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Speculation About The Dernic Beast

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Samsam101, Sep 5, 2020.

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  1. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    The final boss at the end of the Eldritch outlook is an eye. You may question why, but if you find all the secret discoveries in the dark expanse you can find out the truth. Beyond the Dern portal, a dark beast of unimaginable power commands its armies against the Light. But we don't know much about this creature other than the fact that it ripped out one of its eyes and placed it in the tallest tower on earth. I have a theory as to what this creature is due to a good amount of evidence in the lore.

    About 20-30 years ago, Dead island was very much alive. It was on track to become as big a travel hub as Selchar, if not bigger. However, mysterious things started happening. Its inhabitants started vanishing and new diseases begun to infect them. There was no explanation for it at all but the head of the town, Siwel, was determined to stop this. He went to an unknown location and purchased an egg that he believed (with all his alchemical knowledge) could heal his island. The egg started emitting a dark aura and creatures of horrid power started appearing out of nowhere. Siwel did not expect this and needed somebody to investigate this for him. By the time he had what he needed, it was too late. The egg hatched into something. Something huge. Now, this is hard to prove, but the bones resemble that of a dragon. So we will refer to it as such. The dragon summoned many minions which killed everyone on the island. Everyone except Siwel. Siwel called upon help from Wynn and soon their greatest hero ever, Bob, came to the island. He slew the mighty dragon with ease. However, the damage was already done. The island was ruined. To this day, the dragon's minions roam the island with the corrupted remains of its former inhabitants and Siwel still lives in his mansion.
    We are 100% sure dead island is related to Dern. Before it was in its current state, it was called Enderman island. It was full of Dern emigrants and was often referred to as Dern island. Looking at old screenshots, you can tell its structure was similar to that of the Silent Expanse. Now it has Dern minions, and in the memory in the quest Haven Antiquity there are Dern Beasts. This egg's source is unknown, but this theory is plausible. Siwel supposedly purchased this from someone shady. I imagine he went to Rymek. Now, there is no evidence to support this but I'm working with what I have, but what if the Dernic beast hates the olm because they stole its egg. The olm were supposedly the dark version of heliolux but they were touched by the Light and betrayed their master and stole the egg from (her?) lair. They took it through the portal to the overworld and placed it into a temple somewhere. Perhaps a Rymek dealer went exploring the abandoned mines west of his hometown, and accidentally entered the silent expanse, perhaps via the secret discovery. He explored this horrifying land and found what he assumed to be some weird egg in a temple. He probably assumed he could pass it off as some kind of healing egg and took it back. The person who bought it was none other than Siwel himself. Perhaps dark dragon eggs take 1000 years to hatch, and it finally did in Siwel's cave. I think you understand what I'm saying.

    I'm trying to say that the dernic beast is probably a dragon. Think about it. The overworld's lore is mostly about the Eye. There is a fabled item from Order of the grook called the Dragon's Eye Bracelet. Dragon's Eye. Plus, the story seems to be inspired by the vanilla minecraft survival story about the nether and such. Dern has the letters needed to spell ''End'' If you were to add an extra E, which could be done because there is already an E i guess, it could be Ender. Dern is quite clearly supposed to be wynncraft's version of The End. And who is the boss who greets you in The End? None other than the ender dragon. Orphion, the light counterpart to the Dernic Beast, is assumed to be a dog (Many people say this but I'm not what the origin of it is. I assume it's a community meme because ''Orph'' sounds like a dog barking. Maybe this will become canon lol) and if the Dernic Beast is a dragon then they will both be non-humanoids. Finally, a few notable things about the Silent expanse ultimate discovery and the eye in general. The beast seems to have claws when you see it ripping its eye out. You can also see that Bak'al is tiny compared to it. The ender dragon has purple eyes and the eye uses purple concrete powder in its build because that's what I assume to be its eye colour. It matches up. So there you have it. We won't know if any of this is true until we finally slay this monster ourselves, but from what we have now this is the best I can conclude.
  2. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Supposedly? To my knowledge there is no information about this.
    Also they would live in the Dark realm, not outside of it.
    "Shortly after the portal broke into this hidden land, a beast from an unknown realm laid siege to the city forcing the Olm to his domain." - The Final Moments

    (also the discovery is most propably spoiler for SE)
    Yes, some random Rymek dealer got into the Dern and out with an egg of the Beast who rules the realm and is one of the most powerful creatures that ever existed. And he also tells no one where he was and how he got in.

    We already saw how Dern propably looks like, as it annexed SE. It will be the End in metaphorical meaning.

    This theory started good, but in about half it started to be too, too far-fetched, as well as little evidence supporting it.

