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Community Event [ends August 31st When I Wake Up] Giving Away A Collapse And Revenant, And 1 Stack Of Le

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Castti, Aug 27, 2020.

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  1. NeonRider

    NeonRider Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    gottom schlottom
  2. WilliamN

    WilliamN Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I remember playing wynncraft with my friends a couple years back before gavel. We never made it that far. Life came first and everyone else moved on. Now it’s just me I was the only one out of the four of us to make it to max level. It feels weird but at least I have those memories

    discord: William#1309
  3. Calluum

    Calluum Cal CHAMPION

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    Joining my current guild and makin fwends
  4. LuckLord22

    LuckLord22 cool HERO

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    My favorite memory has to be finding a mythic Grandmother from a daily reward.
  5. DutchSpruceRun

    DutchSpruceRun Adventurer VIP+

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    My favorite memory was probably after Gavel came out. It was in the Christmas break and me and a friend of mine were exploring the light-forest even though we were way underleveled. Doing the quests with him near Llevigar was also pretty fun. Whenever I come back there I just get so much nostalgia from the music!
  6. DeltaTear_

    DeltaTear_ Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Favorite moment has gotta be when I just joined the game. There was so much to explore and and enjoy.
  7. KonJamaleh

    KonJamaleh Newbie Adventurer

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    When i was doing dungeon bomb runs for 2 hours with the homies good times
  8. victorpotato2

    victorpotato2 Broke af HERO

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    Me accidentally dropping my bobs mythic into fire
  9. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    probably when I first found Wynn and did my first playthrough, it was awesome
  10. lunarlight

    lunarlight Owner of Elysium & Boreal Marietta VIP

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    When i first started playing wynn 2 months ago and just, it was so fun to start.
  11. I_Liek_Turtlez

    I_Liek_Turtlez hi i play hic CHAMPION

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    one of my favourite moments was when I got my first ever mythic while grinding Gollier Iron with a double loot bomb active :D
  12. PolarLightx

    PolarLightx Well-Known Adventurer

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    My favourite memory was doing quests with friends
  13. YoshisWorld

    YoshisWorld Famous Adventurer Media CHAMPION

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    when i got my first class to lvl 100
  14. scorpionwiz

    scorpionwiz Magi of the far lands MTL god and LN reader CHAMPION

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    joining spc
  15. creeper1562

    creeper1562 Leader of [MDM]

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    I enjoyed running the earlier dungeons with my friends
  16. Yethatain'tright

    Yethatain'tright Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Well personally I like to keep things short and sweat. Playing wynncraft fo the first time in 2014. (Other than that skien takes the cake)
  17. SchoolMeatloaf

    SchoolMeatloaf Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Favorite memory for me was hitting lvl 75 for the first time pre-gavel.
  18. ChaosSpark

    ChaosSpark Well-Known Adventurer

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    One of my Favorite memories is randomly giving away emeralds low lvl people for free :D
  19. Fox

    Fox Fox

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    I have a couple of good memories... let's go down memory lane shall we...

