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Top 5 Worst And Best Quests

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Samsam101, Aug 24, 2020.

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  1. burble

    burble dragon fruit go roar VIP+

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    Interesting. That was probably my favourite part. In all other Wynncraft quests, the conflict is physical. Kill this, find this, escape this. The "run at the exit" part was a way to show the emotional conflict, something that's very difficult to do in a game.
    NamesAreHard likes this.
  2. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    Makes sense why it's in both for you then
  3. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    Worst quests:
    5. Temple of the Legends - Biggest fetch quest ingame, also Kelight is arrogant as fuck
    4. Green gloop - a really small fetch quest without any bosses
    3. Eye of the storm - what the fuck is this, everything about this is shit but there are more shittier stuff in the worst quest list
    2. Canyon guides - I like the concept of guiding someone in an open world but this seluc here is fucking RETARDED
    1. The realm of light - now you get shitty quest helmet after playing a shitty quest and talked with some shitty people , also the lore is pure shit because it is fucking unfinished LOL what the hell

    Best quests:
    5. Fate of the fallen - That is why you want to fight theorick: free his soul because he did a great job protecting nessak, instead of those "some guy is bad go kill him" stories
    4. Shattered minds - LOL
    3. A journey beyond - so you meet your friend and you go to some dark places with all your crewmates died, not good ending but at least it isnt generic
    2. 1000 meters under - hey there is something under sky islands lets explore it, then you explored and get back there and get your money, also you opened up gathering spots
    1. A Hunter's calling - Imagine you went to dern and you have to be a psychopath in order to survive
    Dr Zed likes this.
  4. burble

    burble dragon fruit go roar VIP+

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    While I agree that Temple of Legends is a pretty boring quest content-wise, Kelight's personality didn't bother me. At least he had one.
    Miles_, Dr Zed and H0Y like this.
  5. Rothboy

    Rothboy Well-Known Adventurer

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    Why fantastic voyage on the best quests??? The only good think about that quest is the fact that he talks in rhymes> This quest has several stages of fetching, a broken boat part, has so much potential with the bob tent and the gate to dern, but does nothing with it. It is just so bad all around
    That_Chudley and TrapinchO like this.
  6. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I enjoy the quest because it is your first visit to dern. That's why I like it. This is my personal list lol
  7. Jj_TeRroR_jJ

    Jj_TeRroR_jJ Mechanical Owl CHAMPION

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    Worst Quests:
    Dwarves and Doguns IV - A decent questline spoiled by a terrible ending. It was fun delving into Garaheth and defeating him from the inside, but spoiled by how disappointingly the end was. It felt like they were desperate to bring everything to a close within the last possible moments, and it feels badly hashed together.
    Ultimate Weapon - The entire quest is just one exaggerated fetch quest. The only reason it isn't in the top 5 is the fact that you can get 7LE out of the effort.
    5. ??? - ??? isn't a BAD quest per-say, but it is the most frustrating one to make any sort of progress with as you need to co-operate with three people, run through other completely unrelated quests to get items either in random places or something you wouldn't think to take anywhere else otherwise, later need FOUR people to co-operate, and go through several hoops to eventually finish the quest. What truly makes it frustrating though is just how GOOD the rewards are for such a frustrating quest to complete as the cosmic armor is the best for grind xp full-stop, and if you even want to touch Pandemonium for a joke build, you need to go through the quest to use it. It can feel like if you really want to get a class to 105/106, you'll probably need to finish ??? at some point. Overall, a pain in the butt to get done at all.
    4. A Maurauder's Dues - ...Why does this quest exist exactly? It feels like the entire barrier just exists to be an annoying roadblock, and having this random wizard nearby controlling his mind because... he enjoys controlling people? If this quest was removed, I probably would hardly notice the difference aside from having an easier time getting to Thesead.
    3. Temple of Legends - It is a memorable quest solely because of how long it has been around. It was decent when the level cap was still at 75, since the prep before fighting CoW felt like important late-game content, however the fact you get stuck with a quest helmet, a long fetch quest before it and a boss fight which is starting to feel outdated compared to what is now possible, it definitely needs a revamp.
    2. The Realm of Light - A quest which felt like it could have had SO much potential with the build-up which Taproot and Finding the Light provides. What could have been an engaging realm where conflict to keep out the darkness could've enraptured the realm, we instead get a fetch quest, ANOTHER quest helmet, and a build-up to an unfinished dungeon. If the light-born creatures are so weak to the darkness, how is there a conflict in Gavel at all? Why hasn't the darkness taken over all of Gavel already? The only reason it isn't 1. is some hope that the Light Dungeon does eventually release and helps redeem the entire quest line, which is more than can be said than 1.
    1. Eye of the Storm - The entire quest is just... so badly written. There is so many points which don't make sense throughout the entire quest, and the writing is just absolutely awful, especially given that a supposed world-threatening being doesn't get any proper build-up and yet in a dull fight is easily dispatched. There isn't any way the quest can see any form of redemption either, unlike Realm of Light, so the only way this quest can reasonably get better is to be completely revamped from the ground up.

