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Community Event [ends August 31st When I Wake Up] Giving Away A Collapse And Revenant, And 1 Stack Of Le

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Castti, Aug 27, 2020.

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  1. MinerDwarf222

    MinerDwarf222 I AM A DWARF. HERO

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    My favorite memory that I can think of is the first and only swarm I believe I was in and I remember crashing quickly.
  2. SoccerDefense11

    SoccerDefense11 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    My favorite memory was doing CSST runs with a bunch of chads and cclo giving away Hero ranks, with me getting one of them. Mob totem spam in black box xD
  3. JamannPlays

    JamannPlays Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    My favorite memory on all of wynncraft is difficult to pin down in my five years of playing, there's so many options from the first guild I joined properly, to hitting 102 on my mage from cib runs

    Really, its all been my favorite memories, but if I have to pick one it was probably several years ago, watching the updates go through, which if you look at everything that was added in about a years time period, we wouldn't have what we know today.
  4. TheCrimsonSun

    TheCrimsonSun Your Lord And Savior HERO

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    I guess my favorite memory is just getting my first lvl 100 class and finally finishing all my quests on that class
  5. D3m0nW4rr10r

    D3m0nW4rr10r Well-Known Adventurer

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    Favorite Wynn memory was coming back after a long break, and running huge dungeon parties =D never gets old
  6. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast Media HERO

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    I remember when I first started Wynncraft, I had no clue what I was doing, as you do. Thinking I should invest in defense as an Archer, which mind you was long before defense became at all useful on Archer, unironically using Argos in a build, stuff like that.

    But as a result of all those mishaps, I met a very special friend indeed. I was grinding the Freezing Heights to fulfill the endless abyss in your soul known as "mythic grinding" , and on one such session, I came across an odd one indeed. He was practically bouncing off the walls in pure joy when I gave him his name, unfortunately irritating all the Elven merchants nearby in the process. But I didn't mind, and decided to keep him around for a bit.

    We became good friends from that point onward. Together, we learned through death after death, increasing both our strength as one until we toppled all those who opposed us. We even had some good ol' Nemract Whiskey with each other while fighting the Orange Wybel, before he inevitably tried to have his minions steal from us and we promptly full healed and prepared for war.

    But like all things, it must come to an end eventually. I made sure to provide him a goodly home before leaving, promising to visit him from time to time. He also promised me that he would be watching me, always there if I needed him, and promised to welcome all those who came with him into his home.

    As time passed, we both never forgot about one another, each upholding our promises. I visited him and allowed him to join me once more in jolly co-operation, never failing one another, while all those who joined him became good friends with him as well. Even when the original character that fought beside him disappeared, he still recognized me, and I recognized him even after he had become stronger, for I never changed him myself.

    He is the final reminder of everything that has lead up to where I am now. If he did not exist, I would have stopped long ago.

    And for that, Hellstrand, old friend,
    let's go kick some ass.
    I don't think that copying and pasting this every time is very respectful to the quest, but quite honestly, it still sums up my thoughts perfectly even upon rereading it. I genuinely can't express how happy I am every time I play Misadventures, but I know at this point to not replay something so much to the point where it becomes boring.

    "Quests in the early game, and arguably across all of Wynn, are largely inoffensive. They serve as a means to teach the player something new, like Elemental Exercise, or they serve simply as an alternative to grinding. Generally, they don’t invoke any emotion other than that of accomplishment when you complete them. They exist, and that’s about it. This developed into my theory that no early game quest could truly be outstanding. Some may be good, like Macabre Masquerade, but that would be about it.

    But then came along 1.19, and with it, came new quests. One such quest went by the name of “Misadventures on the Sea”, created by a CT member and friend named Jbip. This quest was intended to replace another inoffensive quest known as “Sister City”, which quite literally only served the purpose of introducing you to Selchar. There was brief footage of this quest in the 1.19 trailer as well, which sprouted many memes about the colossal rat being similar to the giant rat from Poisoning the Pest prior to its remake.

