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(theory) Fruma, Space Rocks, And Amnesia Mountains

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by LeviLips96, Aug 31, 2020.

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  1. LeviLips96

    LeviLips96 The guy who draws Wynn places in Paint.net.

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    This whole thing started with me looking on the world map from Wynntils.
    After some time I saw something interesting in the starting area of King's Recruit:

    I observed that there is an area in the back of the Carriage where the game starts. On the map
    there is a path going in the mountain and some houses with a lake.
    This peaked my interest so I made a new class to see if I can sneak a peek in some way but there
    was a gate with barrier blocks to stop you from going there.
    So instead I looked on the website's map but I didn't see a lot related to that area since the
    mountain covered it, but I saw something else:

    This cave entrance looked very intriguing. It looks like an area in the process of being built,
    since the entrance itself is very round and there are some platforms there, probably made for a path
    that goes from a fruman city to the entrance, and ultimately towards Wynn.

    This is how the path most probably connects. With this knowledge in mind, I tried to answer
    another question. It is said multiple times that the mountains that make up the border between Fruma
    and Wynn cause amnesia when crossed. I wanted to figure out why that is the case.
    I embarked on a journey on the coast between the Ragni Peninsula and the Imperial Gate, and
    eventually, I found it. on that patch of land there was a cave with some very peculiar crystals:

    Those crystals look very much like the ones from Lake Gylia, both are blue and purple. The ones from
    Gylia are said to be extraterrestrial in nature, and it would make sense if the ones in Fruma's
    mountains also came from Space. We know that Space Rocks mess with the mind, and it's certain that
    Fruma's mountains induce amnesia when crossed through. I think them having rock formations with
    meteorite magic that messes with the minds by inducing amnesia makes sense, but ultimately, we will
    have to wait for official information to be released to be sure.
  2. MagmaMelon

    MagmaMelon Theorist and Geek

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    Good work, Levi! Some really interesting discoveries here - I'm loving it!
    luckeyLuuk, Emogla3 and starx280 like this.
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