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Top 5 Worst And Best Quests

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Samsam101, Aug 24, 2020.

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  1. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I'm bored so I guess I'll just make another pointless list.
    Feel free to reply with your version of this list

    Worst quests

    Honorable mentions: The Thanos vaults, recover the past, a marauder's dues.

    5: Eye of the storm
    Eye of the storm is often targeted as the worst quest in the game. Although it is a terrible quest, I wouldn't say it's the worst. There are a few bugs in the quest and it makes no sense in the lore, plus Naragath is a terrible boss. I have my hopes that it will get revamped/replaced in 1.20.

    4: The canary calls
    Notice how I put the thanos vaults as an honorable mention. That's because of the awful minecart physics. The same can be said about this quest, but it's MUCH worse. The quest is practically impossible without cheating and pushing the minecart. The minecart spawns in the floor, pushes some of the pressure plates and for one of the pressure plates you are required to drop an emerald on it. I'm sure this quest worked great back in 2015 but now it's a broken mess of a quest.

    3: The lost
    The objective of this quest is to find all of the NPCs who are marked by their huge flags. They are easy to spot but you may need to do some climbing with movement spells to reach them. So what's the problem? The problem is that the canyon of the lost is at first annoying to navigate and this quest is in an area of the canyon that not many people go to. Therefore, it is hard to get used to at first and finding the flags can be hard. On top of that, you know what I said about movement spell climbing? Well good luck with that because this part of the canyon is infested with gargoyles who have an incredibly irritating pull spell.

    2: Canyon guides
    Many people hate this quest, and I agree. This quest is all about guiding an idiot called Seluc to the Bantisu air temple. The problem is that instead of this quest being an Aledar-cart style defense quest, it is instead ''bring this following guard npc to the temple''. It is pretty much the old keystone guardian part of UR except it now fights the mobs and gets itself into many dangerous situations. And all while this is happening, there is a part of the canyon with falling rocks that can force you to restart. You'll be focused on killing the many lyrans and jinkos and will instead die to a rockslide of all things. Plus, if you get lost and need to find the Bantisu air temple on the wynncraft map, you might go towards its name. For some reason the wynncraft map lists the Sakura Dojo as the Bantisu air temple, meaning that some players may go to the wrong side if the canyon. DO NOT DO THIS GOD AWFUL QUEST.

    1: Realm of light
    This quest has so much potential, but instead it has nearly everything that everybody hates about quests. A quest item helmet, a fetchquest, an area that is not listed on the map. It really is a shame too, because the Light questline is a huge part of the lore and the ending ruins it. The quest starts with you talking to some aluxander guy who tells you to seek some seeds and kill them. When you kill the first seed, you are attacked by a dog and taken to the village, where you are told to gather some materials to make a helmet. You return and are instructed to go down 2 paths and kill the seeds. One of them has an incredibly weak level 100 ''boss'' which just feels like Naragath all over again. Then you are told to go to Orphion's seal, which feels impossible to find without using the coordinates. You're told to gather some allies to fight Orphion, BUT HE'S NOT ADDED YET. I'm assuming that this will end up being a dungeon similar to EO but for level 70s. I am almost 100% sure this is getting a revamp in 1.20 but only time will tell.

    Best quests

    Honorable mentions: Beyond the grave, Recipe for disaster, Fantastic voyage, Flight in distress.

    5: Shattered minds
    This quest is hilarious. The entire thing is one big joke and there are so many random things. The flamingo jockeys are unsurprisingly strange, the frog whose eyes pop out is brilliant, the salted room you see for a brief moment is genius and Yahya the final form is taken so seriously that I used to think that he was an actual hard boss.

    4: Point of no return
    This quest is incredible. The concept of using the spirit retainer to complete puzzles is awesome and just like Shattered minds it is a very trippy quest. This quest doesn't feel like wynncraft. It feels like some kind of minecraft adventure map. And that is creative.

    3: A hunter's calling
    The one thing I can say about this quest is that it's a nostalgia trip. You visit areas from earlier in your adventure and see how it could have ended if you were playing as an evil character. It ends with you fighting the people you started with, and you get to choose who you fight depending on who you kill first. This is a brilliant quest.

