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Art Nostalgia Sketches

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Trixomaniac, Sep 19, 2020.

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  1. Trixomaniac

    Trixomaniac Veteran

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    gmornin I hope yall are having a good day

    Technically speaking I have like 3 major assessments due this week so of course on a whim I suddenly found myself returning back to the Wynn forums after months. It's always been lovely every now and again popping in and catching up with how the server has changed and the new updates the Wynn team have implemented.

    Context being, I've been inactive for years but I was one of the closed-beta folks when Wynn was being made. I'm not really here anymore but it's always a pleasant thought knowing that I can still return to the server Soon TM with some friends and get to experience a really cool but familiar world (though fr what the hell happened to Detlas HAHAHAHA I hardly recognise it on the map)

    @Salted hi nice to see you and the crew still doing your thing, you're actually old wtf

    anyway naturally I spent like ~30 minutes on a nice lil nostalgia sketch/doodle of Back In The Day, featuring the character/skin I was Back In Them Old Days at the time of the Wynn release
    wynnsketchs - Copy.png

    also featuring a good ol throwback drawing I made in 2013 because why not (has it really been 5 years what the hell)
    wai (2016_06_02 13_14_25 UTC).png

    aight back to studying LOL
  2. Voltique

    Voltique Travelled Adventurer VIP+

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    damn, great drawing btw!
  3. Luxio

    Luxio Wynncraft Artist VIP+ ✎ Artist

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    idk if this counts as necroposting but im willing to take the bullet lmfao ANYWAY @Trixomaniac ur art is precious oke and this literally gave me nostalgia of having to keep up hitting invisible spiders in the hopes to catch up w/ leveling up til lv20 in the first 5 days lmfao

    this is a whole ass aesthetic i want this printed in my office jaja
    good job <3
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