends really well (CoW is a pretty good boss and the cave sequence in general, as stated above, is really good) and RoL... Yeah ok this one is just as bad but ToTL gets more hate than it deserves in my opinion, the quest is alright the main flaws of ToTL are the fact it has a quest helmet (AKA waste of inventory), the need to visit Maro Peaks (again because trash quest helmet) on top of the fact getting the resources isn't that challenging at all, my fixes for ToTL would be:
    -Remove the helmet of the legends and instead make it so the materials are for example to perform a spell on the player that allows it to handle the effects of the cave
    -This is less about ToTL and more about Maro Peaks, delete the climbing helmet, seriously I like the area but that helmet just ruins it entirely
    -Make the items you have to get a bit more interesting (having to defeat a mini-boss or some parkour sequence like for the light dust)
    -Give better hints about which quests give X quest item you have to give Kelight at first (I like the idea of that a lot and it encourages to complete previous quests but when you lack an item, you might need to figure out which quest gives it and that can be terrible so if along with each item says [Quest Name] (example: [1 Maltic's recommendation letter] (Maltic's Well), it would be a huge improvement to new players
    -Make the locations you obtain the items at easier to get to, even with so many fast travel options, some are still slow to get to (Roots of Corruption, the trip isn't exactly short, and the Dernel Jungle item is pretty boring to get to too)

    Over all, I think the quest is actually great, because it gives use to many previous quests rewards (The passage's fast travel for the creeper cave, Seaskipper's system for Maro Peaks, breathing helmets (again bad because quest helmet) for Seavale reef, Order of the Grook's mage tunnel for Mage Island and maybe even Selchar due to Nemract not having a ticket for Maro Peaks...)

    To be fair the quest is actually really good as a final quest, it just needs lots of fixes due to outdated game design (fucking helmets of hell) and making the collection of some of these items more interesting, but I think this is actually a good quest, specially when it ends in such a high note with CoW and ToL... ToL's grinding spot needs a buff, seriously why is this grinding spot so bad now? who butchered this place? If they fix it, the quest's reward may actually be really good honestly

    I just think ToL needs QoL changes and some dialogue changes (such as when Kelight asks you for specific items to prove you have done stuff, it should go more like "Show me proof of your feats" - "You start thinking about items that could prove your worth... Perhaps you should try with certain items obtained as rewards for helping people" - Quest book shows the 3 items Kelight wants) rather than a full rework honestly
    As for this one, I agree that Seluc needs a better AI, him attacking enemies is annoying and that could get changed, the rewards huh... Yeah it could get a buff not gonna lie, also CoTL is definitely easier to navigate than whatever the hell the Gavel forests are, and that's a problem in itself because CoTL is called Canyon of the Lost for a reason, but the area is definitely easier to navigate than many others
    What this quest needs is Seluc to not attack enemies, that is by far the biggest issue with the quests along with the rewards not being great
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2020
  11. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    I wasn't making a statement about the quality of Temple of Legends (I do think it's a trash quest in need of a major rework though). My post is about the way quests are criticised by the community. It has just become "cool" to hate on Eye of the Storm and my point was that if it were as cool to hate on the quests I previously mentioned then they could just as easily have become the most hated quest. I specifically chose ToL and RoL just because they more similar in scale and in the way their flaws work to EotS than most other quest. In reality, any quest would be considered the worst by the community if a everyone just said it was the worst. I'm willing to bet that most people who do EotS for the first time don't think "wow this quest is by far the worst in the game" especially when there are plenty more mediocre and bad quests even before EotS. The only reason people think of the quest at all is because Igbar initially mentioned it in his Gavel review and more importantly Selvut being openly critical of the quest. If there weren't already people hating on EotS nobody would give a flying fuck about EotS.

    Whether you think ToL deserves the hate is irrelevant. My point that if there were a bigger culture of hate against ToL, everyone would just jump on the ToL hate train and that one would be considered the worst quest. Besides, there are many other quest that could've taken EotS's place like Aldorei's Secret and Hunger of Gerts, which are arguably worse depending on who (read: which educated person) you ask.

    Eye of the Storm is trash, but I think people are ignoring the rest of the dumpster.

    (Also, yes I know more than half the post isn't even a reply to your post anymore and more so just an elaboration of my point, but it was worth saying anyway.)
  12. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I don’t think it’s fair to say that people ONLY hate it or think it’s the worst because Selvut and Igbar said so because like you said it is a bad quest. I lot of other people, including myself, have ripped on most Gavel quests since they came out. Plus I don’t think it really matters which quest exactly is the worst because the general community understands the drawbacks of each quest anyway.

    The Realm of Light has been particularly criticized as much as Eye of the Storm and I don’t believe Igbar nor Selvut brought it up in the same way.
  13. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    Well, yes, but that's missing the point. The thread poses the question as to why the quest is hated so much. The quest may be bad, but like you say yourself, many other Gavel quests are too. EotS has by far gotten a disproportionate amount of hate compared to other quests and I refuse to believe that's because every player that plays the quest genuinely has the most awful quest experience and not because people already hate it. Realm of Light may get as much criticism, but it doesn't have a culture of hate against it. It's arguably the worse quest and there's a lot of arguments against it, but it doesn't nearly have the same reputation that EotS does. I think you're overestimating the amount of critical thinking the community actually does.
  14. lolinator

    lolinator eternally broke VIP

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    EOTS is mostly criticized because of the incoherent story. (the hand being massive but the main body being 3 blocks tall, Harker being injured but somehow being way faster than you. we're fighting against cultists and demons yet harker says this when casting a spell : Llid a adfail, ei ryddhau oddi wrth eich carchar marwol... gadewch affwys hwn a dod anhrefn i'r byd hwn pechadurus. Which translates to :
    Wrath and ruin, release from your mortal prison ... leave this abyss and bring chaos to this sinful world. wtf man you're supposed to be fighting the demons.)

    The gameplay in EOTS also sucks but the story is absolutely awful and stupid.
    ToL is terrible as well but imo the rewards are a bit better than EOTS (mostly access to boss altar, which gives a pretty good level 70 wand)
  15. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    I'm sorry to say your post counts as a necropost, as it's been over two months since the thread was last posted on.
    Due to this, the thread will now be closed.
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