    2: Order of the grook
    There are so many paths for this quest. With the wand and spellbook that change your reward, and the lessons that change your experience, there are so many routes to take. The harry potter references are good too. I mean, the entire quest is one giant harry potter reference! Plus, this quest opens up the incredibly useful Nexus fast travel route.

    Misadventure on the sea.
    They really weren't lying on the silent expanse changelog when they said it blew them out of the water, because it blew US out of the water too. This quest has so many small details that the average player may not notice, such as the bartender wiping the counter after you leave with Honip or the fact that you can actually drink the whiskey. You can get some free ingredients as you go and there are so many interesting parts. The cleaning corpses part was pretty fun, the small sea monster fight was a creative concept and the colossal rat boss fight was a very good joke. I also love how Captain Seaskipper finally gets a story role. This quest embodies what a wynncraft quest should look like and I can't wait to see Jbip's next quest.
  2. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    While I can say I disagree with your top picks 5 through 2, mainly replacing them with lore quest like Fate of the Fallen and Memory, I can't say I disagree with your number 1 pick which goes to show just how fantastic it is.

    Two players with two competely different preference for questin and yet we both agree its the top quest.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2020
    100klemonreimu, H0Y and Dr Zed like this.
  3. Miles_

    Miles_ hi CHAMPION

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    I myself am not a huge fan of Misadventure on the Sea, as I think the idea of being captured aboard a ship to carry out renovations doesn't really make sense even if we do play as a Wynn soldier. The quest is very very well executed though.

    My top 5 would be something like:

    5 - Purple and Blue
    4 - ???
    3 - Cowfusion
    2 - One Thousand Meters Under
    1 - WynnExcavation Site D. This quest has it all imo. It's hugely significant in the lore, develops the character of Amadel, has twists and turns that keep it interesting and is executed fantastically. Also the atmosphere and setting developed is almost unparalleled and the previous quests build up to it well. I've played it probably 8 or so times but I still enjoy playing it, because it feels like the only quest in the game where everything is done well. It feels like a story being told through the form of a quest... You could say most quests do that, but WynnD does it the best out of 'em. It's one of the only stories that keeps me engaged the full way throughout, because even when I know what is gonna happen, it leaves me feeling excited and curious about this mysterious organisation of WynnExcavation, the ancient city, and other things. I don't think any other quest displays all the traits that make WynnExcavation Site D so interesting. Few other quests have as much sheer content. No other quest (off the top of my head) is as important in the lore. No other quest has the type of same feel. Few other quests are set up as good. Few other quests tell a story as good. Few other quests have the betrayals, timing and manipulation that help keep this quest interesting. No other quests in the game combine so many different characteristics of a good quest/story.

    Bottom 5 would be something like:
    5 - The Passage
    4 - Enter the Dojo (really doesn't fit in the game imo)
    3 - Realm of Light
    2 - Canyon Guides
    1 - The whole D&D questline...

    There are some quests I like and idk why (The Fortunteller, The Bigger Picture, Acquiring Credentials) even if some of them aren't amazing quests, although I myself consider the Bigger Picture a very well made and clever quest.

    ALso yes I am aware my list is extremely unorthodox but I made it in a few mins so it's probably not gonna be the most refined list.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2020
    SwampyWillis likes this.
  4. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I’m surprised nobody has mentioned any level 40-60 Gavel quests. I just replayed them and they were so terrible it made me almost want to quit my play through. They’re not as bad as Eye of the Storm or the Realm of Light, but they were just painfully boring and drawn out.

    Since I haven’t finished my play through yet so I won’t comment on what my bottom and top 5 are, but Misadventure on the Sea is definitely on my top 5 and the Realm of Light ones are in my bottom 5.
  5. AmbassadorDazz

    AmbassadorDazz Discord Killjoy Staff Member Moderator HERO

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    Wait, didn't we have a similiar thread about this?

    Worst of the Worst

    Oh look, a three parter that builds up as you move along and eventually drops you off a cliff because THE REALM OF LIGHT IS AN UNFINISHED MESS. Where's Orphion?!

    Worse yet, the first quest in the series, Taproot, is less of a fetch than the next two quests in the line, mainly because of the storyline exposition it gives you. Why can't we have it here, and instead have this fetch bonanza?
    Glitches. Gaping plot sinkholes. Garaheth (weren't you supposed to be dead? - paging Ignis and Inferno's lores). This quest has it all.

