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Media Ranking The Reasons Why Mythic Prices Are Dropping

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Spyhy, Sep 1, 2020.


Do you belive these are the real problems of the economy?

  1. Yes

    6 vote(s)
  2. No

    42 vote(s)
  3. with some

    17 vote(s)
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  1. Triactic

    Triactic Below average IQ VIP+

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    Quests got nerfed, so unless you level all your classes to 100 (which i guarantee most of the playerbase doesn't) you aren't gonna be able to afford a mythic.
    Druser likes this.
  2. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    There's a minimum things can sell for due to item buyers, the closer we get to it the easier money is to make.
    P.s. it's still over a stack of le for doing all quest.
  3. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    Just redid my math because I was going off someones word, I got 71 LE from punching in stuff into my calculator, might be some errors.
    But a stack of LE is not bad way through for just completing the game. You can buy a very decent full build for "less than an LE" as someone said before so saving for a mythic should be maybe 2-3 playthroughs if you avoid all other money making methods.
  4. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    That is what happens when you use unstable income sources though, you can't expect an item obtained through lottery-tier RNG to keep the same price forever
    Because look, I understand you put effort, but that does not delete the fact mythic RNG is an issue, these items are way too hard to obtain, it is not okay that someone can go a full year without finding a mythic while lootrunning endlessly while some random player gets 7 full level 1-106 playthroughs worth of LE because one day he got lucky and found a dark purple box in a chest, that is not okay, and that is a real thing that happens and keeps happening
    I have probably opened hundreds and hundreds of chests since Gavel released and still haven't found a single mythic, while probably some random kid at level 90 who entered a cave in Corkus for fun found one, and that scenario probably happened to quite a few people (not claiming my specific scenario happened though)
    Is that fair? No, absolutely not
    Also may I mention again that there have been threads calling the system RIGGED because they were lootrunning endlessly for a full year and never found a mythic while some dude found 3 in 3 months?
    The current mythic system is just a lottery, and a very toxic one at that, it is one of the parts of the game that I have seen generate the most drama in the community since Gavel along with guilds (though guilds were because they didn't work to begin with, at least mythics work, in a very disgusting manner, but hey, at least they are functional)
    Don't you believe me about the whole rigged thing?
    Here, have one of these threads
    You might think they are shitting on your effort by trying to fix the lottery that is mythics, and they might have to do that in order to fix the issue, but they aren't trying to do that
    It is not your fault either for being a victim of this, but the people who have never found a mythic despite lootrunning to unhealthy degrees have been victims of this for a long time
    We do call you all lucky because there is also people who have lootrunned a lot and never found a mythic, for example that guy in that thread above
    Do you think that scenario is fair?
    Someone who has been playing for half a year and is just a level 90 mage with 24LE suddenly gets an item that makes him have a wealthy pool for 10 stacks of LE, while the guy who has been lootrunning for a full year has never found one and has only made 3 stacks probably

    This won't get fixed at all without someone falling as a victim
    The only person we can blame this for is the cow for thinking a 0.0007% drop chance was a good idea in the first place

    But seriously, this is a reality we are gonna have to face as a community:
    The mythic price and rarity is, in fact, an issue and it is not going to disappear without victims
    And once again, all of this because the cow, the human and the space creeper thought an item that is like winning the lottery was a good idea

    I wish those people who found mythics after a ton of lootrunning and hard work wouldn't be victims, but they are going to have to be in order to fix this, I already gave an example above of what the mythics can do as what I have called them a ton of times: a literal lottery
    scorpionwiz, Melkor and Dr Zed like this.
  5. Triactic

    Triactic Below average IQ VIP+

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    What you said is entirely correct, and I agree with you, but you can't ignore the fact that a toooooooon of mythics have been duped as a direct result of the trade market. Sure, Salted can make it easier to find mythics. I don't have any problem with that. I DO have a problem with people suddenly duping on the trade market, and a large amount of those mythics never being tracked down and removed. If you want to talk about the duping issue, I can go into further depth if you message me on discord.
    Qzphs likes this.
  6. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    Sounds familiar...
    Kiocifer and Saya like this.
  7. J_Lo777

    J_Lo777 Wynn Artist CHAMPION

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    It is economy, what can you do

    I can understand players who came back after a reaallly long break to see their net worth halved (maybe more) getting pissed, but review the recent events and face it:

    A lot of mythics were expensive due to low supply, and a demand higher than that supply. And in the case of relik mythics, very low supply and the fact that they were new items made rich players immediately interested (coz well, new items), setting their prices very high. There was a time when max poison toxos sold for 40+stx lol.