    Of course, although this is just my assumption, this quest went largely unnoticed when announced, compared to how hyped up the main focus of the update, Road to Dern, was if you ignore the colossal rat memes. Personally, I saw this as just another revamp to make older, early game quests like Infested Plants more relevant. At least I can gladly say that I could not have been more wrong.

    Misadventures on the Sea is a quest based off of a short film created by CraftedMovie, a relatively large channel that used to make animated minecraft short films before deciding to die in 2015. I’d assume this is because Salted, who was a part of CraftedMovie, turned his focus towards Wynncraft. I had never watched the short film, nor had I ever heard of CraftedMovie, until this quest was implemented in 1.19, but I tend to be skeptical of work that is based off of something else. This is largely because it can easily lead to effectively copying the original while adding nothing new of your own. Due to its age as well, this could simply be nostalgia bait in an attempt to win over your bias of the quest.

    Luckily, Jbip, and anyone else who may have helped them with the quest, are not ones to get baited by the nostalgia trap. There are elements taken from the short movie, like this line about watching from the crows nest being boring, or Snoo pushing Pep, a.k.a Wolfie, into the water, but other than that, Jbip only took inspiration of the insanity from the short film rather than downright copying it word for word. Especially considering this happens in the original.

    With that in mind, we have a quest that already has satisfying fan service to those who have been fans for years. But for someone like me, would the quest still be good despite this fan service?

    Well, I can tell you with 100% honesty that yes, it is. But I’m not just saying that. I’m telling you that this quest not only proved my theory wrong that no early game quest could be outstanding, but it is my label for the best quest in the entire game. And if you know anything about me, I do not use the term best lightly when I am being genuine.

    Let’s start at the beginning. In this one single scene alone, we already are presented with a number of things that the quest does right straight off the bat, but you probably didn’t notice on your first playthrough like me. If you pay attention to the dialogue, you’ll notice that Honip, a seemingly friendly but competitive sailor based on the way he talks about the Seaskipper, specifically references a quest you’ve previously done. As far as I’ve tested, this can either be no quest at all, Cluck Cluck, or Dwelling Walls. That on its own, establishes a sense of immersion and payoff for doing a quest, rather than just the monetary gains from it.

    Furthermore, you can drink from the bottle that Honip buys for you, and even with such a simple inclusion like that, the quest almost instantly makes you feel like you are truly a part of Wynn’s world. And I want you to remember that word specifically, “simple”. We will get back to it many times.

    Lastly, for those who played prior to 1.19, it is possible that you remember the last time you got drunk and backstabbed shortly thereafter. Of course, I don’t know if Jbip specifically intended for this to be similar, but suggesting the starts of Mixed Feelings and this quest are largely similar in execution, I wouldn’t be surprised if he did. This creates a sense of distrust towards Honip, or at least develops it further, but even as you make it to his boat, he is still acting the same way as established.

    You already have this sense of distrust present, but it is all the more satisfying when he gets to his second to last piece of dialogue and you fully realize what’s going on. By the time it has hit you though, well, it unfortunately didn’t hit as hard as Honip.

    You then wake up in your cell, and the quest truly begins. You’re greeted by the true Honip in the form of a joke, and he gives you the task of cleaning bodies around the ship. Now, you can just go clean the bodies if you wish, progress the quest, keep doing what your quest book wants you to do, yada yada yada, but that is where the genius of Jbip’s design of this quest lies. You have the choice to decide the length of the quest.

    If you explore the rest of the ship, you will find various, and quite humorous, NPCs and areas that truly feel alive. There is not a single character in this quest that feels like just a cardboard cutout character or robotic in nature. They seem like genuine people by the way they talk about the ship or other such things on the ship. But it doesn’t stop there.

    By interacting with objects and/or pets on the ship, various events will occur, leading to what is essentially an entire treasure hunt sidequest. There’s also the gag with what builds up to be a kraken before turning out to be some random midget fish. Now, if you were doing what your quest book told you, the game would require you to spam spells to get the fish off the boat. But if you took the time to befriend Snoo with seeds you can find down by the furnace, an entire new sequence happens where Snoo takes care of the problem himself, changing everyone’s dialogue in the process.