    The first part has been more or less fixed (thank god), but never forget Week 1 DnD4 where glitches ran rampant and it was near-impossible to progress in the quest. But plotholes persist. I'm going to let you be the judge of how gaping wide the plot holes are (for comparison, google "Mariana Trench").
    This quest honestly needs a rework. It's very fetchy, and it only exists because it's ancient (and CT couldn't be bothered apparently to do anything revolutionary to change it). Given what (or rather, who) this quest is about, lack of exposition regarding Bob is almost as depressing as the weapons you have to get to the Black Road.
    Only applies if you have memorized the labyrinthian depths of the eponymous tower. First time, it's an interesting experience. Future runs, not so much.
    *rabid @Saya noises*

    I had to include Elemex (Elemental Exercise) here, because an intro this quest never was.
    The reason being is that the elemental advantages as they are portrayed is exaggerated as all hell (IB/CIB, anyone?), in addition to lack of explanation about Powders, where to find Powder Masters, etc. etc.

    This is one of the several dozen quests, along with basically the entirety of Gavel, that needs reworks across the board.

    Best of the Best

    The suspense, a return of an old comrade, complete and utter decimation of your party... If you're a fan of suspense, and it's your first time playing this, trust me, it is a fun quest. Besides the meme jet fuel that is "Aledar Cart".
    tl;dr: What would happen if you were on the bad guys' side? This quest is a very accurate portrayal of that exact question.
    Jbip has gone all out in an attempt to give players a non-linear storyline and choices. And what an attempt, it is! It is easily one of the best quests in the game due to its hilarity, its replayability (you can try different stuff and still get enjoyment out of it) and its introduction of Seaskipper as a Quest character proper.
    1.17 has produced gems. Corrupted Betrayal is a very accurate intro to Slykaar, as well as the dungeon associated with him, and it is arguably one of the most well written quests in the game.
    Point of No Return, even though some consider it a glitched mess, is easily the darkest quest in the entire game. Why?

    For starters, it details what happened to the miners of Lutho. What became of their souls, and how the Light "protected" them by splitting their souls from the bodies.

    Which begs the question - what would require the Light to take such drastic measures against the Dark? We will probably find out in a future update...
    Saya, Sprite, Dr Zed and 1 other person like this.
  6. 182 others

    182 others Well-Known Adventurer VIP Builder

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    Least favorite:
    1. Canyon Guides: Get a brain seluc
    2. ToL: Stfu Kelight if you can't beat CoW, and this is a stupid fetch quest.
    3. The Ult Weapon: Another stupid fetch quest but 7 LE is cool
    4. Shadow of the Beast: Some reason I just dislike it, probably because its somewhat fetch and annoying.
    5. Point of No Return: I just put it here because of the parkour building section, its p annoying.

    Most favorite:
    5.Beneath The depths: I just kind of like this one some reason
    4. A journey Further: Not long af but its p nice exploring the rest of SE
    3. A Journey Beyond: SE is very cool, as AJB gives access to it lol.
    2. A Hunters Calling: You get to see the world as if you were on the wrong side, and it shows further about towns.
    1. Tunnel Trouble: Man what can I say, fast travel between Ragni and deltas is pretty dope in early game, and that mini game thing is kinda fun.
    That_Chudley and Miles_ like this.
  7. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I know you mentioned Gavel quests, but I still think Elemental Exercise doesn’t deserve that spot. Sure, it may not do the best job at its purpose, but it’s still somewhat enjoyable and most importantly it’s short. The same cannot be said of most Gavel quests. Every quest in the Olux swamp is easily worse than Elemex because they have way more backtracking (Master Piece), useless quest helmets (The Maiden Tower), disappointing lost potential (Worm Holes), or are simply too drawn out (The Shadow of the Beast).