    Best Quests:
    Reincarnation - The apex of the original Wynn storyline, it is a short but sweet quest which gave what is Wynncraft's original superboss. The revamp to the fight helps keep it feel relatively fresh but it definitely isn't what it once was.
    Misadventures on the Sea - Colossal Rat. Aside from that, it is still a fun quest which also brings the seaskipper into the story. The main reason it isn't on the top 5 is how it makes the player character out to be an idiot by wanting to go on an adventure with someone in a bar.
    5. Shattered Minds - An hilarious quest which is very unlike most other quests in the game, but in a fun way. It brought Ultimate Yahya and many enjoyable memes with it. There isn't much else to say outside of that.
    4. Recipe for Disaster - A very quirky quest which references back to the cook you help all the way back in Ragni, being challenged by Hamsey brings some early memories back while also giving some enjoyable adventures. Brie brings the most enjoyable version of the quest as it takes you to the moon, into the void and a quick stop to race a snail. Even if you don't want to go through all the effort for Brie, you still have two other options, one of which includes the Talking Mushroom, who can be fun to wander around with sometimes even outside of the quest.
    3. Order of the Grook - A really fun reference to Harry Potter, filled with a lot of charm and a great instance of multiple paths for a quest as each option on the class selection changes a section of the quest in a small way. Ontop of that it also can provide some great rewards in the fabled accessories. The only gripe is that the rewards you can get are difficult to tell if going in blind, and what can seem like an unimportant choice may stop someone from getting an incredible accessory that can be used even in the endgame.
    2. A Journey Beyond + A Journey Further - Paired together since A.J.F is a quest you probably do immediately after A.J.B, the entire chain leading up to the Eldritch Outlook is an incredible introduction to the region. The struggle to even get into the gate was fun, and gave a great way to restrict normal access without needing quest helmet#47. And the moment you actually get into the expanse, it quickly shows just how different and dangerous the region with as these otherwise powerful warriors are quickly dispatched before even getting to the first structure made by the Olm, with such a painful struggle to eventually reach the end. And it's only when you get there when everything turns on its head. You was intended to be sacrificed by those who brought you along, but instead it falls to you to sacrifice Aledar to open the door to the final dungeon. Overall, incredible and only surpassed by what lays beyond.
    1. A Hunter's Calling - An incredible apex of a quest, only accessible by showing how far you've gone via defeating The Eye, it serves as an amazing series of scenarios which both bring many memories of each area while also showing how impactful the player is within the world by showing how everything would have gone badly if they were on the opposite side. That, and the fact that the very last fight is with the two people you first arrive into Wynn with, Aledar and Tasim, it helps bring the entire story full-circle.
  8. MlecznyHuxel99

    MlecznyHuxel99 Fruman walls guy VIP+

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    me getting Renda Langit few months ago because I wanted to be speed and no regretting it because I cant use some builds

    I will edit this later with my own top 5, I dont have much time rn :(
  9. Pixelæs

    Pixelæs just a mathematician

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    While I agree that Order of the Grook and Misadventure on the Sea are both nteresting quests, they aren't engaging, and the part where you pick out your books in Order shoul dbe revamped. Otherwise, these are my top and bottom 5, with a few honourable (and dishonourable mentions). Please note that, one, these are my opinion, and two, based mostly on storyline/lore, humour, and overall, how interesting each one was.