    But now, especially due to loot quality, the lootrunners guild organising lootruns and an abnormal increase in the amount of lootrunnners (I would blame this to quarantine and everyone staying home, also the fact that it's the most obvious way for new players to make profit - because new players wouldn't know about ingredient grinding, profs, etc), the supply of all items in general rose very quickly. Especially since, for many lootrunners it was more profitable to take a potentially high-selling item than 64emeralds in their lootruns. It was at this point that price checkers were artificially holding up the prices.

    But the continuously increasing supply eventually burst this bubble of artificially held up prices. The overflow of items obviously created competition in selling these items, and those who were anxious or just wanted to make profit quickly started undercutting others and/or quickselling. Others soon followed, and soon a trend of "quickselling" items began among people who wanted to make profit. Then, people who realised that the worth of their items were about to drop also started to quicksell their items (I did, and no regrets because my net worth nearly doubled by selling my mythics before the prices crashed). Soon, this "quickselling" price became the normal price for many items, and thus the general worth of items decreased to a new equilibrium.

    This price deflation process should've happened more gradually yes, but 1. price checkers had been holding up the prices and then the bubble just burst all at once. And 2. When people quicksell mythics, they don't undercut by tiny amounts. They undercut by increments of usually 0.5stx (or even more), and this contributed to mythic prices falling quickly.

    This is the supply and demand, and the new price equilibrium explained in detail in accordance to the recent events that lead upto it. Yes, there were other factors such as duping (and I really hate the fanta prices dropping to dirt due to duping, because it's by far my favourite mythic), but I feel that this is why item prices dropped in general.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2020
    Mistrise Mystic, Druser, Aya and 4 others like this.
  8. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    Look at how many vawards out there, people arent selling those kinda of legendaries for 10 eb for no reasons, even myself (who isnt a fan of LR) i still found a shit ton of legendaries just from killing random mobs in SE or something. It is all about demand and supply, if it is high supply and low demand, it could go for 10 eb or less be it a legendary and a mythic (this case wont happen tho)

    Yes people still bought mythics, but mythics price inflated back then due to the lack of supply of mythics AND the high amount of emeralds flow in the economy. I really got the point of people who bought mythic will got sad because of mythic prices lowered, and I am one of the victims because of this. But the "economy update" was out for slowing down the inflation or deflate some on the items, so they decreased the amount of emeralds you get by a lot of methods (quests, idol, seavale, etc etc)

    But they would rage when they opened 20k chest and can't even find a mythic with a full lr build, and unid boxes is QoL more than an issue, since a lot of people will be looking at the items, or they would just install wynntils to see what is the item tier

    In addition to my statements, adding new mythics doesn't really affect prices of current mythics because mythic prices are based on usability (aka demand and supply). Therefore I can't see why adding new mythics could "fix" the mythic economy.

    Memechief got buffed once and it still suck, just please deal with it because there are good mythics and bad mythics and they got their prices defined by the people who bought them
  9. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    oh no we don't need a repeat
  10. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    I absolutely agree. It's sad that people who have put a ton of time and effort into rolling that magical mythic die will inevitably get hurt by mythics devaluing, but I don't think that the comfort or superiority of a small number of players is worth detracting from the experience of everyone else. Even if we consider all the players whose net worth is mainly in mythics as being hurt by this (and I'm among them, don't think I don't understand or feel it too), far fewer people are hurt than the number who suddenly have access to something cool and exciting that arguably makes the game more fun to play. I've always loved the free market and near stock exchange status of the trade market, but part of that is accepting changes, even those that hurt you.
  11. Spyhy