    Plus I hate traveling in Olux swamp because it’s almost as hard to navigate as in the Canyon of the Lost. In Death Whistle I was lost when I got the flower on top of the mountain, and it took me a few minutes to find out where I was.
  8. williamszr98

    williamszr98 Cyberpunk 2077 have less bugs than this update VIP+

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    Remember the time when the royal trial was the buggiest quest and everyone hated it?
    Dr Zed likes this.
  9. Saya

    Saya you win at uwynn HERO

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    we have variations of this thread like... every few weeks

  10. burble

    burble dragon fruit go roar VIP+

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    I don't really get the hate on Eye of the Storm, to be honest. I've tried to find out why people hate it so much, and I assume it's because it seems out-of-place in Wynncraft, like Wynncraft took lore from a completely different game and slapped it into Wynncraft just for one single quest. Though I still don't think it deserves to be hated this much, because the lore of Wynn is already all over the place. There are so many quests that add nothing to the lore. I agree with the people who think Misadventure on the Sea is a brilliant, masterpiece of a quest (though I personally prefer Point of No Return) but Misadventure doesn't add anything to the lore, either (which isn't a bad thing, but like I said, I don't get why there is so much hate surrounding Eye of the Storm since some very loved quests don't have lore either.)
    H0Y and Miles_ like this.
  11. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    Bad quests
    Gives a terrible introduction but at least its short
    Just an outdated fetch quest
    it's just go kill three orcs. It gives no challenge or excitement and provides very little lore
    I mean I understand why the quest got it's name. I got lost so many times doing this quest and when trying to find it.
    Seluc's ai needs to be looked at

    Good Quests
    I really like this quest but clearly not as much as others as i've ranked it number 5. it's a solid quest but I think it gets out shined by the others on this list.
    This is the best dungeon quest and a great introduction to Slykaar
    I always like reoccurring characters and this quest delivered on it's content.
    This quest genuinely feels like a proper adventure and was my favorite quest up until I first played the number 1 spot.
    This quest shows how the game would have played out if you were the villain which I love. All of the areas shown get a little bit more lore added to them and the boss fight music is the best battle theme in the game (yes I prefer A day to remember to genesis of the end). And reoccurring characters is something I mentioned that I like and this quest is only featuring reoccurring characters. (well mostly) Also the final fight of the quest is actually challenging which is good.
  12. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Well and the boss really sucks and the gameplay and puzzle are lackluster. It’s pretty much the epitome of every quest that introduces an entire new plot thread out of nowhere and then drops it like a week old burrito into the trash. Unlike most quests, however, it takes itself rather seriously and sets it up as the end of the world scenario, even though it’s never brought up again or changes anything else in the lore.
    H0Y, burble and That_Chudley like this.
  13. burble

    burble dragon fruit go roar VIP+

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    Mmm, I can get behind that criticism. It's a good point; most other quests that don't contribute to the lore aren't meant to be taken seriously, for example Cowfusion.
    Dr Zed likes this.
  14. NamesAreHard

    NamesAreHard Mage Enthusiast (She/He/They) CHAMPION

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    Dishonorable Mention: Point of no Return, Eye of the Storm
    5: Hunter's Calling
    Long, boring.
    4: Jungle Fever
    Going from troms to detlas to troms to almuj to troms has never, and will never be fun
    3: Temple of the Legends
    A hell of a lot better then the grindy mess it was pre-gavel, still annoying though
    2: The Lost
    I hate moving around the canyon
    1: Dwarves and Doguns, part 4
    So, I'm not even going to talk about weird logical things about the quest, like how the king changes sides suddenly, or how Korzim dies at the end for some reason, my bigger issue is his speech. Before that, I need to talk about the thermian argument, and by talk I mean link you to this video the short of it is that fiction is made by people, and thus an in-universe justification for why something happens is irrelevant, because ultimately the only reason it exists is because people made it. So, why the hell are the victims of colonialism and genocide made to nearly bring about the apocalypse so that Korzim can give a speech about how both sides are at fault. The line about how the Doguns apparently attacked dwarves for sport is definately the most annoying to me, like, over the course of hundreds of years the dwarves have systematically destroyed the Doguns, they've killed them, taken their land, spread propaganda as far as they could about how they're all evil, and host regular public executions of them. That is not at all "eye for an eye." The speech would almost be fine if any characters meaningfully rebutted to the claims Korzim makes. Genocide is a very serious topic, and this quest handles it very very terribly. Now, of course I don't think the people behind this quest think the native american genocide was justified, I'm not going to get #wynncraftisoverparty trending, I get that they needed a boss fight and a quick resolution, because 300 lines of de-escalation and peace treaties would be very uninteresting to most; But they could just do something else. I could probably go on a lot more, but I won't. Rework this quest, please.