    Dishonourable Mentions: Arachnid's Ascent (Just a boring fetch quest, but does have a bit of interesting parkour), Ice Nations (Another boring fetch quest, and the mobs on the ship forces you to go grind at least several levels just to not die), Elemental Exercise (Doesn't really explain about powders, elemental "spells," that sort of stuff), and Enter the Dojo (Just doesn't fit).

    5. Bob's Lost Soul: A boring outdated fetch quest, and is just not interesting.

    4. Temple of the Legends: Another long fetch quest: need I say any more?

    3. Realm of Light: Not only does it have a quest helmet, but it also has a massive cliffhanger, which suggests a dungeon.

    2. From the Bottom: A great massive combination of fetch quests.

    1. Actually, this spot was a tie between at least 10-20 quests, most between Level 40 and 80, and the ones that most people complain about being boring fetch quests, having quests helmets, etc, and most of you probably know them, so I'm not going to list each one out.

    Honourable Mentions: Recover the Past (Fruman lore, by viewing lost memories), Eye of the Storm (This is purely here because of the storyline and lore, and the actual quest isn't that good), Corrupted Betrayal (Great introduction to Skylaar and a bit about realms in there), and Fate of the Fallen (Isn't just a "that guy's bad, so kill him" dungeon quest, and instead paints him as Nesaak's savior and makes him morally gray, so you are only killing him to free him from eternal torment).

    5. Point of No Return. Highly interesting quest, and raises more questions than it answers. Why would the Light take such drastic measures, by separating their soul from their bodies, to protect them from the Dark?

    4. Fantastic Voyage. Interesting and slightly humourous, plus it gives us a whole new place to theorize and speculate about.

    3. A Journey Beyond and A Journey Further. Highly interesting, and a great introduction to the SE, and gives you access to the EO. Plus Aledar is a main NPC in the quest.

    2. A Hunter's Calling. An amazing quest, and makes you think about what would happen if you supported the Dark. Plus Aledar and Tasim make an appearance, so yay?

    1. An Iron Heart II. This is controversial, but I like that both choices are morally gray. Neither choice is technically good or bad, if you think about it.
  10. blegar1

    blegar1 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Best of the worst to worst of the worst.
    I hate this quest. Mostly. It doesn't really make sense and it's meh. Upside for it though is Death is a great character and should be used more.
    This quest had so much potential. But the entire quest line gets worse and worse. I'm disappointed in it and I just feel bad. It could be so good but it doesn't work.
    This quest sucks. I don't mind grinding items for a quest if the item is common. But noooo naga tails suck to collect and the boss just makes it worse.
    Yeah I hate cowfusion a lot. The cringiness is what really makes me hate it, to me it's just... ugh. I can never find it funny or like it.
    Yeah this quest sucks. So does the dungeon (which I somehow hate less than UR) What else is there to say?

    Worst of the best to best of the best.
    Fun quest, not my favourite by any means but it's up there due to how it works. Also always makes me smile so it works.
    Better version of ToA, except psychomancer he sucks. In all seriousness this quest to me feels like it could be part of the main story. Also qira and gale are two of my favourite characters.
    Good quest, establishes theorick as a character and how powerful he is. Fighting the mobs in the corruption area is also great. Genuinely good quest.
    Genuinely. It's one of my favourite quests. Funny and just a blast to play. Basically better version of cowfusion
    Honestly. This quest made me appreciate the silent expanse area due to how it worked. Didn't care much about the characters but the fights were nice. Also I did like aledar cart section because it was an actually good escort quest.
    MlecznyHuxel99 and Samsam101 like this.
  11. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    wtf are you talking about i have literally never died on that ship at level 40
    also i have seen a few people saying that enter the dojo doesn't fit within the game
    the reskin name for assassin is ninja so does that fit? and corkus is about robots and technology instead of light and dark! wow that doesn't fit!
    plus it's an interesting quest that probably makes my top 20
    and how is neither choice good or bad? dr urelix was straight up imprisoning villagers in metal armor and selling them, and even though he was protecting them he could easily have built them with corkian technology...
    plus ohms the golemancer exists within the lore and he could create golems with magic so i have no clue how turning in urelix would be the wrong thing to do in any way
    cowfusion isnt even cringy its meant to be a joke
    i have no clue what's cringy about it, the cow questline is great.
    one last thing to say is that ajb and ajf would have been in my honorable mentions but the problem is that they are littered with bugs and the CT has yet to patch them
    I know they will be fixed in 1.20 but both times i have done ajb there have been numerous structure block errors in the roots of corruption segment and the boss fight thing was buggy as hell (i couldnt get past the spikes that come out of the wall for a solid 5 minutes because their timer was broken and i ended up having to totem fly over), aledar was invisible during the sacrifice part on my shaman, plus they introduced us to the dark element that many people hate. i find it hard to enjoy these quests because of the amount of bugs and the constant theme of aledar being injured and then killed by you. they didn't even do a good job at making you feel bad for Aledar, because he literally says that he was going to kill you and that he changed his mind. plus everybody hates the tutorial and this man is part of it. I see a lot of people being sad about aledar but those people probably barely read his dialogue.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2020
  12. lunarlight

