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Music All Stardew ⭐️ - Wynncraft Parody Of “all Star” ✔️lyrics

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Kalsang, Sep 20, 2020.

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  1. Kalsang

    Kalsang Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    All Stardew by Freakcrow

    [Verse 1]

    Some Archer Once told me loot running is baloney
    Grind tower of ascension instead
    Got a message from GetMads said he needed totems bad
    So I went to world 1 Lusuco
    Well the mobs start spawning and bombs start coming
    Loot rate high Mythic's better start dropping
    Didn't make sense loot running world 1
    Your chest gets sniped and your loot runs done

    So much to find Mythic's to grind
    If you still loot run you must be blind
    You'll never know if you don't go
    Yahya looks like a big toe

    Hey now its a Warchief
    Turn the game off then cried
    Hey now it's a Stardew
    Turn the game off cried again,
    None of those Mythic's sold
    Disinflation market sure gets old

    [Verse 2]
    Spleen splitter is bad I noticed
    Most people use Toxoplasmosis
    Got mine from a daily objective
    I can confirm it is way more effective,
    The mobs we grind are dropping like flies
    I hope my totem keeps me alive,
    I used my totems can I get yours
    I farmed all day didn't even get bored

    [No idea what to label this as]
    Hey now its a Dawnbreak
    Turn the game off then cried
    Hey now it's a Stardew
    Turn the game off cried again
    None of those Mythic's sold
    Disinflation market sure gets old

    [Verse 3]
    Attention all Wynncraft prof tryhards
    Your epic gamer Roused requests your send him men
    I'm gonna assume for a 50 player EO run
    Mm I right Roused?
    I don't know he said send dudes

    Hey now its a Warchief
    Turn the game off then cry
    Hey now it's a Stardew
    Turn the game off cried again
    Can I stop getting boots
    I wanted a weathered not shoes

    [Verse 4]
    Some Archer once asked could I spare some totems fast
    Only one loot bomb up it's my last
    And I said sure I don't see why not
    I look at my bank and I don't see a lot
    let's just hope we get a weapon of sorts

    Well the mobs start spawning and the bombs start coming
    Loot rate high Mythic's better start dropping
    Didn't make sense loot running world one
    Your chest gets sniped and your loot runs done

    [No idea what to label this as]
    So much to find,
    Mythic's to grind
    If you still loot run you must be blind
    You'll never know if you don't go
    Aledar you're a elbow

    Hey now its a Dawnbreak
    Turn the game off then cried
    Hey now it's a Stardew
    Turn the game off cried again,
    Please don't let it be boots
    For the love of bob just no boots
    And all I got were boots
    I mean I wasn't expecting a straty
    But I'm certainly not expecting some expensive legendary shoes
    Ellphant, Orphion_, Fox and 6 others like this.

    FREAKCROW Can't Stop Opening Crates ; -; CHAMPION

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    Why tho ; _ ;
    ThedumbOX and Kalsang like this.
  3. Kalsang

    Kalsang Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    best way to kill time while waiting for prof bombs
  4. Orphion_

    Orphion_ Skirmisher of Wind HERO

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    This will sound gud.

    By the way, mythics are mythics, they still worth a lot.
    Better than me, I always get empty loot chests... (Cries in the corner

    (Don't ask 'bout my only mythic, Revanant, I didn't buy it,
    But the way I get it is probably one of the lamest ways in the entire universe.
    Kalsang likes this.
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