    Honorable Mentions: Point of no Return, The ultimate weapon
    5: From the Bottom
    I just like running around and going to the people who I remember needs the thing I have
    4: Shattered Minds
    3: Memory Paranoia
    2: Beyond the Grave
    Death is my waifu
    1: ???
    No comment
  15. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    How was Point of now Return both a dishonourable and an honourable mention?
  16. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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  17. Mac N Cheese Man

    Mac N Cheese Man First Official Member Of The Mac N Cheese Club

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    So... worst to best, 5 to 1
    In that case, Ultimate Weapon is at 0
  18. inigbamL

    inigbamL Well-Known Adventurer

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    I personally don't like ranking things that I'm not just... Straight up addicted to (well I use to be somewhat addicted to wynn, but uh those days are long gone) and now I kinda rarely play it.
    But I'll diverge and talk about quest I don't at all like.
    From the Bottom: I forgot this quest even existed, its basically just "go talk to this random npc" whilst you talk to another random NPC around like 9 times, oh and whilst writing this I also forgot that you needed 10 troll hair to start the quest (also fun facts: I originally confused this quest with "the Thanos vaults" which was another forgettable quest but eh I wont mention it.)
    Zhight Island: Another boring fetch quest, seems to be a pattern here doesn't it? And I'll be honest the main reason why its on here is because of how infamous it was before the sea skipper arrived, well now at the very least its bearable along with many other ocean quests but its still a very boring and fetchy quest. (also, Maro Peaks... Nuff said).
    Now time for a hot take:
    A journey beyond: The best word to describe this quest is...
    Exposition, to put it lightly.
    The dialogue is boring in general and the quest doesn't develop the characters that much at all. I don't know that much about the characters at all aside from "they allies and good, and it hurt to kill them", plus I'm 90% certain this has to be a contender for the most cutscenes & cutscene dialogue in Wynn which just makes it feel more like this quest was made just to shove exposition down peoples throats.
    As for the gameplay itself however? It was, alright I guess. The flying section was cool, Murdering boring and undeveloped characters is always a good thing, I also had fun on the worm part, the Aledar cart I actually found kind of annoying (mainly because I hate escort missions in general, which no I wont beat the dead horse known as the canyons guides), all in all however its just the story, dialogue, and cutscenes that make this quest such a boring quest, if there was such a thing of /skip cutscene then I would dislike this quest much less, but I feel as if a feature like that would take a long time if it could even be implemented.
    An Iron heart part 1: Fetch, short, boring, gives you a quest helmet, don't need to explain much else.
    ???: Probably another hot take, but to be short as an event, this quest is absolute genius, I remember at the event I watched videos and posts of people trying to decipher the clues on how to do this quest and the way it was handled was great and definitely better than the old ???. As a quest however... I find this "quest" requires way too much co-ordination from too many people at once, to the point where it just feels not just boring, but also really annoying, which is why I haven't even done it on any of my classes yet, as I've tried to do it on multiple occasions with a group, but once again it was just fairly confusing and tedious.
  19. NamesAreHard

    NamesAreHard Mage Enthusiast (She/He/They) CHAMPION

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    On the one hand, the quest is very creative with an interesting premise that I absolutely adore, on the other hand, the quest is kind of a buggy mess I hate to do, and the section at the end where you have to run at the exit for like a minute is one of the worst things in the game.
  20. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Although I mostly agree, I have 2 things that shouldn't (in my opinion) be there

    I like this quest a lot. It is quite easy one with you doing something meaningful. I have never met the gargoyles on my plathroughs so movement wasn't a problem.

    For me it is just a pirate quest that gets you to Selchar. Yes, it is great one, all the thig you can but don't have to do.

    I would replace it with ??? (but I can't since it isn't actual quest), Fate of the Fallen (which tells us a lot about the Nesaak area, the Twains, Corruption and the Temple of Time), Frost Bite (which adds depth to Theorick by showing us that he was not perfect) or Iron Heart part II (which provides unique moral decision)
    Miles_ likes this.
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