    lunarlight Owner of Elysium & Boreal Marietta VIP

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    1. Shadow of the beast
    2. Canyon Guides
    3. Zight Island
    4. The Lost
    5. Realm of Light'
    (honorable mention- ???)
    1. Misadventure on the Sea
    2. 1000 Meters Under
    3. Wynn D
    4. A Journy Further
    5. Qira Hive (funny dialouge, epic rewards)
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  13. blegar1

    blegar1 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Seeing as how shattered mind's is my second favourite quest, i know cowfusion is a joke quest. But i've always hated the humour in cowfusion it's always made me cringe. That's why it's my second worst quest. I can't stand the humour in it. I can deal with the bovine religion and kidnapping cows. But transforming in to a cow and being milked made me physically cringe because of it being so weird to me. I can deal with most humour and will make jokes about strange stuff. But cowfusion just now.

    And about the ajb/ajf thing. I like ajf but not enough to count as a favourite. As I said, the characters are very meh due to aledar disappearing for the entire time until then. But it does do SE some justice and as I said I like the fights in ajb, i only encountered 1 bug in ajb and that was flying over the lava (i know there's the soft lock bug as well). When it comes to the element, I see it more as a minimum excuse. Meaning it sucks and could of been done better. But it's better than it just being mobs have a natural immunity for "insert stupid reason here" also tbh the dern mobs would not seem as powerful if they were killable from anything.
    Another reason is after the realm of light questline i got so apathetic to light and dark that I just had a "sure why not" reaction.

    TlDR; I hate cowfusion due to hating the humour, and I like ajb more for how it treats the silent expanse. I don't care about the plot/characters.

    @Samsam101 because I fail at quoting.
  14. Pixelæs

    Pixelæs just a mathematician

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    I know that AJB and AJF are both buggy messes, but I wasn't focusing on bugs, but mainly the storyline and lore of the quest. I've tried to enter the ship, got killed on the third floor, although my build is a glass cannon, so that maybe the problem.

    For and Iron Heart II, I just like that both decisions are technically morally gray, since either you stop the factory (light) but stop golem production (dark), or don't stop the factory (dark) but don't stop golem production (light).
  15. Lubicle

    Lubicle Paragon of ShadowFall CHAMPION

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    Personally, I'm really into lore and how well written the dialogue is in the quest.

    Top 5 Worst:
    Insanely long quest, with the reward being not worth the time it takes, plus the dialogue isn't well written at all.
    It's one of the low level quests that need to be reworked ASAP because of the lack of explanation of how powders really work and how elemental weaknesses and advantages work. Not friendly for beginners in Wynn.
    After the nerf in TOL, it just isn't worth doing this quest anymore. You used to be able to power-level through TOL, and the work sorta made sense but it doesn't now. (also Kelight is an annoying dude)
    The previous quests in the DnD sequel are fine, but this one just takes too much time in my opinion. The dialogue is messy, and it took me a few tries to even understand how the Garaheth part worked. Not a good quest even though it gives a ton of money.
    Cancer in a quest.