    Spyhy Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I did tho, take the emeralds from chests/mobs and turn it into le so more le will flow in the economy
  12. Spyhy

    Spyhy Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I understand many people are happy about prices decreasing, but I cant say I can relate sadly. When I was a lvl 102 with 10 le to my name and discovered mythics and was really thrilled. I made my goal of getting a discoverer and grinded the money for it and it gave life to wynncraft even after I finished the game. I loved that mythics were extremely expensive because I knew I would be far more rewarding when I reached my goal. And the same applies to nowadays, I spent 3 months getting the money for the #1 discoverer, I spent 199 lb discoverer and 35 stx of le for 1 lootbonus and I have no regrets whatsoever.
    Melkor likes this.
  13. penguinbnuuy

    penguinbnuuy penguinbnuuy HERO

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    As a new player, here is my opinion on this deflation. At the end of the day, mythics are still mythics, and deflation can't take their stats away. I see how it could be annoying, but there's nothing that can be done about the fact that you could have bought a lot more if you just saved your LE. Even if the price reinflated, The mythic would still be worth 1 mythic of a similar price, and sure, you could save the money until the price deflates, but this whole scenario affects a minority of players. I only have 30 LE, I had 42 at one point, but I spent 5 LE on a new bank page, and 8 LE on a 8lq ring. For a new player, lq is so hard to obtain, because it costs at least a stack for a full, decent lq set, and some lq consumables. To a long time, rich player with profs leveled up, this probably doesn't seem problematic, but I have spent two months leveling scribing, and I'm still only roughly level 90, and that's one out of the four profs you need to level up for an lq set. I would be so annoyed if they nerfed lq, and all my hard work were to be for nothing, no mythics, no LE, just a few useless levels in scribing.
    Melkor likes this.
  14. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    Then have no regrets. Mythics will always be valuable, they just won't keep their absurdly high price forever. A max disco is a max disco; it won't ever be worthless, but other mythics aren't locked behind an arbitrary wall, out of the reach of new players.
  15. Arcturisus

    Arcturisus Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I disagree with mythics being out of reach for new players. You brought up how doing every quest gets you about 64 le. This is way more then you need to buy LQ gear and hit the softcap, and buy a few other items needed for a lootrun build. Myself, I found my first mythic the day after I bought my LQ set. You can't use the luck card either here - my mythic rate has been consistent with my first find over 70k chests, and I could easily name other people in the LR community who have found their first mythics within a week of starting. I refuse to believe that simply everyone who puts in a shred of effort to find a mythic is lucky, and every person who hasn't tried is just unlucky.
  16. Arcturisus

    Arcturisus Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Pants - ashen hide recipe - 1 le (13-19 roll)
    Boots - ashen hide recipe - 1 le (13-19 roll)
    Ring - cata+5 sao recipe - 2 le (5-10 roll)
    Ring - cata+5 sao recipe - 2 le (5-10 roll)

    With average rolls, this gets you 47 LQ (assuming a 7 and an 8 on LQ jewelry). This is 7 above the cap, so you don't even need to roll average. Also you definitely don't need profs for a LQ set. There's a ton of profers and people with 103 tailoring/jeweling that craft for free, if you provide the mats/ings.

    For the rest of the set you can literally slap on anything and be fine

    Assuming you are going for the budget KoH lootrun recipe, which is the best budget build

    King of Hearts - 2-3 LE
    Ginto - 1 le, less if you are patient and snipe one
    rest of the accessories can literally be anything

    This totals to less than 10 le. Thats literally AJB + AJF + PONR. Sorry, but anyone can afford a LR build. And if you somehow blew all your money from quests, a few hours at Ragni Scrapping can easily make you 10 le.
    This is a thread from 2016. If i understood right, they only opened "1000-2000" t3s and "300" t4's. Before loot quality, that wasn't even close to mythic average.

    Of course there's gonna be some lucky people. By the way, mythic average is not and has never been in the hundreds. You can continue to loot chests :)

    Also you pretending like mythics are a once in a lifetime mind boggling thing is absurd to me. Ask anyone who has 10k+ chests that ran in LQ. Ask any 50k+ chest person their mythic rate. I responded to Melkor with the same thing, so I will say it again.

