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Day 5: Where To Now?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by kfcdonuts, Aug 20, 2020.

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  1. kfcdonuts

    kfcdonuts Skilled Adventurer

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    Day 5: Where to now?

    Yes, I haven't been posting these recently. Mainly because of school, it just started which means alot less time to play on Wynncraft, although I'll probably still play it on the weekends. Well, for now I should tell you what I did so far, starting from where we left off, I was level 66. Generally what I've been doing is alot of questing because the farms that are listed for 65 - 75 aren't active with alot of people, meaning less parties, less XP, and why would I do that when I could do the same but faster with quests? Not to mention I get good items along with the XP.

    At this point I'm hoping to get high enough level to do CUR, whenever there's parties for it. I'm level 73 right now and I dont know if that's good enough for CUR parties. So, this is where I ask: Where to now? I don't know what to do at this stage. Since this is the first time I've ever gotten this far. There's alot to uncover, alot to explore, alot to know. And much more content to play. But, as a new player, I dont know where to go. This is where I ask you to help me, point me in the right direction.

    Time Spent: (spanned over 3 days) 4 hours of playtime.
    Total Level: 73 [50%]
    Or generally any dungeon near my level, I just see CUR alot.. my bad :)
  2. williamszr98

    williamszr98 Cyberpunk 2077 have less bugs than this update VIP+

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    Try the lower level corrupted dungeons or do quests
  3. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    You aren't able to do CUR at your level, so personally, I'd recommend doing quests. There are a LOT of them in the level 70-80 range, and they'll give you plenty of emeralds at this point in the game too.
  4. RenZenthio

    RenZenthio Murder the gods and topple their thrones! HERO

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    You could farm at Dullahan's castle (get access to it through the headless hunt quest, these are the coords for the grind spot: -1100 / 82 / -5590)
    or at the Living Scrapyard (my personal commendation, coords: -110 / 37 / -4580, it's very close to cinfras)

    You need to be level 89 to do CUR
    I recommend doing CSST (corrupted sand swept tomb) too, it's much easier to solo, and you get access to it at lvl 81

    Also I can't recommend the Aquiring credentials (74) quest and the Flight in Distress (75) quest enough, as these access fast travel between detlas and cinfras

    A good farm spot past lvl 80 (or even around lvl 80) is endermites in the Qira Hive
    (I use that till ~90, then go to molten hill (1397, 77, -5576). But frozen heights or Ignis cave can easily be used as well those spots are just what I ended up using, but dungeons are most effective)

    (also, do mini quests)
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2020
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  5. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    Some recommendations of things to do and things not to do:

    Eye of the Storm and Realm of Light are quests I recommend doing much later in the game. This is because both of these are terrible quests with strong monsters, and I imagine it's much more comfortable to do them brainlessly at level 100.

    Murder Mystery is a much more fun quest, without any boss battles and with really good writing. I'm pretty sure the ring you get afterwards is also quite good.

    If you're in need of money, do The Ultimate Weapon. It's a boring quest, but the reward is an item that can be cashed in for 7LE at a nearby merchant.

    Level 75 is about the level you can do the Clock Mystery... thing. It's not a quest, but just look it up on the wiki. If you're up for some exploring and are a collector, get the Clock set.

    Once you hit level 80, consider doing the ??? quest. I won't spoil anything besides the fact you need several people.

    Do Shattered Minds. You are legally obliged to.
  6. Jirayut

    Jirayut strati masterrace VIP+

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    Chuckles .. I’m in danger
    Crokee likes this.
  7. penguinbnuuy

    penguinbnuuy penguinbnuuy HERO

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    There are some good grind spots at level 70-79, so if all else fails, do those. I recommend running CDS when dungeon bombs are dropped. Most 7o-80 quests are fun, and there's so many of them, grinding is pretty much optional. Don't do Realm of light or Eye of the Storm, unless you really need the xp later on.
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