    Top 5 Best:
    Great dialogue and structuring of the quest, plus introducing the Slient Expanse, and foreshadowing what lies beneath it.
    Other than the fire class bugging out (which everyone knows), this quest is really fun to do and isn't a pain in the ass like other ones are. The classes are fun, and great design overall.
    The design and dialogue in this quest is really solid, and I don't think anything can be done to make it better.
    Shows us the possible outcomes if we had turned evil, and it really portrays how lucky we were to choose the right path.
    A really fascinating quest, and the dialogue is just perfect. Pairing with the way you experienced Gavel and when it first encountered the Decay, this quest just stands out.
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  16. burble

    burble dragon fruit go roar VIP+

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    I'm curious as to what your definition of "engaging" is? I found Misadventure on the Sea very engaging because of the little "easter eggs", for example, when you wake up in the cage and try to walk out, the pirate (I forget his name) will keep pushing you back and then eventually spray you with a potion that makes you stand still, and if you tried to escape, in his next portion of dialogue he asks you to be more cooperative. The way the NPCs react to the player's actions like that just makes this quest waaaay more engaging than most other Wynncraft quests.

    Interesting! Most people seem to hate Eye of the Storm because the lore is just . . . random. And I agree with that. Oh no, the world is ending because of a random demon that came out of nowhere! It just gives you whiplash from the main corruption/decay storyline.
  17. Pixelæs

    Pixelæs just a mathematician

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    I'd say that Misadventure isn't really interesting, at least for me (might be just because I prefer quests with lore). It's quite the quirky little quest, with all the easter eggs (Snoo, etc.), but just doesn't interest me.

    For Eye of the Storm, it should be divided into two parts, since otherwise, it's just a bit of a mess. A few extra quests that give you information about Nagarath (Is he Corrupted? Is he Dark? Is he from Dern or the Nether?), or even just splitting up Eye of the Storm into several quests, that make Naragath either a servant of the "beast from Dern" or some other Corrupted that hates both the Light and Dark would make it so much better. Potential was also another major factor, since it could give us a lot on information about either the Nether, the Darkness, or even the Forgery easily, by just adding some extra information. If he was Corrupted, for example, he could be somewhat like Bak'al but dislikes him for his servitude to the Darkness.
  18. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    I think he should stay as propably is) demon from another unknown dimension. Not everything is (and should be) from Light, Dark or Corruption
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  19. Pixelæs

    Pixelæs just a mathematician

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    I agree that he is probably from some kind of "hell" dimension, it's just me trying to prove a point.
  20. KingChampion

    KingChampion Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Worst quests
    Just had to get this one out of the way, it clearly doesn't do justice. The AI can be a pain to deal with, especially against the mobs around. Overall, it's a no for me.
    This quest is just... what? The whole Evil Santa fiasco is so dull and makes absolutely no sense (I know it explains it, but it's still redundant). Meaningful Holiday excels at being a Christmas quest, but this doesn't feel like one. Just...no.
    Just a fetchy, boring quest as a whole. A rework of this quest/area would be nice.
    This one was an obvious choice. The quest is not terrible, but not good either. The lore makes 0 sense and messes up many aspects in terms of that. The puzzle is okay, some struggle on it. A couple things are fun, but overall it's in the middle for me.
    We all saw this one coming. The quest, the area, everything is just... bad. Fetchy, boring, and just not enjoyable as a whole. A complete rework of RoL would be great, to Wynn's current system today. I could go on all day about how and why Realm of Light is awful, but today won't be that day.

    Best quests
    FotF excels at revolving around Theorick. Good character, fine narrative, and just good overall.
    Probably my favorite Gavel quest. Most would say otherwise, but it is justice at what it does. The music, the setting, it is great. Nice quest for me.
    Perhaps the only serious quest there is, from my knowledge anyway. Very little dialogue, but excels at conveying its story. The puzzles may be buggy, but still is a great quest overall.
    The quest about what events would turn out to be if you were on the side of sin. Pretty long, but does justice at the core of it. The bosses are good, a bit buggy, but great.
    No words. What a great quest, interesting as a whole and enjoyable too.

    Last edited: Aug 27, 2020
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