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I Don't Know What To Do Anymore

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by DeathLucifer, Sep 22, 2020.

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  1. DeathLucifer

    DeathLucifer Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Hello I am DeathLucifer or WarStats whatever you would like to call me. I’ve been playing Wynn since 2018 and I’m mostly known for my stupid calls within Guild Politics (Love you all <3). I am also Leader of TheNoLifes [TNL] a pretty old Guild.

    I would like to just say: I am not blaming anyone for what happened, it was a mistake by me, and I am requesting help in resolving it or just getting an answer.
    Now that I’ve said that I would like to explain what exactly happened

    On 6/10/2020 I the owner of the guild TheNoLifes [TNL] accidentally returned the Guild to the original creator of TheNoLifes [TNL] Chownick. Who has been banned for 611 days (As of today). The day of this happening I quickly contacted WithTheFish who told me he can’t do anything about my issue and I should speak with an Admin. I decide to speak to Colin350 who is the most active Admin in terms of talking within the Developer discord. I contacted him the same day as well and received my answer quickly the day after.


    I messaged the group chat about 3 days later asking if any updates are available and Colin added Salted to this chat. Nothing was said so on the 20th of July I decided to send this

    Again it was ignored and I received zero responses. On the 10th of August I sent this last message on the Forums relating to this issue.


    I received an answer and it wasn’t the best answer but I finally got something. I finally figured out that Colin couldn’t do anything and that I should try to get in touch with Salted as I thought Colin was sufficient enough since he's the new Developer.
    (Yes this forums page was both me and Harka3L who was trying to get his Guild back as well BuildCraftia, He would receive BCr back on the 8th of August by finding Salted in Detlas and talking to him).

    I decided to try that and find Salted in game but every time I came close to talking to him he logged off. After failing to find him in-game we decided to send WynnSupport an email on August 22nd we sent the first email and received no answer. We decided to send a follow up email on the 4th of September. (14 days in between). Again we received no answer.


    This was the message I sent on September 13th after waiting 3 months and not making any progress. We sent another follow up email as well this Saturday and again no answer.

    Again the point of this thread isn’t to deny my mistake. This whole situation was my fault for not double checking to promote my other account and demote Chownick but it does not excuse the fact I am almost 4 months without getting a single answer on my situation not even a yes or a no.

    The reason I’m making this thread is in hopes it might get enough attention from the Guild Community that gets the Admins to finally look at this issue. (I know it's weird but this is like one of my last ideas.) It's really upsetting to me that I can’t get an answer even after this long and I need to make a thread about it in hopes that they might notice and finally answer/help me.

    The last thing even if I don’t get TNL back can I request Wynn upgrade its WynnSupport and Admins visibility in the Community. I know it's not really my job or position to tell you guys but that email was made for people who want/need help and Conversations are the only way we are told to talk to Admins yet we seem to go ignored. I don’t know if its Guilds are unimportant or there is something preventing my situation from being resolved but a simple yes or a no would’ve been better than wondering nonstop.

    Thank you for reading this. I know it's a bit ranty but I request your guys help in somehow getting the Admins to help me. I might not be friends with some of the opposing alliances but I hope that doesn’t get into this thread.
    AjSimp_, Triactic, Galdeveer and 49 others like this.
  2. TurtlePlaysGamez

    TurtlePlaysGamez Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Gonna support this because even though I know admins are busy like Colin and Salted there really does need to be better support for guilds. we have 10,994 guilds currently in-game as I'm writing this and it's kinda sad we only have one way to get support through the API discord/contacting salted and hoping we get better responses than this from him^. I don't want to or will flame admins over this but we do need some serious support/better ways to get in contact with admins to help fix guilds in this sort of situations big or small because remaking a guild because of this shouldn't be the only solution.
    Mobyyyyy, TNG and DeathLucifer like this.
  3. azer232

    azer232 Just Looking for Friends :D

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    yo salted help the lad out with his guild. can't be that hard can it?
    Mobyyyyy, millewave, TNG and 2 others like this.
  4. TammysSirens

    TammysSirens Self Certified Punner VIP+

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    I miss TNL :(

    Bring it back pls, i'll draw u a cookie

    Edit: As promised, i drew a cookie
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2020
  5. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    You have every right to be frustrated Sam. Having guildmastership transferred can be reduced to just a simple tweak to the /guild rank command to add "guildmaster" for the guildmaster to use. It wouldn't just help prevent demotiong mistakes like this, but fix this extremely clunky system of "transferring" guild ownership through chief demoting that I've never seen any other server with guild or clan system require. Even Hypixel has this command, and their guild system is very minimalistic and there are way fewer factors that could lead a guildmaster to want to transfer ownership, yet they make it so easy nonetheless.

    Not trying to be inflammatory but let's face it; Waiting on an admin team who has so many larger responsibilities than to deal with in life than tasks like this, as well as a server owner who rarely interacts with the community, is like watching grass grow in slow motion. Something so rudimentary as passing off guildmastership should not be this clunky and accident-prone, nor should we have to wait up to weeks or months for the admins to perform what I imagine is one simple command or execution to trasnfer leadership. /guild rank (username) guildmaster, that's all we need!