    If the evidence (e.g. screenshots) are old, make sure it is up to date.
  3. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    The screenshots have to be old since the location of them was removed in the 1.12 update and replaced with dead island
  4. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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    No. The Olm were the original inhabitants of Wynn and/or the area that is now the Silent Expanse. The SE was likely similar to Wynn before the Darkness broke through and consumed the area. That is when the Olm went extinct. Since there's no evidence to prove that 1. the Dernic Beast is a female, and that 2. they have an egg, this is just a hypothesis among many. Also, we can assume with certainty that the Dernic Beast is the dark counterpart of Orphion. Since Orphion is a male (referred to as he in the Realm of Light quest), its likely the Dernic Beast is as well.
    What secret discovery? The Abandoned Mines entrance to the Silent Expanse was closed off because the miners didn't want another problem on top of the corruption. If you're talking about the crystals, they have little to do with the area. I don't think a Rymek dealer on his own is able of digging a tunnel or blowing up an entrance to the Silent Expanse. And even if he did, he would probably not return, seeing how even the most powerful warriors of Wynn (Elphaba, Aledar, Lucio, maybe even Bob) died in the area. The actual entrance that we can use in game was closed off by boulders until the "A Journey Beyond" quest.
    I think they only named it this because it sounded cool. There are plenty of dragons in Wynn lore (for example Ozoth).
    The name "Dern" comes from the Old English word for "Darkness".
    During the ultimate discovery, you can see the Dernic Beast's arms on his throne's armrest. They look far too humanoid to be dragon arms. Also, how could a dragon even sit on a throne? Wouldn't we see its tail?
    The Ender Dragon's eyes are completely purple, including the pupil and the white area. In comparison, only a tiny part of the Eye's build has purple in it. It also has black as part of its color scheme. This could've been done to symbolize the general purple-and-black color scheme of the Corruption and the Silent Expanse.
    Dr Zed, Uniimog, Samsam101 and 2 others like this.
  5. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    I think that both are gender-less. They are representation of realms, not "living" creatures. (Orphion is referred as "he" because it is better than "it"

    This one. Although it is most propably spoiler for Silent Expanse, not emtrance to Dern.

    I agree with all,your points.
  6. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Wtf? No.
    Where did you hear that?

    Look, to be frank, the 'proof' aswell as the actually theory isn't very good, but I'm going to put that aside. Under the assumption it your theory is right, I would hate it.

    Like a dragon? Just a Dragon seriously?
    An unimaginably, lovecraftin horror is meant to be a dragon? I would be rather pissed. In fact, while I would be less mad, I would still be pissed if the thing was even humanoid. I don't want something that's familar?
    Also, don't use out dated evidence.
    The location was changed for a reason.
    Samsam101 and TrapinchO like this.
  7. fishcute

    fishcute fish CHAMPION Builder

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    The dern/end thing is a good theory, except for the fact that its actually the word "dark" in an early version of english (I forget which one, but wynn, gavel and fruma all mean things in it too)

    The counterpart to the heliolux is also said to be the same as the AHC npc, since the model is similar, but darker. Also, from anyas penumbra we know that the Olm were trying to be more neutral.

    I've never seen any reason to believe this, so yeah, probably a meme.

    Note the "his". It seems that the dern beast is male (although as TrapinchO said, this might just be because "he" sounds better than "it", but that's not quite as true in this case).
    Samsam101 likes this.
  8. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    It is propably just overlooked detail.

    They are a physical representation, they are (most propably) not actually "living" and are genderless.
    Samsam101 likes this.
  9. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    i swear to god i read that somewhere
    ok thats a good point
    protest to make the dern beast a sphere
    Yeah that's a good point. It's probably humanoid.
    This quote is what made me think that the Olm are like dark heliolux. Clearly the dern beast wants to rule over the Olm so I assumed they were his people but they betrayed him
    Didn't know that. I still think Dern is probably meant to be the End
    Yeah it was pretty stupid of me to use a removed location as if it were still in the game
    I never said that this hypothetical character entered dern, I said that it was the Olm who stole the egg and who placed it in a temple. Although now that I think about it there is a certain jungle with olmic ruins that could also have been where the egg was taken and would be a far more realistic location for a con artist to go looking for ancient artefacts to lie about
    That quote alone completely disproves that entire part of the theory so thanks for pointing that out

    Because of these criticisms I have decided that soon I will completely redo the theory to be more realistic.
  10. DuckyBananas

    DuckyBananas Professional Duck CHAMPION

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    But in the discovery you can obviously see that the beast has NO legs at all on a throne
    how tf does that make sense? it would HAVE to be a creature laying down or a DRAGON because even if it was humanoid or anything else its legs would have shown on the throne
    JaydonTheWarrior likes this.
  11. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    thats because hes pewdiepie
  12. Pixelæs

    Pixelæs just a mathematician

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    Just as a random bit of info, wynn is the name of a rune in Old English, which looks like this (Ƿ), and means joy or bliss (yeah, pretty much an antonym of living in Wynn but could just be Salted trying to get people to enjoy WynnCraft by naming it after something that means joy).
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