    "I disagree with mythics being out of reach for new players. You brought up how doing every quest gets you about 64 le. This is way more then you need to buy LQ gear and hit the softcap, and buy a few other items needed for a lootrun build. Myself, I found my first mythic the day after I bought my LQ set. You can't use the luck card either here - my mythic rate has been consistent with my first find over 70k chests, and I could easily name other people in the LR community who have found their first mythics within a week of starting. I refuse to believe that simply everyone who puts in a shred of effort to find a mythic is lucky, and every person who hasn't tried is just unlucky."

    Also I'm just curious, how many chests have you looted since LQ came out?
  17. penguinbnuuy

    penguinbnuuy penguinbnuuy HERO

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    I genuinely didn't know it was that cheap! Thanks for telling me, I can just run RTD quests on my assassin, and boom, lq set.
    (I'm not mad I grinded scribing, because the build I want works best with defense pots and scrolls.
  18. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    Yeah, and you guys complain about how "LQ broke everything", while treating 2000 chests as if it wasn't an absurdly large amount, when that is already really big
    Yeah and that is an issue because the gap between legendaries and mythics goes from 10 chests to 4000, that is way too big of a gap
    Yeah fableds are a middle ground but you can still find fabled items at a reasonable degree, proven by how many there are in TM + the fact I found some by just playing the game normally instead of actually looking for them
    And there are like 6 fabled items so it makes sense they are still not that common
    They kind of are when you don't have the time or will power to play the same game and doing the same activity 12 hours a day, that is not fun at all, specially when the reward is as inconsistent as mythics, and some people just don't have the time spend 12 hours a day for a full month in order to obtain a single one
    I don't know, I don't count them but I'm pretty sure they are above 400, I'm not that big into lootrunning anyways
    I'm not complaining about having to lootrun to obtain one anyways, I'm complaining about how these rates can be incredibly inconsistent and how you guys are defending a method of income that can grant people who don't deserve it (some random level 90 player who was just killing some mobs in Frozen Heights for the sake of leveling up) a ridiculously high amount of money out of pure luck

    Once again, if you are one of these people who have spent a genuine amount of effort on getting the mythics, good job and I wish you weren't the victim here
    Also, what is with this mocking acting of yours?
    Do you realize you are just proving my point about mythics creating toxicity in the community? This all happened because of mythics, further proving why the current mythic system needs change, say what you want but you just proved my point about mythics being a source of toxic behaviour
    Melkor and scorpionwiz like this.
  19. Triactic

    Triactic Below average IQ VIP+

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    A lot of points you make are severely overexaggerated. 2000 chests is not a lot of chests. It's very easy to open 2000 chests in around 5 hours of playing with a cheap KoH lq build. You don't need to run for 5 hours straight through. You can break the time up into quarters or halves, and still find a mythic fairly reliably in less than a week. Yes, the rates can be incredibly inconsistent, but when you look at people's mythic to chest ratio, even when they go on very long dry streaks (10k chests +) their mythic/chest average is still fairly normal (around 2000-3000 chests per mythic). My good friend EPIC67890 went on an 18k dry, then immediately found 3 mythics in a super short span of time. Since then, his mythic ratio has been fairly normal. And nobody spends 12 hours a day lootrunning, not even big names like SmileyAlec and Psykko, let alone for months at a time. I would agree that mythic chances should be buffed pre lq (considering the average was 4.5k chests even with a rediculous amount of lb) but now finding mythics is easier than ever, and any average person can expect to find a mythic fairly soon if they decide to put in the effort (and maybe they can expect to find multiple mythics if they go 10k+ dry).
  20. Arcturisus

    Arcturisus Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    If you are trying you can easily get 2k chests in a day.

    I have never spent 12 hours a day a month for one mythic. I don't know anybody who has ran in LQ who has. (Asked LR community if they knew anybody, no one did).

    This wasn't meant to offend you, although I guess I could see how it did. My point was, I'm not certain you know exactly what you are talking about when it comes to mythic chances and the worked put in, based on what you have responded.

    np! if you need the exact recipes or need more info feel free to message me on discord
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