    But in the meantime while we wait for this incredibly simple fix, the admins who are so elusive to get responses from should give a response to TNL and goodness knows how many other unanswered PMs and emails there are for very simple player requests.
    Mobyyyyy, millewave, Dream and 4 others like this.
  6. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    I do hope this gets fixed soon. I believe that Wynncraft needs more work on its Support-side when things like this happen. Something like this going unfixed for this long is a bit absurd.
    Mobyyyyy, TNG, Sheepn and 1 other person like this.
  7. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    Support in general feels like it's been overloaded for a long time now, people ask all the time how long they have to wait for a response. Some are impatient and it's been a day, but others have been waiting for a much longer time than 2 weeks.
    The same can be said about bugfixes in general/QA, with no system in place to tell people that certain issues are already fixed for the next patch.

    Communication and official help (other than a bunch of burnt-out vets helping people in #questions) needs a lot of improvement.
    Aya, Xhat, Mobyyyyy and 5 others like this.
  8. TNG

    TNG Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I just wanted to add onto Sam's original points here. We've been trying as hard as we can to get in touch with Salted to get this issue resolved. As he's stated above, we've sent numerous emails to Wynncraft Support and have gotten absolutely no response whatsoever. On top of that, I'd like to emphasize that we've been as respectful as possible throughout this entire process, and though I'm sure this might not be intentional, the lack of communication makes it really, really hard to make any progress on issues like this at all. For those who are interested in the emails we sent, refer to the images below:

    Emails.png Emails 2.png
  9. alproy

    alproy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    As one of the most Active members of the guild TNL, I can coniform, ever since that mistake, the active player decreased to basicly just me at most of my active wynn hours (aprox 6 hours)
    Since this mistake the guild decayed into complete inactiveness, even on TNL discord.

    I hate to see the guild i found as home decaying into nothing and getting ignored by the admins.
  10. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    Regardless of political affiliation here, it's not hard to see that TNL at the very least deserves some sort of answer. As Sam said, this did come up due to purely his own mistake, however despite the lack of actual game error there I believe the issue deserves to be seen through to it's conclusion just as much as BCr has. Whether that means we get TNL back in the guild scene or its members reform elsewhere after receiving a no, at least something really should be said, especially after such a long time period.

    I originally thought that this delayed response could be excused by it being a bit tedious to fix this and therefore perhaps not being the top priority, however priority or not, after how quickly BCr was able to be fixed once attention was paid to it, it makes the time period that they've gone without a response- not even without action- inexcusable. Especially when we can clearly see that another administrator did their best to accelerate this and not even that was sufficient enough for a short paragraph to be typed up by another admin to at the very least give even a bit of closure to the members of TNL.

    However this ends up being resolved, I would hate to see a guild with such a long legacy in our community go out like this, and wish the best in restoring TNL to what it was or reforming elsewhere to equal success if it's what ends up having to be done.
    Mobyyyyy, TheOolong, BTK2000 and 3 others like this.
  11. istoleyourcatlol

    istoleyourcatlol Professional Pot Breaker CHAMPION

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    I'm hoping matters can be resolved swiftly and this catches the greater community's attention.
    Best of luck :)
    Mobyyyyy, TNG and DeathLucifer like this.
  12. Nynnf

    Nynnf Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Thats a big E
    Mobyyyyy, TNG and DeathLucifer like this.
  13. Dream

    Dream Hero of the lost atoll Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    Good luck Sam!
    Mobyyyyy, TNG and DeathLucifer like this.
  14. scorpionwiz

    scorpionwiz Magi of the far lands MTL god and LN reader CHAMPION

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    +1 support
    Mobyyyyy, TNG and DeathLucifer like this.
  15. Aerrihn

    Aerrihn Leader of Nerfuria and Chief of First Fleet CHAMPION

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    gl luwucifer
    Mobyyyyy, TNG and DeathLucifer like this.
  16. Zinnig

    Zinnig Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Good luck sam
    Mobyyyyy, TNG and DeathLucifer like this.
  17. Nerfet

    Nerfet Cute little blue cat CHAMPION

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    I sincerely hope this gets fixed soon, DeathLucifer! Because of the name change glitch, I was stuck in a guild for years, so I kind of understand how it feels to be stuck a guild without being able to do anything (but well you're a cap in TNL so at least you can still war, right? :D)
    Mobyyyyy, TNG and DeathLucifer like this.
  18. Ultraworg

    Ultraworg Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    wow... I actually forgot that TNL has been like this for so many months
  19. DeathLucifer

    DeathLucifer Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Thank you guys for the support it really means a lot. I hope getting this even more attention might help hopefully
    Mobyyyyy, millewave, Fox and 2 others like this.
  20. urbymine

    urbymine Former Chief of Avicia

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    I don't think I have much to add that Goden didn't already sum up in his post, if a solution is too much to ask for then at least give TNL an anwser so they may move onwards worst-case.

    support the cause of transparancy!
    Nerfet, Mobyyyyy, TheOolong and 2 others like this.
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