    • @Elebits and I started Wynncraft together. We came from another server (MCSG) and we wanted something we could play together. We bought VIP after a few hours of playing. I particularly remember feeling so adventurous after going down the sewers in Ragni during the first quest.
    • I remember when @LoveLusting invited me as a founding member to Kingdom Foxes. I also remember serving her government twice. I remember the first ever award ceremony on the Trom's dining hall. I remember when the Foxen court opened a trial between WeaponMerchant and I. I remember my conversations with Ahri being extremely smart about Da Vinci and the importance of accolade. Back then her guild was very thoughtful. I also remember some of my best friends at the time from KoF, @Esfores and @Sanae_pls. @Grvphene used to despise me back then until we met again in Imperial and I was able to change his mind about me. I was a bit of a black sheep back in Kingdom Foxes.
    • I remember arguing a lot with @Heika when he was the Prince of the Foxes, but we're still good friends to this very day. I can't decide if his libertarian phase was better than his coffee enthusiast phase. I haven't talked with @InvertedReaper in a while ever since he deleted Discord.
    • I remember my first auction on the forums for selling a max loot Adamantite for 1 stack and 20 le. When I bought that chest plate, neither I or the player that sold it to me knew the value, and I bought it for all the money I had then, 8 LE. My friend Elebits was who then saw it and told me it was worth that much.
    • Mage was one of the hardest classes back then (akin to how unbalanced Warrior is now) and I rage quit so many times I thought of leaving Wynncraft altogether when my Mage was already level 70. I decided to start over in Assassin and used the sharpness powder glitch were applying the powder to your weapon made multi hit kill the same mob over 10 times, and you'd get per mob the xp 10 times as well.
    • An event that I remember crystal clear was from the legendary @chooky and @Nyam parties they'd have every single day. This one in particular was about going inside the old colosseum abandoned outside VIP Town. A whole party of us was there playing with the pig puck and I meet someone who had an enchanted Nether chestplate. That was my first taste for becoming a collector.
    • I remember when I sold my first Nether Set. I think it went to @Cubie when he was still a GM. It sold for 20 stacks of LE.
    • I remember buying my first Salted's Poop from Dodo for exactly 21 stacks. Salted dropped for him like 4 poops. I traded back and forth these poops and Seekers Aids with @Ag3nt back then. Ag3nt was the smarter business man than I was, though.
    • I remember when I went to Tree island with @Dodo. I don't particularly remember what we talked there, but the feeling I had during that moment, I can't forget it. Although I do remember I convinced him to come there with me since there was an obviously fake rumor that if you got on top of the tree's crown that you'd find LE there. I remember it so much I've revisited that location multiple times for events I've held for guilds throughout the years through my minigame called Excursion. The task is called Sophia because the word means love for wisdom and it was symbolic to having made a real friend there.
    • I remember spending my whole summer in the Wynncraft Teamspeak when @Egg was still a GM. I met a really good friend @Dar-krusos that summer as well. He heard me sing and liked my poetry. We ended up rekindling back in 2018, three years after.
    • I remember @Broettinger carrying me through quests when you could still ride players. I wish I could still get carried since I'm not the fondest of questing.
    • Since KoF was a moderator guild, I remember wanting to manage the old FAQ thread and revamp it. So, I did that. Wasn't the greatest of experiences since I had to get all questions confirmed by a moderator, and they all had their own judgements about things and wouldn't be open for discussion most of the times so I felt thrown on the mud a lot.
    • Another task for my minigame called Drinking & Driving comes from a best friend I had at the time @WynnWalker . She was as deranged as I was: loved gambling all her money on breeding horses, chatting on Detlas all day and exploring. One day for thinking of something fun we could do, I thought riding boats with drunkness potions on the Nivla Forest would be fun.... only to be met with the fact boats would sink to the bottom of the river!
    • Other great memories with WynnWalker include selling ourselves for LE in Detlas. Our richness begun from a lovely gentleman paying for our services and he gave us one whole stack. Wynn split it into 32 LE for the two of us, and we bred white and chestnut horses. Wynn eventually made over 6 stacks of LE from it, whereas I wasted it all on gambling.
    • After getting kicked from KoF I ended up joining TNA thanks to @huge6446 . He made me write my Wynncraft History. There I met some of the greatest friends I've had and I still talk to them frequently, @SaraF and Dragon1Spirit. I still remember when I did this contest on the TNA Skype chat where I sent a piece of art I made and I asked if anyone could decipher which song it was. Dragon1Spirit did and from there we became really good friends. Looking back on things, I do regret a bit how I made things turn out. I was just an extremely assertive person and made me make harsh decisions.