    And that, my friends, is payoff. It’s one thing to have an area to explore and be done with it, but it’s an entire other thing to have an area you can explore and be rewarded for it. Of course, this all isn’t mentioning Jbip’s further mastery of immersion.

    Throughout the boat, Jbip included many, minute details, that make the quest still feel like it is taking place in real time. For example, going up to the crow’s nest allows you to collect these seagull feathers, and furthermore, you can see rats occasionally scurrying around the ship. These two incredibly simple details increase the atmosphere of the quest exponentially.

    Then, we get to the rat problem, which has been built up since Honip even mentioned the issue. You enter the room and there are, of course, rats, but something is wrong. The music has gone deathly silent as you exterminate them. Then, the two giant rats appear, which die almost as fast as the former, but you still know you’re not done.

    And that’s when this happens.

    None other than the Colossal Rat himself comes to fight you! I’m not even joking when I say that this is one of if not the best build up to a boss in the entire game. They somehow managed to make a meme into something intimidating as hell simply through atmospheric buildup. Oddly enough, the Colossal Rat isn’t even a particularly easy boss compared to the giant rat from the original, which, memes aside, was only difficult as an archer because you couldn’t hit the damn thing. It’s quite tanky and does provide a decent challenge when doing it at level.

    Of course, we’re still not done. You can grab the rat hair in the hold along with a key that unlocks the other thing that has been built up for the whole quest, the treasure behind the secret door. 3eb on its own is more than enough to ensure you are rewarded for your efforts, but Jbip knew that he could just add that tiny bit more to make it seem like these pirates just liked to collect various sorts of items by adding more ingredients into the chest.

    Then we get to the escape scene, and even in the final moments of the quest, Jbip ensured that his simple features to make the quest better than it already is stayed there. All it took was the two of the pirates talking with each other about the “Colossal Rat” you slayed and Snoo getting prepared to push Pep into the water as you blast yourself out of a gosh darn cannon. If that isn’t a beautiful method of escape to accompany the absurdity of everything else in the quest, I don’t know what is.

    As WithTheFish had said once in the past on a feedback thread I can no longer find, I couldn’t help but smile as I flew over Selchar.

    And you want to know the only problem I have with this quest, aside from the occasional bug here and there? The seagull minigame doesn’t really need to be there. That. Is. It.

    Upon landing on the island, the humor continues by just stating the obvious when you go to investigate your surroundings, most notably when you go to dig up sand and it just tells you that there’s more sand.

    Shortly thereafter, you are rescued by none other than the Seaskipper himself, the best NPC in the entire game because of how humble and sincere he is due to the whole situation. And to conclude this outstanding quest, there is one final piece of the quest missing; the introduction to Selchar. The quest simply ends here, allowing the player to freely explore if they wish rather than being forced to.

    Almost every single thing in this entire quest is near perfection. Nothing is perfect obviously, and I already stated my only problem with the quest, but I would be lying to you and myself if I didn’t say that this quest is a masterpiece.

    This quest is what I view as the magnum opus of Wynn’s side content. Not everything has to be some big “the world is going to end” story, and, arguably, it’s better when it's not. This is one of the few quests I look forward to on every single playthrough I do of Wynn, not because of monetary gains, but because it is just that enjoyable. I wanted to stay with Honip’s crew rather than leave them because I love them that much.

    So in conclusion, yes, this quest is what I consider to be the best quest in the game. It’s immersive, it has enjoyable dialogue and characters, replayability, entertaining gameplay, and satisfying fan service.

    All I can say is thank you Jbip, and I look forward to your work and anyone else who helped you develop this quest in the future, friend."

    In any case, goodbye, Flora. May CAID's blessing be upon you wherever and whenever you may need it.

    P.S Sorry Patho ate all the ice cream and sorry for the times where the side of me that is like permanently high is active. I tend to assume that the latter causes massive migraines.
  7. Lucif3r

    Lucif3r Travelled Adventurer

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    Honestly, it was just opening Wynn every time. It gave me a place to go when I was feeling down, and a place to bring me higher when I was feeling great! Walking into the gates of Llevigar was... touching. The music was amazing, and I think I just stared for a couple minutes, looking at the doors and wondering about how beautiful wynn was, and how much better it was about to become.
  8. Miles_

    Miles_ hi CHAMPION

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    Lots of good memories, but my favourite off the top of my head is first hitting level 100 pre-gameplay update and receiving a flood of congratulations. I was grinding the level 96 mobs in Tower of Ascension I believe. Level 100 was seen as a pretty big accomplishment at the time, and I had been grinding for dozens of hours from 90-100 so it felt nice finally feeling finished and feeling like I had "beat" the game for the first time post-Gavel.
  9. Uglyness

    Uglyness stupid CHAMPION

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    Getting so hyped with the gavel update that I got stuck in Thanos as a level 21
  10. Dracsid

    Dracsid Warrior Addict & Secretly an Artist HERO

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    ...chugging drunk pots only solo'ing qira back in like 2016 while also drinking made for a good time
  11. Wiihacker0

    Wiihacker0 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    My favorite memories are of me and @ExertKarma trolling newbies in our guild and speed running LI. It was always a joy jokin about maple syrup and talkin about how one day we'd find that stratisform.
    ExertKarma likes this.
  12. See

    See Have a nice day :) VIP+

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    My favourite moment to this day is when the music started playing after entering Wynn through the gate in the tutorial.
  13. Jirayut

    Jirayut strati masterrace VIP+

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    When you get 3/4 mr freedom from an itembomb..
    Good times.
    Oh when you also gets a rly nice gear it’s worthed the lootrun (perfect Aquarius lol).
  14. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    What initially got me into warring was a quick moment that I just really enjoyed; right as I joined Fox (my first big guild that I joined in Wynn), it turned out that I had happened to have joined during a pretty rough time politically, and we were on the cusp of a very large war with the alliance that originally took down Hax. During that war, I distinctly remember standing on a roof in Efilim alongside two very close and old friends who no longer play and checking the official Wynn map after warring for a good few hours and struggling to get a lead. We checked it and were worried we might not be doing so well as our allies were falling out and the communications between everyone wasn't perfect, but then in voice chat one of my friends spoke up for the first time in a few minutes and simply said one brief thing:

    "I think we won"

    The memories from that entire day are still vivid in my mind and I'm deeply grateful for them as it was one of the significant factors in pulling me not just into guilds and politics like I have been for years now, but more importantly to the second family I keep in Fox that I treasure immensely to this day.
  15. That_Chudley

    That_Chudley Wynncraft Addict HERO

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    My favourite memory has to be when me and my friend (who introduced me to Wynncraft) got 2 of our other friends to play it too. It was only for a Summer holidays a few years ago, but we each chose a different class and all levelled up together until we got to about level 50ish. That was such a good Summer :D
  16. Splintered

    Splintered dERN for ERN VIP

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    My favorite memory in Wynn is the story of how I joined my guild, the Emorians. Essentially I was in detlas and was plotting to overthrow Valk (I was new to guilds shush). I basically randomly asked in chat if I should do just that in it just so happened that GrandpaLee and DerpyEmerald24 (the leader and now second in command) were warring there. It pretty much went from there on, and I can't imagine Wynn without them. Morale of the story is; if you want to get into a guild plot to overthrow them.
  17. Justice

    Justice Obliterator of Grooks VIP+

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    Favorite memory so far is finding an Apocalypse in a Daily Reward.
  18. TheOolong

    TheOolong Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    trying to find all the old relics!! rip wand relic and old tree island
  19. GreenTheMeme

    GreenTheMeme Doing damage pleases me sexually

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    My favorite memories in Wynn were of CSST runs grinding up my assassin and mage. I remember the weird conversations when we hugged the door (because all of us did that don't lie coward) and some people managing to advertise selling their Mythics. When we finally got to the boss, we had a 50/50 chance of getting stuck in a black box with like 20 other guys, and when we did get to the boss we shredded it in seconds. When the party finally ended, real progression was made.
  20. SwampyWillis

    SwampyWillis yes. HERO

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    Playing with the boys for the first time on wynn, unreal.
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