    • Talking about harsh decisions, the skin I made for the old leader of Fuq, Sara, ended up being a skin for one of the mobs in Tower of Ascension. I was so mad the CT had used one of the skins I made without my permission that I asked for it to be removed. I thought then that if Wynncraft would ban someone for using their content without their permission, that then it would be shady and hypocritical of them to use someone else's content without it. Now I look back and think it would be cool to say "hey! one of the skins I made is in the game" as a bit of a fact about me.
    • I remember spending so much time with @UltimateShitLord and he held onto my collectibles worth so many stacks of LE. I was part of his guild SuperCrafters after deciding to leave TNA. I remember logging in every single day to talk to ScrubraBrayden.
    • In August 3rd of 2016, I probably made one of the biggest decisions in my life and in my Wynncraft history of joining Imperial. I put all my eggs in one basket, and it was this community. @Kvmilla was and is one of my best friends, and after a while of doing art for her, I ultimately ended doing art for her guild. From this point to 2019, all my Wynn history and memories are from Imperial.
    • From the Skype chat days, I remember @Rilen the most. We'd talk almost every day about poetry, music, and potatoes. I also remember trying to be @le_mega_barbare 's friend though he kind of kept ignoring me. We became much better friends in 2018 and now we talk very often.
    • I remember the first Award Ceremony I attended in Imperial called "Bottle Rum Bay". I may have attended one before this when the Discord was first created when it was a browser only application before we made the full transition to having a Discord community over from the Skype Chat.
    • I remember when I hosted my first event for the Federation Alliance, a PVP tournament.
    • I remember creating Excursion for PUBG in January of 2018 after first being promoted to Duke of the Vonamor Family. The PUBG project failed, but Excursion and the Impmojis lived on through the Wynncraft edition of it, incepted in February of 2018.
    • I remember being the best mob totem of the Imperial Guard. This time in particular is bittersweet. All things come to an end, but in Imperial all things met a terrible fate. I wish things could have ended differently.
    • I remember creating the Ghost House for an Spooky Season event. It ended up becoming the anime group of the guild and is were I really met and became good friends with @renderme65
    • I remember speaking in voice chat for the first time since that summer I mentioned in 2015 for an Award Ceremony celebrating Imperial's 4th anniversary. I was so nervous and I was on the verge of tears of what Imperial meant to me. Cringe, but also, really important to overcoming my fears of talking online from past bullying experiences.
    • My favorite Award Ceremonies and events I organized and hosted were with @Ceciliya. My favorite flyer and recap for a ceremony was the one I titled Chemistry of Love.
    • Something I never thought would happen happened. I left Imperial and created a guild with @DeathLucifer. This warring guild of the name Farplane failed, but in 2020 I revived it as a minigame guild.
    • I remember in March playing the Silent Expanse with none other than @Bensky. I couldn't have been in better hands. I finally got my first level 100 class and he made me get my first build as well.
    • I like to think I've lived multiple lives in Wynn. Throughout the years, I've been part of the community or played the game unlike the year before it. Depending on the era, I have distinct moments and memories that characterize the kind of player I used to be. This year its been the most lore-focused year for me, from creating my own rendition of the Wynncraft map, and starting a dedicated community of people that love exploring the map and creative people that love exploring it in style. Each summer has been its own pivotal experience for the past six years of playing Wynncraft. This summer of 2020 wasn't the exception. Launching Farplane as a guild, finally after a whole year of its inception was gratifying to me unlike all else.
    • I will always remember @rotem for helping me begin recruiting; for @appleptr16 coding the bot that makes Excursion work and be playable for all Wynncraftians that dare explore unlike ever before and are looking for a challenge too; for @MrBartusek starting the Interactive map with me; for @RhodieCub and @Morganhydra and a couple of the previously mentioned for attending all the events this summer.
    Total Favorite Memories: 40
    Did I overdo it? [​IMG]
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2020
    Olinus10, Violet Knight and Bensky like this.
  20. Crayfeesh

    Crayfeesh Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    IGN: Crayfeesh

    Favorite Memory: finding my first mythic
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